Add Kotlin multiplatform support (#7969)

* [Kotlin] Introduction to Kotlin Multiplaform

The first implementation of the Kotlin code generation was made years
ago at the time Kotlin Multiplaform was not stable and Kotlin is mostly
used on JVM-based targets. For this reason the generated code uses java
based runtime.

That design decision comes with many drawbacks, leaving the code
generated more java-like and making it impossible to use more advanced
features of the Kotlin language.

In this change we are adding two parts: A pure, multi-plaform, Kotlin
runtime and a new code generator to accompany it.

* [Kotlin] Remove scalar sign cast from code generation

Now that we have a new runtime the accepts unsigned types, we don't
need to code generate casting back and from signed scalars. This
MR removes this from both code generations and adds the necessary
API to the runtime.

* [Kotlin] Use offset on public API to represent buffer position

Currently, kotlin was following Java's approach of representing objects,
vectors, tables as "Int" (the position of it in the buffer). This change
replaces naked Int with Offset<T>, offering a type-safe API. So,
instead of

fun Table.createTable(b: FlatBufferBuilder, subTable: Int)

We will have

fun Table.createTable(b: FlatBufferBuilder, subTable: Offset<SubTable>)

Making impossible to accidentally switch parameters.

The performance should be similar to use Int as we are using value
class for Offset and ArrayOffset, which most of the time translate to
Int in the bytecode.

* [Kotlin] Add builder for tables

Add builder constructor to make create of table more ergonomic.
For example the movie sample for the test set could be written as:

    mainCharacterType = Character_.MuLan,
    mainCharacter = att) {
    charactersType = charsType
    this.characters = characters

instead of:

Movie.addMainCharacterType(fbb, Character_.MuLan)
Movie.addMainCharacter(fbb, att as Offset<Any>)
Movie.addCharactersType(fbb, charsType)
Movie.addCharacters(fbb, charsVec)

* [Kotlin] Move enum types to value class

Moving to flatbuffer enums to value class adds type safety for parameters
with minimum to no performance impact.

* [Kotlin] Simplify Union parameters to avoid naked casting

Just a small change on the APIs that receive union as parameters,
creating a typealias UnionOffset to avoid using Offset<Any>. To "convert"
an table offset to an union, one just call Offset.toUnion().

* [Kotlin] Apply clang-format on kotlin code generators

* [Kotlin] Update kotlin generator to follow official naming conventions

Updating directory, package and enum naming to follow Kotlin official

* [Kotlin] Add fixes to improve performance

1 - Add benchmark comparing serialization between Java & Kotlin
2 - ReadWriteBuffer does not auto-grow (thus avoid check size in every op)
3 - Add specialized add functions on FlatBufferBuilder to avoid boxing
4 - Remove a few Kotlin syntax sugar that generated performance penalties.

* [Kotlin] Remove builder from Kotlin KMP and add some optimizations
to avoid boxing of Offset classes


Co-authored-by: Derek Bailey <>
43 files changed
tree: 51c65e567a2c623083d8da1e86c7564429705ea2
  1. .bazelci/
  2. .github/
  3. android/
  4. bazel/
  5. benchmarks/
  6. CMake/
  7. conan/
  8. dart/
  9. docs/
  10. examples/
  11. go/
  12. goldens/
  13. grpc/
  14. include/
  15. java/
  16. js/
  17. kotlin/
  18. lobster/
  19. lua/
  20. mjs/
  21. net/
  22. nim/
  23. php/
  24. python/
  25. reflection/
  26. rust/
  27. samples/
  28. scripts/
  29. snap/
  30. src/
  31. swift/
  32. tests/
  33. ts/
  34. .bazelignore
  35. .bazelrc
  36. .clang-format
  37. .clang-tidy
  38. .editorconfig
  39. .eslintrc.js
  40. .gitattributes
  41. .gitignore
  42. .npmrc
  43. BUILD.bazel
  44. build_defs.bzl
  46. CMakeLists.txt
  47. composer.json
  50. FlatBuffers.podspec
  53. package.json
  54. Package.swift
  55. Package@swift-5.5.swift
  56. pnpm-lock.yaml
  59. swift.swiftformat
  60. tsconfig.json
  61. tsconfig.mjs.json
  62. typescript.bzl

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FlatBuffers is a cross platform serialization library architected for maximum memory efficiency. It allows you to directly access serialized data without parsing/unpacking it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility.

Quick Start

  1. Build the compiler for flatbuffers (flatc)

    Use cmake to create the build files for your platform and then perform the compliation (Linux example).

    cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
    make -j
  2. Define your flatbuffer schema (.fbs)

    Write the schema to define the data you want to serialize. See monster.fbs for an example.

  3. Generate code for your language(s)

    Use the flatc compiler to take your schema and generate language-specific code:

    ./flatc --cpp --rust monster.fbs

    Which generates monster_generated.h and files.

  4. Serialize data

    Use the generated code, as well as the FlatBufferBuilder to construct your serialized buffer. (C++ example)

  5. Transmit/store/save Buffer

    Use your serialized buffer however you want. Send it to someone, save it for later, etc...

  6. Read the data

    Use the generated accessors to read the data from the serialized buffer.

    It doesn't need to be the same language/schema version, FlatBuffers ensures the data is readable across languages and schema versions. See the Rust example reading the data written by C++.


Go to our landing page to browse our documentation.

Supported operating systems

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Android
  • And any others with a recent C++ compiler (C++ 11 and newer)

Supported programming languages

Code generation and runtime libraries for many popular languages.

  1. C
  2. C++ -
  3. C# -
  4. Dart -
  5. Go -
  6. Java - Maven
  7. JavaScript - NPM
  8. Kotlin
  9. Lobster
  10. Lua
  11. PHP
  12. Python - PyPI
  13. Rust -
  14. Swift - swiftpackageindex
  15. TypeScript - NPM
  16. Nim


FlatBuffers does not follow traditional SemVer versioning (see rationale) but rather uses a format of the date of the release.


To contribute to this project, see CONTRIBUTING.



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Flatbuffers is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.