blob: 28ab2ca9889195302d4205768313d139dbcac89a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.jvm.JvmOverloads
* Class that helps you build a FlatBuffer. See the section
* "Use in Kotlin" in the main FlatBuffers documentation.
public class FlatBufferBuilder @JvmOverloads constructor(
private val initialSize: Int = 1024,
private var buffer: ReadWriteBuffer = ArrayReadWriteBuffer(initialSize)
) {
// Remaining space in the ByteBuffer.
private var space: Int = buffer.capacity
// Minimum alignment encountered so far.
private var minalign: Int = 1
// The vtable for the current table.
private var vtable: IntArray = IntArray(16)
// The amount of fields we're actually using.
private var vtableInUse: Int = 0
// Whether we are currently serializing a table.
private var nested: Boolean = false
// Whether the buffer is finished.
private var finished: Boolean = false
// Starting offset of the current struct/table.
private var objectStart: Int = 0
// List of offsets of all vtables.
private var vtables = IntArray(16)
// Number of entries in `vtables` in use.
private var numVtables = 0
// For the current vector being built.
private var vectorNumElems = 0
// False omits default values from the serialized data.
private var forceDefaults = false
// map used to cache shared strings.
private var stringPool: MutableMap<CharSequence, Offset<String>>? = null
* Reset the FlatBufferBuilder by purging all data that it holds.
public fun clear() {
space = buffer.capacity
minalign = 1
vtable.fill(0, 0, vtableInUse)
vtableInUse = 0
nested = false
finished = false
objectStart = 0
numVtables = 0
vectorNumElems = 0
* Offset relative to the end of the buffer.
* @return Offset relative to the end of the buffer.
public fun offset(): Int = buffer.capacity - space
* Add zero valued bytes to prepare a new entry to be added.
* @param byteSize Number of bytes to add.
public fun pad(byteSize: Int) {
for (i in 0 until byteSize) buffer[--space] = 0.toByte()
* Prepare to write an element of `size` after `additional_bytes`
* have been written, e.g. if you write a string, you need to align such
* the int length field is aligned to [], and
* the string data follows it directly. If all you need to do is alignment, `additional_bytes`
* will be 0.
* @param size This is the of the new element to write.
* @param additionalBytes The padding size.
public fun prep(size: Int, additionalBytes: Int) {
// Track the biggest thing we've ever aligned to.
if (size > minalign) minalign = size
// Find the amount of alignment needed such that `size` is properly
// aligned after `additional_bytes`
val alignSize: Int = ((buffer.capacity - space + additionalBytes).inv() + 1).and(size - 1)
// Reallocate the buffer if needed.
while (space < alignSize + size + additionalBytes) {
val oldBufSize: Int = buffer.capacity
val newBufSize = buffer.moveWrittenDataToEnd(oldBufSize + alignSize + size + additionalBytes)
space += newBufSize - oldBufSize
if (alignSize > 0) {
* Add a `boolean` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A `boolean` to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Boolean) {
space -= Byte.SIZE_BYTES
buffer[space] = (if (x) 1 else 0).toByte()
* Add a [UByte] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [UByte] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: UByte): Unit = put(x.toByte())
* Add a [Byte] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [Byte] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Byte) {
space -= Byte.SIZE_BYTES
buffer[space] = x
* Add a [UShort] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [UShort] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: UShort): Unit = put(x.toShort())
* Add a [Short] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [Short] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Short) {
space -= Short.SIZE_BYTES
buffer.set(space, x)
* Add an [UInt] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x An [UInt] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: UInt): Unit = put(x.toInt())
* Add an [Int] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x An [Int] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Int){
space -= Int.SIZE_BYTES
buffer.set(space, x)
* Add a [ULong] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [ULong] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: ULong): Unit = put(x.toLong())
* Add a [Long] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [Long] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Long) {
space -= Long.SIZE_BYTES
buffer.set(space, x)
* Add a [Float] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [Float] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Float) {
space -= Float.SIZE_BYTES
buffer.set(space, x)
* Add a [Double] to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
* check for space.
* @param x A [Double] to put into the buffer.
public fun put(x: Double) {
space -= Double.SIZE_BYTES
buffer.set(space, x)
* Add a [Boolean] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [Boolean] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Boolean) {
prep(Byte.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Add a [UByte] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [UByte] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: UByte): Unit = add(x.toByte())
* Add a [Byte] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [Byte] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Byte) {
prep(Byte.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Add a [UShort] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [UShort] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: UShort): Unit = add(x.toShort())
* Add a [Short] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [Short] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Short) {
prep(Short.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Add an [Unit] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x An [Unit] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: UInt): Unit = add(x.toInt())
* Add an [Int] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x An [Int] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Int) {
prep(Int.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Add a [ULong] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [ULong] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: ULong): Unit = add(x.toLong())
* Add a `long` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A `long` to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Long) {
prep(Long.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Add a [Float] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [Float] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Float) {
prep(Float.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Add a [Double] to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
* @param x A [Double] to put into the buffer.
public fun add(x: Double) {
prep(Double.SIZE_BYTES, 0)
* Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.
* @param off The offset to add.
public fun add(off: Offset<*>): Unit = addOffset(off.value)
public fun add(off: VectorOffset<*>): Unit = addOffset(off.value)
private fun addOffset(off: Int) {
prep(Int.SIZE_BYTES, 0) // Ensure alignment is already done.
put(buffer.capacity - space - off + Int.SIZE_BYTES)
* Start a new array/vector of objects. Users usually will not call
* this directly. The `FlatBuffers` compiler will create a start/end
* method for vector types in generated code.
* The expected sequence of calls is:
* 1. Start the array using this method.
* 1. Call [.addOffset] `num_elems` number of times to set
* the offset of each element in the array.
* 1. Call [.endVector] to retrieve the offset of the array.
* For example, to create an array of strings, do:
* <pre>`// Need 10 strings
* FlatBufferBuilder builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(existingBuffer);
* int[] offsets = new int[10];
* for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
* offsets[i] = fbb.createString(" " + i);
* }
* // Have the strings in the buffer, but don't have a vector.
* // Add a vector that references the newly created strings:
* builder.startVector(4, offsets.length, 4);
* // Add each string to the newly created vector
* // The strings are added in reverse order since the buffer
* // is filled in back to front
* for (int i = offsets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* builder.addOffset(offsets[i]);
* }
* // Finish off the vector
* int offsetOfTheVector = fbb.endVector();
`</pre> *
* @param elemSize The size of each element in the array.
* @param numElems The number of elements in the array.
* @param alignment The alignment of the array.
public fun startVector(elemSize: Int, numElems: Int, alignment: Int) {
vectorNumElems = numElems
prep(Int.SIZE_BYTES, elemSize * numElems)
prep(alignment, elemSize * numElems) // Just in case alignment > int.
nested = true
public fun startString(numElems: Int): Unit = startVector(1, numElems, 1)
* Finish off the creation of an array and all its elements. The array
* must be created with [.startVector].
* @return The offset at which the newly created array starts.
* @see .startVector
public fun <T> endVector(): VectorOffset<T> {
if (!nested) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: endVector called without startVector")
nested = false
return VectorOffset(offset())
public fun endString(): Offset<String> {
if (!nested) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: endString called without startString")
nested = false
return Offset(offset())
private fun endVector(): Int {
if (!nested) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: endVector called without startVector")
nested = false
return offset()
* Create a new array/vector and return a ByteBuffer to be filled later.
* Call [endVector] after this method to get an offset to the beginning
* of vector.
* @param elemSize the size of each element in bytes.
* @param numElems number of elements in the vector.
* @param alignment byte alignment.
* @return ByteBuffer with position and limit set to the space allocated for the array.
public fun createUnintializedVector(elemSize: Int, numElems: Int, alignment: Int): ReadWriteBuffer {
val length = elemSize * numElems
startVector(elemSize, numElems, alignment)
space -= length
buffer.writePosition = space
return buffer.writeSlice(buffer.writePosition, length)
* Create a vector of tables.
* @param offsets Offsets of the tables.
* @return Returns offset of the vector.
public fun <T> createVectorOfTables(offsets: Array<Offset<T>>): VectorOffset<T> {
startVector(Int.SIZE_BYTES, offsets.size, Int.SIZE_BYTES)
for (i in offsets.indices.reversed()) add(offsets[i])
return VectorOffset(endVector())
* Create a vector of sorted by the key tables.
* @param obj Instance of the table subclass.
* @param offsets Offsets of the tables.
* @return Returns offset of the sorted vector.
public fun <T : Table> createSortedVectorOfTables(obj: T, offsets: Array<Offset<T>>): VectorOffset<T> {
obj.sortTables(offsets, buffer)
return createVectorOfTables(offsets)
* Encode the String `s` in the buffer using UTF-8. If a String with
* this exact contents has already been serialized using this method,
* instead simply returns the offset of the existing String.
* Usage of the method will incur into additional allocations,
* so it is advisable to use it only when it is known upfront that
* your message will have several repeated strings.
* @param s The String to encode.
* @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded String starts.
public fun createSharedString(s: CharSequence): Offset<String> {
if (stringPool == null) {
stringPool = HashMap()
val offset = createString(s)
stringPool!![s] = offset
return offset
var offset = stringPool!![s]
if (offset == null) {
offset = createString(s)
stringPool?.put(s, offset)
return offset
* Encode the [CharSequence] `s` in the buffer using UTF-8.
* @param s The [CharSequence] to encode.
* @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts.
public fun createString(s: CharSequence): Offset<String> {
val length: Int = Utf8.encodedLength(s)
space -= length
buffer.writePosition = space
buffer.put(s, length)
return endString()
* Create a string in the buffer from an already encoded UTF-8 string in a ByteBuffer.
* @param s An already encoded UTF-8 string as a `ByteBuffer`.
* @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts.
public fun createString(s: ReadBuffer): Offset<String> {
val length: Int = s.limit
startVector(1, length, 1)
space -= length
buffer.writePosition = space
return endString()
* Create a byte array in the buffer.
* @param arr A source array with data
* @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded array starts.
public fun createByteVector(arr: ByteArray): VectorOffset<Byte> {
val length = arr.size
startVector(1, length, 1)
space -= length
buffer.writePosition = space
return VectorOffset(endVector())
* Create a byte array in the buffer.
* @param arr a source array with data.
* @param offset the offset in the source array to start copying from.
* @param length the number of bytes to copy from the source array.
* @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded array starts.
public fun createByteVector(arr: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): VectorOffset<Byte> {
startVector(1, length, 1)
space -= length
buffer.writePosition = space
buffer.put(arr, offset, length)
return VectorOffset(endVector())
* Create a byte array in the buffer.
* The source [ReadBuffer] position is advanced until [ReadBuffer.limit]
* after this call.
* @param data A source [ReadBuffer] with data.
* @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded array starts.
public fun createByteVector(data: ReadBuffer, from: Int = 0, until: Int = data.limit): VectorOffset<Byte> {
val length: Int = until - from
startVector(1, length, 1)
space -= length
buffer.writePosition = space
buffer.put(data, from, until)
return VectorOffset(endVector())
* Should not be accessing the final buffer before it is finished.
public fun finished() {
if (!finished) throw AssertionError(
"FlatBuffers: you can only access the serialized buffer after it has been" +
" finished by FlatBufferBuilder.finish()."
* Should not be creating any other object, string or vector
* while an object is being constructed.
public fun notNested() {
if (nested) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: object serialization must not be nested.")
* Structures are always stored inline, they need to be created right
* where they're used. You'll get this assertion failure if you
* created it elsewhere.
* @param obj The offset of the created object.
public fun nested(obj: Int) {
if (obj != offset()) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: struct must be serialized inline.")
* Start encoding a new object in the buffer. Users will not usually need to
* call this directly. The `FlatBuffers` compiler will generate helper methods
* that call this method internally.
* For example, using the "Monster" code found on the "landing page". An
* object of type `Monster` can be created using the following code:
* <pre>`int testArrayOfString = Monster.createTestarrayofstringVector(fbb, new int[] {
* fbb.createString("test1"),
* fbb.createString("test2")
* });
* Monster.startMonster(fbb);
* Monster.addPos(fbb, Vec3.createVec3(fbb, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 3.0,
* Color.Green, (short)5, (byte)6));
* Monster.addHp(fbb, (short)80);
* Monster.addName(fbb, str);
* Monster.addInventory(fbb, inv);
* Monster.addTestType(fbb, (byte)Any.Monster);
* Monster.addTest(fbb, mon2);
* Monster.addTest4(fbb, test4);
* Monster.addTestarrayofstring(fbb, testArrayOfString);
* int mon = Monster.endMonster(fbb);
`</pre> *
* Here:
* * The call to `Monster#startMonster(FlatBufferBuilder)` will call this
* method with the right number of fields set.
* * `Monster#endMonster(FlatBufferBuilder)` will ensure [.endObject] is called.
* It's not recommended to call this method directly. If it's called manually, you must ensure
* to audit all calls to it whenever fields are added or removed from your schema. This is
* automatically done by the code generated by the `FlatBuffers` compiler.
* @param numFields The number of fields found in this object.
public fun startTable(numFields: Int) {
if (vtable.size < numFields) {
vtable = IntArray(numFields)
vtableInUse = numFields
for (i in 0 until vtableInUse)
vtable[i] = 0
nested = true
objectStart = offset()
* Add a [Boolean] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Boolean, d: Boolean?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Boolean, d: Boolean) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add a [UByte] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: UByte, d: UByte?): Unit = add(o, x.toByte(), d?.toByte())
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: UByte, d: UByte): Unit = add(o, x.toByte(), d.toByte())
* Add a [Byte] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Byte, d: Byte?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Byte, d: Byte) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add a [UShort] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: UShort, d: UShort?): Unit = add(o, x.toShort(), d?.toShort())
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: UShort, d: UShort): Unit = add(o, x.toShort(), d.toShort())
* Add a [Short] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Short, d: Short?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Short, d: Short) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add a [UInt] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: UInt, d: UInt?): Unit = add(o, x.toInt(), d?.toInt())
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: UInt, d: UInt): Unit = add(o, x.toInt(), d.toInt())
* Add a [Int] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Int, d: Int?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Int, d: Int) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add a [ULong] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: ULong, d: ULong?): Unit = add(o, x.toLong(), d?.toLong())
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: ULong, d: ULong): Unit = add(o, x.toLong(), d.toLong())
* Add a [Long] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Long, d: Long?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Long, d: Long) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add a [Float] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Float, d: Float?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Float, d: Float) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add a [Double] to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* If `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Double, d: Double?) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun add(o: Int, x: Double, d: Double) {
if (forceDefaults || x != d) {
* Add an `offset` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
* @param o The index into the vtable.
* @param x An `offset` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
* `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
* default value, it can be skipped.
* @param d An `offset` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
public fun add(o: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Int) {
if (forceDefaults || x.value != d) {
public fun add(o: Int, x: VectorOffset<*>, d: Int) {
if (forceDefaults || x.value != d) {
* Add a struct to the table. Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added.
* @param vOffset The index into the vtable.
* @param x The offset of the created struct.
* @param d The default value is always `0`.
public fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Offset<*>?): Unit = addStruct(vOffset, x.value, d?.value)
// unboxed specialization
public fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Offset<*>): Unit = addStruct(vOffset, x.value, d.value)
public fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Int, d: Int?) {
if (x != d) {
// unboxed specialization
public fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Int, d: Int) {
if (x != d) {
* Set the current vtable at `voffset` to the current location in the buffer.
* @param vOffset The index into the vtable to store the offset relative to the end of the
* buffer.
public fun slot(vOffset: Int) {
vtable[vOffset] = offset()
* Finish off writing the object that is under construction.
* @return The offset to the object inside [.dataBuffer].
* @see .startTable
public fun <T> endTable(): Offset<T> {
if (!nested) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: endTable called without startTable")
val vtable = this.vtable
val vtableloc = offset()
// Write out the current vtable.
var i: Int = vtableInUse - 1
// Trim trailing zeroes.
while (i >= 0 && vtable[i] == 0) {
val trimmedSize = i + 1
while (i >= 0) {
// Offset relative to the start of the table.
add((if (vtable[i] != 0) vtableloc - vtable[i] else 0).toShort())
add((vtableloc - objectStart).toShort())
add(((trimmedSize + 2) * Short.SIZE_BYTES).toShort())
// Search for an existing vtable that matches the current one.
var existingVtable = 0
i = 0
outer_loop@ while (i < numVtables) {
val vt1: Int = buffer.capacity - vtables[i]
val vt2 = space
val len: Short = buffer.getShort(vt1)
if (len == buffer.getShort(vt2)) {
var j: Int = Short.SIZE_BYTES
while (j < len) {
if (buffer.getShort(vt1 + j) != buffer.getShort(vt2 + j)) {
j += Short.SIZE_BYTES
existingVtable = vtables[i]
if (existingVtable != 0) {
// Found a match:
// Remove the current vtable.
space = buffer.capacity - vtableloc
// Point table to existing vtable.
buffer.set(space, existingVtable - vtableloc)
} else {
// No match:
// Add the location of the current vtable to the list of vtables.
if (numVtables == vtables.size) vtables = vtables.copyOf(numVtables * 2)
vtables[numVtables++] = offset()
// Point table to current vtable.
buffer.set(buffer.capacity - vtableloc, offset() - vtableloc)
nested = false
return Offset(vtableloc)
* Checks that a required field has been set in a given table that has
* just been constructed.
* @param table The offset to the start of the table from the `ByteBuffer` capacity.
* @param field The offset to the field in the vtable.
public fun required(table: Offset<*>, field: Int, fileName: String? = null) {
val tableStart: Int = buffer.capacity - table
val vtableStart: Int = tableStart - buffer.getInt(tableStart)
val ok = buffer.getShort(vtableStart + field).toInt() != 0
// If this fails, the caller will show what field needs to be set.
if (!ok) throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: field ${fileName ?: field} must be set")
* Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
* @param rootTable An offset to be added to the buffer.
* @param sizePrefix Whether to prefix the size to the buffer.
protected fun finish(rootTable: Offset<*>, sizePrefix: Boolean) {
prep(minalign, Int.SIZE_BYTES + if (sizePrefix) Int.SIZE_BYTES else 0)
if (sizePrefix) {
add(buffer.capacity - space)
buffer.writePosition = space
finished = true
* Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
* @param rootTable An offset to be added to the buffer.
public fun finish(rootTable: Offset<*>) {
finish(rootTable, false)
* Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`, with the size prefixed.
* @param rootTable An offset to be added to the buffer.
public fun finishSizePrefixed(rootTable: Offset<*>) {
finish(rootTable, true)
* Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
* @param rootTable An offset to be added to the buffer.
* @param fileIdentifier A FlatBuffer file identifier to be added to the buffer before
* `root_table`.
* @param sizePrefix Whether to prefix the size to the buffer.
protected fun finish(rootTable: Offset<*>, fileIdentifier: String, sizePrefix: Boolean) {
val identifierSize = 4
prep(minalign, Int.SIZE_BYTES + identifierSize + if (sizePrefix) Int.SIZE_BYTES else 0)
if (fileIdentifier.length != identifierSize) throw AssertionError(
"FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length " +
for (i in identifierSize - 1 downTo 0) {
finish(rootTable, sizePrefix)
* Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
* @param rootTable An offset to be added to the buffer.
* @param fileIdentifier A FlatBuffer file identifier to be added to the buffer before
* `root_table`.
public fun finish(rootTable: Offset<*>, fileIdentifier: String) {
finish(rootTable, fileIdentifier, false)
* Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`, with the size prefixed.
* @param rootTable An offset to be added to the buffer.
* @param fileIdentifier A FlatBuffer file identifier to be added to the buffer before
* `root_table`.
public fun finishSizePrefixed(rootTable: Offset<*>, fileIdentifier: String) {
finish(rootTable, fileIdentifier, true)
* In order to save space, fields that are set to their default value
* don't get serialized into the buffer. Forcing defaults provides a
* way to manually disable this optimization.
* @param forceDefaults When set to `true`, always serializes default values.
* @return Returns `this`.
public fun forceDefaults(forceDefaults: Boolean): FlatBufferBuilder {
this.forceDefaults = forceDefaults
return this
* Get the ByteBuffer representing the FlatBuffer. Only call this after you've
* called `finish()`. The actual data starts at the ByteBuffer's current position,
* not necessarily at `0`.
* @return The [ReadBuffer] representing the FlatBuffer
public fun dataBuffer(): ReadWriteBuffer {
return buffer
* A utility function to copy and return the ByteBuffer data as a `byte[]`.
* @return A full copy of the [data buffer][.dataBuffer].
public fun sizedByteArray(start: Int = space, length: Int = buffer.capacity - space): ByteArray {
val array = ByteArray(length)
buffer.getBytes(array, start)
return array
* Helper function to test if a field is present in the table
* @param offset virtual table offset
* @return true if the filed is present
public fun Table.isFieldPresent(offset: Int): Boolean = this.offset(offset) != 0
public fun Double.sign(): Double = when {
this.isNaN() -> Double.NaN
this > 0 -> 1.0
this < 0 -> -1.0
else -> this
public fun Float.sign(): Float = when {
this.isNaN() -> Float.NaN
this > 0 -> 1.0f
this < 0 -> -1.0f
else -> this
public fun Int.sign(): Int = when {
this > 0 -> 1
this < 0 -> -1
else -> this