blob: bccc1518f8466ef350160ff834cdca17dad860dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public object Utf8 {
* Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8-encoded form of `sequence`. For a string,
* this method is equivalent to `string.getBytes(UTF_8).length`, but is more efficient in
* both time and space.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if `sequence` contains ill-formed UTF-16 (unpaired
* surrogates)
private fun computeEncodedLength(sequence: CharSequence): Int {
// Warning to maintainers: this implementation is highly optimized.
val utf16Length = sequence.length
var utf8Length = utf16Length
var i = 0
// This loop optimizes for pure ASCII.
while (i < utf16Length && sequence[i].code < 0x80) {
// This loop optimizes for chars less than 0x800.
while (i < utf16Length) {
val c = sequence[i]
if (c.code < 0x800) {
utf8Length += 0x7f - c.code ushr 31 // branch free!
} else {
utf8Length += encodedLengthGeneral(sequence, i)
if (utf8Length < utf16Length) {
// Necessary and sufficient condition for overflow because of maximum 3x expansion
error("UTF-8 length does not fit in int: ${(utf8Length + (1L shl 32))}")
return utf8Length
private fun encodedLengthGeneral(sequence: CharSequence, start: Int): Int {
val utf16Length = sequence.length
var utf8Length = 0
var i = start
while (i < utf16Length) {
val c = sequence[i]
if (c.code < 0x800) {
utf8Length += 0x7f - c.code ushr 31 // branch free!
} else {
utf8Length += 2
if (c.isSurrogate()) {
// Check that we have a well-formed surrogate pair.
val cp: Int = codePointAt(sequence, i)
errorSurrogate(i, utf16Length)
return utf8Length
* Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8-encoded form of `sequence`. For a string,
* this method is equivalent to `string.getBytes(UTF_8).length`, but is more efficient in
* both time and space.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if `sequence` contains ill-formed UTF-16 (unpaired
* surrogates)
public fun encodedLength(sequence: CharSequence): Int = computeEncodedLength(sequence)
* Returns whether this is a single-byte codepoint (i.e., ASCII) with the form '0XXXXXXX'.
public inline fun isOneByte(b: Byte): Boolean = b >= 0
* Returns whether this is a two-byte codepoint with the form 110xxxxx 0xC0..0xDF.
public inline fun isTwoBytes(b: Byte): Boolean = b < 0xE0.toByte()
* Returns whether this is a three-byte codepoint with the form 1110xxxx 0xE0..0xEF.
public inline fun isThreeBytes(b: Byte): Boolean = b < 0xF0.toByte()
* Returns whether this is a four-byte codepoint with the form 11110xxx 0xF0..0xF4.
public inline fun isFourByte(b: Byte): Boolean = b < 0xF8.toByte()
public fun handleOneByte(byte1: Byte, resultArr: CharArray, resultPos: Int) {
resultArr[resultPos] = byte1.toInt().toChar()
public fun handleTwoBytes(
byte1: Byte,
byte2: Byte,
resultArr: CharArray,
resultPos: Int
) {
// Simultaneously checks for illegal trailing-byte in leading position (<= '11000000') and
// overlong 2-byte, '11000001'.
if (byte1 < 0xC2.toByte()) {
error("Invalid UTF-8: Illegal leading byte in 2 bytes utf")
if (isNotTrailingByte(byte2)) {
error("Invalid UTF-8: Illegal trailing byte in 2 bytes utf")
resultArr[resultPos] = (byte1.toInt() and 0x1F shl 6 or trailingByteValue(byte2)).toChar()
public fun handleThreeBytes(
byte1: Byte,
byte2: Byte,
byte3: Byte,
resultArr: CharArray,
resultPos: Int
) {
if (isNotTrailingByte(byte2) || // overlong? 5 most significant bits must not all be zero
byte1 == 0xE0.toByte() && byte2 < 0xA0.toByte() || // check for illegal surrogate codepoints
byte1 == 0xED.toByte() && byte2 >= 0xA0.toByte() ||
) {
error("Invalid UTF-8")
resultArr[resultPos] =
(byte1.toInt() and 0x0F shl 12 or (trailingByteValue(byte2) shl 6) or trailingByteValue(byte3)).toChar()
public fun handleFourBytes(
byte1: Byte,
byte2: Byte,
byte3: Byte,
byte4: Byte,
resultArr: CharArray,
resultPos: Int
) {
if (isNotTrailingByte(byte2) || // Check that 1 <= plane <= 16. Tricky optimized form of:
// valid 4-byte leading byte?
// if (byte1 > (byte) 0xF4 ||
// overlong? 4 most significant bits must not all be zero
// byte1 == (byte) 0xF0 && byte2 < (byte) 0x90 ||
// codepoint larger than the highest code point (U+10FFFF)?
// byte1 == (byte) 0xF4 && byte2 > (byte) 0x8F)
(byte1.toInt() shl 28) + (byte2 - 0x90.toByte()) shr 30 != 0 || isNotTrailingByte(byte3) ||
) {
error("Invalid UTF-8")
val codepoint: Int = (
byte1.toInt() and 0x07 shl 18
or (trailingByteValue(byte2) shl 12)
or (trailingByteValue(byte3) shl 6)
or trailingByteValue(byte4)
resultArr[resultPos] = highSurrogate(codepoint)
resultArr[resultPos + 1] = lowSurrogate(codepoint)
* Returns whether the byte is not a valid continuation of the form '10XXXXXX'.
private fun isNotTrailingByte(b: Byte): Boolean = b > 0xBF.toByte()
* Returns the actual value of the trailing byte (removes the prefix '10') for composition.
private fun trailingByteValue(b: Byte): Int = b.toInt() and 0x3F
private fun highSurrogate(codePoint: Int): Char =
(codePoint ushr 10)
private fun lowSurrogate(codePoint: Int): Char = (Char.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE + (codePoint and 0x3ff))
* Encode a [CharSequence] UTF8 codepoint into a byte array.
* @param `in` CharSequence to be encoded
* @param start start position of the first char in the codepoint
* @param out byte array of 4 bytes to be filled
* @return return the amount of bytes occupied by the codepoint
public fun encodeUtf8CodePoint(input: CharSequence, start: Int, out: ByteArray): Int {
// utf8 codepoint needs at least 4 bytes
val inLength = input.length
if (start >= inLength) {
return 0
val c = input[start]
return if (c.code < 0x80) {
// One byte (0xxx xxxx)
out[0] = c.code.toByte()
} else if (c.code < 0x800) {
// Two bytes (110x xxxx 10xx xxxx)
out[0] = (0xC0 or (c.code ushr 6)).toByte()
out[1] = (0x80 or (0x3F and c.code)).toByte()
} else if (c < Char.MIN_SURROGATE || Char.MAX_SURROGATE < c) {
// Three bytes (1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx)
// Maximum single-char code point is 0xFFFF, 16 bits.
out[0] = (0xE0 or (c.code ushr 12)).toByte()
out[1] = (0x80 or (0x3F and (c.code ushr 6))).toByte()
out[2] = (0x80 or (0x3F and c.code)).toByte()
} else {
// Four bytes (1111 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx)
// Minimum code point represented by a surrogate pair is 0x10000, 17 bits, four UTF-8
// bytes
val low: Char = input[start + 1]
if (start + 1 == inLength || !(c.isHighSurrogate() and low.isLowSurrogate())) {
errorSurrogate(start, inLength)
val codePoint: Int = toCodePoint(c, low)
out[0] = (0xF shl 4 or (codePoint ushr 18)).toByte()
out[1] = (0x80 or (0x3F and (codePoint ushr 12))).toByte()
out[2] = (0x80 or (0x3F and (codePoint ushr 6))).toByte()
out[3] = (0x80 or (0x3F and codePoint)).toByte()
// Decodes a code point starting at index into out. Out parameter
// should have at least 2 chars.
public fun decodeUtf8CodePoint(bytes: ReadBuffer, index: Int, out: CharArray) {
// Bitwise OR combines the sign bits so any negative value fails the check.
val b1 = bytes[index]
when {
isOneByte(b1) -> handleOneByte(b1, out, 0)
isTwoBytes(b1) -> handleTwoBytes(b1, bytes[index + 1], out, 0)
isThreeBytes(b1) -> handleThreeBytes(b1, bytes[index + 1], bytes[index + 2], out, 0)
else -> handleFourBytes(b1, bytes[index + 1], bytes[index + 2], bytes[index + 3], out, 0)
public fun decodeUtf8Array(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int = 0, size: Int = bytes.size): String {
// Bitwise OR combines the sign bits so any negative value fails the check.
if (index or size or bytes.size - index - size < 0) {
error("buffer length=${bytes.size}, index=$index, size=$size")
var offset = index
val limit = offset + size
// The longest possible resulting String is the same as the number of input bytes, when it is
// all ASCII. For other cases, this over-allocates and we will truncate in the end.
val resultArr = CharArray(size)
var resultPos = 0
// Optimize for 100% ASCII (Hotspot loves small simple top-level loops like this).
// This simple loop stops when we encounter a byte >= 0x80 (i.e. non-ASCII).
while (offset < limit) {
val b = bytes[offset]
if (!isOneByte(b)) {
handleOneByte(b, resultArr, resultPos++)
while (offset < limit) {
val byte1 = bytes[offset++]
if (isOneByte(byte1)) {
handleOneByte(byte1, resultArr, resultPos++)
// It's common for there to be multiple ASCII characters in a run mixed in, so add an
// extra optimized loop to take care of these runs.
while (offset < limit) {
val b = bytes[offset]
if (!isOneByte(b)) {
handleOneByte(b, resultArr, resultPos++)
} else if (isTwoBytes(byte1)) {
if (offset >= limit) {
error("Invalid UTF-8")
byte1, /* byte2 */
bytes[offset++], resultArr, resultPos++
} else if (isThreeBytes(byte1)) {
if (offset >= limit - 1) {
error("Invalid UTF-8")
byte1, /* byte2 */
bytes[offset++], /* byte3 */
} else {
if (offset >= limit - 2) {
error("Invalid UTF-8")
byte1, /* byte2 */
bytes[offset++], /* byte3 */
bytes[offset++], /* byte4 */
// 4-byte case requires two chars.
return resultArr.concatToString(0, resultPos)
public fun encodeUtf8Array(input: CharSequence,
out: ByteArray,
offset: Int = 0,
length: Int = out.size - offset): Int {
val utf16Length = input.length
var j = offset
var i = 0
val limit = offset + length
// Designed to take advantage of
if (utf16Length == 0)
return 0
var cc: Char = input[i]
while (i < utf16Length && i + j < limit && input[i].also { cc = it }.code < 0x80) {
out[j + i] = cc.code.toByte()
if (i == utf16Length) {
return j + utf16Length
j += i
var c: Char
while (i < utf16Length) {
c = input[i]
if (c.code < 0x80 && j < limit) {
out[j++] = c.code.toByte()
} else if (c.code < 0x800 && j <= limit - 2) { // 11 bits, two UTF-8 bytes
out[j++] = (0xF shl 6 or (c.code ushr 6)).toByte()
out[j++] = (0x80 or (0x3F and c.code)).toByte()
} else if ((c < Char.MIN_SURROGATE || Char.MAX_SURROGATE < c) && j <= limit - 3) {
// Maximum single-char code point is 0xFFFF, 16 bits, three UTF-8 bytes
out[j++] = (0xF shl 5 or (c.code ushr 12)).toByte()
out[j++] = (0x80 or (0x3F and (c.code ushr 6))).toByte()
out[j++] = (0x80 or (0x3F and c.code)).toByte()
} else if (j <= limit - 4) {
// Minimum code point represented by a surrogate pair is 0x10000, 17 bits,
// four UTF-8 bytes
var low: Char = Char.MIN_VALUE
if (i + 1 == input.length ||
!isSurrogatePair(c, input[++i].also { low = it })
) {
errorSurrogate(i - 1, utf16Length)
val codePoint: Int = toCodePoint(c, low)
out[j++] = (0xF shl 4 or (codePoint ushr 18)).toByte()
out[j++] = (0x80 or (0x3F and (codePoint ushr 12))).toByte()
out[j++] = (0x80 or (0x3F and (codePoint ushr 6))).toByte()
out[j++] = (0x80 or (0x3F and codePoint)).toByte()
} else {
// If we are surrogates and we're not a surrogate pair, always throw an
// UnpairedSurrogateException instead of an ArrayOutOfBoundsException.
if (Char.MIN_SURROGATE <= c && c <= Char.MAX_SURROGATE &&
(i + 1 == input.length || !isSurrogatePair(c, input[i + 1]))
) {
errorSurrogate(i, utf16Length)
error("Failed writing character ${c.code.toShort().toString(radix = 16)} at index $j")
return j
public fun codePointAt(seq: CharSequence, position: Int): Int {
var index = position
val c1 = seq[index]
if (c1.isHighSurrogate() && ++index < seq.length) {
val c2 = seq[index]
if (c2.isLowSurrogate()) {
return toCodePoint(c1, c2)
return c1.code
private fun isSurrogatePair(high: Char, low: Char) = high.isHighSurrogate() and low.isLowSurrogate()
private fun toCodePoint(high: Char, low: Char): Int = (high.code shl 10) + low.code +
private fun errorSurrogate(i: Int, utf16Length: Int): Unit =
error("Unpaired surrogate at index $i of $utf16Length length")
// The minimum value of Unicode supplementary code point, constant `U+10000`.
private const val MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT = 0x010000