blob: 0f9cd7d45a48bca2ff70720ae46afd783c507159 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* Reads a FlexBuffer message in ReadBuf and returns [Reference] to
* the root element.
* @param buffer ReadBuf containing FlexBuffer message
* @return [Reference] to the root object
public fun getRoot(buffer: ReadBuffer): Reference {
var end: Int = buffer.limit
val byteWidth = buffer[--end].toInt()
val packetType = buffer[--end].toInt()
end -= byteWidth // The root data item.
return Reference(buffer, end, ByteWidth(byteWidth), packetType)
* Represents an generic element in the buffer. It can be specialized into scalar types, using for example,
* [Reference.toInt], or casted into Flexbuffer object types, like [Reference.toMap] or [Reference.toBlob].
public class Reference internal constructor(
internal val buffer: ReadBuffer,
internal val end: Int,
internal val parentWidth: ByteWidth,
internal val byteWidth: ByteWidth,
public val type: FlexBufferType
) {
internal constructor(bb: ReadBuffer, end: Int, parentWidth: ByteWidth, packedType: Int) :
this(bb, end, parentWidth, ByteWidth(1 shl (packedType and 3)), FlexBufferType((packedType shr 2)))
* Checks whether the element is null type
* @return true if null type
public val isNull: Boolean get() = type == T_NULL
* Checks whether the element is boolean type
* @return true if boolean type
public val isBoolean: Boolean get() = type == T_BOOL
* Checks whether the element type is numeric (signed/unsigned integers and floats)
* @return true if numeric type
public val isNumeric: Boolean get() = isIntOrUInt || isFloat
* Checks whether the element type is signed or unsigned integers
* @return true if an integer type
public val isIntOrUInt: Boolean get() = isInt || isUInt
* Checks whether the element type is float
* @return true if a float type
public val isFloat: Boolean get() = type == T_FLOAT || type == T_INDIRECT_FLOAT
* Checks whether the element type is signed integer
* @return true if a signed integer type
public val isInt: Boolean get() = type == T_INT || type == T_INDIRECT_INT
* Checks whether the element type is signed integer
* @return true if a signed integer type
public val isUInt: Boolean get() = type == T_UINT || type == T_INDIRECT_UINT
* Checks whether the element type is string
* @return true if a string type
public val isString: Boolean get() = type == T_STRING
* Checks whether the element type is key
* @return true if a key type
public val isKey: Boolean get() = type == T_KEY
* Checks whether the element type is vector or a map. [TypedVector] are considered different types and will return
* false.
* @return true if a vector type
public val isVector: Boolean get() = type == T_VECTOR || type == T_MAP
* Checks whether the element type is typed vector
* @return true if a typed vector type
public val isTypedVector: Boolean get() = type.isTypedVector()
* Checks whether the element type is a map
* @return true if a map type
public val isMap: Boolean get() = type == T_MAP
* Checks whether the element type is a blob
* @return true if a blob type
public val isBlob: Boolean get() = type == T_BLOB
* Assumes [Reference] as a [Vector] and returns a [Reference] at index [index].
public operator fun get(index: Int): Reference = toVector()[index]
* Assumes [Reference] as a [Map] and returns a [Reference] for the value at key [key].
public operator fun get(key: String): Reference = toMap()[key]
* Returns element as a [Boolean].
* If element type is not boolean, it will be casted to integer and compared against 0
* @return element as [Boolean]
public fun toBoolean(): Boolean = if (isBoolean) buffer.getBoolean(end) else toUInt() != 0u
* Returns element as [Byte].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector.
* For String type, it will be parsed as integer.
* Unsigned elements will become signed (with possible overflow).
* Float elements will be casted to [Byte].
* @return [Byte] or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public fun toByte(): Byte = toULong().toByte()
* Returns element as [Short].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector.
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer.
* Unsigned elements will become signed (with possible overflow).
* Float elements will be casted to [Short]
* @return [Short] or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public fun toShort(): Short = toULong().toShort()
* Returns element as [Int].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector.
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer.
* Unsigned elements will become signed (with possible overflow).
* Float elements will be casted to [Int]
* @return [Int] or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public fun toInt(): Int = toULong().toInt()
* Returns element as [Long].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer
* Unsigned elements will become negative
* Float elements will be casted to integer
* @return [Long] integer or 0 if fail to convert element to long.
public fun toLong(): Long = toULong().toLong()
* Returns element as [UByte].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector.
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer.
* Negative elements will become unsigned counterpart.
* Float elements will be casted to [UByte]
* @return [UByte] or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public fun toUByte(): UByte = toULong().toUByte()
* Returns element as [UShort].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector.
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer.
* Negative elements will become unsigned counterpart.
* Float elements will be casted to [UShort]
* @return [UShort] or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public fun toUShort(): UShort = toULong().toUShort()
* Returns element as [UInt].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector.
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer.
* Negative elements will become unsigned counterpart.
* Float elements will be casted to [UInt]
* @return [UInt] or 0 if fail to convert element to integer.
public fun toUInt(): UInt = toULong().toUInt()
* Returns element as [ULong] integer.
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as integer
* Negative elements will become unsigned counterpart.
* Float elements will be casted to integer
* @return [ULong] integer or 0 if fail to convert element to long.
public fun toULong(): ULong = resolve { pos: Int, width: ByteWidth ->
when (type) {
T_INDIRECT_INT, T_INDIRECT_UINT, T_INT, T_BOOL, T_UINT -> buffer.readULong(pos, width)
T_FLOAT, T_INDIRECT_FLOAT -> buffer.readFloat(pos, width).toULong()
T_STRING -> toString().toULong()
T_VECTOR -> toVector().size.toULong()
else -> 0UL
* Returns element as [Float].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as [Float]
* Float elements will be casted to integer
* @return [Float] integer or 0 if fail to convert element to long.
public fun toFloat(): Float = resolve { pos: Int, width: ByteWidth ->
when (type) {
T_INDIRECT_FLOAT, T_FLOAT -> buffer.readFloat(pos, width).toFloat()
T_INT -> buffer.readInt(end, parentWidth).toFloat()
T_UINT, T_BOOL -> buffer.readUInt(end, parentWidth).toFloat()
T_INDIRECT_INT -> buffer.readInt(pos, width).toFloat()
T_INDIRECT_UINT -> buffer.readUInt(pos, width).toFloat()
T_NULL -> 0.0f
T_STRING -> toString().toFloat()
T_VECTOR -> toVector().size.toFloat()
else -> 0f
* Returns element as [Double].
* For vector types, it will return size of the vector
* For String type, it will type to be parsed as [Double]
* @return [Float] integer or 0 if fail to convert element to long.
public fun toDouble(): Double = resolve { pos: Int, width: ByteWidth ->
when (type) {
T_INDIRECT_FLOAT, T_FLOAT -> buffer.readFloat(pos, width)
T_INT -> buffer.readInt(pos, width).toDouble()
T_UINT, T_BOOL -> buffer.readUInt(pos, width).toDouble()
T_INDIRECT_INT -> buffer.readInt(pos, width).toDouble()
T_INDIRECT_UINT -> buffer.readUInt(pos, width).toDouble()
T_NULL -> 0.0
T_STRING -> toString().toDouble()
T_VECTOR -> toVector().size.toDouble()
else -> 0.0
* Returns element as [Key] or invalid key.
public fun toKey(): Key = when (type) {
T_KEY -> Key(buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth))
else -> nullKey()
* Returns element as a [String]
* @return element as [String] or empty [String] if fail
override fun toString(): String = when (type) {
val start = buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth)
val size = buffer.readULong(start - byteWidth, byteWidth).toInt()
buffer.getString(start, size)
T_KEY -> buffer.getKeyString(buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth))
T_MAP -> "{ ${toMap().entries.joinToString(", ") { "${it.key}: ${it.value}"}} }"
"[ ${toVector().joinToString(", ") { it.toString() }} ]"
T_INT -> toLong().toString()
T_UINT -> toULong().toString()
T_FLOAT -> toDouble().toString()
else -> "${type.typeToString()}(end=$end)"
* Returns element as a [ByteArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [ByteArray] or empty [ByteArray] if fail.
public fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> ByteArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toByte() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> ByteArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toByte() }
T_VECTOR -> ByteArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toByte() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> ByteArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toInt().toByte() }
else -> ByteArray(0)
* Returns element as a [ByteArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [ByteArray] or empty [ByteArray] if fail.
public fun toShortArray(): ShortArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> ShortArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toShort() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> ShortArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toShort() }
T_VECTOR -> ShortArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toShort() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> ShortArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toInt().toShort() }
else -> ShortArray(0)
* Returns element as a [IntArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [IntArray] or empty [IntArray] if fail.
public fun toIntArray(): IntArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> IntArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toInt() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> IntArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toInt() }
T_VECTOR -> IntArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toInt() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> IntArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toInt() }
else -> IntArray(0)
* Returns element as a [LongArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [LongArray] or empty [LongArray] if fail.
public fun toLongArray(): LongArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> LongArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it) }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> LongArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it) }
T_VECTOR -> LongArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toLong() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> LongArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toLong() }
else -> LongArray(0)
* Returns element as a [UByteArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [UByteArray] or empty [UByteArray] if fail.
public fun toUByteArray(): UByteArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> UByteArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toUByte() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> UByteArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toUByte() }
T_VECTOR -> UByteArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toUByte() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> UByteArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toInt().toUByte() }
else -> UByteArray(0)
* Returns element as a [UIntArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [UIntArray] or empty [UIntArray] if fail.
public fun toUShortArray(): UShortArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> UShortArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toUShort() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> UShortArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toUShort() }
T_VECTOR -> UShortArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toUShort() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> UShortArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toUInt().toUShort() }
else -> UShortArray(0)
* Returns element as a [UIntArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [UIntArray] or empty [UIntArray] if fail.
public fun toUIntArray(): UIntArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> UIntArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toUInt() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> UIntArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toUInt() }
T_VECTOR -> UIntArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toUInt() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> UIntArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toUInt() }
else -> UIntArray(0)
* Returns element as a [ULongArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [ULongArray] or empty [ULongArray] if fail.
public fun toULongArray(): ULongArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_INT -> ULongArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it) }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> ULongArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it) }
T_VECTOR -> ULongArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toULong() }
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> ULongArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toULong() }
else -> ULongArray(0)
* Returns element as a [FloatArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [FloatArray] or empty [FloatArray] if fail.
public fun toFloatArray(): FloatArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> FloatArray(vec.size) { vec.getFloat(it).toFloat() }
T_VECTOR_INT -> FloatArray(vec.size) { vec.getInt(it).toFloat() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> FloatArray(vec.size) { vec.getUInt(it).toFloat() }
T_VECTOR -> FloatArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toFloat() }
else -> FloatArray(0)
* Returns element as a [DoubleArray], converting scalar types when possible.
* @return element as [DoubleArray] or empty [DoubleArray] if fail.
public fun toDoubleArray(): DoubleArray {
val vec = TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
return when (type) {
T_VECTOR_FLOAT -> DoubleArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toDouble() }
T_VECTOR_INT -> DoubleArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toDouble() }
T_VECTOR_UINT -> DoubleArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toDouble() }
T_VECTOR -> DoubleArray(vec.size) { vec[it].toDouble() }
else -> DoubleArray(0)
* Returns element as a [Vector]
* @return element as [Vector] or empty [Vector] if fail
public fun toVector(): Vector {
return when {
isVector -> Vector(buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
isTypedVector -> TypedVector(type.toElementTypedVector(), buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
else -> emptyVector()
* Returns element as a [Blob]
* @return element as [Blob] or empty [Blob] if fail
public fun toBlob(): Blob {
return when (type) {
T_BLOB, T_STRING -> Blob(buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
else -> emptyBlob()
* Returns element as a [Map].
* @return element as [Map] or empty [Map] if fail
public fun toMap(): Map = when (type) {
T_MAP -> Map(buffer, buffer.indirect(end, parentWidth), byteWidth)
else -> emptyMap()
private inline fun <T> resolve(crossinline block: (pos: Int, width: ByteWidth) -> T): T {
return if (type.isIndirectScalar()) {
block(buffer.indirect(end, byteWidth), byteWidth)
} else {
block(end, parentWidth)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false
other as Reference
if (buffer != other.buffer ||
end != other.end ||
parentWidth != other.parentWidth ||
byteWidth != other.byteWidth ||
type != other.type
) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = buffer.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + end
result = 31 * result + parentWidth.value
result = 31 * result + byteWidth.value
result = 31 * result + type.hashCode()
return result
* Represents any element that has a size property to it, like: [Map], [Vector] and [TypedVector].
public open class Sized internal constructor(
public val buffer: ReadBuffer,
public val end: Int,
public val byteWidth: ByteWidth
) {
public open val size: Int = buffer.readSize(end, byteWidth)
* Represent an array of bytes in the buffer.
public open class Blob internal constructor(
buffer: ReadBuffer,
end: Int,
byteWidth: ByteWidth
) : Sized(buffer, end, byteWidth) {
* Return [Blob] as [ReadBuffer]
* @return blob as [ReadBuffer]
public fun data(): ReadBuffer = buffer.slice(end, size)
* Copy [Blob] into a [ByteArray]
* @return A [ByteArray] containing the blob data.
public fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
val result = ByteArray(size)
for (i in 0 until size) {
result[i] = buffer[end + i]
return result
* Return individual byte at a given position
* @param pos position of the byte to be read
public operator fun get(pos: Int): Byte {
if (pos !in 0..size) error("$pos index out of bounds. Should be in range 0..$size")
return buffer[end + pos]
override fun toString(): String = buffer.getString(end, size)
* [Vector] represents an array of elements in the buffer. The element can be of any type.
public open class Vector internal constructor(
buffer: ReadBuffer,
end: Int,
byteWidth: ByteWidth
) : Collection<Reference>,
Sized(buffer, end, byteWidth) {
* Returns a [Reference] from the [Vector] at position [index]. Returns a null reference
* @param index position in the vector.
* @return [Reference] for a key or a null [Reference] if not found.
public open operator fun get(index: Int): Reference {
if (index >= size) return nullReference()
val packedType = buffer[(end + size * byteWidth.value + index)].toInt()
val objEnd = end + index * byteWidth
return Reference(buffer, objEnd, byteWidth, packedType)
// overrides from Collection<Reference>
override fun contains(element: Reference): Boolean = find { it == element } != null
override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<Reference>): Boolean {
elements.forEach { if (!contains(it)) return false }
return true
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = size == 0
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Reference> = object : Iterator<Reference> {
var position = 0
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = position != size
override fun next(): Reference = get(position++)
* [TypedVector] represents an array of scalar elements of the same type in the buffer.
public open class TypedVector(
private val elementType: FlexBufferType,
buffer: ReadBuffer,
end: Int,
byteWidth: ByteWidth
) : Vector(buffer, end, byteWidth) {
* Returns a [Reference] from the [TypedVector] at position [index]. Returns a null reference
* @param index position in the vector.
* @return [Reference] for a key or a null [Reference] if not found.
override operator fun get(index: Int): Reference {
if (index >= size) return nullReference()
val childPos: Int = end + index * byteWidth
return Reference(buffer, childPos, byteWidth, ByteWidth(1), elementType)
private inline fun <T> resolveAt(index: Int, crossinline block: (Int, ByteWidth) -> T): T {
val childPos: Int = end + index * byteWidth
return block(childPos, byteWidth)
internal fun getBoolean(index: Int): Boolean = resolveAt(index) {
pos: Int, _: ByteWidth -> buffer.getBoolean(pos)
internal fun getInt(index: Int): Long = resolveAt(index) {
pos: Int, width: ByteWidth -> buffer.readLong(pos, width)
internal fun getUInt(index: Int): ULong = resolveAt(index) {
pos: Int, width: ByteWidth -> buffer.readULong(pos, width)
internal fun getFloat(index: Int): Double = resolveAt(index) {
pos: Int, width: ByteWidth -> buffer.readFloat(pos, width)
* Represents a key element in the buffer. Keys are
* used to reference objects in a [Map]
public data class Key(
public val buffer: ReadBuffer,
public val start: Int,
public val end: Int = buffer.findFirst(ZeroByte, start)
) {
val sizeInBytes: Int = end - start
private val codePoint = CharArray(2)
val sizeInChars: Int
get() {
var count = 0
var i = start
while (i < end) {
val size = codePointSizeInBytes(i)
i += size
count += if (size == 4) 2 else 1
return count
public operator fun get(index: Int): Char {
var count = 0
var i = start
var size = 0
// we loop over the bytes to find the right position for the "char" at index i
while (i < end && count < index) {
size = codePointSizeInBytes(i)
i += size
// 4 bytes utf8 are 2 chars wide, the rest is on char.
count += if (size == 4) 2 else 1
return when {
count == index -> {
Utf8.decodeUtf8CodePoint(buffer, i, codePoint)
count == index + 1 && size == 4 -> {
Utf8.decodeUtf8CodePoint(buffer, i - size, codePoint)
else -> error("Invalid count=$count, index=$index")
private inline fun codePointSizeInBytes(pos: Int): Int {
val b = buffer[pos]
return when {
Utf8.isOneByte(b) -> 1
Utf8.isTwoBytes(b) -> 2
Utf8.isThreeBytes(b) -> 3
else -> 4
override fun toString(): String = if (sizeInBytes > 0) buffer.getString(start, sizeInBytes) else ""
* Checks whether Key is invalid or not.
public fun isInvalid(): Boolean = sizeInBytes <= 0
* A Map class that provide support to access Key-Value data from Flexbuffers.
public class Map
internal constructor(buffer: ReadBuffer, end: Int, byteWidth: ByteWidth):
Sized(buffer, end, byteWidth),
kotlin.collections.Map<Key, Reference> {
// used for accessing the key vector elements
private var keyVectorEnd: Int
private var keyVectorByteWidth: ByteWidth
init {
val keysOffset = end - (3 * byteWidth) // 3 is number of prefixed fields
keyVectorEnd = buffer.indirect(keysOffset, byteWidth)
keyVectorByteWidth = ByteWidth(buffer.readInt(keysOffset + byteWidth, byteWidth))
* Returns a [Reference] from the [Map] at position [index]. Returns a null reference
* @param index position in the map
* @return [Reference] for a key or a null [Reference] if not found.
public operator fun get(index: Int): Reference {
if (index >= size) return nullReference()
val packedPos = end + size * byteWidth + index
val packedType = buffer[packedPos].toInt()
val objEnd = end + index * byteWidth
return Reference(buffer, objEnd, byteWidth, packedType)
* Returns a [Reference] from the [Map] for a given [String] [key].
* @param key access key to element on map
* @return [Reference] for a key or a null [Reference] if not found.
public operator fun get(key: String): Reference {
val index: Int = binarySearch(key)
return if (index in 0 until size) {
} else nullReference()
* Returns a [Reference] from the [Map] for a given [Key] [key].
* @param key access key to element on map
* @return [Reference] for a key or a null [Reference] if not found.
override operator fun get(key: Key): Reference {
val index = binarySearch(key)
return if (index in 0 until size) {
} else nullReference()
* Checks whether the map contains a [key].
* @param key [String]
* @return true if key is found in the map, otherwise false.
public operator fun contains(key: String): Boolean = binarySearch(key) >= 0
* Returns a [Key] for a given position [index] in the [Map].
* @param index of the key in the map
* @return a Key for the given index. Out of bounds indexes returns invalid keys.
public fun keyAt(index: Int): Key {
val childPos: Int = keyVectorEnd + index * keyVectorByteWidth
return Key(buffer, buffer.indirect(childPos, keyVectorByteWidth))
* Returns a [Key] as [String] for a given position [index] in the [Map].
* @param index of the key in the map
* @return a Key for the given index. Out of bounds indexes returns empty string.
public fun keyAsString(index: Int): String {
val childPos: Int = keyVectorEnd + index * keyVectorByteWidth
val start = buffer.indirect(childPos, keyVectorByteWidth)
val end = buffer.findFirst(ZeroByte, start)
return if (end > start) buffer.getString(start, end - start) else ""
// Overrides from kotlin.collections.Map<Key, Reference>
public data class Entry(override val key: Key, override val value: Reference) :
kotlin.collections.Map.Entry<Key, Reference>
override val entries: Set<kotlin.collections.Map.Entry<Key, Reference>>
get() = { Entry(it, get(it.toString())) }.toSet()
override val keys: Set<Key>
get() {
val set = LinkedHashSet<Key>(size)
for (i in 0 until size) {
val key = keyAt(i)
return set
* Returns a [Vector] for accessing all values in the [Map].
* @return [Vector] of values.
override val values: Collection<Reference>
get() = Vector(buffer, end, byteWidth)
override fun containsKey(key: Key): Boolean {
for (i in 0 until size) {
if (key == keyAt(i))
return true
return false
override fun containsValue(value: Reference): Boolean = values.contains(value)
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = size == 0
// Performs a binary search on a key vector and return index of the key in key vector
private fun binarySearch(searchedKey: String) = binarySearch { compareCharSequence(it, searchedKey) }
// Performs a binary search on a key vector and return index of the key in key vector
private fun binarySearch(key: Key): Int = binarySearch { compareKeys(it, key.start) }
private inline fun binarySearch(crossinline comparisonBlock: (Int) -> Int): Int {
var low = 0
var high = size - 1
while (low <= high) {
val mid = low + high ushr 1
val keyPos: Int = buffer.indirect(keyVectorEnd + mid * keyVectorByteWidth, keyVectorByteWidth)
val cmp: Int = comparisonBlock(keyPos)
if (cmp < 0) low = mid + 1 else if (cmp > 0) high = mid - 1 else return mid // key found
return -(low + 1) // key not found
// compares a CharSequence against a T_KEY
private fun compareKeys(start: Int, other: Int): Int {
var bufferPos = start
var otherPos = other
val limit: Int = buffer.limit
var c1: Byte = ZeroByte
var c2: Byte = ZeroByte
while (otherPos < limit) {
c1 = buffer[bufferPos++]
c2 = buffer[otherPos++]
when {
c1 == ZeroByte -> return c1 - c2
c1 != c2 -> return c1 - c2
return c1 - c2
// compares a CharSequence against a [CharSequence]
private fun compareCharSequence(start: Int, other: CharSequence): Int {
var bufferPos = start
var otherPos = 0
val limit: Int = buffer.limit
val otherLimit = other.length
// special loop for ASCII characters. Most of keys should be ASCII only, so this
// loop should be optimized for that.
// breaks if a multi-byte character is found
while (otherPos < otherLimit) {
val c2 = other[otherPos]
// not a single byte codepoint
if (c2.code >= 0x80) {
val b: Byte = buffer[bufferPos]
when {
b == ZeroByte -> return -c2.code
b < 0 -> break
b != c2.code.toByte() -> return b - c2.code.toByte()
if (bufferPos < limit)
return 0
val comparisonBuffer = ByteArray(4)
while (bufferPos < limit) {
val sizeInBuff = Utf8.encodeUtf8CodePoint(other, otherPos, comparisonBuffer)
if (sizeInBuff == 0) {
return buffer[bufferPos].toInt()
for (i in 0 until sizeInBuff) {
val bufferByte: Byte = buffer[bufferPos++]
val otherByte: Byte = comparisonBuffer[i]
when {
bufferByte == ZeroByte -> return -otherByte
bufferByte != otherByte -> return bufferByte - otherByte
otherPos += if (sizeInBuff == 4) 2 else 1
return 0