blob: 52e16af9b23831bf69b30d33191948346ad6a18d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public class FlexBuffersBuilder(
public val buffer: ReadWriteBuffer,
private val shareFlag: Int = SHARE_KEYS
) {
public constructor(initialCapacity: Int = 1024, shareFlag: Int = SHARE_KEYS) :
this(ArrayReadWriteBuffer(initialCapacity), shareFlag)
private val stringValuePool: HashMap<String, Value> = HashMap()
private val stringKeyPool: HashMap<String, Int> = HashMap()
private val stack: MutableList<Value> = mutableListOf()
private var finished: Boolean = false
* Reset the FlexBuffersBuilder by purging all data that it holds. Buffer might
* keep its capacity after a reset.
public fun clear() {
finished = false
* Finish writing the message into the buffer. After that no other element must
* be inserted into the buffer. Also, you must call this function before start using the
* FlexBuffer message
* @return [ReadBuffer] containing the FlexBuffer message
public fun finish(): ReadBuffer {
// If you hit this, you likely have objects that were never included
// in a parent. You need to have exactly one root to finish a buffer.
// Check your Start/End calls are matched, and all objects are inside
// some other object.
if (stack.size != 1) error("There is must be only on object as root. Current ${stack.size}.")
// Write root value.
val byteWidth = align(stack[0].elemWidth(buffer.writePosition, 0))
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(byteWidth.value + 2)
writeAny(stack[0], byteWidth)
// Write root type.
// Write root size. Normally determined by parent, but root has no parent :)
this.finished = true
return buffer // TODO: make a read-only shallow copy
* Insert a single [Boolean] into the buffer
* @param value true or false
public fun put(value: Boolean): Unit = run { this[null] = value }
* Insert a null reference into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public fun putNull(key: String? = null): Unit =
run { stack.add(Value(T_NULL, putKey(key), W_8, 0UL)) }
* Insert a single [Boolean] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Boolean): Unit =
run { stack.add(Value(T_BOOL, putKey(key), W_8, if (value) 1UL else 0UL)) }
* Insert a single [Byte] into the buffer
public fun put(value: Byte): Unit = set(null, value.toLong())
* Insert a single [Byte] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Byte): Unit = set(key, value.toLong())
* Insert a single [Short] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: Short): Unit = set(null, value.toLong())
* Insert a single [Short] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public inline operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Short): Unit = set(key, value.toLong())
* Insert a single [Int] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: Int): Unit = set(null, value.toLong())
* Insert a single [Int] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public inline operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Int): Unit = set(key, value.toLong())
* Insert a single [Long] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: Long): Unit = set(null, value)
* Insert a single [Long] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Long): Unit =
run { stack.add(Value(T_INT, putKey(key), value.toULong().widthInUBits(), value.toULong())) }
* Insert a single [UByte] into the buffer
public fun put(value: UByte): Unit = set(null, value.toULong())
* Insert a single [UByte] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public inline operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: UByte): Unit = set(key, value.toULong())
* Insert a single [UShort] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: UShort): Unit = set(null, value.toULong())
* Insert a single [UShort] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
private inline operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: UShort): Unit = set(key, value.toULong())
* Insert a single [UInt] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: UInt): Unit = set(null, value.toULong())
* Insert a single [UInt] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
private inline operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: UInt): Unit = set(key, value.toULong())
* Insert a single [ULong] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: ULong): Unit = set(null, value)
* Insert a single [ULong] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: ULong): Unit =
run { stack.add(Value(T_UINT, putKey(key), value.widthInUBits(), value)) }
* Insert a single [Float] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: Float): Unit = run { this[null] = value }
* Insert a single [Float] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Float): Unit =
run { stack.add(Value(T_FLOAT, putKey(key), W_32, dValue = value.toDouble())) }
* Insert a single [Double] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: Double): Unit = run { this[null] = value }
* Insert a single [Double] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: Double): Unit =
run { stack.add(Value(T_FLOAT, putKey(key), W_64, dValue = value)) }
* Insert a single [String] into the buffer.
public fun put(value: String): Int = set(null, value)
* Insert a single [String] into the buffer. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: String): Int {
val iKey = putKey(key)
val holder = if (shareFlag and SHARE_STRINGS != 0) {
stringValuePool.getOrPut(value) {
writeString(iKey, value).also { stringValuePool[value] = it }
}.copy(key = iKey)
} else {
writeString(iKey, value)
return holder.iValue.toInt()
* Adds a [ByteArray] into the message as a [Blob].
* @param value byte array
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: ByteArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [ByteArray] into the message as a [Blob]. A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value byte array
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: ByteArray): Int {
val element = writeBlob(putKey(key), value, T_BLOB, false)
return element.iValue.toInt()
* Adds a [IntArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [IntArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: IntArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [IntArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [IntArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: IntArray): Int =
setTypedVector(key, value.size, T_VECTOR_INT, value.widthInUBits()) { writeIntArray(value, it) }
* Adds a [ShortArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [ShortArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: ShortArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [ShortArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [ShortArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: ShortArray): Int =
setTypedVector(key, value.size, T_VECTOR_INT, value.widthInUBits()) { writeIntArray(value, it) }
* Adds a [LongArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [LongArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: LongArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [LongArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [LongArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: LongArray): Int =
setTypedVector(key, value.size, T_VECTOR_INT, value.widthInUBits()) { writeIntArray(value, it) }
* Adds a [FloatArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [FloatArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: FloatArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [FloatArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [FloatArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: FloatArray): Int =
setTypedVector(key, value.size, T_VECTOR_FLOAT, W_32) { writeFloatArray(value) }
* Adds a [DoubleArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [DoubleArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: DoubleArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [DoubleArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [DoubleArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: DoubleArray): Int =
setTypedVector(key, value.size, T_VECTOR_FLOAT, W_64) { writeFloatArray(value) }
* Adds a [UByteArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [UByteArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: UByteArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [UByteArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [UByteArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: UByteArray): Int =
setTypedVec(key) { value.forEach { put(it) } }
* Adds a [UShortArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [UShortArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: UShortArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [UShortArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [UShortArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: UShortArray): Int =
setTypedVec(key) { value.forEach { put(it) } }
* Adds a [UIntArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [UIntArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: UIntArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [UIntArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [UIntArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun set(key: String? = null, value: UIntArray): Int =
setTypedVec(key) { value.forEach { put(it) } }
* Adds a [ULongArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* @param value [ULongArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public fun put(value: ULongArray): Int = set(null, value)
* Adds a [ULongArray] into the message as a typed vector of fixed size.
* A key must be present if element is inserted into a map.
* @param value [ULongArray]
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public operator fun set(key: String? = null, value: ULongArray): Int =
setTypedVec(key) { value.forEach { put(it) } }
* Creates a new vector will all elements inserted in [block].
* @param block where elements will be inserted
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public inline fun putVector(crossinline block: FlexBuffersBuilder.() -> Unit): Int {
val pos = startVector()
return endVector(pos)
* Creates a new typed vector will all elements inserted in [block].
* @param block where elements will be inserted
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public inline fun putTypedVector(crossinline block: FlexBuffersBuilder.() -> Unit): Int {
val pos = startVector()
return endTypedVector(pos)
* Helper function to return position for starting a new vector.
public fun startVector(): Int = stack.size
* Finishes a vector element. The initial position of the vector must be passed
* @param position position at the start of the vector
public fun endVector(position: Int): Int = endVector(null, position)
* Finishes a vector element. The initial position of the vector must be passed
* @param position position at the start of the vector
public fun endVector(key: String? = null, position: Int): Int =
endAnyVector(position) { createVector(putKey(key), position, stack.size - position) }
* Finishes a typed vector element. The initial position of the vector must be passed
* @param position position at the start of the vector
public fun endTypedVector(position: Int): Int = endTypedVector(position, null)
* Helper function to return position for starting a new vector.
public fun startMap(): Int = stack.size
* Creates a new map will all elements inserted in [block].
* @param block where elements will be inserted
* @return position in buffer as the start of byte array
public inline fun putMap(key: String? = null, crossinline block: FlexBuffersBuilder.() -> Unit): Int {
val pos = startMap()
return endMap(pos, key)
* Finishes a map, but writing the information in the buffer
* @param key key used to store element in map
* @return Reference to the map
public fun endMap(start: Int, key: String? = null): Int {
stack.subList(start, stack.size).sortWith(keyComparator)
val length = stack.size - start
val keys = createKeyVector(start, length)
val vec = putMap(putKey(key), start, length, keys)
// Remove temp elements and return map.
while (stack.size > start) {
stack.removeAt(stack.size - 1)
return vec.iValue.toInt()
private inline fun setTypedVector(
key: String? = null,
length: Int,
vecType: FlexBufferType,
bitWidth: BitWidth,
crossinline writeBlock: (ByteWidth) -> Unit
): Int {
val keyPos = putKey(key)
val byteWidth = align(bitWidth)
// Write vector. First the keys width/offset if available, and size.
// write the size
writeInt(length, byteWidth)
// Then the actual data.
val vloc: Int = buffer.writePosition
stack.add(Value(vecType, keyPos, bitWidth, vloc.toULong()))
return vloc
private inline fun setTypedVec(key: String? = null, crossinline block: FlexBuffersBuilder.() -> Unit): Int {
val pos = startVector()
return endTypedVector(pos, key)
public fun endTypedVector(position: Int, key: String? = null): Int =
endAnyVector(position) { createTypedVector(putKey(key), position, stack.size - position) }
private inline fun endAnyVector(start: Int, crossinline creationBlock: () -> Value): Int {
val vec = creationBlock()
// Remove temp elements and return vector.
while (stack.size > start) {
return vec.iValue.toInt()
private inline fun putKey(key: String? = null): Int {
if (key == null) return -1
return if ((shareFlag and SHARE_KEYS) != 0) {
stringKeyPool.getOrPut(key) {
val pos: Int = buffer.writePosition
val encodedKeySize = Utf8.encodedLength(key)
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(encodedKeySize + 1)
buffer.put(key, encodedKeySize)
} else {
val pos: Int = buffer.writePosition
val encodedKeySize = Utf8.encodedLength(key)
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(encodedKeySize + 1)
buffer.put(key, encodedKeySize)
private fun writeAny(toWrite: Value, byteWidth: ByteWidth) = when (toWrite.type) {
T_NULL, T_BOOL, T_INT, T_UINT -> writeInt(toWrite.iValue, byteWidth)
T_FLOAT -> writeDouble(toWrite.dValue, byteWidth)
else -> writeOffset(toWrite.iValue.toInt(), byteWidth)
private fun writeString(key: Int, s: String): Value {
val encodedSize = Utf8.encodedLength(s)
val bitWidth = encodedSize.toULong().widthInUBits()
val byteWidth = align(bitWidth)
writeInt(encodedSize, byteWidth)
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(encodedSize + 1)
val sloc: Int = buffer.writePosition
if (encodedSize > 0)
buffer.put(s, encodedSize)
return Value(T_STRING, key, bitWidth, sloc.toULong())
private fun writeDouble(toWrite: Double, byteWidth: ByteWidth) {
when (byteWidth.value) {
4 -> buffer.put(toWrite.toFloat())
8 -> buffer.put(toWrite)
else -> Unit
private fun writeOffset(toWrite: Int, byteWidth: ByteWidth) {
val relativeOffset = (buffer.writePosition - toWrite)
if (byteWidth.value != 8 && relativeOffset >= 1L shl byteWidth.value * 8) error("invalid offset $relativeOffset, writer pos ${buffer.writePosition}")
writeInt(relativeOffset, byteWidth)
private inline fun writeBlob(key: Int, blob: ByteArray, type: FlexBufferType, trailing: Boolean): Value {
val bitWidth = blob.size.toULong().widthInUBits()
val byteWidth = align(bitWidth)
writeInt(blob.size, byteWidth)
val sloc: Int = buffer.writePosition
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(blob.size + trailing.compareTo(false))
buffer.put(blob, 0, blob.size)
if (trailing) {
return Value(type, key, bitWidth, sloc.toULong())
private fun writeIntArray(value: IntArray, byteWidth: ByteWidth) =
writeIntegerArray(0, value.size, byteWidth) { value[it].toULong() }
private fun writeIntArray(value: ShortArray, byteWidth: ByteWidth) =
writeIntegerArray(0, value.size, byteWidth) { value[it].toULong() }
private fun writeIntArray(value: LongArray, byteWidth: ByteWidth) =
writeIntegerArray(0, value.size, byteWidth) { value[it].toULong() }
private fun writeFloatArray(value: FloatArray) {
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(Float.SIZE_BYTES * value.size)
value.forEach { buffer.put(it) }
private fun writeFloatArray(value: DoubleArray) {
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(Double.SIZE_BYTES * value.size)
value.forEach { buffer.put(it) }
private inline fun writeIntegerArray(
start: Int,
size: Int,
byteWidth: ByteWidth,
crossinline valueBlock: (Int) -> ULong
) {
buffer.requestAdditionalCapacity(size * byteWidth.value)
return when (byteWidth.value) {
1 -> for (i in start until start + size) {
2 -> for (i in start until start + size) {
4 -> for (i in start until start + size) {
8 -> for (i in start until start + size) {
else -> Unit
private fun writeInt(value: Int, byteWidth: ByteWidth) {
when (byteWidth.value) {
1 -> buffer.put(value.toUByte())
2 -> buffer.put(value.toUShort())
4 -> buffer.put(value.toUInt())
8 -> buffer.put(value.toULong())
else -> Unit
private fun writeInt(value: ULong, byteWidth: ByteWidth) {
when(byteWidth.value) {
1 -> buffer.put(value.toUByte())
2 -> buffer.put(value.toUShort())
4 -> buffer.put(value.toUInt())
8 -> buffer.put(value)
else -> Unit
// Align to prepare for writing a scalar with a certain size.
// returns the amounts of bytes needed to be written.
private fun align(alignment: BitWidth): ByteWidth {
val byteWidth = 1 shl alignment.value
var padBytes = paddingBytes(buffer.writePosition, byteWidth)
buffer.requestCapacity(buffer.capacity + padBytes)
while (padBytes-- != 0) {
return ByteWidth(byteWidth)
private fun calculateKeyVectorBitWidth(start: Int, length: Int): BitWidth {
val bitWidth = length.toULong().widthInUBits()
var width = bitWidth
val prefixElems = 1
// Check bit widths and types for all elements.
for (i in start until stack.size) {
val elemWidth = elemWidth(T_KEY, W_8, stack[i].key.toLong(), buffer.writePosition, i + prefixElems)
width = width.max(elemWidth)
return width
private fun createKeyVector(start: Int, length: Int): Value {
// Figure out smallest bit width we can store this vector with.
val bitWidth = calculateKeyVectorBitWidth(start, length)
val byteWidth = align(bitWidth)
// Write vector. First the keys width/offset if available, and size.
writeInt(length, byteWidth)
// Then the actual data.
val vloc = buffer.writePosition.toULong()
for (i in start until stack.size) {
val pos = stack[i].key
if (pos == -1) error("invalid position $pos for key")
writeOffset(stack[i].key, byteWidth)
// Then the types.
return Value(T_VECTOR_KEY, -1, bitWidth, vloc)
private inline fun createVector(key: Int, start: Int, length: Int, keys: Value? = null): Value {
return createAnyVector(key, start, length, T_VECTOR, keys) {
// add types since we are not creating a typed vector.
for (i in start until stack.size) {
private fun putMap(key: Int, start: Int, length: Int, keys: Value? = null): Value {
return createAnyVector(key, start, length, T_MAP, keys) {
// add types since we are not creating a typed vector.
for (i in start until stack.size) {
private inline fun createTypedVector(key: Int, start: Int, length: Int, keys: Value? = null): Value {
// We assume the callers of this method guarantees all elements are of the same type.
val elementType: FlexBufferType = stack[start].type
for (i in start + 1 until length) {
if (elementType != stack[i].type) error("TypedVector does not support array of different element types")
if (!elementType.isTypedVectorElementType()) error("TypedVector does not support this element type")
return createAnyVector(key, start, length, elementType.toTypedVector(), keys)
private inline fun createAnyVector(
key: Int,
start: Int,
length: Int,
type: FlexBufferType,
keys: Value? = null,
crossinline typeBlock: (BitWidth) -> Unit = {}
): Value {
// Figure out the smallest bit width we can store this vector with.
var bitWidth = W_8.max(length.toULong().widthInUBits())
var prefixElems = 1
if (keys != null) {
// If this vector is part of a map, we will pre-fix an offset to the keys
// to this vector.
bitWidth = bitWidth.max(keys.elemWidth(buffer.writePosition, 0))
prefixElems += 2
// Check bit widths and types for all elements.
for (i in start until stack.size) {
val elemWidth = stack[i].elemWidth(buffer.writePosition, i + prefixElems)
bitWidth = bitWidth.max(elemWidth)
val byteWidth = align(bitWidth)
// Write vector. First the keys width/offset if available, and size.
if (keys != null) {
writeOffset(keys.iValue.toInt(), byteWidth)
writeInt(1 shl keys.minBitWidth.value, byteWidth)
// write the size
writeInt(length, byteWidth)
// Then the actual data.
val vloc: Int = buffer.writePosition
for (i in start until stack.size) {
writeAny(stack[i], byteWidth)
// Optionally you can introduce the types for non-typed vector
return Value(type, key, bitWidth, vloc.toULong())
// A lambda to sort map keys
internal val keyComparator = object : Comparator<Value> {
override fun compare(a: Value, b: Value): Int {
var ia: Int = a.key
var io: Int = b.key
var c1: Byte
var c2: Byte
do {
c1 = buffer[ia]
c2 = buffer[io]
if (c1.toInt() == 0) return c1 - c2
} while (c1 == c2)
return c1 - c2
public companion object {
* No keys or strings will be shared
public const val SHARE_NONE: Int = 0
* Keys will be shared between elements. Identical keys will only be serialized once, thus possibly saving space.
* But serialization performance might be slower and consumes more memory.
public const val SHARE_KEYS: Int = 1
* Strings will be shared between elements. Identical strings will only be serialized once, thus possibly saving space.
* But serialization performance might be slower and consumes more memory. This is ideal if you expect many repeated
* strings on the message.
public const val SHARE_STRINGS: Int = 2
* Strings and keys will be shared between elements.
public const val SHARE_KEYS_AND_STRINGS: Int = 3