| <!-- mdformat off(templates not supported) --> |
| {% set rfcid = "RFC-0133" %} |
| {% include "docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md" %} |
| # {{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }} |
| |
| <!-- mdformat on --> |
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| ## Summary |
| |
| A set of long-term goals for the Software Delivery area. |
| |
| ## Motivation |
| |
| The Fuchsia Software Delivery system needs to prioritize the requirements of our |
| customers and will continue to do so, but we also need to set long-term |
| direction to keep in mind as we do design. Even though we don't have explicit |
| customer requirements for many of these goals, they are nonetheless goals that |
| we should design for and keep in mind as we evolve the system. This list may |
| change over time, and that's fine. However, this represents the desired state of |
| the world today. |
| |
| ## Stakeholders |
| |
| _Facilitator:_ |
| |
| hjfreyer@google.com |
| |
| _Reviewers:_ |
| |
| * abarth@google.com - FEC |
| * amathes@google.com - Product |
| * computerdruid@google.com - SWD |
| * ampearce@google.com - Security |
| |
| _Consulted:_ |
| |
| * kitlane@google.com |
| * mckillop@google.com |
| * hjfreyer@google.com |
| * Software Delivery team |
| |
| _Socialization:_ |
| |
| This RFC went through a review in doc form with the Software Delivery team, as |
| well as with the contributors. |
| |
| ## Design |
| |
| ### Goals |
| |
| 1. **Prioritize customer requirements**: We shouldn't be afraid to revisit |
| existing implementations or change strategy if we have a compelling customer |
| need, as long as we don't preclude long-term goals. |
| 2. **One update protocol in production**: All devices in production use the same |
| update stack and protocol for platform [OTA][glossary.ota]s as we recommend |
| to our customers for updating other software. |
| 3. **Platform and non-platform updates have the same features**: Platform OTAs |
| and updates for independent modules have the same capabilities (channels, |
| staged rollouts, stepping stones, etc.), and it should be possible for OSS |
| users to use these capabilities. |
| 4. **Minimize monoliths**: Over time, we intend most parts of the platform to be |
| independently updatable. |
| 5. **Provide recovery options for attacks which can modify persistent state**: |
| The SWD stack should be able to perform an update automatically at boot with |
| minimum dependence on mutable data and other software in order to maximize |
| recovery potential from serious vulnerabilities, including ones which give an |
| attacker the ability to modify persistent state. |
| 6. **Update reliability is paramount**: We should prefer updating software as |
| long as we can prove that it doesn't compromise security requirements. We |
| should prioritize simple and reliable code, even at the cost of reasonable |
| performance impact; we aim to create the simplest system that can perform |
| updates correctly, securely, and that meets other performance requirements. |
| We should bias towards designs that fail safely, and allow another chance at |
| an update, rather than possibly corrupting state for another attempt. |
| 7. **[Product owners][glossary.product-owner] decide policy for their |
| [products][glossary.product]**: The platform defines what software update |
| policies are expressible and recommends initial policy. The product owner can |
| choose their configuration of policies, and change their policy choices at |
| any time, even when devices are in the field. |
| 8. **All software is verified against an intentional policy**: All software is |
| checked against a policy defined for that type of software. These policies |
| could include provenance checking for executable code, integrity checking, |
| sandboxing, etc. No software can be run without a predefined policy regime |
| under which to run it. |
| 9. **Software source policy is a product concern** |
| 1. The platform does not restrict who can publish software, or what |
| approvals are required. Centralized vs. decentralized software sources |
| are a product policy, not a platform policy. As long as software is |
| published with appropriate metadata like a publisher signature, the |
| platform should be capable of running it. |
| 2. The platform will create mechanisms for enforcing software policy, but |
| the decision of what software sources are available is up to product |
| owners. Product owners can restrict available software sources through |
| policy, but the platform will not. |
| 3. The platform should be capable of producing products that can install |
| arbitrary software, including the ability for a user to allow software |
| from arbitrary publishers to run on their device. |
| |
| ## Implementation |
| |
| We'll link to this RFC from the Software Delivery [documentation][swd-readme], |
| and keep it in mind during design processes for the Software Delivery area. |
| |
| ## Performance |
| |
| No performance impact. |
| |
| ## Security considerations |
| |
| The implementation of this RFC has no immediate security impact. Long term, we |
| expect substantial collaboration with the security team as we execute on these |
| goals, as the SWD update mechanism is our primary method to secure |
| vulnerabilities in the field. |
| |
| ## Privacy considerations |
| |
| The implementation of this RFC has no privacy impact. Long term, we expect |
| substantial collaboration with the privacy team as we execute on these goals. |
| |
| ## Testing |
| |
| The implementation of this RFC has no testing impact. |
| |
| ## Documentation |
| |
| We'll link to this RFC from Software Delivery [README][swd-readme]. |
| |
| ## Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns |
| |
| There are nearly limitless goals we could set for the Software Delivery area. |
| These are the goals we feel represent both the current state of the stack and |
| our desired state most accurately. |
| |
| There are many unknowns, for instance how we'll integrate with any possible |
| third party publishers of software. Once we have customer requirements for |
| possible features, we'll be better able to reason about those unknowns. |
| |
| ## Prior art and references |
| |
| Very little has previously been published about the SWD roadmap. However, many |
| previous iterations of package management and software supply chain security |
| exist. Here is a selection of prior art: |
| |
| * [Debian software repositories](https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository) |
| * [Debian package signing](https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-manual/deb-pack-sign.en.html) |
| * [Omaha protocol](https://github.com/google/omaha/blob/ebc25b2b3d77eed3d9a122bcfd89a66f6f192e4b/doc/ServerProtocolV3.md) |
| * [The Update Framework specification](https://theupdateframework.github.io/specification/latest/) |
| |
| [glossary.ota]: /docs/glossary/README.md#ota |
| [glossary.product]: /docs/glossary/README.md#product |
| [glossary.product-owner]: /docs/glossary/README.md#product-owner |
| [swd-readme]: /src/sys/pkg/README.md |