{% set rfcid = “RFC-0133” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}
A set of long-term goals for the Software Delivery area.
The Fuchsia Software Delivery system needs to prioritize the requirements of our customers and will continue to do so, but we also need to set long-term direction to keep in mind as we do design. Even though we don‘t have explicit customer requirements for many of these goals, they are nonetheless goals that we should design for and keep in mind as we evolve the system. This list may change over time, and that’s fine. However, this represents the desired state of the world today.
This RFC went through a review in doc form with the Software Delivery team, as well as with the contributors.
We'll link to this RFC from the Software Delivery documentation, and keep it in mind during design processes for the Software Delivery area.
No performance impact.
The implementation of this RFC has no immediate security impact. Long term, we expect substantial collaboration with the security team as we execute on these goals, as the SWD update mechanism is our primary method to secure vulnerabilities in the field.
The implementation of this RFC has no privacy impact. Long term, we expect substantial collaboration with the privacy team as we execute on these goals.
The implementation of this RFC has no testing impact.
We'll link to this RFC from Software Delivery README.
There are nearly limitless goals we could set for the Software Delivery area. These are the goals we feel represent both the current state of the stack and our desired state most accurately.
There are many unknowns, for instance how we‘ll integrate with any possible third party publishers of software. Once we have customer requirements for possible features, we’ll be better able to reason about those unknowns.
Very little has previously been published about the SWD roadmap. However, many previous iterations of package management and software supply chain security exist. Here is a selection of prior art: