blob: 0e052eb28d08cec8c3c8cb375619ac86203f1a0c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Provides a mechanism for creating a zip file containing all of the
# documentation defined in the bazel build rules.
# Args:
# textproto_targets: (required)
# The set of targets that generate the text protos.
# This target should be an `extract_bazel_doc_textproto()` target.
# Type: list of strings (GN labels)
# output_name: (optional)
# The name of the zip file to create. This file will be created relative to
# the target_gen_dir.
# Default:
# Type: String
# deps:
# testonly:
# visibility:
# Usual GN meaning.
template("bazel_docgen") {
"textproto_targets must be defined")
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//tools/bazel-docgen:bin"
tool_output_name = "bazel-docgen"
proto_args = []
foreach(target, invoker.textproto_targets) {
gen_dir = get_label_info(target, "target_out_dir")
file_name = get_label_info(target, "name") + ".docs.textproto"
proto = rebase_path(gen_dir + "/" + file_name, root_build_dir)
proto_args += [
zip_file = ""
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
zip_file = invoker.output_name
args = proto_args + [
rebase_path("${target_gen_dir}/${zip_file}", root_build_dir),
outputs = [ "${target_gen_dir}/${zip_file}" ]
deps = invoker.textproto_targets
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# Wraps a `starlark_doc_extract()` in a `BUILD.bazel` file.
# Use this template to create a textproto from the given target.
# Args:
# bazel_target: (required)
# Bazel target to wrap.
# This target should be a `starlark_doc_extract()` target and should not
# include the textproto ending.
# deps:
# testonly:
# visibility:
# Usual GN meaning.
template("extract_bazel_doc_textproto") {
assert(defined(invoker.bazel_target), "bazel_target must be defined")
bazel_target = invoker.bazel_target
bazel_action(target_name) {
command = "build"
bazel_targets = [ bazel_target + ".textproto" ]
copy_outputs = [
ninja = "${target_name}.docs.textproto"