blob: 7bcf7db161087d6df115fe2742aba3df660caf33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::common::{ConfigurationBuilder, ConfigurationContext};
use anyhow::Context;
use assembly_config_schema::BuildType;
use assembly_util::FileEntry;
use fuchsia_url::AbsoluteComponentUrl;
use fuchsia_url::AbsolutePackageUrl::{Pinned, Unpinned};
use handlebars::Handlebars;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
pub(crate) fn add_build_type_config_data(
package: &str,
context: &ConfigurationContext<'_>,
builder: &mut dyn ConfigurationBuilder,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let build_type = match context.build_type {
BuildType::Eng => "eng",
BuildType::UserDebug => "userdebug",
BuildType::User => "user",
let gendir =
context.get_gendir().context(format!("Getting gendir for {} subsystem", package))?;
let filepath = gendir.join(format!("{}_build_type", package));
let mut file = File::create(&filepath).with_context(|| format!("Opening {}", &filepath))?;
file.write_all(build_type.as_bytes()).with_context(|| format!("Writing {}", &filepath))?;
.config_data(FileEntry { source: filepath.into(), destination: "build/type".into() })?;
/// Adds a core shard to the product by taking the core shard template found in the assembly
/// resources named `core_shard_template_name` and filling in the COMPONENT_URL and PACKAGE_NAME
/// fields with data found in the `product_component_url`.
pub(crate) fn add_platform_declared_product_provided_component(
product_component_url: &str,
core_shard_template_name: &str,
context: &ConfigurationContext<'_>,
builder: &mut dyn ConfigurationBuilder,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Render the cml template.
let cml_template = context.get_resource(core_shard_template_name);
let cml_template = std::fs::read_to_string(cml_template)
.with_context(|| format!("Reading core shard template: {core_shard_template_name}"))?;
let cml = render_cml_template(product_component_url, &cml_template)?;
// Write the new cml.
let gendir = context.get_gendir().context("Getting gendir")?;
let cml_path = gendir.join(format!("{core_shard_template_name}.rendered.cml"));
std::fs::write(&cml_path, cml).context("Writing core shard")?;
// Add the core shard to the product.
fn render_cml_template(
product_component_url: &str,
template_contents: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
// Gather the data to render the cml template.
let url = AbsoluteComponentUrl::parse(&product_component_url)
.with_context(|| format!("Parsing component_url: {}", product_component_url))?;
let package_name = match url.package_url() {
Unpinned(unpinned) =>,
Pinned(pinned) => pinned.as_unpinned().name(),
let data =
BTreeMap::from([("COMPONENT_URL", product_component_url), ("PACKAGE_NAME", &package_name)]);
let handlebars = Handlebars::new();
.render_template(&template_contents, &data)
.with_context(|| format!("Rendering the core shard template for: {product_component_url}"))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use serde_json::json;
fn test_render_cml_template() {
let cml_template = json!({
"children": [
"name": "something",
"url": "{{COMPONENT_URL}}",
"offer": [
"directory": "config-data",
"from": "parent",
"to": "#something",
"subdir": "{{PACKAGE_NAME}}",
let cml = render_cml_template(
let cml: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&cml).unwrap();
"children": [
"name": "something",
"url": "fuchsia-pkg://",
"offer": [
"directory": "config-data",
"from": "parent",
"to": "#something",
"subdir": "my-package",