blob: c5d25edab27baba106efd3fc3445310de1feeb22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
const MAX_POWER_LEVELS usize64 = 256;
type CpuSet = struct {
// Sadly we can't do math in FIDL with constants to compute the array size.
mask array<uint64, 8>;
type ProcessorPowerLevelOptions = flexible bits : uint64 {};
type ProcessorPowerControl = flexible enum : uint64 {};
type ProcessorPowerLevel = struct {
options ProcessorPowerLevelOptions;
processing_rate uint64;
power_coefficient_nw uint64;
control_interface ProcessorPowerControl;
control_argument uint64;
diagnostic_name string_array<MAX_NAME_LEN>;
reserved array<uint8, 32>;
type ProcessorPowerLevelTransition = struct {
latency Duration;
energy_nj uint64;
from uint8;
to uint8;
reserved array<uint8, 6>;
type SystemPowerctlArg = struct {
// TODO(scottmg): More unnamed unions.
//union {
// struct {
// uint8_t target_s_state; // Value between 1 and 5 indicating which S-state
// uint8_t sleep_type_a; // Value from ACPI VM (SLP_TYPa)
// uint8_t sleep_type_b; // Value from ACPI VM (SLP_TYPb)
// } acpi_transition_s_state;
// struct {
// uint32_t power_limit; // PL1 value in milliwatts
// uint32_t time_window; // PL1 time window in microseconds
// uint8_t clamp; // PL1 clamping enable
// uint8_t enable; // PL1 enable
// } x86_power_limit;
type StringView = struct {
c_str experimental_pointer<uchar>;
length usize64;
closed protocol System {
/// ## Summary
/// TODO(
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// uint32_t zx_system_get_dcache_line_size(void);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// TODO(
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// TODO(
/// ## Errors
/// TODO(
/// ## See also
/// TODO(
strict GetDcacheLineSize() -> (@wrapped_return struct {
size uint32;
/// ## Summary
/// Get number of logical processors on the system.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// uint32_t zx_system_get_num_cpus(void);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_get_num_cpus()` returns the number of CPUs (logical processors)
/// that exist on the system currently running. This number cannot change
/// during a run of the system, only at boot time.
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_num_cpus()` returns the number of CPUs.
/// ## Errors
/// `zx_system_get_num_cpus()` cannot fail.
/// ## Notes
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_system_get_physmem()`]
/// [`zx_system_get_physmem()`]:
strict GetNumCpus() -> (@wrapped_return struct {
count uint32;
/// ## Summary
/// Get version string for system.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_string_view_t zx_system_get_version_string(void);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_get_version_string()` returns a string identifying the version of
/// the Zircon system currently running.
/// The returned object is a simple pair of C string pointer and length. The
/// string is guaranteed to be NUL-terminated and to be valid UTF-8. The length
/// does not include the NUL terminator. In C++ the return value can be coerced
/// implicitly to `std::string_view`, `std::u8string_view`, or other types with
/// equivalent two-argument constructor signatures.
/// The string constant may be of any length. It is in read-only memory provided
/// by the [vDSO](/docs/concepts/kernel/ Thus it is always accessible at
/// the same address for the life of the process and its contents never change.
/// The first four characters identify the version scheme. An example of the string
/// returned is "git-8a07d52603404521038d8866b297f99de36f9162".
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_version_string()` returns a `zx_string_view_t` object.
/// ## Errors
/// `zx_system_get_version_string()` cannot fail.
/// ## Notes
/// ## See also
strict GetVersionString() -> (StringView);
/// ## Summary
/// Get the page size for the system.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// uint32_t zx_system_get_page_size(void);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_get_page_size()` returns the base memory page size of the system in
/// bytes. This number cannot change during a run of the system, only at boot time,
/// and is guaranteed to be an exact power of 2.
/// The page size represents the allocation and alignment granularity of VMOs in
/// `zx_vmo_create()` and the smallest unit that can be mapped via `zx_vmar_map()`.
/// For every architecture there are well defined minimum and maximum values,
/// `ZX_MIN_PAGE_SIZE` and `ZX_MAX_PAGE_SIZE`, that this will return.
/// | Architecture | `ZX_MIN_PAGE_SIZE` | `ZX_MAX_PAGE_SIZE` |
/// | ------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ |
/// | ARM | 4KiB | 64KiB |
/// | X86-64 | 4KiB | 2MiB |
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_page_size()` returns the page size in bytes.
/// ## Errors
/// `zx_system_get_page_size()` cannot fail.
/// ## Notes
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmar_map()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// [`zx_vmar_map()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
strict GetPageSize() -> (@wrapped_return struct {
size uint32;
/// ## Summary
/// Get amount of physical memory on the system.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// uint64_t zx_system_get_physmem(void);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_get_physmem()` returns the total size of physical memory on
/// the machine, in bytes.
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_physmem()` returns a number in bytes.
/// ## Errors
/// `zx_system_get_physmem()` cannot fail.
/// ## Notes
/// Currently the total size of physical memory cannot change during a run of
/// the system, only at boot time. This might change in the future.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_system_get_num_cpus()`]
/// [`zx_system_get_num_cpus()`]:
strict GetPhysmem() -> (@wrapped_return struct {
physmem uint64;
// TODO(scottmg): "features" has a features attribute. I'm not sure if/how it's used.
/// ## Summary
/// Get supported hardware capabilities.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_get_features(uint32_t kind, uint32_t* features);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_get_features()` populates *features* with a bit mask of
/// hardware-specific features. *kind* indicates the specific type of features
/// to retrieve, e.g. `ZX_FEATURE_KIND_CPU`. The supported kinds and the meaning
/// of individual feature bits is hardware-dependent. `ZX_FEATURE_KIND_VM` is not
/// hardware-dependent and returns a bitset currently the only meaningful bit
/// is `ZX_VM_FEATURE_CAN_MAP_XOM` which is 1 if the system can map pages with
/// execute only permission.
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_features()` returns `ZX_OK` on success.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` The requested feature kind is not available on this
/// platform.
/// ## Notes
/// Refer to [Install Fuchsia on a device](/docs/development/hardware/
/// for supported processor architectures.
/// Refer to [zircon/features.h](/zircon/system/public/zircon/features.h) for kinds
/// of features and individual feature bits.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_system_get_num_cpus()`]
/// - [`zx_system_get_physmem()`]
/// [`zx_system_get_num_cpus()`]:
/// [`zx_system_get_physmem()`]:
strict GetFeatures(struct {
kind uint32;
}) -> (struct {
features uint32;
}) error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Retrieve a handle to a system event.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_get_event(zx_handle_t root_job,
/// uint32_t kind,
/// zx_handle_t* event);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// *root_job* must be a handle to the root job of the system.
/// *kind* must be one of the following:
/// - `ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY` - An *event* will be returned that will
/// assert ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED when the system is in an out-of-memory situation.
/// A process that is waiting on this event must quickly perform any important
/// shutdown work. It is unspecified how much memory is available at the time this
/// event is signaled, and unspecified how long the waiting process has to act
/// before the kernel starts terminating processes or starting a full system reboot.
/// - `ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_IMMINENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY` - An *event* will be returned that
/// will assert ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED when the system is nearing an out-of-memory
/// situation. This event is signaled a little earlier than the
/// ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY event. The intent of this event is to allow the
/// waiter to gather diagnostics related to the impending
/// ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY event, since it might be too late to do so
/// reliably when ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY is signaled.
/// - `ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_MEMORY_PRESSURE_CRITICAL` - An *event* will be returned
/// that will assert ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED when available memory on the system is
/// critically low. The memory pressure level in this case is less severe than in
/// the case of ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY. The exact amount of memory available
/// at the time the event is signaled is unspecified.
/// - `ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_MEMORY_PRESSURE_WARNING` - An *event* will be returned
/// that will assert ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED when available memory on the system is
/// approaching the critically low range. The memory pressure level in this case is
/// less severe than in the case of ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_MEMORY_PRESSURE_CRITICAL. The
/// exact amount of memory available at the time the event is signaled is
/// unspecified.
/// - `ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_MEMORY_PRESSURE_NORMAL` - An *event* will be returned that
/// will assert ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED when available memory on the system is
/// healthy. The exact amount of memory available at the time the event is signaled
/// is unspecified.
/// The kernel will assert ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED on these five events in the following
/// order of increasing severity: ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_MEMORY_PRESSURE_NORMAL,
/// and ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY. Exactly one of these events will assert
/// ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED at a given time.
/// retrieve events corresponding to system memory pressure levels, but there is a
/// key difference in the way these events are intended to be used. A process
/// waiting on the any of the ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_MEMORY_PRESSURE_\* events must
/// undertake actions that free up memory and attempt to relieve the memory
/// pressure on the system. On the other hand, a process waiting on the
/// ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY event must perform necessary actions in
/// preparation for a clean shutdown - at this point it is too late to attempt
/// recovery to a healthy memory pressure level.
/// The ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_IMMINENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY event can be seen as a companion event
/// for ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY, which does not trigger memory reclamation
/// itself, but instead is used to capture memory diagnostics what will help debug
/// the closely following ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY event (if there is one).
/// ## Rights
/// None.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_event()` returns ZX_OK on success, and *event* will be a valid
/// handle, or an error code from below on failure.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` The calling process' policy was invalid, the handle
/// *root_job* did not have ZX_RIGHT_MANAGE_PROCESS rights for *kind*
/// ZX_SYSTEM_EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY, *root_job* was not the
/// root job of the system.
/// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` *kind* was not one of the supported values specified
/// above.
strict GetEvent(resource struct {
root_job Handle:JOB;
kind uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
event Handle:EVENT;
}) error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Set CPU performance parameters.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_set_performance_info(zx_handle_t resource,
/// uint32_t topic,
/// const void* info,
/// size_t count);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_set_performance_info()` sets CPU performance parameters maintained by the kernel. The
/// *topic* parameter indicates what specific parameters are affected.
/// *count* indicates the number of items to set. Topics may impose requirements on this value.
/// *info* is a pointer to a buffer of sufficient size to accommodate *count* entries of the type
/// specified by *topic*.
/// [TOC]
/// ## TOPICS
/// *count*: Must be non-zero and less than or equal to the number of logical CPUs in the system.
/// *info* type: `zx_cpu_performance_scale_t[count]`
/// An array of `zx_cpu_performance_scale_t` with entries specifying the performance scales (scalar
/// values representing relative operating points) of the respective logical CPUs in the system. Only
/// the CPUs specified in the array are updated, other CPUs are not affected.
/// Logical CPU numbers must be stored in increasing order in the array. The scale values are unsigned
/// fixed point Q32.32 format. The scale values should indicate the relative performance of the CPUs,
/// with 1.0 corresponding to the highest operating point of the fastest CPU in the system.
/// See [RFC 0123](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/
/// for further details on values and update protocols.
/// *count*: Must be one.
/// *info* type: `zx_power_level_info_t`
/// ## Rights
/// *resource* must have resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM`.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_set_performance_info()` returns `ZX_OK` on success. In the event of a failure, a
/// negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE` *resource* is not a valid handle.
/// `ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE` *resource* is not resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM`.
/// `ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` *resource* is not in the range [`ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE`, `ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE`+1).
/// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` *topic* or *info* have invalid values or *info* has out-of-order entries.
/// `ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` *count* or *info* entry values do not meet the requirements of the topic.
/// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` Failure due to lack of memory. There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error. In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// ## See also
/// - [RFC 0123: CPU performance info syscalls](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/
/// - [`zx_system_get_performance_info()`]
/// [`zx_system_get_performance_info()`]:
strict SetPerformanceInfo(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
topic uint32;
// TODO(joshuaseaton): vector<byte>
info experimental_pointer<byte>;
count usize64;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Get CPU performance parameters.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_get_performance_info(zx_handle_t resource,
/// uint32_t topic,
/// size_t count,
/// void* info,
/// size_t* output_count);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_get_performance_info()` requests CPU performance parameters maintained by the kernel. The
/// *topic* parameter indicates what specific information is desired.
/// *count* indicates the number of items to query. Topics may impose requirements on this value.
/// *info* is a pointer to a buffer of sufficient size to accommodate *count* entries of the type
/// specified by *topic*. The values stored in this array are undefined if the syscall returns an error.
/// *output_count* is updated with the number of info entries populated by the kernel on success. The
/// value stored in this memory location is undefined if the syscall returns an error.
/// [TOC]
/// ## TOPICS
/// *count*: Must be equal to the number of logical CPUs in the system.
/// *info* type: `zx_cpu_performance_scale_t[count]`
/// Returns an array of `zx_cpu_performance_scale_t` with entries indicating the current performance
/// scales (scalar values representing relative operating points) of each logical CPU in the system. The
/// values reflect the most recent call to `zx_system_set_performance_info`, even if the values have not
/// yet taken effect.
/// See [RFC 0123](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/
/// for further details on values and update protocols.
/// *count*: Must be equal to the number of logical CPUs in the system.
/// *info* type: `zx_cpu_performance_scale_t[count]`
/// Returns an array of `zx_cpu_performance_scale_t` with entries indicating the default performance
/// scales used during boot of each logical CPU in the system.
/// See [RFC 0123](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/
/// for further details.
/// ## Rights
/// *resource* must have resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM`.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_get_performance_info()` returns `ZX_OK` on success. In the event of a failure, a
/// negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE` *resource* is not a valid handle.
/// `ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE` *resource* is not resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM`.
/// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` *resource* is not in the range [`ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE`, `ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE`+1).
/// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` *topic*, *info*, or *output_count* have invalid values.
/// `ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` *count* does not meet the requirements of the topic.
/// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` Failure due to lack of memory. There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error. In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// ## See also
/// - [RFC 0123: CPU performance info syscalls](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/
/// - [`zx_system_set_performance_info()`]
/// [`zx_system_set_performance_info()`]:
strict GetPerformanceInfo(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
topic uint32;
count usize64;
}) -> (resource struct {
// TODO(joshuaseaton): vector<byte>
info experimental_pointer<byte>;
output_count usize64;
}) error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Soft reboot the system with a new kernel and bootimage.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_mexec(zx_handle_t resource,
/// zx_handle_t kernel_vmo,
/// zx_handle_t bootimage_vmo);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_mexec()` accepts two vmo handles: *kernel_vmo* should contain a
/// kernel image and *bootimage_vmo* should contain an initrd whose address shall
/// be passed to the new kernel as a kernel argument.
/// To supplant the running kernel, a *resource* of `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` with base
/// `ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_MEXEC_BASE` must be supplied.
/// Upon success, `zx_system_mexec()` shall supplant the currently running kernel
/// image with the kernel image contained within *kernel_vmo*, load the ramdisk
/// contained within *bootimage_vmo* to a location in physical memory and branch
/// directly into the new kernel while providing the address of the loaded initrd
/// to the new kernel.
/// To use the `zx_system_mexec()` function, you must specify
/// `kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls=true` on the kernel command line. Otherwise,
/// the function returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED`.
/// ## Rights
/// *resource* must have resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` with base
/// *kernel_vmo* must be of type `ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO` and have `ZX_RIGHT_READ`.
/// *bootimage_vmo* must be of type `ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO` and have `ZX_RIGHT_READ`.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_mexec()` shall not return upon success.
/// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` `kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls` is not set to `true`
/// on the kernel command line.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_system_mexec_payload_get()`]
/// [`zx_system_mexec_payload_get()`]:
strict Mexec(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
kernel_vmo Handle:VMO;
bootimage_vmo Handle:VMO;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Return a ZBI containing ZBI entries necessary to boot this system.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_mexec_payload_get(zx_handle_t resource,
/// void* buffer,
/// size_t buffer_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_mexec_payload_get()` accepts a resource handle and a
/// pointer/length corresponding to an output buffer. The head of the buffer is
/// overwritten with non-bootable ZBI containing a sequence of entries that should
/// be appended to a ZBI before passing that image to [`zx_system_mexec()`]; the
/// tail of the buffer is left untouched.
/// *resource* must be of type `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` with base
/// *buffer* and *buffer_size* must point to a buffer that is no longer than 16KiB.
/// To use the `zx_system_mexec_payload_get()` function, you must specify
/// `kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls=true` on the kernel command line. Otherwise,
/// the function returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED`.
/// ## Rights
/// *resource* must have resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` with base
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_system_mexec_payload_get()` returns `ZX_OK` on success.
/// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` `kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls` is not set to `true`
/// on the kernel command line.
/// `ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL` If the provided buffer is too small for the ZBI.
/// In this case, the caller is expected to make the syscall again with a larger
/// buffer.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_system_mexec()`]
/// [`zx_system_mexec()`]:
strict MexecPayloadGet(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
}) -> (struct {
buffer vector<byte>:MAX;
}) error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// TODO(
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_powerctl(zx_handle_t resource,
/// uint32_t cmd,
/// const zx_system_powerctl_arg_t* arg);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_powerctl` changes the power state of the system based on the value of
/// *cmd*. Zircon may not be able to put the system in a given power state,
/// depending on its level of support for the architecture being used.
/// *arg* is an optional pointer to a struct which provides further information
/// about the command to be executed.
/// Sets all processor cores as active.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Set only the primary CPU as active.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Only defined for x86-64, but is no longer supported.
/// Only defined for x86-64.
/// Set CPU to power level 1.
/// *arg* type: `zx_system_powerctl_arg_t` with only the `x86_power_limit` union
/// element considered valid.
/// ```
/// struct {
/// uint32_t power_limit; // PL1 value in milliwatts
/// uint32_t time_window; // PL1 time window in microseconds
/// uint8_t clamp; // PL1 clamping enable
/// uint8_t enable; // PL1 enable
/// uint8_t padding2[2];
/// } x86_power_limit;
/// ```
/// Restart the system, control should go through any relevant firmware and
/// bootloaders.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Restart the system, but stop in the bootloader instead of loading the operating
/// system.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Restart the system, but load the recovery operating system instead of the
/// primary OS.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Turn the system off.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Used by userspace when it is ready for a reboot in response to a previous signal
/// from the kernel that the kernel wanted to reboot the system.
/// *arg* type: `n/a`
/// Returns `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE` if the kernel has not previously signaled a desire
/// to reboot.
/// ## Rights
/// *resource* must have resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` with base `ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_POWER_BASE`.
/// ## Return value
/// `ZX_OK`
/// ## Errors
/// Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` when an unrecognized `cmd` value is supplied.
/// ## See also
/// TODO(
strict Powerctl(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
cmd uint32;
arg SystemPowerctlArg;
}) -> () error Status;
/// # Summary
/// TODO( Document exact behavior and interface as it iterates.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_suspend_enter(zx_handle_t resource, zx_time_t resume_deadline);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_system_suspend_enter` suspends task execution on all online processors until the
/// absolute time given by *resume_deadline*. Task execution is resumed on all online processors
/// and the call to `zx_system_suspend_enter` returns when the resume deadline expires. Offline
/// processor states are not affected.
/// ## Return value
/// `ZX_OK` when *resume_deadline* expires and the system resumes.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT` when *resume_deadline* is in the past.
/// `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE` *resource* is not a valid handle.
/// `ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE` *resource* is not resource kind `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM`.
/// `ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` *resource* is not in the range [`ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_CPU_BASE`,
strict SuspendEnter(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
resume_deadline Time;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Informs the kernel of the processor power levels within a given power
/// domain for energy-aware scheduling.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_set_processor_power_level_domain(
/// zx_handle_t resource,
/// uint64_t options,
/// const zx_cpu_set_t* cpus,
/// const zx_processor_power_level_t* power_levels,
/// size_t num_power_levels,
/// const zx_processor_power_level_transition_t* transitions,
/// size_t num_transitions);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// Enables energy-aware scheduling for a given processor power domain.
/// Power levels are implicitly enumerated as the indices of `power_levels`.
/// There are no ordering restrictions on `transformations` and the power
/// levels they encode correspond to those defined by `power_levels`. An
/// absent transformation between levels is assumed to indicate that there
/// is no energy cost borne by perfoming it.
/// The provided `power_domain_id` provides a unique identifier for requesting
/// operations on all CPUs that are part of `cpus` mask. Any power level
/// transition handler must understand the association.
/// This syscall shall have "set or update" semantics, such that any new data
/// replaces exisitng one. This applies for `power_domain_id` and `cpus`.
/// ## Rights
/// `resource` must be of `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` kind and
/// ## Return value
/// `ZX_OK` is returned if and only if the processor power level domain
/// was successfully registered.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if `resource` is not a valid handle.
/// `ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE` if `resource` is not a valid resource handle of
/// SYSTEM kind and CPU base.
/// `ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` if `num_power_levels` exceeds
/// `ZX_MAX_POWER_LEVELS` or `num_transitions` exceeds
strict SetProcessorPowerLevelDomain(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
options uint64;
cpus CpuSet;
power_domain_id uint64;
power_levels vector<ProcessorPowerLevel>:MAX_POWER_LEVELS;
transitions vector<ProcessorPowerLevelTransition>:MAX_POWER_LEVEL_TRANSITIONS;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Provides the kernel with a handle to a port where the scheduler can request
/// power level transitions for individual power domains given a control interface.
/// This means for a specified interface, the provided control arguments will be provided
/// such that the handler can execute the transition according to the power level information
/// provided to the kernel.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_system_create_processor_power_level_transition_handler(
/// zx_handle_t resource,
/// uint64_t options,
/// zx_handle_t* out_port);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// Enables energy-aware scheduling by providing the kernel with a mechanism
/// for requesting OPP transitions. When the port is attached and the communication
/// initiated the kernel will queue `ZX_PKT_TYPE_OPP_TRANSITION`for individual power
/// domain transitions. At any point, there will be no more than a single queued transition
/// for a power domain.
/// The other half of this operation, is acknowleding that such operation took place
/// through `zx_system_set_performance_info` with `ZX_POWER_DOMAIN_OPP_TRANSITION` as a topic,
/// more details in `zx_system_set_performance_info` documentation.
/// If the created port handle `out_port` is closed, then the kernel will operate without
/// the ability to transitoin OPPs, that is, closing the handle is equivalent to "dettaching"
/// the port.
/// `resource` must be of `ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM` kind and
/// `options` must be 0.
/// `control_interface` tells the scheduler that this OPP trasition handler will execute requests
/// for that interface.
/// `out_port` must ve a valid pointer. On success provides
/// ## Rights
/// `resource` must be handle with at least the following rights:
/// ## Return value
/// On success `ZX_OK` will be returned and `out_port` will point to a new handle with the
/// following rights:
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE` if `resource` is not a valid handle.
/// `ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE` if `resource` is not handle to a resource object.
/// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if `resource` does not have the minimal rights.
/// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if `options` is not zero, `out_port` is not a valid pointer or
/// `resource` is not the appropiate kind or base.
/// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the operation failed due to lack of system memory.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_handle_close()`]
/// - [`zx_system_set_performance_info()`]
/// - [`zx_port_create()`]
/// [`zx_handle_close()`]:
/// [`zx_system_set_performance_info()`]:
/// [`zx_port_create()`]:
strict CreateProcessorPowerLevelTransitionHandler(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
options uint32;
control ProcessorPowerControl;
}) -> (resource struct {
out_port Handle;
}) error Status;