blob: aa0bd27daab5b4efdfdec3d1d35f21e314fda210 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (support_rust) {
# TODO(, "cpp"
supported_zither_backends = [
"asm", # Assembly data layout bindings.
"c", # C data layout bindings.
"go", # Go data layout bindings.
"legacy_syscall_cdecl", # Legacy C syscall declarations.
"zircon_ifs", # Syscall text ABI bindings.
"kernel", # Internal kernel bindings.
"go_runtime", # go.git source files for Fuchsia support.
"syscall_docs", # Syscall documentation markdown.
if (support_rust) {
supported_zither_backends += [
"rust", # Rust data layout bindings.
"rust_syscall", # Thin Rust FFI syscall wrappers.
_clang_format = {
script = "$clang_prefix/clang-format"
inputs = [ "//.clang-format" ]
args = [ "--style=file:" + rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
extensions = [ ".h" ]
_gofmt = {
script = "//prebuilt/third_party/go/$host_platform/bin/gofmt"
# The go backends emits both go and non-go files (e.g., text and assembly);
# restrict the use of the formatter to the go files.
extensions = [ "go" ]
if (support_rust) {
_rustfmt = {
script = "$rustc_prefix/bin/rustfmt"
inputs = [ "//rustfmt.toml" ]
args = [ "--config-path=" + rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
# Information on supported backends, accessible via
# `supported_zither_backend_info[ "$backend" ]`.
# Each backend scope contains the following:
# * output_namespace
# - Required: Describes the output subdirectory of the output directory
# passed to zither in which the backend artifacts will be written. This
# subdirectory has backend-specific significance as an C include path,
# Go package name, etc. Given a FIDL library name `library_name` and
# referring to this scope as `output_namespace_info`, one can reconstruct
# this path as follows:
# ```
# output_namespace_info = {
# prefix_parts = []
# suffix_parts = []
# part_separator = "/"
# forward_variables_from(backend_info.output_namespace, "*")
# parts = prefix_parts
# if (defined(library_name_separator)) {
# parts += [ string_replace(library_name, ".", library_name_separator) ]
# }
# path += suffix_parts
# path = string_join(part_separator, parts)
# }
# output_namespace = output_namespace_info.path
# ```
# - Type: scope
# The scope contains the following:
# * prefix_parts
# - Optional: The path parts that prefix the output subdirectory.
# - Type: list(string)
# - Default: []
# * library_name_separator
# - Optional: The separator with which the '.'-separated tokens of the
# FIDL library name should be joined in the output subdirectory
# namespace (in between the prefix and suffix parts ). A value of "."
# will just use the library name unchanged as path token.
# - Type: string
# * suffix_parts
# - Optional: The path parts that suffix the output subdirectory.
# - Type: list(string)
# - Default: []
# * part_separator
# - Optional: The path part separator.
# - Type: string
# - Default: "/"
# * formatter
# - Optional: A formatting specification for Zither outputs. The shape and
# semantics of this parameter are identical to the `formatter` parameter
# of `golden_files()`. While `formatter.extensions` is not consumed by
# Zither - it makes sure to only format the appropriate files - it is
# consumed in zither_golden_files() for the formatting of goldens outside
# of Zither.
# - Type: scope
supported_zither_backend_info = {
c = {
output_namespace = {
prefix_parts = [ "fidl" ]
library_name_separator = "."
suffix_parts = [
supports_override = true
formatter = _clang_format
_library_template = "_zither_c_family_library"
asm = {
output_namespace = {
prefix_parts = [ "fidl" ]
library_name_separator = "."
suffix_parts = [
supports_override = true
formatter = _clang_format
_library_template = "_zither_c_family_library"
go = {
output_namespace = {
prefix_parts = [
library_name_separator = "/"
formatter = _gofmt
_library_template = "_zither_go_library"
if (support_rust) {
rust = {
output_namespace = {
prefix_parts = [
library_name_separator = "-"
part_separator = "-"
formatter = _rustfmt
_library_template = "_zither_rust_library"
zircon_ifs = {
output_namespace = {
_library_template = "_zither_zircon_ifs_file"
kernel = {
formatter = _clang_format
output_namespace = {
prefix_parts = [
_library_template = "_zither_kernel_sources"
legacy_syscall_cdecl = {
formatter = _clang_format
output_namespace = {
prefix_parts = [
_library_template = "_zither_legacy_syscall_cdecl_sources"
if (support_rust) {
rust_syscall = {
output_namespace = {
library_name_separator = "-"
formatter = _rustfmt
_library_template = "_zither_rust_library"
go_runtime = {
output_namespace = {
formatter = _gofmt
_library_template = "_zither_go_runtime_sources"
syscall_docs = {
output_namespace = {
_library_template = "_zither_syscall_docs"
# Internal Zither invocation helper template used by `zither_library()`.
# Parameters:
# * backend
# - Required: The Zither backend to invoke.
# - Type: string
# * fidl_ir_json
# - Required: The path to the associated FIDL IR JSON file.
# - Type: path
# * fidl_ir_target
# - Required: The label of the target that generates the FIDL IR JSON file.
# - Type: label
# * output_dir
# - Required: The directory for Zither outputs.
# - Type: path
# * generated_files
# - Required: The expected set of Zither outputs, which necessarily must
# start with "$output_dir/".
# - Type: list(path)
# * formatter
# - Optional: See `supported_zither_backend_info`.
# - Type: scope.
# * testonly, visibility, deps
# - Usual GN meanings. `deps` is just expected to contain whatever produced
# the FIDL IR file.
template("_zither") {
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
main_target = target_name
# Internal subtarget used to check that a given backend's outputs were
# fully specified; used for testing.
output_check_target = "$target_name.check"
output_manifest = "$output_dir/outputs.json"
compiled_action(main_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
tool = "//zircon/tools/zither"
mnemonic = "ZITHER"
inputs = [ fidl_ir_json ]
# Ensure that outputs.json is first so that related template internals
# may readily access it.
outputs = [ output_manifest ] + generated_files
args = [
rebase_path(fidl_ir_json, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(output_manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(output_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
if (defined(output_namespace_override)) {
args += [
if (defined(formatter)) {
inputs += [ formatter.script ]
args += [
rebase_path(formatter.script, root_build_dir),
if (defined(formatter.args)) {
args += [ "-formatter-args" ] + formatter.args
if (defined(formatter.inputs)) {
inputs += formatter.inputs
deps = [ fidl_ir_target ]
# Ensures that the outputs were fully specified above.
action(output_check_target) {
script = "//zircon/tools/zither/scripts/"
# Stamp file.
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$output_check_target.stamp" ]
inputs = generated_files + [ output_manifest ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(output_manifest, root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(generated_files, root_build_dir)
deps = [ ":$main_target" ]
} else {
group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [ ":$target_name($default_toolchain)" ]
not_needed(invoker, "*", [ "testonly" ])
# Internal language library helper templates used by `zither_library()`.
# Parameters:
# * source_names
# - Required: The list of the basenames (i.e., stripped of .fidl and
# .test.fidl extensions) of the source FIDL files.
# * output_namespace
# - Required: The subdirectory of `output_dir` that has the Zither outputs
# for entries.
# - Type: relative path
# * fidl_ir_json, fidl_ir_target, output_dir, formatter
# - Same as `_zither()`.
# * testonly, visibility, deps
# - Usual GN meanings.
template("_zither_c_family_library") {
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
generated_files = []
foreach(name, source_names) {
generated_files += [ "${output_dir}/${output_namespace}/${name}.h" ]
if (invoker.backend == "c") {
generated_files += [ "${output_dir}/" ]
_zither(zither_target) {
if (defined(invoker.output_namespace_override) &&
invoker.output_namespace_override) {
output_namespace_override = output_namespace
library_headers(main_target) {
include_dir = output_dir
headers = rebase_path(generated_files, include_dir)
deps = [
template("_zither_go_library") {
assert(invoker.backend == "go")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
generated_files = [ "${output_dir}/${output_namespace}/pkg_name.txt" ]
foreach(name, source_names) {
generated_files += [ "${output_dir}/${output_namespace}/${name}.go" ]
_zither(zither_target) {
backend = "go"
go_library(main_target) {
name = output_namespace
source_dir = "${output_dir}/${output_namespace}"
sources = rebase_path(generated_files, source_dir)
non_go_deps = [
if (support_rust) {
template("_zither_rust_library") {
assert(invoker.backend == "rust" || invoker.backend == "rust_syscall")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
# Underscore to prevent rustc_library() from thinking that this value is a
# specification of output_dir for the associated rlib.
_output_dir = invoker.output_dir
generated_files = []
if (invoker.backend == "rust_syscall") {
crate_name = "fuchsia-zircon-sys"
crate_root = "${_output_dir}/${output_namespace}/src/"
crate_deps = [ "//src/lib/zircon/rust:fuchsia-zircon-types" ]
not_needed([ "source_names" ])
} else {
foreach(name, source_names) {
name = string_replace(name, "-", "_")
generated_files +=
[ "${_output_dir}/${output_namespace}/src/${name}.rs" ]
crate_name = output_namespace
crate_root = "${_output_dir}/${output_namespace}/src/"
crate_deps = [
generated_files += [ crate_root ]
_zither(zither_target) {
rustc_library(main_target) {
name = crate_name
edition = "2021"
source_root = crate_root
# Namespace by target so that there is no rlib collision between fidl()
# targets in the same file.
output_dir = "$target_out_dir/$main_target"
sources = generated_files
non_rust_deps = [
deps = crate_deps
configs -= [ "//build/config/rust/lints:allow_unused_results" ]
disable_clippy = true
template("_zither_zircon_ifs_file") {
assert(invoker.backend == "zircon_ifs")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
not_needed(invoker, [ "source_names" ])
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "output_dir" ])
ifs_file = "${output_dir}/zircon.ifs"
json_file = "${output_dir}/libzircon.json"
_zither(zither_target) {
backend = "zircon_ifs"
generated_files = [
group(main_target) {
public_deps = [
metadata = {
link_output_barrier = []
link_output_path = [ rebase_path(ifs_file, root_build_dir) ]
template("_zither_kernel_sources") {
assert(invoker.backend == "kernel")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
not_needed(invoker, [ "source_names" ])
generated_files = [
_zither(zither_target) {
library_headers(main_target) {
include_dir = output_dir
headers = rebase_path(generated_files, include_dir)
deps = [
template("_zither_legacy_syscall_cdecl_sources") {
assert(invoker.backend == "legacy_syscall_cdecl")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
headers_target = "$target_name.headers"
not_needed(invoker, [ "source_names" ])
generated_files = [
_zither(zither_target) {
# HACK: Our build's redefinition of `source_set()` automatically includes
# a dependency on the Zircon public headers in the conventional, Fuchsia
# toolchains, which in turn depend on this target. Such a dependency is not
# conferred in the user.basic toolchain.
if (toolchain_environment == "user.basic") {
library_headers(headers_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dir = output_dir
headers = rebase_path(generated_files, include_dir)
public_deps = [ ":${zither_target}($default_toolchain)" ]
deps = [ ":${zither_target}.check($default_toolchain)" ]
} else {
not_needed(invoker, "*")
user_basic_redirect(main_target) {
public_deps = [ ":$headers_target" ]
template("_zither_go_runtime_sources") {
assert(invoker.backend == "go_runtime")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
not_needed(invoker, [ "source_names" ])
_zither(zither_target) {
backend = "go_runtime"
generated_files = [
group(main_target) {
deps = [
template("_zither_syscall_docs") {
assert(invoker.backend == "syscall_docs")
main_target = target_name
zither_target = "$target_name.gen"
not_needed(invoker, [ "source_names" ])
_zither(zither_target) {
backend = "syscall_docs"
# The set of generated files is not statically known and is instead
# dynamically determined from zither's output manifest, outputs.json.
generated_files = []
group(main_target) {
# We purposefully do not depend on
# ":${zither_target}.check($default_toolchain)" as we do not statically
# know the set of backend outputs in GN.
public_deps = [ ":${zither_target}($default_toolchain)" ]
# Define a full set of per-backend targets for a Zither library.
# `zither_library()` is meant to be instantiated within `fidl()`. It consumes
# FIDL source and defines the relevant language library targets that collect
# the bindings of the various supported Zither backends. These backends are
# listed in `supported_zither_backends` and the details of their bindings can
# be found in //zircon/tools/zither/ The associated backend library
# subtargets are as follows where `${output_namespace}` is as described above in
# `supported_zither_backend_info`:
# Subtargets:
# * ${target_name}.${backend_name}
# Each supported backend, corresponding to a named entry of
# `supported_zither_backends`, yields a subtarget for generating the
# associated bindings. For more information about a given backend's set of
# bindings see //zircon/tools/zither/backends/${backend_name}/
# Parameters - supplied indirectly via fidl():
# * library_name
# - Required: The name of the FIDL library.
# - Type: string
# * sources
# - Required: The input FIDL sources, comprising one library necessarily of the
# name $target_name.
# - Type: list(path)
# * fidl_gen_dir
# - Required: The directory under which Zither outputs should be generated.
# - Type: path
# * fidl_ir_json
# - Required: The path to the associated FIDL IR JSON file.
# - Type: path
# * fidl_ir_target
# - Required: The label of the target that generates the FIDL IR JSON file.
# - Type: label
# Parameters - supplied directly via `fidl() { zither = {...} }`:
# * ${backend_name}
# - Optional: Additional backend-specific parameters
# - Type: scope
# Each scope contains:
# * output_namespace
# - Optional: This is the namespace/layout under which backend outputs are
# generated within the specified output directory. By default, this is
# backend-specific. The value can determine the name of the resulting
# library/package/crate/etc. (when a function of source layout), as well
# as the 'include' namespace of the headers generated by a C family
# backend. A backend only supports this parameter if
# `supported_zither_backend_info["$backend_name"].output_namespace.supports_overrides`
# is defined and true.
# - Type: string or relative path
template("zither_library") {
"zither_library(\"$target_name\") requires `sources`")
"zither_library(\"target_name\") must define `library_name`")
"zither_library(\"target_name\") must define `fidl_gen_dir`")
"zither_library(\"target_name\") must define `fidl_ir_json`")
"zither_library(\"target_name\") must define `fidl_ir_target`")
foreach(backend, supported_zither_backends) {
backend_info = {
} # Clear from previous iteration.
backend_info = supported_zither_backend_info[backend]
target(backend_info._library_template, "${target_name}.${backend}") {
forward_variables_from(backend_info, [ "formatter" ])
output_dir = "${fidl_gen_dir}/${backend}"
# TODO( For some reason, replacing the predicate with
# `defined(invoker[backend])` yields an "Assignment had no effect..."
# error.
if ({
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ backend ])
} !=
}) {
forward_variables_from(invoker[backend], "*")
if (defined(output_namespace)) {
output_namespace_info = backend_info.output_namespace
defined(output_namespace_info.supports_override) &&
"Zither backend \"$backend\" does not support output namespace overrides (\"$output_namespace\")")
output_namespace_override = true
} else {
output_namespace_info = {
prefix_parts = []
suffix_parts = []
part_separator = "/"
forward_variables_from(backend_info.output_namespace, "*")
parts = prefix_parts
if (defined(library_name_separator)) {
parts += [ string_replace(invoker.library_name,
library_name_separator) ]
parts += suffix_parts
path = string_join(part_separator, parts)
if (output_namespace_info.path != "") {
output_namespace = output_namespace_info.path
source_names = []
foreach(source, invoker.sources) {
# Strip any .fidl or .test.fidl extensions.
name = get_path_info(source, "name")
if (get_path_info(name, "extension") == "test") {
name = get_path_info(name, "name")
# Ignore overview.fidl files, which do not contribute declarations:
# See
if (name != "overview") {
source_names += [ name ]