blob: 59db6263bb01e6a71b52480fd29325d575df7cac [file] [log] [blame]
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <atomic>
using std::atomic_int;
#include <stdatomic.h>
struct __locale_map;
struct __locale_struct {
const struct __locale_map* volatile cat[6];
struct tls_module {
struct tls_module* next;
void* image;
size_t len, size, align, offset;
struct __libc {
atomic_int thread_count;
struct tls_module* tls_head;
size_t tls_size, tls_align, tls_cnt;
size_t stack_size;
size_t page_size;
struct __locale_struct global_locale;
#ifdef __PIC__
#define ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
// Put this on things that are touched only during dynamic linker startup.
#define ATTR_RELRO __SECTION("")
extern struct __libc __libc ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
#define libc __libc
extern size_t __hwcap ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
// TODO(49419) These exist for legacy err.h support, which we will be removing.
extern char* __progname ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
extern char* __progname_full ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __libc_init_gwp_asan(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __libc_start_init(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __funcs_on_exit(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __funcs_on_quick_exit(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __libc_exit_fini(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __dl_thread_cleanup(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
void __tls_run_dtors(void) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
// Registers the handles that zx_take_startup_handle() will return.
// This function takes ownership of the data, but not the memory: it assumes
// that the arrays are valid as long as the process is alive.
// |handles| and |handle_info| are parallel arrays and must have |nhandles|
// entries.
// |handles| contains the actual handle values, or ZX_HANDLE_INVALID if a
// handle has already been claimed.
// |handle_info| contains the PA_HND value associated with the
// corresponding element of |handles|, or zero if the handle has already
// been claimed.
void __libc_startup_handles_init(uint32_t nhandles, zx_handle_t handles[],
uint32_t handle_info[]) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
_Noreturn void __libc_start_main(zx_handle_t, int (*main)(int, char**, char**));
// Hook for extension libraries to init. Extensions must zero out
// handle[i] and handle_info[i] for any handles they claim.
void __libc_extensions_init(uint32_t handle_count, zx_handle_t handle[], uint32_t handle_info[],
uint32_t name_count, char** names) __attribute__((weak));
// Hook for extension libraries to clean up. This is run after exit
// and quick_exit handlers.
void __libc_extensions_fini(void) __attribute__((weak));
extern uintptr_t __stack_chk_guard;
void __stack_chk_fail(void);
void __unlockfile(FILE*) ATTR_LIBC_VISIBILITY;
// Hook for extension libraries to return the maximum number of files that
// a process can have open at any time. Used to answer sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX).
// Returns -1 if the value is unknown.
int _fd_open_max(void);
// Hook for extension libraries to provide a context associated to a given fd.
// Operation on the context must be available until it has been release, even if
// the fd is then closed.
void* _fd_get_context(int fd);
void _fd_release_context(void* context);
extern char** __environ;
#undef weak_alias
#define weak_alias(old, new) extern __typeof(old) new __attribute__((weak, alias(#old)))
#undef strong_alias
#define strong_alias(old, new) extern __typeof(old) new __attribute__((alias(#old)))
#ifdef __clang__
#define NO_ASAN __attribute__((no_sanitize("address", "hwaddress")))
#define NO_ASAN
// Indicate the given function should not use LLVM's stack hardening features,
// but instead put all local variables on the standard stack. Additionally, the
// function should not be sanitized with HWASan. This particular combination is
// significant because libc currently does checks via calls into the hwasan
// runtime which is instrumented with these stack features. Making a runtime
// call in a libc function invoked after the shadow call stack is deallocated
// can result in a fault, so those functions which would be marked with
// NO_SAFESTACK should also take care not to make a libcall into the hwasan
// runtime.
#ifdef __clang__
__attribute__((no_sanitize("safe-stack", "shadow-call-stack", "hwaddress")))
(!__has_feature(address_sanitizer) && !__has_feature(hwaddress_sanitizer))