blob: 9c421b1bfdc0b035ba6d28b14277ca311732d5d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// do something to all the registers so we can read the state on the way out
.macro twiddle_registers
inc %rax
inc %rbx
inc %rcx
inc %rdx
inc %rsi
inc %rdi
inc %rbp
inc %rsp
inc %r8
inc %r9
inc %r10
inc %r11
inc %r12
inc %r13
inc %r14
inc %r15
// write rcx and r11 to fs and gs base since they are both
// trashed by the syscall. also tests that fs and gs base are
// set properly.
mov %rcx, %fs:0
mov %r11, %gs:0
.globl vectab
// back from restricted mode
// rdi holds the context
// rsi holds the reason code
mov %rdi,%rsp
pop %rsp
pop %r15
pop %r14
pop %r13
pop %r12
pop %rbp
pop %rbx
// pop the reason code return slot
pop %rdx
// return the reason code from this function
mov %rsi,(%rdx)
// return back to whatever the address was on the stack
// make it appear as if the wrapper had returned ZX_OK
xor %eax,%eax
.globl syscall_bounce
.globl syscall_bounce_post_syscall
jmp 0b
.globl exception_bounce
.globl exception_bounce_exception_address
jmp exception_bounce_exception_address
.globl restricted_enter_wrapper
// args 0 - 1 are already in place in rdi, rsi
// save the return code pointer on the stack
push %rdx
// save the callee saved regs since the return from restricted mode
// will zero out all of the registers except rdi and rsi
push %rbx
push %rbp
push %r12
push %r13
push %r14
push %r15
push %rsp
// save the pointer the stack as the context pointer in the syscall
mov %rsp,%rdx
// call the syscall
call zx_restricted_enter
// if we got here it must have failed
add $(8*8),%rsp // pop the previous state on the stack
// Stores 1 to *rax in a loop.
.globl store_one
inc %rbx
movl $1, (%rax)
jmp .store_one_loop
// Atomically adds 1 to *rdi, then loops until *rsi is nonzero and then issues a syscall.
.globl wait_then_syscall
lock incl (%rdi)
movl (%rsi), %eax
testl %eax, %eax
je .wait_then_syscall_loop
ud2 // Should never be reached
// Load the contents of the array in *rdi to the FPU.
.globl load_fpu_registers
// Load registers ST0-ST7 with data.
fldt (%rdi)
fldt 10(%rdi)
fldt 20(%rdi)
fldt 30(%rdi)
fldt 40(%rdi)
fldt 50(%rdi)
fldt 60(%rdi)
fldt 70(%rdi)
// Load values into the SSE registers.
movups 80(%rdi), %xmm0
movups 96(%rdi), %xmm1
movups 112(%rdi), %xmm2
movups 128(%rdi), %xmm3
movups 144(%rdi), %xmm4
movups 160(%rdi), %xmm5
movups 176(%rdi), %xmm6
movups 192(%rdi), %xmm7
movups 208(%rdi), %xmm8
movups 224(%rdi), %xmm9
movups 240(%rdi), %xmm10
movups 256(%rdi), %xmm11
movups 272(%rdi), %xmm12
movups 288(%rdi), %xmm13
movups 304(%rdi), %xmm14
movups 320(%rdi), %xmm15
// Store the contents of the FPU into the array in *rdi.
.globl store_fpu_registers
// Pop the float values out of ST0-ST7.
// These registers are treated as a stack and thus must be popped LIFO.
fstpt 70(%rdi)
fstpt 60(%rdi)
fstpt 50(%rdi)
fstpt 40(%rdi)
fstpt 30(%rdi)
fstpt 20(%rdi)
fstpt 10(%rdi)
fstpt (%rdi)
// Store the SSE registers.
movups %xmm0, 80(%rdi)
movups %xmm1, 96(%rdi)
movups %xmm2, 112(%rdi)
movups %xmm3, 128(%rdi)
movups %xmm4, 144(%rdi)
movups %xmm5, 160(%rdi)
movups %xmm6, 176(%rdi)
movups %xmm7, 192(%rdi)
movups %xmm8, 208(%rdi)
movups %xmm9, 224(%rdi)
movups %xmm10, 240(%rdi)
movups %xmm11, 256(%rdi)
movups %xmm12, 272(%rdi)
movups %xmm13, 288(%rdi)
movups %xmm14, 304(%rdi)
movups %xmm15, 320(%rdi)