blob: 3dfcb7f4115c72b6f2fe0810fb44b071e064644a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/maybe-standalone-test/maybe-standalone.h>
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/profile.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/resource.h>
#include <mini-process/mini-process.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace {
zx::result<zx::resource> GetSystemProfileResource(zx::unowned_resource& resource) {
zx::resource system_profile_resource;
const zx_status_t status =
zx::resource::create(*resource, ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM, ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_PROFILE_BASE, 1, nullptr,
0, &system_profile_resource);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
return zx::ok(std::move(system_profile_resource));
void SetDeadlineMemoryPriority(zx::unowned_resource& resource, zx::vmar& vmar) {
zx::profile profile;
zx_profile_info_t profile_info = {.flags = ZX_PROFILE_INFO_FLAG_MEMORY_PRIORITY,
.priority = ZX_PRIORITY_HIGH};
zx::result<zx::resource> result = GetSystemProfileResource(resource);
zx_status_t status = zx::profile::create(result.value(), 0u, &profile_info, &profile);
if (status == ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
// If we are running as a component test, and not a zbi test, we do not have the root job and
// cannot create a profile. This is not an issue as when running tests as a component
// compression is not enabled so the profile is not needed anyway.
// TODO( Once compression is enabled for builds with component tests
// support setting a profile via the profile provider.
EXPECT_OK(vmar.set_profile(profile, 0));
} // namespace
TEST(ProcessShared, MapInPrototype) {
zx::process prototype_process;
zx::vmar shared_vmar;
constexpr const char kPrototypeName[] = "prototype_process";
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kPrototypeName, sizeof(kPrototypeName),
ZX_PROCESS_SHARED, &prototype_process, &shared_vmar));
zx::process process;
zx::vmar restricted_vmar;
constexpr const char kProcessName[] = "process";
ASSERT_OK(zx_process_create_shared(prototype_process.get(), 0, kProcessName, sizeof(kProcessName),
// Map a vmo into the shared vmar using the prototype handle.
zx_handle_t vmo;
ASSERT_OK(zx_vmo_create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo));
uintptr_t addr;
ASSERT_OK(zx_vmar_map(shared_vmar.get(), ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo, 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &addr));
// Write some data to the vmo.
std::vector<char> shared_data = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
ASSERT_OK(zx_vmo_write(vmo,, 0, shared_data.size()));
// Read process memory from both processes to make sure they have the data.
std::vector<char> read_data = {'d', 'e', 'f'};
size_t actual = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(prototype_process.read_memory(addr,, read_data.size(), &actual),
ASSERT_EQ(read_data, shared_data);
// Now read the same address from the second process.
read_data = {'d', 'e', 'f'};
ASSERT_EQ(process.read_memory(addr,, read_data.size(), &actual), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(read_data, shared_data);
TEST(ProcessShared, RestrictedVmarNotShared) {
zx::process prototype_process;
zx::vmar shared_vmar;
constexpr const char kPrototypeName[] = "prototype_process";
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kPrototypeName, sizeof(kPrototypeName),
ZX_PROCESS_SHARED, &prototype_process, &shared_vmar));
zx::process process;
zx::vmar restricted_vmar;
constexpr const char kProcessName[] = "process";
ASSERT_OK(zx_process_create_shared(prototype_process.get(), 0, kProcessName, sizeof(kProcessName),
// Map a vmo into the restricted vmar of the second process.
zx_handle_t vmo;
ASSERT_OK(zx_vmo_create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo));
uintptr_t addr;
ASSERT_OK(zx_vmar_map(restricted_vmar.get(), ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo, 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &addr));
// Write some data to the vmo.
std::vector<char> restricted_data = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
ASSERT_OK(zx_vmo_write(vmo,, 0, restricted_data.size()));
std::vector<char> read_data = {'d', 'e', 'f'};
size_t actual = 0;
// Now try to read the same address from the first process, which should fail.
if (prototype_process.read_memory(addr,, read_data.size(), &actual) == ZX_OK) {
// If `addr` happened to be valid, make sure that the read data was not the restricted data from
// the prototype.
ASSERT_NE(read_data, restricted_data);
TEST(ProcessShared, InvalidPrototype) {
zx::process prototype_process;
zx::vmar prototype_vmar;
constexpr const char kPrototypeName[] = "prototype_process";
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kPrototypeName, sizeof(kPrototypeName), 0,
&prototype_process, &prototype_vmar));
zx::process process;
zx::vmar restricted_vmar;
constexpr const char kProcessName[] = "process";
ASSERT_EQ(zx_process_create_shared(prototype_process.get(), 0, kProcessName, sizeof(kProcessName),
TEST(ProcessShared, InfoProcessVmos) {
// Build a shareable process.
static constexpr char kSharedProcessName[] = "object-info-shar-proc";
zx::process shared_process;
zx::vmar shared_vmar;
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kSharedProcessName,
sizeof(kSharedProcessName), ZX_PROCESS_SHARED, &shared_process,
// Build another process that shares its address space.
static constexpr char kPrivateProcessName[] = "object-info-priv-proc";
zx::process private_process;
zx::vmar private_vmar;
shared_process.get(), 0, kPrivateProcessName, sizeof(kPrivateProcessName),
private_process.reset_and_get_address(), private_vmar.reset_and_get_address()));
// Map a single VMO that contains some code (a busy loop) and a stack into the shared address
// space.
zx_vaddr_t stack_base, sp;
ASSERT_OK(mini_process_load_stack(shared_vmar.get(), true, &stack_base, &sp));
// Allocate two extra VMOs.
const size_t kVmoSize = zx_system_get_page_size();
zx::vmo vmo1, vmo2;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kVmoSize, 0u, &vmo1));
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kVmoSize, 0u, &vmo2));
// Start the shared process and pass a handle to vmo1 to it.
zx::thread shared_thread;
static constexpr char kSharedThreadName[] = "object-info-shar-thrd";
ASSERT_OK(zx::thread::create(shared_process, kSharedThreadName, sizeof(kSharedThreadName), 0u,
ASSERT_OK(shared_process.start(shared_thread, stack_base, sp, std::move(vmo1), 0));
auto shared_cleanup = fit::defer([&] { shared_process.kill(); });
// Start the private process.
zx::thread private_thread;
static constexpr char kPrivateThreadName[] = "object-info-priv-thrd";
ASSERT_OK(zx::thread::create(private_process, kPrivateThreadName, sizeof(kPrivateThreadName), 0u,
ASSERT_OK(private_process.start(private_thread, stack_base, sp, zx::handle(), 0));
auto private_cleanup = fit::defer([&] { private_process.kill(); });
// Map vmo2 into the private address space only.
zx_vaddr_t vaddr;
ASSERT_OK(, 0u, vmo2, 0, kVmoSize, &vaddr));
// Buffer big enough to read all of the test processes' VMO entries: the mini-process VMO, vmo1
// and vmo2.
const size_t buf_size = 3;
std::unique_ptr<zx_info_vmo_t[]> buf(new zx_info_vmo_t[buf_size]);
// Read the VMO entries of the shared process.
size_t actual, available_shared;
ASSERT_OK(shared_process.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS, buf.get(),
buf_size * sizeof(zx_info_vmo_t), &actual, &available_shared));
ASSERT_EQ(actual, available_shared);
ASSERT_EQ(2, available_shared);
// Read the VMO entries of the private process.
size_t available_private;
ASSERT_OK(private_process.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS, buf.get(),
buf_size * sizeof(zx_info_vmo_t), &actual,
ASSERT_EQ(actual, available_private);
ASSERT_EQ(available_shared + 1, available_private);
// Verify that the VMO entries from the private address space are accounted correctly if they
// don't fit in the buffer.
const size_t smallbuf_size = available_shared;
std::unique_ptr<zx_info_vmo_t[]> smallbuf(new zx_info_vmo_t[smallbuf_size]);
size_t actual_smallbuf, available_smallbuf;
ASSERT_OK(private_process.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS, smallbuf.get(),
smallbuf_size * sizeof(zx_info_vmo_t), &actual_smallbuf,
ASSERT_EQ(smallbuf_size, actual_smallbuf);
ASSERT_EQ(available_private, available_smallbuf);
// Verify mappings in shared processes are properly accounted for in zx_info_task_stats_t.
// See also
TEST(ProcessShared, InfoTaskStats) {
// First, verify we have access to the system resource to run this test.
zx::unowned_resource system_resource = maybe_standalone::GetSystemResource();
if (!system_resource->is_valid()) {
printf("System resource not available, skipping\n");
// We're going to create 3 processes, proc1, proc2, and proc3, with a total of 4 VMARs. proc1 and
// proc2 will share a region (vmar_shared) and each have their own private region (vmar1 and
// vmar2). proc3 will have one (unshared) region (vmar3).
// We'll then map 6 VMOs (m[0] through m[5]) and verify that each process's zx_info_task_stats_t
// accurately counts the private/shared pages and that the mem_scaled_shared_bytes "sums to 1".
// First, we'll need to create a process with a shared region that we can use to create proc1 and
// proc2. We're only creating this process, proc0, so that we can create the region that proc1
// and proc2 will share. We'll destroy proc0 before we create any mappings.
zx::process proc0;
zx::vmar vmar_shared;
static constexpr char kNameProc0[] = "proc0";
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kNameProc0, sizeof(kNameProc0),
ZX_PROCESS_SHARED, &proc0, &vmar_shared));
// Create proc1 and proc2.
zx::process proc1;
zx::vmar vmar1;
static constexpr char kNameProc1[] = "proc1";
ASSERT_OK(zx_process_create_shared(proc0.get(), 0, kNameProc1, sizeof(kNameProc1),
proc1.reset_and_get_address(), vmar1.reset_and_get_address()));
zx::process proc2;
zx::vmar vmar2;
static constexpr char kNameProc2[] = "proc2";
ASSERT_OK(zx_process_create_shared(proc0.get(), 0, kNameProc2, sizeof(kNameProc2),
proc2.reset_and_get_address(), vmar2.reset_and_get_address()));
// We can now destroy proc0 since it has served its purpose (to facilitate creation of proc1 and
// proc2).
// Create proc3, a regular old process.
zx::process proc3;
zx::vmar vmar3;
static constexpr char kNameProc3[] = "proc3";
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kNameProc3, sizeof(kNameProc3), 0, &proc3,
// With all the processes created apply a deadline memory priority to them all so that our memory
// stats are predictable and will not change due to compression.
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetDeadlineMemoryPriority(system_resource, vmar_shared));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetDeadlineMemoryPriority(system_resource, vmar1));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetDeadlineMemoryPriority(system_resource, vmar2));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetDeadlineMemoryPriority(system_resource, vmar3));
// Now create the 6 VMOs of 1 page each.
const size_t kSize = zx_system_get_page_size();
zx::vmo m[6];
const char buffer[1] = {'A'};
for (zx::vmo& i : m) {
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kSize, 0u, &i));
// Write into the VMO to ensure a page is committed.
ASSERT_OK(i.write(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)));
// Make sure all the task stats start as 0.
auto assertProcStatsAreZero = [](zx::process& proc) {
zx_info_task_stats_t stats{};
size_t actual{};
size_t avail{};
ASSERT_OK(proc.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
zx::process* procs[] = {&proc1, &proc2, &proc3};
for (zx::process* p : procs) {
// Now we'll start mapping the VMOs and verify the stats as we go.
// vmar1 will get m[0] and m[1].
zx_vaddr_t vaddr{};
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[0], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[1], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
zx_info_task_stats_t stats{};
size_t actual{};
size_t avail{};
ASSERT_OK(proc1.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(1, actual);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
// vmar_shared will get m[2] and m[3].
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[2], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[3], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
// At this point, we have a total of 4 pages mapped. 2 are private and 2 are shared, with proc1
// and proc2 each being fractionally-responsible for 1 of the 2 shared pages.
ASSERT_OK(proc1.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(4 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(kSize, stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_OK(proc2.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(kSize, stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
// vmar2 will get m[4] and m[5].
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[4], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[5], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
// We've now got 6 pages mapped. 2 are private to proc1, 2 are private to proc2 and 2 are shared
// between them. Each is fractionally responsible for 1 of the shared pages.
ASSERT_OK(proc2.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(4 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(kSize, stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
// Now bring proc3 into the mix.
// vmar3 will get m[1], m[2], and m[4].
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[1], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[2], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, m[4], 0, kSize, &vaddr));
// Still 6 mapped pages. proc1 and proc2 each have 1 private page and 3 shared pages. proc3 has
// 0 private pages and 3 shared pages. The important thing here is that the
// mem_scaled_shared_bytes of the three processes plus the private pages sum to 6 pages.
// See that there are 2 private pages and that proc1 and proc2 are each fractionally-responsible
// for 1.25 pages, while proc3 is fractionally-responsible for 1.5 pages.
// 2 + 2 * 1.25 + 1.5 == 6
ASSERT_OK(proc1.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(4 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(1 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(3 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ((kSize / 2) + (kSize / 2) + (kSize / 4), stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_OK(proc2.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(4 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(1 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(3 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ((kSize / 2) + (kSize / 2) + (kSize / 4), stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_OK(proc3.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(3 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(3 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ((kSize / 2) + (kSize / 2) + (kSize / 2), stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
// Kill off proc2. We're now down to 5 pages. See that it sums up properly.
// 2 + 1 + (0.5 + 0.5) + (0.5 + 0.5) == 5
ASSERT_OK(proc1.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(4 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ((kSize / 2) + (kSize / 2), stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_OK(proc3.get_info(ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats), &actual, &avail));
ASSERT_EQ(3 * kSize, stats.mem_mapped_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(1 * kSize, stats.mem_private_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSize, stats.mem_shared_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ((kSize / 2) + (kSize / 2), stats.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
TEST(ProcessShared, InfoProcessMaps) {
// Create a shared process.
zx::process shared_process;
zx::vmar shared_vmar;
static constexpr char kSharedName[] = "shared_process";
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::create(*zx::job::default_job(), kSharedName, sizeof(kSharedName),
ZX_PROCESS_SHARED, &shared_process, &shared_vmar));
// Create a process that will be used to test restricted mode mapping.
zx::process restricted_process;
zx::vmar restricted_vmar;
static constexpr char kNameRestrictedProc[] = "restricted_process";
shared_process.get(), 0, kNameRestrictedProc, sizeof(kNameRestrictedProc),
restricted_process.reset_and_get_address(), restricted_vmar.reset_and_get_address()));
// Create a VMO and map it into the shared address space.
zx_vaddr_t vaddr{};
const size_t kSize = zx_system_get_page_size();
zx::vmo shared_vmo;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kSize, 0u, &shared_vmo));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, shared_vmo, 0, kSize, &vaddr));
// Create a VMO and map it into the restricted address space.
zx::vmo restricted_vmo;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kSize, 0u, &restricted_vmo));
ASSERT_OK( | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0u, restricted_vmo, 0, kSize, &vaddr));
// Verify that ZX_INFO_PROCESS_MAPS returns the correct mappings in the
// correct ordering for both the shared process and the restricted process.
size_t actual;
size_t avail;
size_t buffer_size = 6 * sizeof(zx_info_maps_t);
zx_info_maps_t maps[6]{};
shared_process.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_MAPS, (void*)maps, buffer_size, &actual, &avail));
// We expect 3 entries here:
// 1. The root vmar of the shared process' shared address space.
// 2. The vm aspace of the shared process' shared address space (identical to the vmar).
// 3. The VMO we mapped into the shared address space.
ASSERT_EQ(actual, 3);
ASSERT_EQ(avail, actual);
// Assert that the base addresses are in non-descending order for the shared process.
zx_vaddr_t prev_base = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < actual; i++) {
EXPECT_GE(maps[i].base, prev_base);
prev_base = maps[i].base;
// Assert that the base addresses are in non-descending order for the restricted process.
restricted_process.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_MAPS, (void*)maps, buffer_size, &actual, &avail));
// We expect 6 entries here. 3 are identical to the ones in the shared address space, but we have
// the following additional entries:
// 1. The root VMAR of the restricted address space.
// 2. The vm aspace of restricted address space (identical to the vmar).
// 3. The VM we mapped into the restricted address space.
ASSERT_EQ(actual, 6);
ASSERT_EQ(avail, actual);
prev_base = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < actual; i++) {
EXPECT_GE(maps[i].base, prev_base);
prev_base = maps[i].base;