blob: 8fe5bf26a3542edb7306c9ceacf402880085f3ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <zircon/threads.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace {
// This example tests transferring channel handles through channels. To do so, it:
// Creates two channels, a and b.
// Sends message 0 into a_client
// Sends a_remote into b_client
// Sends message 1 into a_client
// Reads a_remote from b_remote (should receive
// a_remote, possibly with a new value)
// Sends 2 into a_client
// Reads from a_remote. Should read 0, 1, 2 in that order.
TEST(HandleTransferTest, OverChannelThenRead) {
zx::channel a_client, a_remote;
zx::channel b_client, b_remote;
ASSERT_OK(zx::channel::create(0, &a_client, &a_remote));
ASSERT_OK(zx::channel::create(0, &b_client, &b_remote));
constexpr char kMessage[] = {0, 1, 2};
ASSERT_OK(a_client.write(0u, &kMessage[0], 1u, nullptr, 0u));
zx_handle_t a_remote_raw = a_remote.release();
ASSERT_OK(b_client.write(0u, nullptr, 0u, &a_remote_raw, 1u));
ASSERT_OK(a_client.write(0u, &kMessage[1], 1u, nullptr, 0u));
a_remote_raw = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
uint32_t num_bytes = 0u;
uint32_t num_handles = 1u;
ASSERT_OK(, nullptr, &a_remote_raw, num_bytes, num_handles, &num_bytes, &num_handles));
ASSERT_EQ(num_handles, 1);
ASSERT_OK(a_client.write(0u, &kMessage[2], 1u, nullptr, 0u));
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(kMessage); ++i) {
char incoming_byte;
num_bytes = 1u;
num_handles = 0u;
ASSERT_OK(, &incoming_byte, nullptr, num_bytes, num_handles, nullptr, &num_handles));
ASSERT_EQ(num_handles, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(kMessage[i], incoming_byte);
constexpr zx::duration kPollingInterval = zx::msec(1);
// Wait, possibly forever, until |thread| has entered |state|.
zx_status_t WaitForState(const zx::unowned_thread& thread, zx_thread_state_t state) {
while (true) {
zx_info_thread_t info;
zx_status_t status = thread->get_info(ZX_INFO_THREAD, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (info.state == state) {
return ZX_OK;
// This tests canceling a wait when a handle is transferred.
// There are two channels, a and b. One thread waits on a[0]. The other thread sends a[0] through
// channel b and sees that once it has been read out of b, the wait is canceled.
// See [].
TEST(HandleTransferTest, CancelsWait) {
auto wait_on_channel = [](void* arg) -> int {
zx::unowned_channel channel(*reinterpret_cast<zx_handle_t*>(arg));
zx_signals_t signals = {};
return channel->wait_one(ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED, zx::time::infinite(), &signals);
zx::channel a[2];
zx::channel b[2];
ASSERT_OK(zx::channel::create(0, &a[0], &a[1]));
ASSERT_OK(zx::channel::create(0, &b[0], &b[1]));
// Start the thread.
thrd_t waiter_thread;
zx_handle_t handle = a[0].get();
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&waiter_thread, wait_on_channel, &handle));
// Wait for it to enter zx_object_wait_one.
zx::unowned_thread thread(thrd_get_zx_handle(waiter_thread));
// Send a[0] through b.
handle = a[0].release();
ASSERT_OK(b[0].write(0, nullptr, 0, &handle, 1));
uint32_t num_handles = 0;
// See that it's still blocked.
zx_info_thread_t info;
ASSERT_OK(thread->get_info(ZX_INFO_THREAD, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
// Pulling the handle out of b cancels the wait.
ASSERT_OK(b[1].read(0, nullptr, a[0].reset_and_get_address(), 0, 1, nullptr, &num_handles));
ASSERT_EQ(1, num_handles);
// Join the thread and see that it was canceled.
int result = ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(waiter_thread, &result));
} // namespace