blob: 5204a345a744f0ad9291ab606d294b8d8ddfc3e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LIB_ZX_RESULT_H_
#define LIB_ZX_RESULT_H_
#include <lib/fit/internal/compiler.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace zx {
// Simplified result type for returning either a zx_status_t error or zero/one values. See
// lib/fit/result.h for an explanation of the general result type.
// To make a zx::result:
// zx::ok() // For success on zx::result<>.
// zx::ok(foo) // For success on zx::result<Foo>.
// zx::error(ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY) // For failure.
// General functions that can always be called:
// bool is_ok()
// bool is_error()
// zx_status_t status_value() // Returns the error value or ZX_OK on success.
// const char* status_string() // String representation of the error (Fuchsia only).
// T value_or(default_value) // Returns value on success, or default on failure.
// Available only when is_ok():
// T& value() // Accesses the value.
// T&& value() // Moves the value.
// T& operator*() // Accesses the value.
// T&& operator*() // Moves the value.
// T* operator->() // Accesses the value.
// success<T> take_value() // Generates a zx::success() which can be implicitly converted to
// // another fit::result with the same "success" type.
// Available only when is_error():
// zx_status_t error_value() // Error code. See also status_value() which is always usable.
// error<E> take_error() // Generates a zx::error() which can be implicitly converted to a
// // zx::result with another "success" type (or zx::result<>).
// Examples:
// zx::result<fbl::RefPtr<Node>> MakeNode(Args...) {
// fbl::AllocChecker alloc_checker;
// auto* node_ptr = new (&alloc_checker) Node(Args...);
// if (!alloc_checker.check()) {
// return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY);
// }
// return zx::ok(fbl::RefPtr{node_ptr});
// }
// zx::result<> AddNewNode(Tree* tree, Args...) {
// auto status = MakeNode(Args...));
// if (status.is_ok() {
// tree->AddNode(std::move(status.value()));
// return zx::ok();
// }
// return status.take_error();
// }
// Import supporting types and functions from fit.
using fit::as_error;
using fit::error;
using fit::failed;
using fit::ok;
using fit::success;
// Base type.
template <typename... Ts>
class result;
// This suppresses the '-Wctad-maybe-unsupported' compiler warning when CTAD is used.
// See
template <class... Tag>
result(typename Tag::__allow_ctad...) -> result<Tag...>;
// Specialization of status for returning a single value.
template <typename T>
class [[nodiscard]] result<T> : public ::fit::result<zx_status_t, T> {
using base = ::fit::result<zx_status_t, T>;
using base::base;
// Explicit conversion from fit::result<zx_status_t, T>.
constexpr explicit result(const base& other) : base{other} {
if (base::is_error()) {
if (base::error_value() == ZX_OK) {
constexpr explicit result(base&& other) : base{std::move(other)} {
if (base::is_error()) {
if (base::error_value() == ZX_OK) {
// Implicit conversion from error<zx_status_t>.
constexpr result(error<zx_status_t> error) : base{error} {
// It is invalid to pass ZX_OK as an error state. Use zx::ok() or
// zx::success to indicate success. See zx::make_result for forwarding
// errors from code that uses zx_status_t.
if (base::error_value() == ZX_OK) {
// Returns the underlying error or ZX_OK if not in the error state. This
// accessor simplifies interfacing with code that uses zx_status_t directly.
constexpr zx_status_t status_value() const {
return this->is_error() ? base::error_value() : ZX_OK;
#if defined(__Fuchsia__)
// Returns the string representation of the status value.
const char* status_string() const;
#endif // defined(__Fuchsia__)
// Specialization of status for empty value type.
template <>
class [[nodiscard]] result<> : public ::fit::result<zx_status_t> {
using base = ::fit::result<zx_status_t>;
using base::base;
// Explicit conversion from fit::result<zx_status_t>.
constexpr explicit result(base other) : base{other} {
if (base::is_error()) {
if (base::error_value() == ZX_OK) {
// Implicit conversion from error<zx_status_t>.
constexpr result(error<zx_status_t> error) : base{error} {
// It is invalid to pass ZX_OK as an error state. Use zx::ok() or
// zx::success to indicate success. See zx::make_result for forwarding
// errors from code that uses zx_status_t.
if (base::error_value() == ZX_OK) {
// Returns the underlying error or ZX_OK if not in the error state. This
// accessor simplifies interfacing with code that uses zx_status_t directly.
constexpr zx_status_t status_value() const {
return this->is_error() ? base::error_value() : ZX_OK;
#if defined(__Fuchsia__)
// Returns the string representation of the status value.
const char* status_string() const;
#endif // defined(__Fuchsia__)
// Simplified alias of zx::error<zx_status_t>.
using error_result = error<zx_status_t>;
// Utility to make a status-only zx::result<> from a zx_status_t error.
// A status-only zx::result<> is one with an empty value set. It may contain
// either a status value that represents the error (i.e. not ZX_OK) or a
// valueless success state. This utility automatically handles the distinction
// to make interop with older code easier.
// Example usage:
// // Legacy method returning zx_status_t.
// zx_status_t ConsumeValues(Value* values, size_t length);
// // Newer method that interops with the legacy method.
// zx::result<> ConsumeValues(std::array<Value, kSize>* values) {
// if (values == nullptr) {
// return zx::error_result(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// }
// return zx::make_result(ConsumeValues(values->data(), values->length()));
// }
constexpr result<> make_result(zx_status_t status) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
return ok();
return error_result{status};
// Utility to make a zx::result<T> from a zx_status_t and T.
// Depending on |status|, the resulting zx::result<T> will be either
// zx::ok(value) or zx::error(status).
// Example:
// // Legacy method returning zx_status_t.
// zx_status_t ComputeValue(Value* value);
// // Newer method that interops with the legacy method.
// zx::result<Value> ComputeValue() {
// Value value;
// return zx::make_result(ComputeValue(&value), value);
// }
// Note, because the order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified,
// it's critical that the second parameter to zx::make_result (`value`) is
// passed by reference and *not* passed by value. If it were passed by value,
// then its value may be bound before the first argument has been evaluated
// (i.e. before ComputeValue was even called!).
// Furthermore, pass by reference is not always sufficient to prevent subtle
// order of evaluation bugs. Consider the following buggy code:
// // Legacy method returning zx_status_t.
// zx_status_t ComputeValue(std::unique_ptr<Value>* value);
// zx::result<Value> ComputeValue() {
// std::unique_ptr<Value> value;
// return zx::make_result(ComputeValue(&value), *value); // <--- BUGGY CODE
// }
// Depending on the compiler, the code above might work or my dereference a null
// std::unique_ptr. When in doubt, use a local variable.
template <typename T>
constexpr result<std::remove_reference_t<T>> make_result(zx_status_t status, T&& value) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
return ok(std::forward<T>(value));
return error_result{status};
#if defined(__Fuchsia__)
template <typename T>
const char* result<T>::status_string() const {
return make_result(status_value()).status_string();
#endif // defined(__Fuchsia__)
} // namespace zx
#endif // LIB_ZX_RESULT_H_