blob: 3c17a69948445158f9a28b21bcca535e78491e29 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("polling-input-test") {
testonly = true
deps = []
if (host_os == "linux") {
deps += [ ":uart-input-host-test($host_toolchain)" ]
phys_toolchain = "//zircon/kernel/phys:kernel.phys_${target_cpu}"
is_phys_toolchain = phys_toolchain == toolchain_variant.base
if (is_phys_toolchain) {
phys_toolchain = current_toolchain
if (is_host || is_phys_toolchain) {
phys_target_out_dir =
get_label_info(":anything($phys_toolchain)", "target_out_dir")
uart_input_zbi = "$phys_target_out_dir/uart-input-test-zbi.zbi"
if (is_phys_toolchain) {
zbi_executable("uart-input-test") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
zbi_test("uart-input-test-zbi") {
# TODO( This ZBI is not actually a ZBI test, but relies
# on the specification just for the `images` metadata implicitly set by
# `zbi_test()` and not `zbi()`. Investigate whether we can have `zbi()`
# targets set this metadata and update this target accordingly - and
# disable the ZBI from being booted as a ZBI test for now.
disabled = true
deps = [ ":uart-input-test" ]
zbi_outputs = get_target_outputs(":uart-input-test-zbi.zbi")
assert(zbi_outputs + [ uart_input_zbi ] - [ uart_input_zbi ] != zbi_outputs)
if (is_host && is_linux) {
host_test_data("uart-host-test-zbi") {
sources = [ uart_input_zbi ]
deps = [ ":uart-input-test-zbi($phys_toolchain)" ]
go_library("lib") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "uart_input_host_test.go" ]
deps = [ "//tools/emulator/emulatortest" ]
go_test("uart-input-host-test") {
library = ":lib"
non_go_deps = [ ":uart-host-test-zbi" ]