blob: 578dbb8e7b2db17de97222d432606fa02e6999f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/sync/mutex.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/threads.h>
namespace libsync {
// C++ wrapper around |sync_mutex_t|. This can be more efficient than the
// standard C |mtx_t| or C++ |std::mutex|.
// It satisfies the BasicLockable C++ requirement.
class __TA_CAPABILITY("mutex") Mutex {
constexpr Mutex() = default;
~Mutex() = default;
Mutex(const Mutex&) = delete;
Mutex& operator=(const Mutex&) = delete;
Mutex(Mutex&&) = delete;
Mutex& operator=(Mutex&&) = delete;
// Locks the mutex.
// The current thread will block until the mutex is acquired. The mutex is
// non-recursive, which means attempting to lock a mutex that is already held by
// this thread will deadlock.
void lock() __TA_ACQUIRE() { sync_mutex_lock(&mutex_); }
// Attempts to lock the mutex without blocking.
// Returns true if the lock is obtained, and false if not.
bool try_lock() __TA_TRY_ACQUIRE(true) { return sync_mutex_trylock(&mutex_) == ZX_OK; }
// Unlocks the mutex.
// Do not unlock the mutex again if it is already unlocked. Do not rely
// on any behavior from duplicated unlocking.
void unlock() __TA_RELEASE() { sync_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); }
// Returns the wrapped |sync_mutex_t|.
sync_mutex_t* get() __TA_RETURN_CAPABILITY(mutex_) { return &mutex_; }
sync_mutex_t mutex_;
} // namespace libsync