blob: 81635e276cd0a855e1e2d755129c68bff7e5a425 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// C++ utilities for formatting sizes to make them more human-readable.
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <pretty/sizes.h>
namespace pretty {
// Units for formatting byte sizes.
enum class SizeUnit : char {
kAuto = 0, // Automatically select an appropriate unit.
kBytes = 'B',
kKiB = 'K',
kMiB = 'M',
kGiB = 'G',
kTiB = 'T',
kPiB = 'P',
kEiB = 'E',
// FormattedBytes is an inline buffer suitable for containing formatted byte
// sizes.
// Typical usage is as follows:
// printf("Free memory: %s\n", FormattedBytes(12345).str());
// See `format_size` and `format_size_fixed` in <pretty/sizes.h> for details.
class FormattedBytes {
// Returns how the given SizeUnit will be formatted, except in the case of
// kAuto, for which the empty string is returned.
static std::string_view ToString(SizeUnit unit);
// Construct an empty string.
FormattedBytes() { buff_[0] = 0; }
// Construct a string representing the given size.
// Chooses an appropriate unit ('k', 'M', etc) based on the size.
explicit FormattedBytes(size_t size) { SetSize(size); }
// Construct a string representing the given size, using the given units.
FormattedBytes(size_t size, SizeUnit unit) { SetSize(size, unit); }
// Default copy operators.
FormattedBytes(const FormattedBytes&) = default;
FormattedBytes& operator=(const FormattedBytes&) = default;
// Update the string to the given size.
FormattedBytes& SetSize(size_t size) {
format_size(buff_, sizeof(buff_), size);
return *this;
FormattedBytes& SetSize(size_t size, SizeUnit unit) {
format_size_fixed(buff_, sizeof(buff_), size, static_cast<char>(unit));
return *this;
// Return the formatted string.
std::string_view str() const { return buff_; }
// Return the formatted string as a C-style NUL-terminated string.
const char* c_str() const { return buff_; }
// Returns the formatted magnitude as a string.
std::string_view Magnitude() const {
auto sv = str();
sv.remove_suffix(std::min<size_t>(1, sv.size()));
return sv;
// Returns the associated SizeUnit. In the case of the empty string, kAuto
// is returned.
SizeUnit Unit() const {
auto sv = str();
return sv.empty() ? SizeUnit::kAuto : static_cast<SizeUnit>(sv.back());
// The formatted string.
char buff_[MAX_FORMAT_SIZE_LEN];
// Returns the number of bytes represented by a human readable string
// like "123.4k", 123.4 * 1024 bytes encoded in |formatted_bytes|.
// If |formatted_bytes| is not correctly formatted then |std::nullopt| is returned.
// This is a reverse function of |format_size| input |bytes|. Except that it considers
// absence of unit (e.g. "123") to be in bytes(implicit B).
std::optional<uint64_t> ParseSizeBytes(std::string_view formatted_bytes);
} // namespace pretty