blob: 8817d72cc07ca302b46ab6b65c3cdd2da3abe3b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <fbl/strong_int.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace {
TEST(StrongIntTest, TwoUint64DontConvert) {
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(CpuCount, uint64_t);
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(MemoryBytes, uint64_t);
static_assert(!std::is_same<CpuCount, MemoryBytes>::value);
TEST(StrongIntTest, TwoUintsOfDifferentSizeDontConvert) {
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(CpuCount, uint32_t);
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(MemoryBytes, uint64_t);
static_assert(!std::is_same<CpuCount, MemoryBytes>::value);
TEST(StrongIntTest, SameTypesWork) {
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(Kilometers, uint32_t);
Kilometers near(1), nearer(1);
Kilometers far(2);
ASSERT_EQ(near, nearer);
ASSERT_NE(near, far);
ASSERT_NE(near.value(), far.value());
static_assert(Kilometers(1) < Kilometers(2));
ASSERT_LT(near, far);
near = far;
ASSERT_EQ(near, far);
std::swap(near, far);
ASSERT_EQ(near, far);
TEST(StrongIntTest, ArithmaticOperations) {
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(Strong, uint32_t);
// Binary operators.
static_assert((Strong(1) + Strong(2)) == Strong(3));
static_assert((Strong(3) - Strong(1)) == Strong(2));
static_assert((Strong(6) & Strong(2)) == Strong(2));
static_assert((Strong(1) | Strong(2)) == Strong(3));
static_assert((Strong(1) ^ Strong(2)) == Strong(3));
static_assert((Strong(6) / 3) == Strong(2));
static_assert((Strong(6) / Strong(3)) == 2);
static_assert((Strong(2) * 3) == Strong(6));
static_assert(3 * (Strong(2)) == Strong(6));
static_assert((Strong(3) % 2) == Strong(1));
static_assert((Strong(3) % Strong(2)) == Strong(1));
static_assert((Strong(1) << 2) == Strong(4));
static_assert((Strong(4) >> 1) == Strong(2));
// Unary operators.
static_assert(~Strong(0) == Strong(0xffffffff));
static_assert(+Strong(6) == Strong(6));
static_assert(-Strong(6) == Strong(-6));
// explicit operator bool()
if (Strong(0)) {
if (!Strong(1)) {
if (!Strong(100)) {
if (Strong(1) && Strong(0)) {
if (!Strong(1) || Strong(0)) {
// Increment / decrement.
Strong s{1};
EXPECT_EQ(s++, Strong{1});
EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong{2});
Strong s{1};
EXPECT_EQ(++s, Strong{2});
EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong{2});
Strong s{1};
EXPECT_EQ(s--, Strong{1});
EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong{0});
Strong s{1};
EXPECT_EQ(--s, Strong{0});
EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong{0});
// Update operators.
// clang-format off
{ Strong s{1}; s += Strong{2}; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(3)); }
{ Strong s{2}; s -= Strong{1}; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(1)); }
{ Strong s{2}; s &= Strong{3}; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(2)); }
{ Strong s{2}; s |= Strong{1}; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(3)); }
{ Strong s{2}; s ^= Strong{3}; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(1)); }
{ Strong s{6}; s /= 2; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(3)); }
{ Strong s{2}; s *= 3; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(6)); }
{ Strong s{6}; s %= Strong{5}; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(1)); }
{ Strong s{4}; s >>= 1; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(2)); }
{ Strong s{1}; s <<= 1; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(2)); }
// clang-format on
// Update operators with plain RHS.
// clang-format off
{ Strong s{6}; s /= 2; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(3)); }
{ Strong s{2}; s *= 3; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(6)); }
{ Strong s{6}; s %= 5; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(1)); }
{ Strong s{4}; s >>= 1; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(2)); }
{ Strong s{1}; s <<= 1; EXPECT_EQ(s, Strong(2)); }
// clang-format on
TEST(StrongIntTest, ChainedOps) {
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(Strong, uint32_t);
// Multiple arithmetic operations.
Strong x = (-Strong(1) + Strong(10) - Strong(1)) & (Strong(0xf) | Strong(0));
EXPECT_EQ(x, Strong(8));
// Multiple in-place arithmetic operators.
Strong x = Strong(1);
Strong y = Strong(1);
Strong z = Strong(1);
x += (y += (z += Strong(1)));
EXPECT_EQ(z, Strong(2));
EXPECT_EQ(y, Strong(3));
EXPECT_EQ(x, Strong(4));
// Chained multiply / divide operators.
Strong a = Strong(1);
EXPECT_EQ(a * 3 * 2 / 3 / Strong(2), 1);
// Multiple assignment operators.
Strong x = Strong(1);
Strong y = Strong(2);
Strong z = Strong(3);
x = y = z;
EXPECT_EQ(x, Strong(3));
EXPECT_EQ(y, Strong(3));
// Multiple increment operators.
Strong a = Strong(1);
Strong b = Strong(2);
Strong c = (a++) + (++b);
EXPECT_EQ(a, Strong(2));
EXPECT_EQ(b, Strong(3));
EXPECT_EQ(c, Strong(4));
TEST(StrongIntTest, Hashing) {
DEFINE_STRONG_INT(Strong, uint64_t);
// std::hash delegates to the underlying type.
EXPECT_EQ(std::hash<uint64_t>()(0), std::hash<Strong>()(Strong(0)));
EXPECT_EQ(std::hash<uint64_t>()(1), std::hash<Strong>()(Strong(1)));
EXPECT_EQ(std::hash<uint64_t>()(42), std::hash<Strong>()(Strong(42)));
// Correct integration with a type that uses std::hash.
std::unordered_set<Strong> hashed_set;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, hashed_set.count(Strong(1)));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, hashed_set.count(Strong(2)));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, hashed_set.count(Strong(3)));
} // anonymous namespace