blob: b0d182684781ab0c4abffa2294088a5d0264f008 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/intrusive_container_utils.h>
#include <fbl/tests/intrusive_containers/objects.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace fbl {
namespace tests {
namespace intrusive_containers {
size_t TestObjBase::live_obj_count_ = 0;
template <typename T>
void swap_test(const T initial_a, const T initial_b) {
// Starting A and B need to be different in order for us to know that swap
// worked.
EXPECT_NE(::memcmp(&initial_a, &initial_b, sizeof(T)), 0);
T a = initial_a;
T b = initial_b;
::fbl::internal::Swap(a, b);
EXPECT_EQ(::memcmp(&a, &initial_b, sizeof(T)), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(::memcmp(&b, &initial_a, sizeof(T)), 0);
TEST(IntrusiveContainerUtilsTest, Swap) {
struct SimpleSmallStruct {
uint8_t a, b;
struct SimpleBigStruct {
uint32_t a, b;
struct SimpleHugeStruct {
uint64_t a, b;
swap_test<char>('a', 'b');
swap_test<int8_t>(-5, 10);
swap_test<uint8_t>(5, 10);
swap_test<int16_t>(-12345, 12345);
swap_test<uint16_t>(12345, 54321);
swap_test<int32_t>(-1234567890, 123456789);
swap_test<uint32_t>(1234567890, 987654321);
swap_test<int64_t>(-12345678901234567, 12345678901234567);
swap_test<uint64_t>(12345678901234567, 98765432109876543);
swap_test<float>(-0.1234567f, 0.7654321f);
swap_test<double>(-0.12345678901234567890, 0.98765432109876543210);
swap_test<SimpleSmallStruct>({5, 4}, {2, 9});
swap_test<SimpleBigStruct>({5, 4}, {2, 9});
swap_test<SimpleHugeStruct>({5, 4}, {2, 9});
SimpleBigStruct a = {};
SimpleBigStruct b = {};
swap_test<void*>(&a, &b);
swap_test<SimpleBigStruct*>(&a, &b);
} // namespace intrusive_containers
} // namespace tests
} // namespace fbl