blob: 7a215d1adf4735d2d9f55e1c8e1213b3bd8802e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace fbl {
namespace tests {
namespace intrusive_containers {
// All test objects derive from a simple base class which keeps track of how
// many of the object are currently alive.
class TestObjBase {
explicit TestObjBase(size_t) { ++live_obj_count_; }
~TestObjBase() { --live_obj_count_; }
static size_t live_obj_count() { return live_obj_count_; }
static void ResetLiveObjCount() { live_obj_count_ = 0; }
static size_t live_obj_count_;
// The base class for keyed test objects. Implements the storage for a key as
// well as the default traits accessor and a set method for use by tests.
template <typename KeyType>
class KeyedTestObjBase : public TestObjBase {
explicit KeyedTestObjBase(size_t val) : TestObjBase(val), key_(static_cast<KeyType>(val)) {}
KeyType GetKey() const { return key_; }
void SetKey(KeyType key) { key_ = key; }
KeyType key_;
// The base class for hash-able test objects. Implements a default hash
// function accessor as well as inheriting from KeyedTestObjBase
template <typename KeyType, typename HashType, HashType kNumBuckets>
class HashedTestObjBase : public KeyedTestObjBase<KeyType> {
explicit HashedTestObjBase(size_t val) : KeyedTestObjBase<KeyType>(val) {}
static HashType GetHash(const KeyType& key) {
// Our simple hash function just multiplies by a big prime and mods by
// the number of buckets.
return (static_cast<HashType>(key) * 0xcf2fd713) % kNumBuckets;
// A 'test' custom deleter for use when testing managed pointer type which have
// support for template define custom deleters.
template <typename T>
struct TestCustomDeleter {
constexpr TestCustomDeleter() = default;
void operator()(T* ptr) const {
delete ptr;
static void reset_delete_count() {; }
static size_t delete_count() { return delete_count_.load(); }
static std::atomic<size_t> delete_count_;
// Container test objects are objects which...
// 1) Store a size_t value
// 2) Store a 'visited' flag for use when testing iterators
// 3) Derive from TestObjBase (so that live object counts are maintained)
// 4) Exercise the base class helper for the container which makes an object
// containable (SinglyLinkedListable for SinglyLinkedList, etc...)
// 5) Have storage of the appropriate type to exist in another version of the
// container being exercised.
template <typename... ContainerTraits>
class TestObj;
class WAVLTreeChecker;
template <typename ContainerTraits_>
class TestObj<ContainerTraits_>
: public ContainerTraits_::TestObjBaseType,
public ContainerTraits_::ContainableBaseClass,
public std::conditional_t<ContainerTraits_::ContainerType::PtrTraits::CanCopy,
typename ContainerTraits_::TaggedContainableBaseClasses,
fbl::DefaultObjectTag> { // just an empty struct otherwise
using ContainerTraits = ContainerTraits_;
using ContainerStateType = typename ContainerTraits::ContainerStateType;
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerStateType::PtrTraits;
explicit TestObj(size_t val) : ContainerTraits_::TestObjBaseType(val), val_(val) {}
size_t value() const { return val_; }
const void* raw_ptr() const { return this; }
// Note: the visit method needs to be const (and the visited_count_ member mutable) so we can
// test const_iterators.
void Visit() const { ++visited_count_; }
void ResetVisitedCount() { visited_count_ = 0; }
size_t visited_count() const { return visited_count_; }
bool operator==(const TestObj<ContainerTraits>& other) const { return this == &other; }
bool operator!=(const TestObj<ContainerTraits>& other) const { return this != &other; }
friend typename ContainerTraits::OtherContainerTraits;
size_t val_;
mutable size_t visited_count_ = 0;
typename ContainerTraits::OtherContainerStateType other_container_state_;
// RefedTestObj is a ref-counted version of TestObj for use with RefPtr<> tests.
template <typename ContainerTraits>
class RefedTestObj : public TestObj<ContainerTraits>,
public RefCounted<RefedTestObj<ContainerTraits>> {
explicit RefedTestObj(size_t val) : TestObj<ContainerTraits>(val) {}
// Basic pointer type definitions for the 4 types of currently support pointers
// Used by the macros which generate the various test environmements
// 1) Foo* (unmanaged/raw)
// 2) std::unique_ptr<Foo>
// 3) std::unique_ptr<Foo, CustomDeleter>
// 4) fbl::RefPtr<Foo>
namespace ptr_type {
template <typename _ObjType>
struct Unmanaged {
using type = _ObjType*;
template <typename _ObjType>
struct UniquePtrDefaultDeleter {
using type = ::std::unique_ptr<_ObjType>;
template <typename _ObjType>
struct UniquePtrCustomDeleter {
using type = ::std::unique_ptr<_ObjType, TestCustomDeleter<_ObjType>>;
template <typename _ObjType>
struct RefPtr {
using type = ::fbl::RefPtr<_ObjType>;
} // namespace ptr_type
// Test trait structures contain utilities which define test behavior for the
// five types of pointers which are managed by intrusive containers (see above).
// Defined behaviors include...
// 1) Allocating a valid version of a pointer to a TestObj of the proper type.
// 2) "Transferring" a pointer (eg. copying if the pointer type supports copying,
// otherwise moving).
// 3) Testing to see if a pointer to an object was properly transferred into a
// container.
// 4) Testing to see if a pointer to an object was properly moved into a
// container.
// 5) Checking to see if the number of times an associated custom deleter was
// invoked.
// 5) Resetting any assoicated custom deleter state.
template <typename _ObjType>
struct UnmanagedTestTraits {
using ObjType = _ObjType;
using PtrType = typename ptr_type::Unmanaged<ObjType>::type;
using ConstPtrType = const ObjType*;
using ContainerType = typename ObjType::ContainerTraits::ContainerType;
static PtrType CreateObject(size_t value) {
AllocChecker ac;
auto r = new (&ac) ObjType(value);
return ac.check() ? r : nullptr;
static void ReleaseObject(PtrType& ptr) {
delete ptr;
ptr = nullptr;
static void CheckCustomDeleteInvocations(size_t expected) {}
static void ResetCustomDeleter() {}
// Unmanaged pointers never get cleared when being moved or transferred.
static inline PtrType& Transfer(PtrType& ptr) { return ptr; }
static bool WasTransferred(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr != nullptr; }
static bool WasMoved(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr != nullptr; }
template <typename _ObjType>
struct UniquePtrDefaultDeleterTestTraits {
using ObjType = _ObjType;
using PtrType = typename ptr_type::UniquePtrDefaultDeleter<ObjType>::type;
using ConstPtrType = const PtrType;
using ContainerType = typename ObjType::ContainerTraits::ContainerType;
static PtrType CreateObject(size_t value) {
AllocChecker ac;
auto r = new (&ac) ObjType(value);
return PtrType(ac.check() ? r : nullptr);
static void ReleaseObject(PtrType& ptr) { ptr = nullptr; }
static void CheckCustomDeleteInvocations(size_t expected) {}
static void ResetCustomDeleter() {}
// Unique pointers always get cleared when being moved or transferred.
static inline PtrType&& Transfer(PtrType& ptr) { return std::move(ptr); }
static bool WasTransferred(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr == nullptr; }
static bool WasMoved(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr == nullptr; }
template <typename _ObjType>
struct UniquePtrCustomDeleterTestTraits {
using ObjType = _ObjType;
using PtrType = typename ptr_type::UniquePtrCustomDeleter<ObjType>::type;
using ConstPtrType = const PtrType;
using ContainerType = typename ObjType::ContainerTraits::ContainerType;
static PtrType CreateObject(size_t value) {
AllocChecker ac;
auto r = new (&ac) ObjType(value);
return PtrType(ac.check() ? r : nullptr);
static void ReleaseObject(PtrType& ptr) { ptr = nullptr; }
static void CheckCustomDeleteInvocations(size_t expected) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, TestCustomDeleter<_ObjType>::delete_count());
static void ResetCustomDeleter() { TestCustomDeleter<_ObjType>::reset_delete_count(); }
// Unique pointers always get cleared when being moved or transferred.
static inline PtrType&& Transfer(PtrType& ptr) { return std::move(ptr); }
static bool WasTransferred(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr == nullptr; }
static bool WasMoved(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr == nullptr; }
template <typename _ObjType>
struct RefPtrTestTraits {
using ObjType = _ObjType;
using PtrType = typename ptr_type::RefPtr<ObjType>::type;
using ConstPtrType = const PtrType;
using ContainerType = typename ObjType::ContainerTraits::ContainerType;
static PtrType CreateObject(size_t value) {
AllocChecker ac;
auto r = new (&ac) ObjType(value);
return AdoptRef(ac.check() ? r : nullptr);
static void ReleaseObject(PtrType& ptr) { ptr = nullptr; }
static void CheckCustomDeleteInvocations(size_t expected) {}
static void ResetCustomDeleter() {}
// RefCounted pointers do not get cleared when being transferred, but do get
// cleared when being moved.
static inline PtrType& Transfer(PtrType& ptr) { return ptr; }
static bool WasTransferred(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr != nullptr; }
static bool WasMoved(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr == nullptr; }
} // namespace intrusive_containers
} // namespace tests
} // namespace fbl