| // Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <zircon/assert.h> |
| |
| #include <cstddef> |
| #include <iterator> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include <fbl/algorithm.h> |
| #include <fbl/intrusive_container_node_utils.h> |
| #include <fbl/intrusive_container_utils.h> |
| #include <fbl/intrusive_pointer_traits.h> |
| #include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree_internal.h> |
| |
| // Implementation Notes: |
| // |
| // WAVLTree<> is an implementation of a "Weak AVL" tree; a self |
| // balancing binary search tree whose rebalancing algorithm was |
| // originally described in |
| // |
| // Bernhard Haeupler, Siddhartha Sen, and Robert E. Tarjan. 2015. |
| // Rank-Balanced Trees. ACM Trans. Algorithms 11, 4, Article 30 (June 2015), 26 pages. |
| // DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2689412 |
| // |
| // See also |
| // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAVL_tree |
| // http://sidsen.azurewebsites.net/papers/rb-trees-talg.pdf |
| // |
| // WAVLTree<>s, like HashTables, are associative containers and support all of |
| // the same key-centric operations (such as find() and insert_or_find()) that |
| // HashTables support. |
| // |
| // Additionally, WAVLTree's are internally ordered by key (unlike HashTables |
| // which are un-ordered). Iteration forwards or backwards runs in amortized |
| // constant time, but in O(log) time in an individual worst case. Forward |
| // iteration will enumerate the elements in monotonically increasing order (as |
| // defined by the KeyTraits::LessThan operation). |
| // |
| // Two additional operations are supported because of the ordered nature of a |
| // WAVLTree: |
| // upper_bound(key) : Finds the element (E) in the tree such that E.key > key |
| // lower_bound(key) : Finds the element (E) in the tree such that E.key >= key |
| // |
| // The worst depth of a WAVL tree depends on whether or not the tree has ever |
| // been subject to erase operations. |
| // ++ If the tree has seen only insert operations, the worst case depth of the |
| // tree is log_phi(N), where phi is the golden ratio. This is the same bound |
| // as that of an AVL tree. |
| // ++ If the tree has seen erase operations in addition to insert operations, |
| // the worst case depth of the tree is 2*log_2(N). This is the same bound as |
| // a Red-Black tree. |
| // |
| // Insertion runs in O(log) time; finding the location takes O(log) time while |
| // post-insert rebalancing runs in amortized constant time. |
| // |
| // Erase-by-key runs in O(log) time; finding the node to erase takes O(log) time |
| // while post-erase rebalancing runs in amortized constant time. |
| // |
| // Because of the intrusive nature of the container, direct-erase operations |
| // (AKA, erase operations where the reference to the element to be erased is |
| // already known) run in amortized constant time. |
| // |
| namespace fbl { |
| |
| namespace tests { |
| namespace intrusive_containers { |
| class WAVLTreeChecker; |
| class WAVLBalanceTestObserver; |
| } // namespace intrusive_containers |
| } // namespace tests |
| |
| template <typename PtrType_, NodeOptions Options, typename RankType> |
| struct WAVLTreeNodeStateBase |
| : public internal::CommonNodeStateBase<WAVLTreeNodeStateBase<PtrType_, Options, RankType>> { |
| private: |
| using Base = internal::CommonNodeStateBase<WAVLTreeNodeStateBase<PtrType_, Options, RankType>>; |
| |
| public: |
| using PtrType = PtrType_; |
| using PtrTraits = internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>; |
| static constexpr NodeOptions kNodeOptions = Options; |
| |
| WAVLTreeNodeStateBase() = default; |
| |
| ~WAVLTreeNodeStateBase() { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(IsValid()); |
| if constexpr (!(kNodeOptions & fbl::NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe)) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!InContainer()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool IsValid() const { return (parent_ || (!parent_ && !left_ && !right_)); } |
| bool InContainer() const { return (parent_ != nullptr); } |
| |
| // Defer to CommonNodeStateBase for enforcement of the various copy/move |
| // rules. Make sure, however, that we explicitly do not allow our own default |
| // construction/assignment operators change anything about our state. |
| WAVLTreeNodeStateBase(const WAVLTreeNodeStateBase& other) : Base(other) {} |
| WAVLTreeNodeStateBase& operator=(const WAVLTreeNodeStateBase& other) { |
| this->Base::operator=(other); |
| return *this; |
| } |
| WAVLTreeNodeStateBase(WAVLTreeNodeStateBase&& other) : Base(std::move(other)) {} |
| WAVLTreeNodeStateBase& operator=(WAVLTreeNodeStateBase&& other) { |
| this->Base::operator=(std::move(other)); |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| template <typename, typename, typename, typename, typename, typename> |
| friend class WAVLTree; |
| friend class tests::intrusive_containers::WAVLTreeChecker; |
| friend class tests::intrusive_containers::WAVLBalanceTestObserver; |
| |
| typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType parent_ = nullptr; |
| typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType left_ = nullptr; |
| typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType right_ = nullptr; |
| RankType rank_{}; |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename PtrType_, NodeOptions Options> |
| struct WAVLTreeNodeState<PtrType_, Options, DefaultWAVLTreeRankType> |
| : public WAVLTreeNodeStateBase<PtrType_, Options, DefaultWAVLTreeRankType> { |
| WAVLTreeNodeState() = default; |
| |
| // Defer to WAVLTreeNodeStateBase for enforcement of the various copy/move rules. |
| WAVLTreeNodeState(const WAVLTreeNodeState&) = default; |
| WAVLTreeNodeState& operator=(const WAVLTreeNodeState&) = default; |
| WAVLTreeNodeState(WAVLTreeNodeState&&) = default; |
| WAVLTreeNodeState& operator=(WAVLTreeNodeState&&) = default; |
| |
| bool rank_parity() const { return this->rank_; } |
| void promote_rank() { this->rank_ = !this->rank_; } |
| void double_promote_rank() {} |
| void demote_rank() { this->rank_ = !this->rank_; } |
| void double_demote_rank() {} |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename PtrType, NodeOptions Options, typename TagType> |
| struct WAVLTreeContainable; |
| |
| template <typename PtrType_, typename TagType_> |
| struct DefaultWAVLTreeTraits { |
| private: |
| using ValueType = typename internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>::ValueType; |
| |
| public: |
| using PtrType = PtrType_; |
| using TagType = TagType_; |
| using PtrTraits = internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>; |
| |
| static auto& node_state(typename PtrTraits::RefType obj) { |
| if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TagType, DefaultObjectTag>) { |
| return obj.ValueType::wavl_node_state_; |
| } else { |
| return obj.template GetContainableByTag<TagType>().wavl_node_state_; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| using NodeState = |
| std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<decltype(node_state), typename PtrTraits::RefType>>; |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename PtrType_, NodeOptions Options = NodeOptions::None, |
| typename TagType_ = DefaultObjectTag> |
| struct WAVLTreeContainable { |
| public: |
| using PtrType = PtrType_; |
| using TagType = TagType_; |
| |
| bool InContainer() const { |
| using Node = WAVLTreeContainable<PtrType, Options, TagType>; |
| return Node::wavl_node_state_.InContainer(); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| friend DefaultWAVLTreeTraits<PtrType, TagType>; |
| WAVLTreeNodeState<PtrType, Options, DefaultWAVLTreeRankType> wavl_node_state_; |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename KeyType_, typename PtrType_, |
| typename KeyTraits_ = DefaultKeyedObjectTraits< |
| KeyType_, typename internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>::ValueType>, |
| typename TagType_ = DefaultObjectTag, |
| typename NodeTraits_ = DefaultWAVLTreeTraits<PtrType_, TagType_>, |
| typename Observer_ = tests::intrusive_containers::DefaultWAVLTreeObserver> |
| class __POINTER(KeyType_) WAVLTree { |
| private: |
| // Private fwd decls of the iterator implementation. |
| template <typename IterTraits> |
| class iterator_impl; |
| struct iterator_traits; |
| struct const_iterator_traits; |
| |
| public: |
| // Aliases used to reduce verbosity and expose types/traits to tests |
| using KeyType = KeyType_; |
| using PtrType = PtrType_; |
| using KeyTraits = KeyTraits_; |
| using TagType = TagType_; |
| using NodeTraits = NodeTraits_; |
| using Observer = Observer_; |
| |
| using PtrTraits = internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType>; |
| using RawPtrType = typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType; |
| using ValueType = typename PtrTraits::ValueType; |
| using RefType = typename PtrTraits::RefType; |
| using ContainerType = WAVLTree<KeyType_, PtrType_, KeyTraits_, TagType_, NodeTraits_, Observer_>; |
| using CheckerType = ::fbl::tests::intrusive_containers::WAVLTreeChecker; |
| |
| // Declarations of the standard iterator types. |
| using iterator = iterator_impl<iterator_traits>; |
| using const_iterator = iterator_impl<const_iterator_traits>; |
| |
| // WAVL Trees support amortized constant erase. Technically, the worst case |
| // for any individual erase operation involves O(log) demotions, followed by |
| // a double rotation operation. Given D total erase operations, however, |
| // the maximum number of operations (demotions + rotations) is 2*D, given |
| // the amortized constant erase time. |
| // |
| static constexpr bool SupportsConstantOrderErase = true; |
| static constexpr bool SupportsConstantOrderSize = true; |
| static constexpr bool IsAssociative = true; |
| static constexpr bool IsSequenced = false; |
| |
| // Default construction gives an empty tree. |
| constexpr WAVLTree() noexcept { |
| using NodeState = internal::node_state_t<NodeTraits, RefType>; |
| |
| // Make certain that the type of pointer we are expected to manage matches |
| // the type of pointer that our Node type expects to manage. |
| static_assert(std::is_same_v<PtrType, typename NodeState::PtrType>, |
| "WAVLTree's pointer type must match its Node's pointerType"); |
| |
| // WAVLTree does not currently support direct remove-from-container. |
| static_assert(!(NodeState::kNodeOptions & NodeOptions::AllowRemoveFromContainer), |
| "WAVLTree does not support nodes which allow RemoveFromContainer."); |
| } |
| |
| // Rvalue construction is permitted, but will result in the move of the tree |
| // contents from one instance of the list to the other (even for unmanaged |
| // pointers) |
| WAVLTree(WAVLTree&& other_tree) noexcept : WAVLTree() { swap(other_tree); } |
| |
| // Rvalue assignment is permitted for managed trees, and when the target is |
| // an empty tree of unmanaged pointers. Like Rvalue construction, it will |
| // result in the move of the source contents to the destination. |
| WAVLTree& operator=(WAVLTree&& other_tree) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(PtrTraits::IsManaged || is_empty()); |
| |
| clear(); |
| swap(other_tree); |
| |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| ~WAVLTree() { |
| // It is considered an error to allow a tree of unmanaged pointers to |
| // destruct of there are still elements in it. Managed pointer trees |
| // will automatically release their references to their elements. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(PtrTraits::IsManaged || is_empty()); |
| clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // Standard begin/end, cbegin/cend iterator accessors. |
| iterator begin() { return iterator(left_most_); } |
| const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(left_most_); } |
| const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(left_most_); } |
| |
| iterator end() { return iterator(sentinel()); } |
| const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(sentinel()); } |
| const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(sentinel()); } |
| |
| // Iterator accessors to the root node. |
| iterator root() { return is_empty() ? end() : iterator(root_); } |
| const_iterator root() const { return is_empty() ? cend() : const_iterator(root_); } |
| const_iterator croot() const { return is_empty() ? cend() : const_iterator(root_); } |
| |
| // make_iterator : Construct an iterator out of a pointer to an object. |
| iterator make_iterator(ValueType& obj) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(NodeTraits::node_state(obj).InContainer()); |
| return iterator(&obj); |
| } |
| const_iterator make_iterator(const ValueType& obj) const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(NodeTraits::node_state(const_cast<ValueType&>(obj)).InContainer()); |
| return const_iterator(&const_cast<ValueType&>(obj)); |
| } |
| |
| // materialize_iterator : Construct an iterator out of a pointer to an object, |
| // without a reference to the container. |
| // |
| // USE WITH CAUTION: The caller is responsible for ensuring it is safe to |
| // access the container when using this iterator. In particular, static lock |
| // analysis will not detect access without holding the required locks guarding |
| // the container. |
| static iterator materialize_iterator(ValueType& obj) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(NodeTraits::node_state(obj).InContainer()); |
| return iterator(&obj); |
| } |
| static const_iterator materialize_iterator(const ValueType& obj) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(NodeTraits::node_state(const_cast<ValueType&>(obj)).InContainer()); |
| return const_iterator(&const_cast<ValueType&>(obj)); |
| } |
| |
| // is_empty : True if the tree has at least one element in it, false otherwise. |
| bool is_empty() const { return root_ == nullptr; } |
| |
| // front |
| // |
| // Return a reference to the element at the front of the list without |
| // removing it. It is an error to call front on an empty list. |
| typename PtrTraits::RefType front() { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(left_most_)); |
| return *left_most_; |
| } |
| |
| typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType front() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(left_most_)); |
| return *left_most_; |
| } |
| |
| // back |
| // |
| // Return a reference to the element at the back of the list without |
| // removing it. It is an error to call back on an empty list. |
| typename PtrTraits::RefType back() { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(right_most_)); |
| return *right_most_; |
| } |
| |
| typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType back() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(right_most_)); |
| return *right_most_; |
| } |
| |
| void insert(const PtrType& ptr) { insert(PtrType(ptr)); } |
| void insert(PtrType&& ptr) { internal_insert(ptr); } |
| |
| // insert or find |
| // |
| // Insert the object pointed to by ptr if it is not already in the |
| // tree, or find the object that the ptr collided with instead. |
| // |
| // @param ptr A pointer to the new object to insert. |
| // @param iter An optional out parameter pointer to an iterator which |
| // will reference either the newly inserted item, or the item whose key |
| // collided with ptr. |
| // |
| // @return true if there was no collision and the item was successfully |
| // inserted. false otherwise. |
| // |
| bool insert_or_find(const PtrType& ptr, iterator* iter = nullptr) { |
| return insert_or_find(PtrType(ptr), iter); |
| } |
| |
| bool insert_or_find(PtrType&& ptr, iterator* iter = nullptr) { |
| RawPtrType obj = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr); |
| RawPtrType collision = nullptr; |
| |
| internal_insert(ptr, &collision); |
| |
| if (collision) { |
| Observer::RecordInsertCollision(obj, iterator(collision)); |
| } |
| |
| if (iter) { |
| *iter = collision ? iterator(collision) : iterator(obj); |
| } |
| |
| return !collision; |
| } |
| |
| // insert_or_replace |
| // |
| // Find the element in the tree with the same key as *ptr and replace |
| // it with ptr, then return the pointer to the element which was replaced. |
| // If no element in the tree shares a key with *ptr, simply add ptr to |
| // the tree and return nullptr. |
| // |
| PtrType insert_or_replace(const PtrType& ptr) { return insert_or_replace(PtrType(ptr)); } |
| |
| PtrType insert_or_replace(PtrType&& ptr) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr).InContainer()); |
| |
| RawPtrType collision = nullptr; |
| internal_insert(ptr, &collision); |
| |
| // If there was a collision, swap our node with the node we collided |
| // with. |
| if (collision) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr); |
| Observer::RecordInsertReplace(iterator(collision), PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr)); |
| return internal_swap(collision, std::move(ptr)); |
| } |
| |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| // pop_front and pop_back |
| // |
| // Removes either the left-most or right-most member of tree and transfers |
| // the pointer to the caller. If the list is empty, return a nullptr |
| // instance of PtrType. |
| PtrType pop_front() { return internal_erase(left_most_); } |
| PtrType pop_back() { return internal_erase(right_most_); } |
| |
| // find |
| // |
| // Find the first node in the tree whose key matches "key" and return an |
| // iterator to it. Return end() if no node in the tree has a key which |
| // matches "key". |
| const_iterator find(const KeyType& key) const { |
| RawPtrType node = root_; |
| |
| while (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)) { |
| auto node_key = KeyTraits::GetKey(*node); |
| |
| if (KeyTraits::EqualTo(key, node_key)) |
| return const_iterator(node); |
| |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| node = KeyTraits::LessThan(key, node_key) ? ns.left_ : ns.right_; |
| } |
| |
| return end(); |
| } |
| |
| iterator find(const KeyType& key) { |
| const_iterator citer = const_cast<const ContainerType*>(this)->find(key); |
| return iterator(citer.node_); |
| } |
| |
| // upper_bound |
| // |
| // Find the first node in the tree whose key is strictly greater than the |
| // caller provided key. Returns end() if no such node exists. |
| const_iterator upper_bound(const KeyType& key) const { |
| return internal_upper_lower_bound<UpperBoundTraits>(key); |
| } |
| |
| iterator upper_bound(const KeyType& key) { |
| const_iterator citer = const_cast<const ContainerType*>(this)->upper_bound(key); |
| return iterator(citer.node_); |
| } |
| |
| // lower_bound |
| // |
| // Find the first node in the tree whose key is greater than or equal to the |
| // caller provided key. Returns end() if no such node exists. |
| const_iterator lower_bound(const KeyType& key) const { |
| return internal_upper_lower_bound<LowerBoundTraits>(key); |
| } |
| |
| iterator lower_bound(const KeyType& key) { |
| const_iterator citer = const_cast<const ContainerType*>(this)->lower_bound(key); |
| return iterator(citer.node_); |
| } |
| |
| // erase |
| // |
| // Remove the first element in the tree whose key matches "key" and return a |
| // pointer the removed object. Return a nullptr instance of PtrType if no |
| // such element exists in the tree. |
| PtrType erase(const KeyType& key) { return erase(find(key)); } |
| |
| // erase (direct) |
| // |
| // Remove the object directly referenced either by "iter" or "obj" from the |
| // tree and return a pointer to it. In the case of an iterator based erase, |
| // return a nullptr instance of PtrType if the iterator is invalid. It is |
| // an error to either use a valid iterator from a different tree instance, |
| // or to attempt to remove an element which is not currently a member of |
| // this tree instance. |
| PtrType erase(const iterator& iter) { |
| if (!iter.IsValid()) |
| return PtrType(nullptr); |
| |
| return internal_erase(&(*iter)); |
| } |
| |
| PtrType erase(ValueType& obj) { return internal_erase(&obj); } |
| |
| // clear |
| // |
| // Clear out the tree, unlinking all of the elements in the process. For |
| // managed pointer types, this will release all references held by the tree |
| // to the objects which were in it. |
| void clear() { |
| if (is_empty()) |
| return; |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(root_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(left_most_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(right_most_)); |
| |
| // Clear the left and right sentinels right now so that we don't have |
| // to worry about special casing them while cleaning up the tree. |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*left_most_).left_ = nullptr; |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*right_most_).right_ = nullptr; |
| |
| RawPtrType owner = sentinel(); |
| RawPtrType* link_ptr = &root_; |
| |
| while (true) { |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(**link_ptr); |
| |
| if ((ns.left_ == nullptr) && (ns.right_ == nullptr)) { |
| // Leaf node. Trim it. Start by reclaiming the pointer |
| // reference (if this is a managed pointer type) and holding |
| // onto it until the end of this scope. Note, we need to flag |
| // this temp copy of the reference as UNUSED in case the pointer |
| // type is unmanaged. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.parent_ == owner); |
| PtrType leaf = PtrTraits::Reclaim(*link_ptr); |
| |
| // This leaf node node now has no parent, and the pointer which |
| // pointed to us is now null. |
| ns.parent_ = nullptr; |
| *link_ptr = nullptr; |
| |
| // Now that the node has been removed from the tree, inform any observer |
| // that the node has been cleared by calling RecordErase, but do not |
| // provide any "invalidated" node iterator which exists up-tree of the |
| // node which was just removed. The entire tree is being cleared, so |
| // any augmented invariant the tree is maintaining is about to become |
| // undefined anyway. |
| Observer::RecordErase(PtrTraits::GetRaw(leaf), iterator()); |
| |
| // If we are removing the root, and it is a leaf node, then we |
| // are done. |
| if (link_ptr == &root_) |
| break; |
| |
| // Now climb back up the tree. |
| link_ptr = &GetLinkPtrToNode(owner); |
| owner = NodeTraits::node_state(*owner).parent_; |
| } else { |
| // Non-leaf node, descend. We have already detached the left |
| // and right sentinels, so we shouldn't be seeing any here. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.left_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_)); |
| |
| owner = *link_ptr; |
| link_ptr = (ns.left_ != nullptr) ? &ns.left_ : &ns.right_; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(root_ == nullptr); |
| left_most_ = sentinel(); |
| right_most_ = sentinel(); |
| count_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| // clear_unsafe |
| // |
| // See comments in fbl/intrusive_single_list.h |
| // Think carefully before calling this! |
| void clear_unsafe() { |
| static_assert(PtrTraits::IsManaged == false, |
| "clear_unsafe is not allowed for containers of managed pointers"); |
| static_assert(NodeTraits::NodeState::kNodeOptions & NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe, |
| "Container does not support clear_unsafe. Consider adding " |
| "NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe to your node storage."); |
| |
| root_ = nullptr; |
| left_most_ = sentinel(); |
| right_most_ = sentinel(); |
| count_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| // swap : swaps the contents of two trees. |
| void swap(WAVLTree& other) { |
| internal::Swap(root_, other.root_); |
| internal::Swap(left_most_, other.left_most_); |
| internal::Swap(right_most_, other.right_most_); |
| internal::Swap(count_, other.count_); |
| |
| // Fix up the sentinel values. |
| FixSentinelsAfterSwap(); |
| other.FixSentinelsAfterSwap(); |
| } |
| |
| // size : return the current number of elements in the tree. |
| size_t size() const { return count_; } |
| |
| // erase_if |
| // |
| // Find the first member of the list which satisfies the predicate given by |
| // 'fn' and erase it from the list, returning a referenced pointer to the |
| // removed element. Return nullptr if no element satisfies the predicate. |
| template <typename UnaryFn> |
| PtrType erase_if(UnaryFn fn) { |
| for (auto iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { |
| if (fn(*iter)) |
| return erase(iter); |
| } |
| return PtrType(nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| // find_if |
| // |
| // Find the first member of the list which satisfies the predicate given by |
| // 'fn' and return a const& to the PtrType in the list which refers to it. |
| // Return nullptr if no member satisfies the predicate. |
| template <typename UnaryFn> |
| const_iterator find_if(UnaryFn fn) const { |
| for (auto iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) |
| if (fn(*iter)) |
| return const_iterator(iter.node_); |
| |
| return const_iterator(sentinel()); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename UnaryFn> |
| iterator find_if(UnaryFn fn) { |
| const_iterator citer = const_cast<const ContainerType*>(this)->find_if(fn); |
| return iterator(citer.node_); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| // The traits of a non-const iterator |
| struct iterator_traits { |
| using RefType = typename PtrTraits::RefType; |
| using RawPtrType = typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType; |
| }; |
| |
| // The traits of a const iterator |
| struct const_iterator_traits { |
| using RefType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType; |
| using RawPtrType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRawPtrType; |
| }; |
| |
| // Trait classes used to help implement symmetric operations. |
| // |
| // Notes about notation: |
| // + LR denotes Left for the Forward version of the operation and Right |
| // for the Reverse version. |
| // + RL denotes Right for the Forward version of the operation and Left |
| // for the Reverse version. |
| // |
| // Examples... |
| // Forward : LR-child of node X == the left child of node X. |
| // Reverse : LR-child of node X == the right child of node X. |
| // |
| // Forward : RL-most node of the tree == the right most node of the tree |
| // Reverse : RL-most node of the tree == the left most node of the tree |
| struct ReverseTraits; // fwd decl |
| struct ForwardTraits { |
| using Inverse = ReverseTraits; |
| |
| template <typename NodeState> |
| static RawPtrType& LRChild(NodeState& ns) { |
| return ns.left_; |
| } |
| template <typename NodeState> |
| static RawPtrType& RLChild(NodeState& ns) { |
| return ns.right_; |
| } |
| |
| static RawPtrType& LRMost(ContainerType& tree) { return tree.left_most_; } |
| static RawPtrType& RLMost(ContainerType& tree) { return tree.right_most_; } |
| }; |
| |
| struct ReverseTraits { |
| using Inverse = ForwardTraits; |
| |
| template <typename NodeState> |
| static RawPtrType& LRChild(NodeState& ns) { |
| return ns.right_; |
| } |
| template <typename NodeState> |
| static RawPtrType& RLChild(NodeState& ns) { |
| return ns.left_; |
| } |
| |
| static RawPtrType& LRMost(ContainerType& tree) { return tree.right_most_; } |
| static RawPtrType& RLMost(ContainerType& tree) { return tree.left_most_; } |
| }; |
| |
| // Trait classes used to define the bound condition for upper_bound and |
| // lower_bound. |
| struct UpperBoundTraits { |
| static bool GoRight(const KeyType& key, const KeyType& node_key) { |
| return KeyTraits::EqualTo(node_key, key) || KeyTraits::LessThan(node_key, key); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| struct LowerBoundTraits { |
| static bool GoRight(const KeyType& key, const KeyType& node_key) { |
| return KeyTraits::LessThan(node_key, key); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // The shared implementation of the iterator |
| template <class IterTraits> |
| class iterator_impl { |
| public: |
| using value_type = ValueType; |
| using reference = typename IterTraits::RefType; |
| using pointer = typename IterTraits::RawPtrType; |
| using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; |
| using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; |
| |
| iterator_impl() {} |
| iterator_impl(const iterator_impl& other) { node_ = other.node_; } |
| |
| iterator_impl& operator=(const iterator_impl& other) { |
| node_ = other.node_; |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| bool IsValid() const { return internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_); } |
| explicit operator bool() const { return IsValid(); } |
| bool operator==(const iterator_impl& other) const { return node_ == other.node_; } |
| bool operator!=(const iterator_impl& other) const { return node_ != other.node_; } |
| |
| // Prefix |
| iterator_impl& operator++() { |
| if (IsValid()) |
| advance<ForwardTraits>(); |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| iterator_impl& operator--() { |
| // If this was a default constructed iterator, then it cannot |
| // back up. |
| if (node_ != nullptr) { |
| // If we are at the end() of the tree, then recover the tree |
| // pointer from the sentinel and back up to the right-most node. |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(node_)) { |
| node_ = internal::unmake_sentinel<ContainerType*>(node_)->right_most_; |
| } else { |
| advance<ReverseTraits>(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| // Postfix |
| iterator_impl operator++(int) { |
| iterator_impl ret(*this); |
| ++(*this); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| iterator_impl operator--(int) { |
| iterator_impl ret(*this); |
| --(*this); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| iterator_impl parent() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_)); |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node_); |
| return iterator_impl(ns.parent_); |
| } |
| |
| iterator_impl left() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_)); |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node_); |
| return iterator_impl(ns.left_); |
| } |
| |
| iterator_impl right() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_)); |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node_); |
| return iterator_impl(ns.right_); |
| } |
| |
| typename PtrTraits::PtrType CopyPointer() const { |
| return IsValid() ? PtrTraits::Copy(node_) : nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| typename IterTraits::RefType operator*() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_)); |
| return *node_; |
| } |
| typename IterTraits::RawPtrType operator->() const { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_)); |
| return node_; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| friend ContainerType; |
| |
| iterator_impl(typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType node) : node_(node) {} |
| |
| template <typename LRTraits> |
| void advance() { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_)); |
| |
| // Find the next node in the ordered sequence. |
| // key. This will be either... |
| // 1) The RL-most child of our LR-hand sub-tree. |
| // 2) Our first ancestor for which we are a LR-hand descendant. |
| auto ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*node_); |
| auto rl_child = LRTraits::RLChild(*ns); |
| if (rl_child != nullptr) { |
| node_ = rl_child; |
| |
| // The RL-hand child of the RL-most node is terminated |
| // using the sentinel value for this tree instead of nullptr. |
| // Have we hit it? If so, then we are done. |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(node_)) |
| return; |
| |
| // While we can go LR, do so. |
| auto lr_child = LRTraits::LRChild(NodeTraits::node_state(*node_)); |
| while (lr_child != nullptr) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(lr_child)); |
| node_ = lr_child; |
| lr_child = LRTraits::LRChild(NodeTraits::node_state(*node_)); |
| } |
| |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Climb up the tree until we traverse a LR-hand link. Because |
| // of the sentinel termination, we should never attempt to climb |
| // up past the root. |
| bool done; |
| ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*node_); |
| do { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns->parent_)); |
| |
| auto parent_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*ns->parent_); |
| done = (LRTraits::LRChild(*parent_ns) == node_); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(done || (LRTraits::RLChild(*parent_ns) == node_)); |
| |
| node_ = ns->parent_; |
| ns = parent_ns; |
| } while (!done); |
| } |
| |
| typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType node_ = nullptr; |
| }; // class iterator_impl |
| |
| // The test framework's 'checker' class is our friend. |
| friend CheckerType; |
| |
| // move semantics only |
| |
| void internal_insert(PtrType& ptr, RawPtrType* collision = nullptr) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr); |
| |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.IsValid() && !ns.InContainer()); |
| |
| // The rank of an inserted node always starts at 0. |
| ns.rank_ = 0; |
| |
| // If the tree is currently empty, then this is easy. |
| if (root_ == nullptr) { |
| ns.parent_ = sentinel(); |
| ns.left_ = sentinel(); |
| ns.right_ = sentinel(); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(left_most_) && |
| internal::is_sentinel_ptr(right_most_)); |
| left_most_ = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr); |
| right_most_ = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr); |
| |
| root_ = PtrTraits::Leak(ptr); |
| ++count_; |
| Observer::RecordInsert(root()); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Find the proper position for this node. |
| auto key = KeyTraits::GetKey(*ptr); |
| bool is_left_most = true; |
| bool is_right_most = true; |
| RawPtrType parent = root_; |
| RawPtrType* owner; |
| |
| while (true) { |
| auto parent_key = KeyTraits::GetKey(*parent); |
| |
| // Looks like we collided with an object in the collection which has |
| // the same key as the object being inserted. This is only allowed |
| // during an insert_or_find operation (collision is non-null). |
| // Assert this in debug builds. If this is an insert_or_find |
| // operation, fill out the collision [out] parameter so the called |
| // knows which object he/she collided with. Either way, do not |
| // actually insert the object. |
| if (KeyTraits::EqualTo(key, parent_key)) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(collision && *collision == nullptr); |
| *collision = parent; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Update user-defined invariants in the subtree node only when the |
| // key does not collide. |
| Observer::RecordInsertTraverse(PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr), iterator(parent)); |
| |
| auto& parent_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*parent); |
| |
| // Decide which side of the current parent-under-consideration the |
| // node to be inserted belongs on. If we are going left, then we |
| // are no longer right-most, and vice-versa. |
| if (KeyTraits::LessThan(key, parent_key)) { |
| owner = &parent_ns.left_; |
| is_right_most = false; |
| } else { |
| owner = &parent_ns.right_; |
| is_left_most = false; |
| } |
| |
| // If we would have run out of valid pointers in the direction we |
| // should be searching, then we are done. |
| if (!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(*owner)) |
| break; |
| |
| // We belong on a side of the parent-under-consideration which |
| // already has a child. Move down to the child and consider it |
| // instead. |
| parent = *owner; |
| } |
| |
| // We know that we are not the root of the tree, therefore we cannot be |
| // both left and right-most. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!is_left_most || !is_right_most); |
| |
| if (is_right_most) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(*owner)); |
| ns.right_ = sentinel(); |
| right_most_ = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr); |
| } else if (is_left_most) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(*owner)); |
| ns.left_ = sentinel(); |
| left_most_ = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr); |
| } |
| |
| // The owner link must either be nullptr or the sentinel. This is |
| // equivalent to saying that the pointer is not valid (using the pointer |
| // traits definition of "valid"). |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(*owner) == false); |
| ns.parent_ = parent; |
| |
| *owner = PtrTraits::Leak(ptr); |
| ++count_; |
| |
| Observer::RecordInsert(iterator(*owner)); |
| |
| // Finally, perform post-insert balance operations. |
| BalancePostInsert(*owner); |
| } |
| |
| PtrType internal_erase(RawPtrType ptr) { |
| if (!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ptr)) |
| return PtrType(nullptr); |
| |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr); |
| RawPtrType* owner = &GetLinkPtrToNode(ptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*owner == ptr); |
| |
| // If the node we want to remove has two children, swap it with the |
| // left-most node of the right-hand sub-tree before proceeding. This |
| // will guarantee that we are operating in a 0 or 1 child case. |
| if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.left_) && internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_)) { |
| RawPtrType* new_owner = &ns.right_; |
| auto new_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*ns.right_); |
| |
| while (new_ns->left_ != nullptr) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(new_ns->left_)); |
| new_owner = &new_ns->left_; |
| new_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*new_ns->left_); |
| } |
| |
| owner = SwapWithRightDescendant(*owner, *new_owner); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*owner == ptr); |
| } |
| |
| // Now that we know our relationship with our parent, go ahead and start |
| // the process of removing the node. Keep track of the target node's |
| // parent, whether it was it's parent's left or right child, and whether |
| // it was a 1-child or a 2-child. We will need this info when it comes |
| // time to rebalance. |
| RawPtrType parent = ns.parent_; |
| bool was_one_child, was_left_child; |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(parent != nullptr); |
| if (!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(parent)) { |
| auto& parent_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*parent); |
| |
| was_one_child = ns.rank_parity() != parent_ns.rank_parity(); |
| was_left_child = &parent_ns.left_ == owner; |
| } else { |
| was_one_child = false; |
| was_left_child = false; |
| } |
| |
| // Reclaim our refernce from our owner and unlink. We return the to the |
| // caller when we are done. |
| PtrType removed = PtrTraits::Reclaim(*owner); |
| *owner = nullptr; |
| |
| // We know that we have at most one child. If we do have a child, |
| // promote it to our position. While we are handling the cases, |
| // maintain the LR-most bookkeeping. Consider the 1 and 0 child cases |
| // separately. |
| // |
| // 1-child case: |
| // We are promoting the LR-child. If we were RL-most, then our RL-child |
| // is the sentinel value. We need to transfer this sentinel value to |
| // the RL-most node in our LR-subtree. We also need to update the |
| // parent pointer of our LR-child to point to the removed node's parent. |
| // |
| // 0-child case: |
| // We are not promoting any node, but we may or may not have been the |
| // LR-most. |
| // |
| // ++ If the target is both the left and right-most node in the tree, it |
| // is a leaf, then the target *must* be the final node in the tree. The |
| // tree's left and right-most need to be updated to be the sentinel |
| // value, and the sentinels need to be cleared from the target node's |
| // state structure. |
| // ++ If the target is the LR-most node in the tree and a leaf, then its |
| // parent is now the LR-most node in the tree. We need to transfer |
| // the sentinel from the target's LR-child to the pointer which used |
| // to point to it, and update the LR-most bookkeeping in the tree to |
| // point to the target's parent. The target node's RL-child should |
| // already be nullptr. |
| // ++ If the target neither the left nor the right most node in the |
| // tree, then nothing special needs to happen with regard to the |
| // left/right-most bookkeeping. |
| RawPtrType target = PtrTraits::GetRaw(removed); |
| if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.left_)) { |
| PromoteLRChild<ForwardTraits>(*owner, target); |
| } else if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_)) { |
| PromoteLRChild<ReverseTraits>(*owner, target); |
| } else { |
| // The target's LR-child is the sentinel if and only if the target |
| // is the LR-most node in the tree. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.left_) == (left_most_ == target)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_) == (right_most_ == target)); |
| |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.left_)) { |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_)) { |
| // Target is both left and right most. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(count_ == 1); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.parent_)); |
| left_most_ = sentinel(); |
| right_most_ = sentinel(); |
| ns.left_ = nullptr; |
| ns.right_ = nullptr; |
| } else { |
| // Target is just left most. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.parent_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.right_ == nullptr); |
| left_most_ = ns.parent_; |
| *owner = ns.left_; |
| ns.left_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| } else if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_)) { |
| // Target is just right most. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.parent_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.left_ == nullptr); |
| right_most_ = ns.parent_; |
| *owner = ns.right_; |
| ns.right_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| // Disconnect the target's parent pointer and we should be done. |
| ns.parent_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| // At this point in time, the target node should have been completely |
| // removed from the tree. Its internal state should be valid, and |
| // indicate that it is not in the container. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.IsValid() && !ns.InContainer()); |
| |
| // Update the count bookkeeping. |
| --count_; |
| Observer::RecordErase(target, iterator(parent)); |
| |
| // Time to rebalance. We know that we don't need to rebalance if we |
| // just removed the root (IOW - its parent was the sentinel value). |
| if (!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(parent)) { |
| if (was_one_child) { |
| // If the node we removed was a 1-child, then we may have just |
| // turned its parent into a 2,2 leaf node. If so, we have a |
| // leaf node with non-zero rank and need to fix the problem. |
| BalancePostErase_Fix22Leaf(parent); |
| } else { |
| // If the node we removed was a 2-child, the we may have just |
| // created a 3 child which we need to fix. The balance routine |
| // will handle checking for us, but it will need to know whether |
| // the node we removed was its parent's left or right child in |
| // order to un-ambiguously perform the check. |
| if (was_left_child) |
| BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child<ForwardTraits>(parent); |
| else |
| BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child<ReverseTraits>(parent); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Give the reference to the node we just removed back to the caller. |
| return removed; |
| } |
| |
| // internal::Swap a node which is currently in the tree with a new node. |
| // |
| // old_node *must* already be in the tree. |
| // new_node *must* not be in the tree. |
| // old_node and new_node *must* have the same key. |
| // |
| PtrType internal_swap(RawPtrType old_node, PtrType&& new_node) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(old_node != nullptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_node != nullptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(KeyTraits::EqualTo(KeyTraits::GetKey(*old_node), KeyTraits::GetKey(*new_node))); |
| |
| auto& old_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*old_node); |
| auto& new_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*new_node); |
| auto new_raw = PtrTraits::GetRaw(new_node); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(old_ns.InContainer()); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!new_ns.InContainer()); |
| |
| // Start with the left child state. |
| if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(old_ns.left_)) { |
| // Fix the left-child's parent pointer. |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*old_ns.left_).parent_ = new_raw; |
| } else { |
| // We have no left child, so there is no left-child parent pointer |
| // to fixup, but we may need to fix the left-most bookkeeping. |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(old_ns.left_)) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(left_most_ == old_node); |
| left_most_ = new_raw; |
| } |
| } |
| new_ns.left_ = old_ns.left_; |
| old_ns.left_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // Same routine, but this time with the right child state. |
| if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(old_ns.right_)) { |
| // Fix the right-child's parent pointer. |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*old_ns.right_).parent_ = new_raw; |
| } else { |
| // We have no right child, so there is no right-child parent pointer |
| // to fixup, but we may need to fix the right-most bookkeeping. |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(old_ns.right_)) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(right_most_ == old_node); |
| right_most_ = new_raw; |
| } |
| } |
| new_ns.right_ = old_ns.right_; |
| old_ns.right_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // Don't forget transfer the rank bookkeeping from the old node to the |
| // new node. |
| new_ns.rank_ = old_ns.rank_; |
| |
| // Finally, update the pointer which pointed to the old node to point to |
| // the new node, taking ownership of the managed reference (if any) in |
| // the process. The update the parent pointers, and finally reclaim the |
| // reference from the node we just swapped out and give it back to the |
| // caller. |
| GetLinkPtrToNode(old_node) = PtrTraits::Leak(new_node); |
| new_ns.parent_ = old_ns.parent_; |
| old_ns.parent_ = nullptr; |
| return PtrTraits::Reclaim(old_node); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename BoundTraits> |
| const_iterator internal_upper_lower_bound(const KeyType& key) const { |
| RawPtrType node = root_; |
| RawPtrType found = sentinel(); |
| |
| while (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)) { |
| auto node_key = KeyTraits::GetKey(*node); |
| |
| if (BoundTraits::GoRight(key, node_key)) { |
| // If we need to look for a larger node value (key > node_key in |
| // the case of lower_bound, key >= node_key in the case of |
| // upper_bound), then go right. If we cannot go right, then |
| // there is other element in this container whose key satisfies |
| // the bound condition. Break out of the loop and return the |
| // best node we have found so far. |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| |
| if (ns.right_ == nullptr) |
| break; |
| |
| node = ns.right_; |
| } else { |
| // If this node's key must be greater than or equal to the |
| // user's key. This node is now our candidate for our found |
| // node. |
| found = node; |
| |
| // If this node has a left-hand child, it is possible that there |
| // is a better bound somewhere underneath it. Set the node |
| // pointer to the root of the left hand sub-tree and keep |
| // looking. |
| node = NodeTraits::node_state(*node).left_; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return const_iterator(found); |
| } |
| |
| constexpr RawPtrType sentinel() const { return internal::make_sentinel<RawPtrType>(this); } |
| |
| // Swaps the positions of two nodes, one of which is guaranteed to be a |
| // right-hand descendant of the other. |
| // |
| // @note Node #1 is the ancestor node while node #2 is the descendant node. |
| // |
| // @param ptr_ref1 A reference to the pointer which points to node #1. |
| // @param ptr_ref2 A reference to the pointer which points to node #2. |
| // @return The new pointer to the pointer which points to node #1. |
| // |
| RawPtrType* SwapWithRightDescendant(RawPtrType& ptr_ref1, RawPtrType& ptr_ref2) { |
| RawPtrType node1 = ptr_ref1; |
| RawPtrType node2 = ptr_ref2; |
| |
| auto& ns1 = NodeTraits::node_state(*node1); |
| auto& ns2 = NodeTraits::node_state(*node2); |
| |
| auto ns1_lp = internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns1.left_) |
| ? &NodeTraits::node_state(*ns1.left_).parent_ |
| : nullptr; |
| auto ns2_lp = internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns2.left_) |
| ? &NodeTraits::node_state(*ns2.left_).parent_ |
| : nullptr; |
| auto ns2_rp = internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns2.right_) |
| ? &NodeTraits::node_state(*ns2.right_).parent_ |
| : nullptr; |
| |
| // node 2 is a right-hand descendant of node 1, so node 1's right hand |
| // pointer must be valid. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns1.right_)); |
| auto ns1_rp = &NodeTraits::node_state(*ns1.right_).parent_; |
| |
| // Start by updating the LR-most bookkeeping. Node 1 cannot be the |
| // right-most node, and node 2 cannot be the left most node (because we |
| // know that node 2 is to the right of node 1). |
| // |
| // If node 1 is currently the left-most, then node 2 will be when we are |
| // done. Likewise, if node 2 is currently the right-most, then node 1 |
| // will be the right-most when we are done. |
| if (node1 == left_most_) |
| left_most_ = node2; |
| if (node2 == right_most_) |
| right_most_ = node1; |
| |
| // Next, swap the core state of node 1 and node 2. |
| internal::Swap(ns1.parent_, ns2.parent_); |
| internal::Swap(ns1.left_, ns2.left_); |
| internal::Swap(ns1.right_, ns2.right_); |
| internal::Swap(ns1.rank_, ns2.rank_); |
| |
| // At this point, there are two scenarios. |
| // |
| // Case #1 |
| // Node 2 was an indirect descendant of node 1. In this case, all we |
| // need to do is swap the ptr_ref[12] pointers and fix-up the various |
| // children's parent pointers (when they exist). |
| // |
| // Case #2 |
| // Node 2 was the direct descendant of node 1; in this case the right |
| // hand child. In this case, we know 2 things... |
| // |
| // 1) node1.right is the same pointer as ptr_ref2 |
| // 2) node2.parent is the same pointer as node 1's right-child's parent. |
| // |
| // Because of this (and because of the swapping of core state prior to |
| // this), we know... |
| // |
| // 1) node1.parent currently points to node 1, but should point to node 2. |
| // 2) node2.right currently points to node 2, but should point to node 1. |
| // 3) ptr_ref1 still points to node 1, but should point to node 2. |
| // 4) node2.parent (aka; ns1_rp) currently points to node 1's old |
| // parent (which is correct). |
| // |
| // We fix issues 1-3 by swapping ptr_ref1 and node2.right, and by |
| // directly setting setting node1.parent to node2. |
| // |
| // Finally, we need to return the new pointer to the pointer which |
| // points to node 1. In case #1, this is just ptr_ref2. In case #2, |
| // however, this has become node 2's right hand pointer. |
| // |
| // Perform the common child fixup first, then deal with the special |
| // cases. |
| if (ns1_lp) |
| *ns1_lp = node2; |
| if (ns2_lp) |
| *ns2_lp = node1; |
| if (ns2_rp) |
| *ns2_rp = node1; |
| |
| if (&ptr_ref2 != &ns1.right_) { |
| // Case #1. |
| internal::Swap(ptr_ref1, ptr_ref2); |
| *ns1_rp = node2; |
| return &ptr_ref2; |
| } else { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns1.parent_ == node1); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns2.right_ == node2); |
| internal::Swap(ptr_ref1, ns2.right_); |
| ns1.parent_ = node2; |
| return &ns2.right_; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Promote the LR-child of a node to be removed into the node's position. |
| // Update the LR-node bookkeeping in the process. The LRTraits will |
| // determine if we are promoting the left or right child (the forward |
| // operation promotes left). |
| // |
| // Requirements: |
| // ++ The node being removed *must* have an LR-child. |
| // ++ The node being removed *must not* have an RL-child. |
| // ++ The owner reference *must* have already been disconnected from the |
| // node to be removed. |
| // |
| // @param owner A reference to the pointer which points to the node to be |
| // removed. |
| // @param node A pointer to the node to be removed. |
| // |
| template <typename LRTraits> |
| void PromoteLRChild(RawPtrType& owner, RawPtrType node) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(owner == nullptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(node != nullptr); |
| |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| RawPtrType& lr_child = LRTraits::LRChild(ns); |
| RawPtrType& rl_child = LRTraits::RLChild(ns); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(lr_child) && |
| !internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(rl_child)); |
| |
| // Promote by transferring the LR-Child pointer to the owner pointer and |
| // fixing up the LR-Child's parent pointer be the current parent of the |
| // node to be removed. |
| owner = lr_child; // owner now points to the promoted node. |
| lr_child = nullptr; // the node being removed no longer has any lr child. |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*owner).parent_ = ns.parent_; |
| |
| // The removed node is the RL-most node if (and only if) its RL-child |
| // was the sentinel value. |
| RawPtrType& rl_most = LRTraits::RLMost(*this); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((rl_most == node) == internal::is_sentinel_ptr(rl_child)); |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(rl_child)) { |
| // The target node was the RL-most. Find the new RL-most node. It will |
| // be the RL-most node in the LR-subtree of the target node. Once |
| // found, update the RL-child of the new RL-most node to be the |
| // sentinel value. |
| RawPtrType replacement = owner; |
| RawPtrType* next_rl_child; |
| |
| while (true) { |
| auto& replacement_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*replacement); |
| next_rl_child = &LRTraits::RLChild(replacement_ns); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(*next_rl_child)); |
| if (*next_rl_child == nullptr) |
| break; |
| |
| replacement = *next_rl_child; |
| } |
| |
| // Update the bookkeeping. |
| rl_most = replacement; |
| *next_rl_child = sentinel(); |
| rl_child = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| // Unlink the parent pointer for the target node and we should be done. |
| // The left and right children of the target node should already be |
| // nullptr by now. |
| ns.parent_ = nullptr; |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.left_ == nullptr); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.right_ == nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| // After we have swapped contents with another tree, we need to fix up the |
| // sentinel values so that they refer to the proper tree. Otherwise tree |
| // A's sentinels will point at tree B's, and vice-versa. |
| void FixSentinelsAfterSwap() { |
| if (root_) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(root_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(left_most_ && !internal::is_sentinel_ptr(left_most_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(right_most_ && !internal::is_sentinel_ptr(right_most_)); |
| |
| auto& root_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*root_); |
| auto& left_most_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*left_most_); |
| auto& right_most_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*right_most_); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(left_most_ns.left_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(right_most_ns.right_)); |
| |
| root_ns.parent_ = sentinel(); |
| left_most_ns.left_ = sentinel(); |
| right_most_ns.right_ = sentinel(); |
| } else { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(left_most_)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::is_sentinel_ptr(right_most_)); |
| left_most_ = sentinel(); |
| right_most_ = sentinel(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // GetLinkPtrToNode. |
| // |
| // Obtain a reference to the pointer which points to node. The will either be |
| // a reference to the node's parent's left child, right child, or the root |
| // node of the tree if the child has no parent. |
| RawPtrType& GetLinkPtrToNode(RawPtrType node) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)); |
| |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.parent_)) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.parent_ == sentinel()); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(root_ == node); |
| return root_; |
| } |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.parent_ != nullptr); |
| auto& parent_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ns.parent_); |
| if (parent_ns.left_ == node) |
| return parent_ns.left_; |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_ns.right_ == node); |
| return parent_ns.right_; |
| } |
| |
| // RotateLR<LRTraits> |
| // |
| // Perform a Rotate-LR operation at 'node'. |
| // |
| // Let... |
| // X = node |
| // Y = LR-Child of X (if any) |
| // Z = X's parent. |
| // |
| // A Rotate-LR operation at 'node' is defined as follows. |
| // 1) Z becomes the LR-Child of X |
| // 2) Y becomes the RL-Child of Z |
| // 3) X takes Z's position in the tree |
| // |
| // If [XYZ]_link is the pointer which points to [XYZ], then we can describe |
| // the operation as the following permutation of the links. |
| // |
| // link | before | swap1 | swap2 | |
| // --------+--------+-------+-------+ |
| // X_link | X | Y | Y + |
| // Y_link | Y | X | Z + |
| // Z_link | Z | Z | X + |
| // |
| // Note that link's are bi-directional. We need to update the parent |
| // pointers as well. Let G be Z's parent at the start of the operation. |
| // The permutation should be. |
| // |
| // node | P(n) before | P(n) after | |
| // --------+-------------+------------+ |
| // X | Z | G | |
| // Y | X | Z | |
| // Z | G | X | |
| // |
| // We should not need to worry about the LR-most-ness of any of the nodes. |
| // Reasoning is as follows... |
| // |
| // 1) Z might be the LR-most node in the tree, but only if it has no |
| // LR-Child. It cannot be the RL-most node in the tree, because we know |
| // that it has an RL-child (X). When we rotate, Z moves to the LR. So |
| // if it or one of its LR-children was LR-most, they remain that way. |
| // 2) X might be the RL-most node in the tree, but only if it has no |
| // RL-child. It cannot be the LR-most node in the tree because it is the |
| // RL-child of Z. When we rotate, X moves up in the tree following Z's |
| // RL-child link. This means that if X was on the RL-edge of the tree |
| // (implying that it or one of its children was RL-most), it remains |
| // there, preserving the RL-most-ness of it or its children. |
| // 3) Before the rotation, Y cannot be either the RL-most node in the tree |
| // (it is X's LR-child), or the LR-most node in the tree (it's parent, X, |
| // is Z's RL-child). After the rotation, Y still cannot be either |
| // LR-most (it is now Z's RL-child) or RL-most (it's parent, Z, is X's |
| // LR-child). |
| template <typename LRTraits> |
| void RotateLR(RawPtrType node, RawPtrType parent) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)); // Node must be valid |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent)); // Node must have a parent |
| |
| // Aliases, just to make the code below match the notation used above. |
| RawPtrType X = node; |
| RawPtrType Z = parent; |
| |
| auto& X_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*X); |
| auto& Z_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*Z); |
| |
| // X must be the RL-child of Z. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(LRTraits::RLChild(Z_ns) == X); |
| |
| RawPtrType& X_link = LRTraits::RLChild(Z_ns); |
| RawPtrType& Y_link = LRTraits::LRChild(X_ns); |
| RawPtrType& Z_link = GetLinkPtrToNode(Z); |
| |
| RawPtrType G = Z_ns.parent_; |
| RawPtrType Y = Y_link; |
| |
| // The pointer to Y cannot be a sentinel, because that would imply that |
| // X was LR-most. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!internal::is_sentinel_ptr(Y)); |
| |
| // Record the rotation observation before the links are updated. The children are specified here |
| // as a left rotation. These are transformed by the LRTraits for the right rotation case. |
| Observer::RecordRotation(iterator(X), iterator(Y), iterator(LRTraits::RLChild(X_ns)), |
| iterator(Z), iterator(LRTraits::LRChild(Z_ns))); |
| |
| // Permute the downstream links. |
| RawPtrType tmp = X_link; |
| X_link = Y_link; |
| Y_link = Z_link; |
| Z_link = tmp; |
| |
| // Update the parent pointers (note that Y may not exist). |
| X_ns.parent_ = G; |
| Z_ns.parent_ = X; |
| if (Y) { |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*Y).parent_ = Z; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // PostInsertFixupLR<LRTraits> |
| // |
| // Called after the promotion stage of an insert operation, when node's |
| // parent has become 0,2 node and the rank rule needs to be restored. |
| // |
| // If node is the LR-child of parent, define... |
| // X = node |
| // Y = RL-child of X |
| // Z = parent |
| // |
| // There are two possibilities of what to do next. |
| // |
| // if (Y is null) or (Y is a 2-child) |
| // then... |
| // 1) rotate-RL about X |
| // 2) demote Z |
| // |
| // OR |
| // |
| // if (Y is a 1-child) |
| // then... |
| // 1) rotate-LR about Y |
| // 2) rotate-RL about Y |
| // 3) promote Y |
| // 4) demote X |
| // 5) demote Z |
| template <typename LRTraits> |
| void PostInsertFixupLR(RawPtrType node, RawPtrType parent) { |
| using RLTraits = typename LRTraits::Inverse; |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent)); |
| |
| auto& node_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| auto& parent_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*parent); |
| |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(LRTraits::LRChild(parent_ns) == node); |
| |
| RawPtrType rl_child = LRTraits::RLChild(node_ns); |
| auto rl_child_ns = |
| internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(rl_child) ? &NodeTraits::node_state(*rl_child) : nullptr; |
| if (!rl_child_ns || (rl_child_ns->rank_parity() == node_ns.rank_parity())) { |
| // Case #1; single rotation |
| // |
| // Start by performing a Rotate-RL at node |
| RotateLR<RLTraits>(node, parent); |
| Observer::RecordInsertRotation(); |
| |
| // Now demote node's old parent (now its LR-child) |
| parent_ns.demote_rank(); |
| } else { |
| // Case #2; double rotation. |
| // |
| // Start by performing a Rotate-LR at rl_child. Afterwards, |
| // rl_child will be LR-child of parent (and node is now its |
| // LR-child). Rotate-RL at rl_child. |
| RotateLR<LRTraits>(rl_child, node); |
| RotateLR<RLTraits>(rl_child, parent); |
| Observer::RecordInsertDoubleRotation(); |
| |
| // 1 promotion and 2 demotions. |
| rl_child_ns->promote_rank(); |
| node_ns.demote_rank(); |
| parent_ns.demote_rank(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // BalancePostInsert |
| // |
| // Execute the bottom-up post-insert rebalancing algorithm. |
| // |
| // @param node A pointer to the node which was just inserted. |
| // |
| void BalancePostInsert(RawPtrType node) { |
| // We do not balance the tree after inserting the first (root) |
| // node, so we should be able to assert that we have a valid parent. |
| auto node_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node_ns->parent_)); |
| |
| // If we have a sibling, then our parent just went from being a 1,2 |
| // unary node into a 1,1 binary node and no action needs to be taken. |
| RawPtrType parent = node_ns->parent_; |
| auto parent_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*parent); |
| if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent_ns->left_) && |
| internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent_ns->right_)) |
| return; |
| |
| // We have no sibling, therefor we just changed our parent from a 1,1 |
| // leaf node into a 0,1 unary node. The WAVL rank rule states that all |
| // rank differences are 1 or 2; 0 is not allowed. Rebalance the tree in |
| // order to restore the rule. |
| // |
| // Start with the promotions. Pseudo code is... |
| // |
| // while (IsValid(parent) && parent is a 0,1 node) |
| // promote parent |
| // climb up the tree |
| bool node_parity; |
| bool parent_parity; |
| bool sibling_parity; |
| bool is_left_child; |
| do { |
| // Promote |
| parent_ns->promote_rank(); |
| Observer::RecordInsertPromote(); |
| |
| // Climb |
| node = parent; |
| node_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| parent = node_ns->parent_; |
| |
| // If we have run out of room to climb, then we must be done. |
| if (!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent)) |
| return; |
| |
| // We have a parent. Determine the relationship between our rank |
| // parity, our parent's rank parity, and our sibling's rank parity |
| // (if any). Note; null children have a rank of -1, therefor the |
| // rank parity of a sibling is always odd (1). In the process, make |
| // a note of whether we are our parent's left or right child. |
| parent_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*parent); |
| is_left_child = (parent_ns->left_ == node); |
| if (is_left_child) { |
| sibling_parity = internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent_ns->right_) |
| ? NodeTraits::node_state(*parent_ns->right_).rank_parity() |
| : true; |
| } else { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_ns->right_ == node); |
| sibling_parity = internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(parent_ns->left_) |
| ? NodeTraits::node_state(*parent_ns->left_).rank_parity() |
| : true; |
| } |
| |
| node_parity = node_ns->rank_parity(); |
| parent_parity = parent_ns->rank_parity(); |
| |
| // We need to keep promoting and climbing if we just turned our new |
| // parent into a 0,1 node. Let N, P and S denote the current node, |
| // parent, and sibling parities. Working out the truth tables, our |
| // parent is now a 0,1 node iff (!N * !P * S) + (N * P * !S) |
| } while ((!node_parity && !parent_parity && sibling_parity) || |
| (node_parity && parent_parity && !sibling_parity)); |
| |
| // OK. At this point, we know that we have a parent, and our parent is |
| // not a 0,1 node. Either our rank rule has been restored and we are |
| // done, or our parent is 0,2 and we need to perform either one or two |
| // rotations. Start by checking to see if our parent is 0,2. Using the |
| // notation from above... |
| // |
| // ++ our parent is a 0,2 node iff (!N * !P * !S) + (N * P * S). |
| // ++ which implies that we are finished iff (N != P) + (N != S) |
| // |
| if ((node_parity != parent_parity) || (node_parity != sibling_parity)) |
| return; |
| |
| // Looks like our parent is a 0,2 node. Perform the post-insert fixup |
| // operations, forward if we are our parent's left child, reverse if we |
| // are our parent's right child. |
| if (is_left_child) |
| PostInsertFixupLR<ForwardTraits>(node, parent); |
| else |
| PostInsertFixupLR<ReverseTraits>(node, parent); |
| } |
| |
| // BalancePostErase_Fix22Leaf |
| // |
| // Called after an erase operation which erased the 1-child of a node. |
| // Checks to see if the node has become a 2,2 leaf node and takes |
| // appropriate action to restore the rank rule if needed. |
| void BalancePostErase_Fix22Leaf(RawPtrType node) { |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)); |
| |
| // If we just turned node into a 2,2 leaf, it will have no children and |
| // odd rank-parity. If it has even parity, or any children at all, |
| // there is nothing we need to do. |
| auto& ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*node); |
| if (!ns.rank_parity() || internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.left_) || |
| internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(ns.right_)) |
| return; |
| |
| // Demote the node turning it into a 1,1 leaf. |
| ns.demote_rank(); |
| Observer::RecordEraseDemote(); |
| |
| // By demoting this node, we may have just created a 3-child. Find its |
| // parent, figure out if it was the left or right child, then use the |
| // FixLR3Child method to check for the 3-child case and deal with it if |
| // we need to. If this node had no parent, then we know that we are |
| // finished. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ns.parent_ != nullptr); |
| if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(ns.parent_)) |
| return; |
| |
| auto& parent_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ns.parent_); |
| bool is_left_child = parent_ns.left_ == node; |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(is_left_child || (parent_ns.right_ == node)); |
| |
| if (is_left_child) |
| BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child<ForwardTraits>(ns.parent_); |
| else |
| BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child<ReverseTraits>(ns.parent_); |
| } |
| |
| // BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child<LRTraits> |
| // |
| // Called during post-erase rebalancing when it is possible that a 3-child |
| // may have been created. There are 3 ways that this may have happened. |
| // |
| // 1) A node's 2-child leaf node was erased making the link to null a |
| // 3-child link. |
| // 2) A node's 2-child unary node was erased making the promoted node |
| // a 3-child. |
| // 3) During rebalancing fix-up of a 2,2 leaf, the 2,2 leaf node is a |
| // 2-child. Demoting it to turn it into a 1,1 leaf makes it a 3-child. |
| // |
| // Note: this method is templated using LRTraits because the method needs to |
| // know which link may have become a 3-child based on prior circumstances. |
| // Without this knowledge, it is not possible to detect a 3 child using only |
| // rank parity. For this method, the LR-Child of 'node' is known to now be |
| // either a 2-child or a 3-child, it cannot be a 1-child. |
| template <typename LRTraits> |
| void BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child(RawPtrType node) { |
| using RLTraits = typename LRTraits::Inverse; |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(node)); |
| |
| // Throughout this method, we will use the following notation. |
| // |
| // Let... |
| // Z = The node with the (potential) 3-child. |
| // X = The (potential) 3-child. |
| // Y = X's sibling. (if any) |
| // |
| RawPtrType Z = node; |
| auto Z_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*Z); |
| RawPtrType X = LRTraits::LRChild(*Z_ns); |
| |
| // Check to see if X is a 3-child of Z. We know it is if... |
| // 1) X exists and Z has odd rank parity |
| // 2) X does not exist and Z has even rank parity |
| if (internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(X) != Z_ns->rank_parity()) |
| return; |
| |
| // Phase 1, demotions. |
| // |
| // While X is a 3-child and Y is a 2-child, or a 2,2 node |
| // Demote Y if it is is a 2,2 node |
| // Demote Z |
| // Climb (set Z = Z-parent, update definitions of X and Y) |
| // |
| bool X_is_LR_child = true; |
| RawPtrType Y = LRTraits::RLChild(*Z_ns); |
| while (true) { |
| // We know that X is a 3 child, Determine the status of Y. We know |
| // that whenever X is a 3-child that Y must exist because... |
| // |
| // 1) Z's rank is at least 2. In the case that X does not exist, X's rank |
| // is -1 so Z's rank is (-1 + 3) = 2. If X does exist, Z's rank |
| // is even larger. |
| // 2) The rank rule for the Y,Z relationship should currently hold, |
| // meaning that the rank difference between Y and Z is either 1 or 2, |
| // therefor Y's rank is at least 0. |
| // 3) Because Y has non-negative rank, it must exist. |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Y)); |
| |
| auto& Y_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*Y); |
| bool Y_is_2_child = (Y_ns.rank_parity() == Z_ns->rank_parity()); |
| |
| // Our next steps are already determined and don't involve Y if |
| // Y is currently a 2 child. Don't bother to compute |
| // Y_is_22_node if we already know that Y is a 2-child. |
| if (!Y_is_2_child) { |
| bool Y_is_22_node; |
| if (Y_ns.rank_parity()) { |
| // If Y has odd rank parity, it is a 2,2 node if both its |
| // children have odd parity, meaning each child either does |
| // not exist, or exists and has odd parity.. |
| Y_is_22_node = ((!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Y_ns.left_) || |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*Y_ns.left_).rank_parity()) && |
| (!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Y_ns.right_) || |
| NodeTraits::node_state(*Y_ns.right_).rank_parity())); |
| } else { |
| // If Y has even rank parity, it can only be a 2,2 node if it is |
| // a binary node and both of its children have even parity. |
| Y_is_22_node = internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Y_ns.left_) && |
| internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Y_ns.right_) && |
| !NodeTraits::node_state(*Y_ns.left_).rank_parity() && |
| !NodeTraits::node_state(*Y_ns.right_).rank_parity(); |
| } |
| |
| // If Y is neither a 2-child or a 2,2 node, then we are done |
| // with phase 1. X is still a 3-child, but it will take one or |
| // more rotations to fix the problem. |
| if (!Y_is_22_node) |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| // Demote Z. If Y was a 1-child, demote Y as well. |
| Z_ns->demote_rank(); |
| Observer::RecordEraseDemote(); |
| |
| if (!Y_is_2_child) { |
| Y_ns.demote_rank(); |
| Observer::RecordEraseDemote(); |
| } |
| |
| // Climb. If we cannot climb because we have no parent, or we can |
| // climb and the new X is no longer a 3-child, then we are done |
| // with the rebalance operation. |
| if (!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Z_ns->parent_)) |
| return; |
| |
| bool X_rank_parity = Z_ns->rank_parity(); |
| X = Z; |
| Z = Z_ns->parent_; |
| Z_ns = &NodeTraits::node_state(*Z); |
| if (Z_ns->rank_parity() == X_rank_parity) |
| return; |
| |
| X_is_LR_child = (LRTraits::LRChild(*Z_ns) == X); |
| Y = X_is_LR_child ? LRTraits::RLChild(*Z_ns) : LRTraits::LRChild(*Z_ns); |
| } |
| |
| // Phase 2, rotations |
| // |
| // At this point, we know... |
| // |
| // 1) Z exists |
| // 2) X is a 3-child of Z (but may not exist). |
| // 3) Y exists (because X is a 3-child of Z, see above) |
| // 4) Y is not a 2-child of Z (so, Z is a 1,3 node) |
| // 5) Y is not a 2,2 node. |
| // |
| // We will need to perform either 1 or 2 rotations to fix this problem. |
| // Which directions we rotate will now depend on whether or not X is a |
| // left or right child of Z. Invoke the post-erase rotation method |
| // using the traits which will normalize the notation so that X is an |
| // LR-child of Z. |
| if (X_is_LR_child) |
| BalancePostErase_DoRotations<LRTraits>(Y, Z); |
| else |
| BalancePostErase_DoRotations<RLTraits>(Y, Z); |
| } |
| |
| // BalancePostErase_DoRotations<LRTraits> |
| // |
| // Refer to the notes at the end of BalancePostErase_FixLR3Child<LRTraits> |
| // for a description of the current situation. In addition to the |
| // assertions there, we also now know that X is the LR-Child of Z (and |
| // therefor Y is the RL-child of Z) (note; X is only indirectly involved |
| // here, so not passed as an argument). |
| template <typename LRTraits> |
| void BalancePostErase_DoRotations(RawPtrType Y, RawPtrType Z) { |
| using RLTraits = typename LRTraits::Inverse; |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Y)); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Z)); |
| |
| auto& Y_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*Y); |
| auto& Z_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*Z); |
| |
| // Let... |
| // V = the LR-child of Y |
| // W = the RL-child of Y |
| // |
| // Perform rotations to fix the fact that X is a 3-child of Z. We will |
| // need to do 1 of 2 things depending on whether W is a 1-child or |
| // 2-child of Y. |
| // |
| RawPtrType W = LRTraits::RLChild(Y_ns); |
| bool W_rank_parity = |
| internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(W) ? NodeTraits::node_state(*W).rank_parity() : true; |
| if (Y_ns.rank_parity() != W_rank_parity) { |
| // Case #1: W is a 1-child of Y |
| // |
| // 1) Rotate-LR at Y |
| // 2) Promote Y |
| // 3a) If Z is a leaf, demote it twice. |
| // 3b) else demote Z once. |
| RotateLR<LRTraits>(Y, Z); |
| Observer::RecordEraseRotation(); |
| |
| Y_ns.promote_rank(); |
| |
| if (!internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Z_ns.left_) && !internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(Z_ns.right_)) { |
| Z_ns.double_demote_rank(); |
| } else { |
| Z_ns.demote_rank(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Case #2: W is a 2-child of Y |
| // |
| // 1) Rotate-RL at V |
| // 2) Rotate-LR at V |
| // 3) Promote V twice. |
| // 3) Demote Y once. |
| // 3) Demote Z twice. |
| RawPtrType V = LRTraits::LRChild(Y_ns); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(internal::valid_sentinel_ptr(V)); // V must exist |
| auto& V_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*V); |
| ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(V_ns.rank_parity() != Y_ns.rank_parity()); // V must be a 1-child of Y |
| |
| // TODO(johngro) : Special case the implementation of a double |
| // rotation operation. It would almost certainly be more efficient |
| // than performing 2 sequential single rotation operations. |
| RotateLR<RLTraits>(V, Y); |
| RotateLR<LRTraits>(V, Z); |
| Observer::RecordEraseDoubleRotation(); |
| |
| V_ns.double_promote_rank(); |
| Y_ns.demote_rank(); |
| Z_ns.double_demote_rank(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Tree state consists of... |
| // |
| // 1) a root node |
| // 2) a left-most node |
| // 3) a right-most node |
| // 4) a count of nodes |
| // |
| // Technically, only #1 is required. #2-4 are optimizations to assist in |
| // iteration and size operations. |
| RawPtrType root_ = nullptr; |
| RawPtrType left_most_ = sentinel(); |
| RawPtrType right_most_ = sentinel(); |
| size_t count_ = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| // TaggedWAVLTree<> is intended for use with ContainableBaseClasses<>. |
| // |
| // For an easy way to allow instances of your class to live in multiple |
| // intrusive containers at once, simply derive from |
| // ContainableBaseClasses<YourContainables<PtrType, TagType>...> and then use |
| // this template instead of WAVLTree<> as the container, passing the same tag |
| // type you used earlier as the third parameter. |
| // |
| // See comments on ContainableBaseClasses<> in fbl/intrusive_container_utils.h |
| // for more details. |
| // |
| template <typename KeyType, typename PtrType, typename TagType, |
| typename KeyTraits = DefaultKeyedObjectTraits< |
| KeyType, typename internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType>::ValueType>, |
| typename Observer = tests::intrusive_containers::DefaultWAVLTreeObserver> |
| using TaggedWAVLTree = WAVLTree<KeyType, PtrType, KeyTraits, TagType, |
| DefaultWAVLTreeTraits<PtrType, TagType>, Observer>; |
| |
| template <typename PtrType, typename TagType, NodeOptions Options = NodeOptions::None> |
| using TaggedWAVLTreeContainable = WAVLTreeContainable<PtrType, Options, TagType>; |
| |
| } // namespace fbl |
| |