blob: 57dc40b6f3b61964a337bafe06c61871e330f3e2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FBL_BITS_H_
#define FBL_BITS_H_
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fbl {
// Extracts the bit range [HightBit:LowBit] (inclusive) from a numerical input.
template <size_t HighBit, size_t LowBit, typename ReturnType, typename SourceType>
constexpr inline ReturnType ExtractBits(SourceType input) {
// +1 for inclusivity of the upper bound.
constexpr auto bit_count = HighBit + 1 - LowBit;
static_assert(HighBit >= LowBit, "High bit must be greater or equal to low bit.");
static_assert(HighBit < (sizeof(SourceType) * 8), "Source value ends before high bit");
static_assert(bit_count <= (sizeof(ReturnType) * 8),
"Return type is not large enough to hold requested bits.");
auto pow2 = static_cast<SourceType>(1) << bit_count;
return static_cast<ReturnType>((input >> LowBit) & (pow2 - 1));
template <size_t Bit, typename ReturnType, typename SourceType>
constexpr inline ReturnType ExtractBit(SourceType input) {
return ExtractBits<Bit, Bit, ReturnType, SourceType>(input);
// The following contains safe wrappers for numeric bitfields. You can read or
// write to the members which in the general case is undefined behavior.
// However, the standard carves a special exception for types that are
// standard-layout as long they share a common initial sequence which is
// defined (C++11) as:
// "Two standard-layout structs share a common initial sequence
// if corresponding members have layout-compatible types and both
// are bit-fields with the same width for a sequence of one or more
// initial members"
// You can use this code without macros. To do so the code should look
// something like this:
// union MyClass {
// uint32_t full_value = initial_value; // optional
// fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 0, 3> member1;
// fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, 3, 2> member1;
// ...
// fbl::BitFieldMember<uint32_t, p,q> memberN;
// };
// All the members should be one 'T' type and the union should not
// include any other object.
// The Macros simply remove the risk of accidentally violating the rules
// at the price of ugly looking code:
// FBL_BITFIELD_DEF_START(MyClass, uint32_t)
// FBL_BITFIELD_MEMBER(member1, 0, 3);
// FBL_BITFIELD_MEMBER(member2, 4, 2);
// ...
// FBL_BITFIELD_MEMBER(memberN, p, q);
// The usage is simple. It behaves as a set of unsigned integers with
// reduced ranges that are packed efficiently:
// MyClass options_(initial_opts);
// ....
// options_.member1 = 5u;
// options_.member2 = 3u;
// ....
// if (options_.member1 < 4u) { ..}
// ....
// uint32_t copy = options_;
template <typename T, size_t Offset, size_t BitCount>
class BitFieldMember {
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "bitfield type must be unsigned");
static_assert(Offset + BitCount <= (sizeof(T) * 8u), "offset or count is too large");
static constexpr T Maximum = (T(1) << BitCount) - 1;
static constexpr T Mask = Maximum << Offset;
constexpr T maximum() const { return Maximum; }
constexpr operator T() const { return (value_ >> Offset) & Maximum; }
constexpr BitFieldMember& operator=(T new_value) {
ZX_ASSERT(new_value <= Maximum);
// Subtle code ahead!
// In typical usage, the storage for type |value_| will be a member of a
// union and not necessarily the active union member. C++11 ยง9.5.1
// [class.union] permits "inspection" of non-active members so long as
// the union follows other rules which we already rely on to read the value
// of the bitfield and compute a new value.
T temp = static_cast<T>((value_ & ~Mask) | (new_value << Offset));
// Now that we have a new value, we need to write it to the underlying
// storage. Since |value_| may not be the active union member we can't
// assign directly but we can std::memcpy() into the storage holding the
// value. See issue 38296 for an example of direct assignment producing
// the wrong result.
std::memcpy(&value_, &temp, sizeof(T));
return *this;
constexpr BitFieldMember() = default;
constexpr BitFieldMember& operator=(const BitFieldMember& other) {
T new_value = other;
*this = new_value;
return *this;
constexpr BitFieldMember(const BitFieldMember& other) = default;
T value_;
#define FBL_BITFIELD_DEF_START(Typename, T) \
union Typename { \
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<T>, \
"Storage type in bitfield union must be standard layout"); \
using ValueType = T; \
ValueType value; \
constexpr explicit Typename(T v = 0) : value(v) {} \
constexpr Typename& operator=(T v) { \
value = v; \
return *this; \
} \
constexpr operator T&() { return value; } \
constexpr operator T() const { return value; }
#define FBL_BITFIELD_MEMBER(MemberName, offset, bits) \
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<fbl::BitFieldMember<ValueType, offset, bits>>); \
fbl::BitFieldMember<ValueType, offset, bits> MemberName
} // namespace fbl
#endif // FBL_BITS_H_