blob: 8078d554e62a84473402e8094d08068c82018da3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include "sanitizer-memory-snapshot-test-dso.h"
namespace {
int gDlopenDsoData = 17;
int gDlopenDsoBss;
thread_local int gDlopenDsoThreadLocalData = 17;
thread_local int gDlopenDsoThreadLocalBss;
const int gDlopenDsoRodata = 23;
int* const gDlopenDsoRelro = &gDlopenDsoData;
} // namespace
__EXPORT const void* DlopenDsoDataPointer() { return &gDlopenDsoData; }
__EXPORT const void* DlopenDsoBssPointer() { return &gDlopenDsoBss; }
__EXPORT const void* DlopenDsoRodataPointer() { return &gDlopenDsoRodata; }
__EXPORT const void* DlopenDsoRelroPointer() { return &gDlopenDsoRelro; }
__EXPORT const void* DlopenDsoThreadLocalDataPointer() { return &gDlopenDsoThreadLocalData; }
__EXPORT const void* DlopenDsoThreadLocalBssPointer() { return &gDlopenDsoThreadLocalBss; }