blob: f9f4f00b1479f8e7aa979c8db3de680213c94dce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/suspend_token.h>
#include <lib/zx/task.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/sanitizer.h>
#include <zircon/threads.h>
#include <array>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "asan_impl.h"
#include "sanitizer-memory-snapshot-test-dso.h"
// Use the GNU global register variable extension to steal an available
// (i.e. usually call-saved and not otherwise special) register to hold a
// probably-unique bit pattern that the test can verify is reported. It
// shouldn't really matter that the register is only resreved in functions
// compiled in this translation unit, because it's only set and sampled when
// blocked in functions here. However, "blocking" actually involves calling
// into vDSO code that doesn't keep this register fixed, so pick the
// least-likely call-saved register to be used and hope that the vDSO paths
// used have little enough register pressure never to touch it.
// N.B. For GCC to honor it, the register declaration must be at top-level
// and not inside the namespace below. For register, constexpr, and extern
// (used here) it makes no difference anyway.
#ifdef __aarch64__
// Note! Clang requires passed -ffixed-REG to use this declaration,
// though the GNU specification for the feature does not require that.
register uintptr_t gSpecialRegister __asm__("x28");
constexpr bool kHaveSpecialRegister = true;
// Unfortunately there really is no such register on x86, since there is
// often enough register pressure to use everything. Anyway LLVM can't
// handle arbitrary fixed registers on x86, though GCC can.
constexpr bool kHaveSpecialRegister = false;
extern uintptr_t gSpecialRegister; // Only used in discarded if constexpr else.
// For some tests, it would be easier to take advantage of the sanitizer hooks. Unfortunately,
// defining hooks here will take precedence over the definitions in sanitizer runtimes. For those
// tests, we can just check if the hooks are available to use.
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer) || __has_feature(hwaddress_sanitizer) || \
namespace {
constexpr int kThreadCount = 10;
// These should be bit patterns that are unlikely to appear in nature.
constexpr uintptr_t kRegisterPattern = 0xfeedfacedeadbeefUL;
constexpr uintptr_t kTssPattern = 0xf00d4c11abbababaUL;
constexpr uintptr_t kPthreadspecificPattern = 0xf00d43051215abedUL;
constexpr uintptr_t kDeadThreadReturnPattern = 0xdeadbeef3e34a100UL;
class DlopenAuto {
DlopenAuto() : handle_(dlopen("", RTLD_LOCAL)) {}
~DlopenAuto() { dlclose(handle_); }
bool Ok() const { return handle_; }
const void* operator()(const char* name) {
return reinterpret_cast<const void* (*)()>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dlsym(handle_, name)))();
void* handle_;
struct MemoryChunk {
void* mem;
size_t len;
using MemoryChunks = std::vector<MemoryChunk>;
// A new pthread that immediately dies and returns Cookie().
// It's joined for cleanup on destruction.
class ScopedPthread {
ScopedPthread() {
&thread_, nullptr, [](void* ptr) { return ptr; }, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Cookie()));
~ScopedPthread() {
void* value;
pthread_join(thread_, &value);
void Check(uintptr_t value) {
if (value == Cookie()) {
seen_ = true;
bool seen() const { return seen_; }
pthread_t thread_;
bool seen_ = false;
uintptr_t Cookie() const { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) ^ kDeadThreadReturnPattern; }
struct SnapshotResult {
std::array<ScopedPthread, kThreadCount> dead_threads{};
MemoryChunks globals, stacks, tls;
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
bool ran_callback = false;
bool saw_main_tss = false;
std::array<bool, kThreadCount> saw_thread_tss{};
bool saw_main_specific = false;
std::array<bool, kThreadCount> saw_thread_specific{};
// Note we don't try to detect the special register value in the main thread
// because the __sanitizer_memory_snapshot code path can't reasonably be
// expected not to touch that register (it's sketchy enough to assume the
// vDSO code path doesn't touch it).
std::array<bool, kThreadCount> saw_thread_special_registers{};
bool ChunksCover(const MemoryChunks& chunks, const void* ptr) {
auto addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
// When hwasan is enabled, `ptr` can be tagged if it points to a static local variable. However,
// globals received here from __sanitizer_memory_snapshot will not be tagged since we currently
// disable tagging on globals. We can safely strip the tag here because the actual static data
// will be within expected memory chunks, but the tag is added to the C ptr afterwards due to how
// hwasan instruments local variables.
addr &= ADDR_MASK;
for (const auto& chunk : chunks) {
const auto start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(chunk.mem);
if (addr >= start && (addr - start < chunk.len)) {
return true;
return false;
void SnapshotDoneCallback(zx_status_t status, void* arg) {
auto result = static_cast<SnapshotResult*>(arg);
result->ran_callback = true;
result->status = status;
// It's technically not kosher under the API documentation to stash the ranges
// like this and check them later, but it makes the testing much easier. The
// registers are by definition a copy and the tss_set (pthread_setspecific)
// data address ranges are not knowable outside libc, so those get tested by
// value (kosher) rather than by address range (easy).
void GlobalsCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto result = static_cast<SnapshotResult*>(arg);
result->globals.push_back({mem, len});
void StacksCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto result = static_cast<SnapshotResult*>(arg);
result->stacks.push_back({mem, len});
void TlsCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto result = static_cast<SnapshotResult*>(arg);
result->tls.push_back({mem, len});
// Currently, the TLS callback receives two kinds of buffers: (1) an actual TLS
// segment which may or may not be 8-byte aligned and (2) libc internals (start_arg,
// tsd, etc.) which will always be 8-byte aligned. The checks bellow are for
// asserting we found known words in (2). We check that known TLS segments are
// found by storing them for checking later after the snapshot. If a buffer we
// receive is not aligned, we know it is from TLS.
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem) % alignof(uintptr_t) != 0)
const auto* words = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(mem);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len / sizeof(words[0]); ++i) {
if (words[i] == kTssPattern) {
result->saw_main_tss = true;
for (bool& seen : result->saw_thread_tss) {
if (words[i] == (kTssPattern ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&seen))) {
seen = true;
if (words[i] == kPthreadspecificPattern) {
result->saw_main_specific = true;
for (bool& seen : result->saw_thread_specific) {
if (words[i] == (kPthreadspecificPattern ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&seen))) {
seen = true;
for (auto& t : result->dead_threads) {
void RegistersCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto result = static_cast<SnapshotResult*>(arg);
const auto* regs = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(mem);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len / sizeof(regs[0]); ++i) {
for (bool& seen : result->saw_thread_special_registers) {
if (regs[i] == (kRegisterPattern ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&seen))) {
seen = true;
// This is the least-demanding possible smoke test.
TEST(SanitizerUtilsTest, MemorySnapshotNoReportsOneThread) {
SnapshotResult result;
__sanitizer_memory_snapshot(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, SnapshotDoneCallback,
// This tests just the stop-the-world machinery, without verifying
// that it did anything other than not crash or wedge or report error.
TEST(SanitizerUtilsTest, MemorySnapshotNoReportsWithThreads) {
SnapshotResult result;
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cond;
bool time_to_die = false;
// Start some threads that just sit around.
std::array<std::thread, kThreadCount> threads{};
for (auto& t : threads) {
t = std::thread([&]() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
cond.wait(lock, [&]() { return time_to_die; });
// At the end, wake the threads up and wait for them to die.
auto cleanup = fit::defer([&]() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locked(mutex);
time_to_die = true;
for (auto& t : threads) {
__sanitizer_memory_snapshot(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, SnapshotDoneCallback,
// This tests the enumeration of globals without anything using thread state.
TEST(SanitizerUtilsTest, MemorySnapshotGlobalsOnly) {
DlopenAuto loaded;
ASSERT_TRUE(loaded.Ok(), "dlopen: %s", dlerror());
SnapshotResult result;
__sanitizer_memory_snapshot(GlobalsCallback, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, SnapshotDoneCallback,
static int local_data = 23;
static int local_bss;
static const int local_rodata = 17;
static int* const local_relro = &local_data;
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_data));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_bss));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_rodata));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_relro));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoDataPointer()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoBssPointer()));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoRodataPointer()));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoRelroPointer()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoDataPointer")));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoBssPointer")));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoRodataPointer")));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoRelroPointer")));
thread_local int gTdata = 42;
thread_local int gTbss;
template <typename Key, auto Create, auto Destroy, auto Store>
class ScopedTlsKey {
ScopedTlsKey() { Create(&key_, nullptr); }
~ScopedTlsKey() { Destroy(key_); }
void Set(uintptr_t x) const { Store(key_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(x)); }
Key key_;
// This is the kitchen-sink test of the real-world case of collecting
// everything. It seems more useful to test this case as one than to
// separately test stacks, regs, and tls, separately for this thread and
// other threads, etc. This is the way the interface is really used for
// leak-checking or conservative GC.
TEST(SanitizerUtilsTest, MemorySnapshotFull) {
DlopenAuto loaded;
ASSERT_TRUE(loaded.Ok(), "dlopen: %s", dlerror());
// Check how many threads exist now (probably just one).
size_t nthreads;
ASSERT_OK(zx::process::self()->get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS, nullptr, 0, nullptr, &nthreads));
const auto quiescent_nthreads = nthreads;
// The constructor (ScopedPthread) creates threads that immediately exit
// just so their return values are stored but exist nowhere else.
SnapshotResult result;
// Now wait until all those threads have finished dying.
do {
zx::process::self()->get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS, nullptr, 0, nullptr, &nthreads));
} while (nthreads > quiescent_nthreads);
ScopedTlsKey<tss_t, tss_create, tss_delete, tss_set> tss;
ScopedTlsKey<pthread_key_t, pthread_key_create, pthread_key_delete, pthread_setspecific> specific;
// "Pre-fault" the TLS accesses so that not only this thread but all the
// threads created later will definitely have them in their DTVs. The
// implementation handles the lazy DTV update case by not reporting the
// not-yet-used thread DTV entries, but it's not an API requirement that
// they *not* be reported so we don't separately test for that.
// Use a raw futex rather than std::condition_variable here so that the test
// threads can use only code in this translation unit and the vDSO. It's so
// far reasonable to expect gSpecialRegister not to be clobbered by the
// zx_futex_wait code in the vDSO, but not reasonable to expect that from
// the libc++ and libc code involved in using std::condition_variable.
std::atomic_int ready = 0;
std::atomic_int finished = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic_int) == sizeof(zx_futex_t));
// Start some threads that report their addresses and then just block.
struct Thread {
std::thread thread;
const void* safe_stack = nullptr;
const void* unsafe_stack = nullptr;
const void* tdata = nullptr;
const void* tbss = nullptr;
const void* needed_dso_tdata = nullptr;
const void* needed_dso_tbss = nullptr;
const void* dlopen_dso_tdata = nullptr;
const void* dlopen_dso_tbss = nullptr;
bool ready = false;
std::array<Thread, kThreadCount> threads{};
for (auto& t : threads) {
t.thread = std::thread(
[&](Thread& self) {
int stack_local = 42;
self.safe_stack = __builtin_frame_address(0);
self.unsafe_stack = &stack_local;
self.tdata = &gTdata;
self.tbss = &gTbss;
self.needed_dso_tdata = NeededDsoThreadLocalDataPointer();
self.needed_dso_tbss = NeededDsoThreadLocalBssPointer();
self.dlopen_dso_tdata = loaded("DlopenDsoThreadLocalDataPointer");
self.dlopen_dso_tbss = loaded("DlopenDsoThreadLocalBssPointer");
const size_t self_idx = &self -;
const auto* ptr = &result.saw_thread_tss[self_idx];
tss.Set(kTssPattern ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr));
ptr = &result.saw_thread_specific[self_idx];
specific.Set(kPthreadspecificPattern ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr));
if constexpr (kHaveSpecialRegister) {
ptr = &result.saw_thread_special_registers[self_idx];
gSpecialRegister = kRegisterPattern ^ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
zx_status_t status = zx_futex_wake(reinterpret_cast<zx_futex_t*>(&ready), 1);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
status = zx_futex_wait(reinterpret_cast<zx_futex_t*>(&finished), 0, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID,
if (status != ZX_OK && status != ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) {
// At the end, wake the threads up and wait for them to die.
auto cleanup = fit::defer([&]() {;
EXPECT_OK(zx_futex_wake(reinterpret_cast<zx_futex_t*>(&finished), -1));
for (auto& t : threads) {
// Now wait for all the threads to be ready.
while (true) {
zx_futex_t count = ready.load();
ASSERT_LE(count, kThreadCount);
if (count == kThreadCount) {
zx_status_t status = zx_futex_wait(reinterpret_cast<zx_futex_t*>(&ready), count,
if (status != ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) { // Normal race condition case: retry.
ASSERT_OK(status, "zx_futex_wait failed");
// Sanity-check the setup work.
for (auto& t : threads) {
// Now do the actual thing.
__sanitizer_memory_snapshot(GlobalsCallback, StacksCallback, RegistersCallback, TlsCallback,
SnapshotDoneCallback, static_cast<void*>(&result));
static int local_data = 23;
static int local_bss;
static const int local_rodata = 17;
static int* const local_relro = &local_data;
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_data));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_bss));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_rodata));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, &local_relro));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoDataPointer()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoBssPointer()));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoRodataPointer()));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, NeededDsoRelroPointer()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoDataPointer")));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoBssPointer")));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoRodataPointer")));
EXPECT_FALSE(ChunksCover(result.globals, loaded("DlopenDsoRelroPointer")));
int stack_local = 42;
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.stacks, __builtin_frame_address(0)));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.stacks, &stack_local));
for (auto& t : threads) {
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.stacks, t.safe_stack));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.stacks, t.unsafe_stack));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, &gTdata));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, &gTbss));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, NeededDsoThreadLocalDataPointer()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, NeededDsoThreadLocalBssPointer()));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, loaded("DlopenDsoThreadLocalDataPointer")));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, loaded("DlopenDsoThreadLocalBssPointer")));
for (auto& t : threads) {
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, t.tdata));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, t.tbss));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, t.needed_dso_tdata));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, t.needed_dso_tbss));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, t.dlopen_dso_tdata));
EXPECT_TRUE(ChunksCover(result.tls, t.dlopen_dso_tbss));
for (bool& seen : result.saw_thread_tss) {
EXPECT_TRUE(seen, "saw_thread_tss[%zu]", &seen -;
for (bool& seen : result.saw_thread_specific) {
EXPECT_TRUE(seen, "saw_thread_specific[%zu]", &seen -;
if constexpr (kHaveSpecialRegister) {
for (bool& seen : result.saw_thread_special_registers) {
EXPECT_TRUE(seen, "saw_thread_special_registers[%zu]",
&seen -;
for (const auto& t : result.dead_threads) {
EXPECT_TRUE(t.seen(), "dead thread %tu not seen", &t -;
enum StartArgClearedThreadState {
struct ThreadArgs {
std::mutex* mutex;
std::condition_variable* cv;
StartArgClearedThreadState* state;
struct CallbackArgs {
void* data_ptr;
bool found_in_tls;
bool found_in_stack;
bool found_in_regs;
// This is the type we pass as an argument to the thread in the `StartArgCleared` test. It's useful
// to know the type alignment when iterating over raw data.
using StartArgClearedSearchType = ThreadArgs;
// For the `StartArgCleared`, we want to iterate over the stack to search for a specific pointer. If
// this code was ASan-instrumented, then it's possible for this to iterate over redzones which ASan
// will report. We can ignore these reports while searching for the pointer.
#ifdef __clang__
void StartArgClearedUnsanitizedStackCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto args = static_cast<CallbackArgs*>(arg);
if (args->found_in_stack)
// See if the data we're looking for points anywhere into this stack.
uintptr_t data_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(args->data_ptr);
uintptr_t stack_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem);
uintptr_t stack_end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_begin + len);
// When HWASan is enabled, `data_ptr` can be tagged since it points to a local variable in the
// `StartArgCleared` test. However, the underlying stack base will not be tagged if came from
// regions allocated by syscalls (zx_vmar_allocate + zx_vmar_map). Even if the pointer is
// instrumented to include a tag, the addressing bits should still point to something on this stack
// if the thing it points to is actually on this stack.
data_ptr &= ADDR_MASK;
args->found_in_stack = (stack_begin <= data_ptr && data_ptr < stack_end);
// If we take a snapshot now, we should not find the argument in tls callbacks because it was
// cleared before we enter the thread. It should instead be in either the stack or registers.
void StartArgClearedTlsCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto args = static_cast<CallbackArgs*>(arg);
if (args->found_in_tls)
// The tls callback iterates over two things: (1) the TLS region that contains actual thread-local
// data, or (2) pointers to data pointed to by internal pthread machinery. For (1), we can see if
// the pointer we're looking for points into this TLS region.
uintptr_t data_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(args->data_ptr);
uintptr_t tls_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem);
uintptr_t tls_end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(tls_begin + len);
if (tls_begin <= data_ptr && data_ptr < tls_end) {
args->found_in_tls = true;
// For (2), we're iterating over an array of pointers. This should also be pointer-aligned, but if
// `mem` happens to point to 4-byte aligned data, then it might not.
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem) % alignof(uintptr_t) == 0) {
for (const uintptr_t& val :
cpp20::span{reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t*>(mem), len / sizeof(uintptr_t)}) {
if (val == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(args->data_ptr)) {
args->found_in_tls = true;
void StartArgClearedRegsCallback(void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) {
auto args = static_cast<CallbackArgs*>(arg);
if (args->found_in_regs)
// The regs callback is passed a pointer to an array of registers (specifically
// `zx_thread_state_general_regs_t`), so we'll be iterating over an array of pointers. Check if
// any of them match the thread argument.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem) % alignof(uintptr_t) == 0,
"`mem` does not point to an array of register values.");
for (const uintptr_t& reg :
cpp20::span{reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t*>(mem), len / sizeof(uintptr_t)}) {
if (reg == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(args->data_ptr)) {
args->found_in_regs = true;
TEST(SanitizerUtilsTest, StartArgCleared) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
StartArgClearedThreadState state;
thrd_t thread;
auto cleanup = fit::defer([&]() {
// Finally allow the thread to finish.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
state = kFinishedSnapshot;
int result;
EXPECT_EQ(thrd_join(thread, &result), thrd_success);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);
auto thread_entry = [](void* arg) {
auto* thread_args = reinterpret_cast<ThreadArgs*>(arg);
std::mutex& mutex = *thread_args->mutex;
std::condition_variable& cv = *thread_args->cv;
StartArgClearedThreadState& state = *thread_args->state;
// Notify the main thread that we have entered this thread.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
state = kThreadRunning;
// Wait shortly after entering this thread. At this point, the start_arg field of the pthread
// struct should be cleared and inaccessible from the tls callback. We can continue from here
// once we are in `cleanup` and have finished the scan.
cv.wait(lock, [&state]() { return state == kFinishedSnapshot; });
return 0;
ThreadArgs thread_args = {
.mutex = &mutex,
.cv = &cv,
.state = &state,
state = kWaitingThreadStart;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread, thread_entry, &thread_args), thrd_success);
// Wait here until we ensure the new thread has started.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
cv.wait(lock, [&state]() { return state == kThreadRunning; });
CallbackArgs callback_args = {
// Try to look for our thread argument.
.data_ptr = &thread_args,
/*tls=*/StartArgClearedTlsCallback, /*done=*/nullptr, &callback_args);
EXPECT_TRUE(callback_args.found_in_stack || callback_args.found_in_regs);
// NOTE: We can't use sanitizers for this specific test because we want to be able to suspend the
// thread after its creation, but before it starts. The easiest way we can do that is through
// sanitizer hooks. Unfortunately, defining a hook here will supersede corresponding hooks in the
// actual sanitizer and can cause other tests to fail. We can guarantee this hook will be free if no
// sanitizers are enabled. We could implement chained hooks using dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,"...") but that
// could be fragile and it doesn't seem crucial to test these cases especially under sanitizer
// builds.
class SuspendedThreadTest : public ::zxtest::Test {
// We only want to run the before_thread_create hook if this is the thread we see.
// This way, we don't mix in what we want to happen for the
// MemorySnapshotStartArgOnSuspendedThread with other tests.
static thread_local zx::suspend_token* gSuspendToken;
void SetUp() override {
// The sanitizer hooks will only work with this test since it will be the only test where
// `gSuspendToken` has a non-zero value.
gSuspendToken = &suspend_;
ASSERT_NE(gSuspendToken, nullptr);
void TearDown() override {
// Resume the thread which will clear up any allocated data.
EXPECT_EQ(gSuspendToken, &suspend_);
gSuspendToken = nullptr;
int result;
EXPECT_EQ(thrd_join(thread_, &result), thrd_success);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);
thrd_t thread_;
zx::suspend_token suspend_;
thread_local zx::suspend_token* SuspendedThreadTest::gSuspendToken = nullptr;
// This tests the snapshot covers arguments passed to the pthread machinery.
// In particular, if we suspend a thread that hasn't started yet, it's possible
// its thread register hasn't been setup yet, so memory_snapshot can't access
// internal pthread data structures through it. This ensures that the thread
// argument is covered even before the thread register has been set up yet.
TEST_F(SuspendedThreadTest, MemorySnapshotStartArgOnSuspendedThread) {
// Create a new pthread, but ensure that the thread is suspended before it starts. That is, we
// want the pthread machinery for the thread to be setup, but we do not want to execute any code
// in the new thread. We can do this via the before_thread_create hook which runs after the thread
// is created, but before the thread actually starts.
constexpr int kTransferData = 42;
std::unique_ptr<int> transfer_ptr(new int(kTransferData));
auto thread_entry = [](void* arg) -> int {
std::unique_ptr<int> transfer_ptr(reinterpret_cast<int*>(arg));
ZX_ASSERT(*transfer_ptr == kTransferData && "Failed to get the expected data");
return 0;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread_, thread_entry, transfer_ptr.get()), thrd_success);
// At this point, the pthread structure should be setup. At any point in between now and when we
// take the memory snapshot, the thread may start, but will be immediately suspended via the
// sanitizer hook. The memory snapshot machinery should ensure it's suspended before it does its
// scan.
int* data_ptr = transfer_ptr.release();
struct CallbackResult {
const void* data_ptr;
bool found_data;
CallbackResult result = {
.data_ptr = data_ptr,
.found_data = false,
// The callback will update the result if we find the pointer we're looking for. Note that
// technically, the pointer also exists in this thread's stack, but we just want to ensure it's
// accessible in the other thread's TCB.
auto tls_callback = [](void* mem, size_t len, void* arg) -> void {
auto result = static_cast<CallbackResult*>(arg);
// We already found the pointer we're looking for.
if (result->found_data)
for (const void* ptr : cpp20::span{reinterpret_cast<void* const*>(mem), len / sizeof(void*)}) {
if (ptr == result->data_ptr) {
result->found_data = true;
/*tls=*/tls_callback, /*done=*/nullptr, static_cast<void*>(&result));
} // namespace
// Attempt to suspend the newly created thread. Propagate the suspend token so we can close it later
// to startup the thread.
void* __sanitizer_before_thread_create_hook(thrd_t thread, bool /*detached*/, const char* /*name*/,
void* /*stack_base*/, size_t /*stack_size*/) {
// Do not allow this to run for anything other than the MemorySnapshotStartArgOnSuspendedThread
// test. This token pointer is only set as non-zero for this test.
if (!SuspendedThreadTest::gSuspendToken)
return nullptr;
// Use a plain handle here rather than initializing a zx::task so we don't close the initialized
// task on its destructor.
zx_handle_t task = thrd_get_zx_handle(thread);
zx_status_t status =
zx_task_suspend_token(task, SuspendedThreadTest::gSuspendToken->reset_and_get_address());
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK && "Failed to suspend new thread.");
return SuspendedThreadTest::gSuspendToken;
void __sanitizer_thread_create_hook(void* hook, thrd_t th, int error) {
// Either `hook` and `gSuspendHook` are both nullptr because we are not running the
// MemorySnapshotStartArgOnSuspendedThread test, or they are both the same non-zero value since we
// are running the MemorySnapshotStartArgOnSuspendedThread test.
ZX_ASSERT(hook == SuspendedThreadTest::gSuspendToken && "Thread was not suspended correctly");
ZX_ASSERT(error == thrd_success && "Thread was not created correctly");
// Override this definition because the default one will check that `hook` is `null`, which it won't
// be for MemorySnapshotStartArgOnSuspendedThread.
void __sanitizer_thread_start_hook(void* hook, thrd_t self) {}
void __sanitizer_thread_exit_hook(void* hook, thrd_t self) {}