blob: f69963e297b24e64cec9154377f0ea05782fb589 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file exports variables containing the currently checked-out git revisions
# of the following third-party repositories:
# - gwp_asan_git_revision
# - llvm_libc_git_revision
# - scudo_git_revision
# They can be used during soft-migrations in conditional statements to stay
# compatible with both the old and the new revision at the same time, e.g.:
# libc_source_set("scudo-allocator") {
# ...
# if (scudo_git_revision != "<git hash of the old revision>") {
# sources += [ "file_that_only_exists_in_the_new_revision.cpp" ]
# }
# }
_gwp_asan_git_path = "${gwp_asan}/.git"
_llvm_libc_git_path = "${llvm_libc}/.git"
_scudo_git_path = "${scudo}/.git"
# If submodules are in use, their .git is actually a text file pointing to the
# real git directory, which is stored inside the root project's .git directory.
# For instance, third_party/scudo/src/.git will contain:
# gitdir: ../../../.git/modules/third_party%2fscudo%2fsrc
if (submodules) {
_gwp_asan_git_link = read_file(_gwp_asan_git_path, "string")
_gwp_asan_git_link_split = string_split(_gwp_asan_git_link)
assert(_gwp_asan_git_link_split[0] == "gitdir:")
_gwp_asan_git_path = "${gwp_asan}/${_gwp_asan_git_link_split[1]}"
_llvm_libc_git_link = read_file(_llvm_libc_git_path, "string")
_llvm_libc_git_link_split = string_split(_llvm_libc_git_link)
assert(_llvm_libc_git_link_split[0] == "gitdir:")
_llvm_libc_git_path = "${llvm_libc}/${_llvm_libc_git_link_split[1]}"
_scudo_git_link = read_file(_scudo_git_path, "string")
_scudo_git_link_split = string_split(_scudo_git_link)
assert(_scudo_git_link_split[0] == "gitdir:")
_scudo_git_path = "${scudo}/${_scudo_git_link_split[1]}"
libc_git_revisions = {
gwp_asan = read_file("${_gwp_asan_git_path}/HEAD", "trim string")
llvm_libc = read_file("${_llvm_libc_git_path}/HEAD", "trim string")
scudo = read_file("${_scudo_git_path}/HEAD", "trim string")