blob: 410a47d468eebd2cf3a835e6be5c1c302781bdfa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/async/sequence_id.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/variant.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
namespace async {
// A simple class that records the identity of the sequence that it was created
// on, and at later points can tell if the current sequence is the same as its
// creation sequence. This class is thread-safe.
// In addition to providing an explicit check of the current sequence,
// |sequence_checker| complies with BasicLockable, checking the current sequence
// when |lock| is called. This allows static thread safety analysis to be used
// to ensure that resources are accessed in a context that is checked (at debug
// runtime) to ensure that it's running on the correct sequence:
// class MyClass {
// public:
// MyClass(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) : sequence_checker_(dispatcher) {}
// void Foo() {
// std::lock_guard<sequence::sequence_checker> locker(sequence_checker_);
// resource_ = 0;
// }
// private:
// sequence::sequence_checker sequence_checker_;
// int resource_ __TA_GUARDED(sequence_checker_);
// };
// This class is useful for code that works exclusively with asynchronous
// runtimes that support sequences.
class __TA_CAPABILITY("mutex") sequence_checker final {
// Constructs a sequence checker bound to the currently running sequence.
// Panics if the current thread is not associated with a sequence.
// If |application_description| is not null, it will be prepended in front of
// synchronization check failure panic messages. For example, one may specify
// "|Foo| is thread unsafe." so that users understand whose threading
// invariants did they violate.
explicit sequence_checker(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
const char* application_description = nullptr);
~sequence_checker() = default;
// Returns |monostate| if the current sequence is the sequence this object was
// created on and a |string| describing the error otherwise.
cpp17::variant<cpp17::monostate, std::string> is_sequence_valid() const;
// Implementation of the BaseLockable requirement
void lock() const __TA_ACQUIRE();
void unlock() const __TA_RELEASE() {}
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_ = nullptr;
const char* application_description_ = nullptr;
async_sequence_id_t self_ = {};
// A generalized |sequence_checker| that checks for synchronized access:
// - If the underlying asynchronous runtime supports sequences, performs the
// same checks as |sequence_checker|.
// - If the underlying asynchronous runtime does not support sequences, performs
// the same checks as a thread checker.
// This class is useful for code that must work with many asynchronous runtimes.
class __TA_CAPABILITY("mutex") synchronization_checker final {
// Constructs a synchronization checker bound to the currently running
// sequence. If |dispatcher| does not support sequences, fallback to thread
// ID.
// If |application_description| is not null, it will be prepended in front of
// synchronization check failure panic messages. For example, one may specify
// "|Foo| is thread unsafe." so that users understand whose threading
// invariants did they violate.
explicit synchronization_checker(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
const char* application_description = nullptr);
~synchronization_checker() = default;
// Returns |monostate| if synchronized access is guaranteed and a |string|
// describing the error otherwise.
cpp17::variant<cpp17::monostate, std::string> is_synchronized() const;
// Implementation of the BaseLockable requirement
void lock() const __TA_ACQUIRE();
void unlock() const __TA_RELEASE() {}
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_ = nullptr;
const char* application_description_ = nullptr;
cpp17::variant<std::thread::id, async_sequence_id_t> self_;
} // namespace async