blob: 5e3d5a7a4586db0d31b9ca2cf1ee887f2991bc0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides macros for Fuchsia handle annotations to better facilitate
// Clang static analysis.
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
// The argument that has this annotation would be generated by callee
// and handled back to the caller. Caller is responsible for freeing the handle.
#define ZX_HANDLE_ACQUIRE __attribute__((acquire_handle("Fuchsia")))
// The argument that has this annotation would be released by callee.
// Caller must not use the handle again after calling the function.
#define ZX_HANDLE_RELEASE __attribute__((release_handle("Fuchsia")))
// The argument that has this annotation would be used by callee. Caller still
// owns this handle and is responsible for freeing the handle.
#define ZX_HANDLE_USE __attribute__((use_handle("Fuchsia")))
// When an argument has this annotation, the caller borrows the argument from
// resource (e.g. handle) from the callee. Caller must not free the handle.
#define ZX_HANDLE_ACQUIRE_UNOWNED __attribute__((acquire_handle("FuchsiaUnowned")))
#endif // __clang_analyzer__