blob: 5136b664ef920d51fd865a5dc80d04a64f457ae9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <vm/physmap.h>
#include <vm/tri_page_storage.h>
namespace {
constexpr size_t mid_offset_for_len(size_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(len != 0);
// len is rounded up so that the offset returned is valid from both the left and right. For an odd
// length we could provide an extra byte to one side, but this does not seem worth the complexity.
return (PAGE_SIZE / 2) - ((len + 1) / 2);
// The offset of the middle storage is the same as how much space is available on a side. This
// wrapper provides clarity in call sites.
constexpr size_t side_space_avail_with_mid(size_t mid_len) { return mid_offset_for_len(mid_len); }
// Calculates how much space would be available in the middle slot given a hypothetical left and
// right slot usage.
constexpr size_t mid_space_avail_with(size_t left, size_t right) {
const size_t side_used = ktl::max(left, right);
if (side_used >= PAGE_SIZE / 2) {
return 0;
return ((PAGE_SIZE / 2) - side_used) * 2;
size_t left_space_avail(vm_page_t* page) {
if (page->zram.left_compress_size != 0) {
return 0;
// If the middle slot is used it will be what constrains us, otherwise the right slot.
if (page->zram.mid_compress_size != 0) {
return side_space_avail_with_mid(page->zram.mid_compress_size);
return PAGE_SIZE - page->zram.right_compress_size;
size_t mid_space_avail(vm_page_t* page) {
if (page->zram.mid_compress_size != 0) {
return 0;
return mid_space_avail_with(page->zram.left_compress_size, page->zram.right_compress_size);
size_t right_space_avail(vm_page_t* page) {
if (page->zram.right_compress_size != 0) {
return 0;
// If the middle slot is used it will be what constrains us, otherwise the left slot.
if (page->zram.mid_compress_size != 0) {
return side_space_avail_with_mid(page->zram.mid_compress_size);
return PAGE_SIZE - page->zram.left_compress_size;
bool page_is_empty(vm_page_t* page) {
return page->zram.left_compress_size == 0 && page->zram.mid_compress_size == 0 &&
page->zram.right_compress_size == 0;
void initialize_page(vm_page_t* page) {
// Page should be in the alloc state so we can transition it to the ZRAM state.
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ALLOC);
page->zram.left_compress_size = 0;
page->zram.mid_compress_size = 0;
page->zram.right_compress_size = 0;
} // namespace
VmTriPageStorage::VmTriPageStorage() {
for (auto& bucket : buckets_) {
VmTriPageStorage::~VmTriPageStorage() {
for (auto& bucket : buckets_) {
ASSERT(stored_items_ == 0);
// static
bool VmTriPageStorage::page_is_full(vm_page_t* page) {
return left_space_avail(page) < kBucketSize && mid_space_avail(page) < kBucketSize &&
right_space_avail(page) < kBucketSize;
// static
VmTriPageStorage::PageSlot VmTriPageStorage::select_slot(vm_page_t* page, size_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM);
// There are either 1 or 2 slots available based on our size. Three cannot be available, since
// this is partially in use. If two are available then pick the choice that leaves the largest
// remaining.
PageSlot choice = PageSlot::None;
if (left_space_avail(page) >= len) {
choice = PageSlot::Left;
if (mid_space_avail(page) >= len) {
if (choice == PageSlot::None) {
choice = PageSlot::Mid;
} else {
size_t left_space_after = side_space_avail_with_mid(len);
size_t mid_space_after = mid_space_avail_with(len, page->zram.right_compress_size);
if (left_space_after > mid_space_after) {
choice = PageSlot::Mid;
if (right_space_avail(page) >= len) {
if (choice == PageSlot::None) {
choice = PageSlot::Right;
} else if (choice == PageSlot::Mid) {
size_t right_space_after = side_space_avail_with_mid(len);
size_t mid_space_after = mid_space_avail_with(page->zram.left_compress_size, len);
if (mid_space_after > right_space_after) {
choice = PageSlot::Right;
} else {
// Left and right are equivalent choices, so leave it at left.
return choice;
// static
size_t VmTriPageStorage::offset_for_slot(PageSlot slot, size_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(slot != PageSlot::None);
DEBUG_ASSERT(len > 0);
switch (slot) {
case PageSlot::Left:
return 0;
case PageSlot::Mid:
return mid_offset_for_len(len);
case PageSlot::Right:
return PAGE_SIZE - len;
// static
void* VmTriPageStorage::addr_for_slot(vm_page_t* page, PageSlot slot, size_t len) {
const size_t offset = offset_for_slot(slot, len);
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(paddr_to_physmap(page->paddr())) +
// static
void VmTriPageStorage::set_slot_length(vm_page_t* page, PageSlot slot, uint16_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(slot != PageSlot::None);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM);
// Must not be modified the page while it's in any list, this aims to catch misuse of modifying
// before first removing from the buckets.
switch (slot) {
case PageSlot::Left:
page->zram.left_compress_size = len;
case PageSlot::Mid:
page->zram.mid_compress_size = len;
case PageSlot::Right:
page->zram.right_compress_size = len;
// static
size_t VmTriPageStorage::get_slot_length(vm_page_t* page, PageSlot slot) {
switch (slot) {
case PageSlot::Left:
return page->zram.left_compress_size;
case PageSlot::Mid:
return page->zram.mid_compress_size;
case PageSlot::Right:
return page->zram.right_compress_size;
return 0;
// static
std::pair<vm_page_t*, VmTriPageStorage::PageSlot> VmTriPageStorage::DecodeRef(CompressedRef ref) {
uint64_t compressed_ref = ref.value();
ASSERT(compressed_ref != 0);
vm_page_t* p = reinterpret_cast<vm_page_t*>((compressed_ref >> kRefPageShift) | kRefHighBits);
PageSlot slot = static_cast<PageSlot>((compressed_ref >> kRefTagShift) & BIT_MASK(kRefTagBits));
ASSERT(slot != PageSlot::None);
return {p, slot};
// static
VmTriPageStorage::CompressedRef VmTriPageStorage::EncodeRef(vm_page_t* page, PageSlot slot) {
ASSERT(slot != PageSlot::None);
return CompressedRef((reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(page) << kRefPageShift) |
(static_cast<uint64_t>(slot) << kRefTagShift));
std::pair<const void*, size_t> VmTriPageStorage::CompressedData(CompressedRef ref) const {
auto [page, slot] = DecodeRef(ref);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM);
DEBUG_ASSERT(slot != PageSlot::None);
const size_t src_size = get_slot_length(page, slot);
return {addr_for_slot(page, slot, src_size), src_size};
uint64_t VmTriPageStorage::bucket_for_page(vm_page_t* page) {
// Find the largest available region.
const uint64_t max_avail =
ktl::max({left_space_avail(page), mid_space_avail(page), right_space_avail(page)});
// For this to be false the page_is_full check would have failed.
DEBUG_ASSERT(max_avail >= kBucketSize);
// the bucket a page can go into to satisfy an allocation is a rounded down version of its size.
// e.g:
// [0,kBucketSize) -> Invalid
// [kBucketSize, kBucketSize*2) -> 0
// etc
// This way everything in bucket 0 is at least large enough to hold something of kBucketSize, and
// more generally this gives the required property of a given bucket K can hold at least
// (K+1)*kBucketSize.
return (max_avail / kBucketSize) - 1;
vm_page_t* VmTriPageStorage::AllocateBucketLocked(size_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(len > 0 && len <= PAGE_SIZE);
// Calculate the first bucket that can safely satisfy an allocation of this size. This effectively
// rounds up our len to the next bucket size when picking an allocation spot. Since we know that
// bucket K can support an allocation of (K+1)*kBucketSize we want to map allocations like so:
// (0, kBucketSize] -> 0
// (kBucketSize, 2 * kBucketSize] -> 1
// ...
// (K*kBucketSize, (K+1) * kBucketSize] -> K
// Note that the start of the range is exclusive and the end is inclusive.
// Therefore we need to solve the following inequality:
// K*kBucketSize < len <= (K+1) * kBucketSize
// (K*kBucketSize) - 1 < len - 1 <= ((K+1) * kBucketSize) - 1 (subtract 1 everywhere)
// K - 1/kBucketSize < (len - 1) / kBucketSize <= (K+1) - 1/kBucketSize (divide by kBucketSize)
// K - 1/kBucketSize < (len - 1) / kBucketSize < (K+1) (relax <= to <)
// As we are only interested in the integer values of K we can see that (len - 1)/kBucketSize is
// definitely < K+1, and will be the next integer value >K-1/kBucketSize.
const uint64_t first_bucket = (len - 1) / kBucketSize;
// Create a mask of all buckets greater than or equal to the first_bucket
const uint64_t valid_buckets_mask = ~((1ul << first_bucket) - 1);
// Apply this mask to the available buckets to see what we can actually allocate from.
const uint64_t available_buckets = non_empty_buckets_ & valid_buckets_mask;
// See if any are actually available.
if (available_buckets == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Select the smallest bucket available to allocate from. This might be wasteful and overfill a
// slot, but since we have a strict 3 slots per page strategy if all of our data is small (i.e.
// compresses well) then to get optimal memory usage we will have to place small items in large
// slots and so it is not obviously bad.
// TODO( Consider if there are scenarios that we can detect where this
// fragmentation is undesirable.
const uint64_t bucket = __builtin_ctzl(available_buckets);
DEBUG_ASSERT(bucket < kNumBuckets);
vm_page_t* ret = list_remove_head_type(&buckets_[bucket], vm_page_t, queue_node);
// Check if the bucket is now empty.
if (bucket_pages_counts_[bucket] == 0) {
non_empty_buckets_ &= ~(1ul << bucket);
return ret;
void VmTriPageStorage::InsertBucketLocked(vm_page_t* page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM);
const uint64_t bucket = bucket_for_page(page);
DEBUG_ASSERT(bucket < kNumBuckets);
if (bucket_pages_counts_[bucket] == 0) {
non_empty_buckets_ |= (1ul << bucket);
list_add_head(&buckets_[bucket], &page->queue_node);
void VmTriPageStorage::RemovePageFromBucketLocked(vm_page_t* page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM);
const uint64_t bucket = bucket_for_page(page);
DEBUG_ASSERT(bucket < kNumBuckets);
if (bucket_pages_counts_[bucket] == 0) {
non_empty_buckets_ &= ~(1ul << bucket);
std::pair<ktl::optional<VmCompressedStorage::CompressedRef>, vm_page_t*> VmTriPageStorage::Store(
vm_page_t* buffer_page, size_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(len > 0 && len <= PAGE_SIZE);
// Track the memcpy we need to do after the lock is dropped.
void* dest_addr = nullptr;
CompressedRef return_ref(0);
// Search for an existing location.
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// Remove a page from an appropriate bucket.
vm_page_t* page = AllocateBucketLocked(len);
if (page) {
const PageSlot slot = select_slot(page, len);
ASSERT(slot != PageSlot::None);
// Based on the slot, select the correct destination address, and write the length in.
dest_addr = addr_for_slot(page, slot, len);
set_slot_length(page, slot, static_cast<uint16_t>(len));
return_ref = EncodeRef(page, slot);
} else {
// Take the passed in buffer_page instead, no need to memcpy.
page = buffer_page;
buffer_page = nullptr;
set_slot_length(page, PageSlot::Left, static_cast<uint16_t>(len));
return_ref = EncodeRef(page, PageSlot::Left);
// Return the page to the buckets if it has space.
if (!page_is_full(page)) {
} else {
list_add_tail(&full_pages_, &page->queue_node);
total_compressed_item_size_ += len;
// Perform any remaining mempcy
if (dest_addr) {
memcpy(dest_addr, paddr_to_physmap(buffer_page->paddr()), len);
// Make sure we got a proper ref by the end.
ASSERT(return_ref.value() != 0);
// Return the reference, and the buffer_page if we didn't consume it.
return {return_ref, buffer_page};
void VmTriPageStorage::Free(CompressedRef ref) {
auto [page, slot] = DecodeRef(ref);
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM);
DEBUG_ASSERT(get_slot_length(page, slot) != 0);
Guard<Mutex> pages_guard{&lock_};
if (page_is_full(page)) {
} else {
// Although list_delete would remove the page from the bucket tracking list, we need to update
// the correct bucket counts.
const uint64_t len = get_slot_length(page, slot);
set_slot_length(page, slot, 0);
if (page_is_full(page)) {
// The page could still be full after freeing a slot if a very small allocation was placed in
// a side slot, and then a large allocation in the middle slot. The middle allocation can
// cause the free space after free of either end slot to be less than the threshold needed to
// be added to the bucket list.
list_add_tail(&full_pages_, &page->queue_node);
page = nullptr;
} else if (!page_is_empty(page)) {
page = nullptr;
DEBUG_ASSERT(len <= total_compressed_item_size_);
total_compressed_item_size_ -= len;
if (page) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::ZRAM && page_is_empty(page));
VmTriPageStorage::MemoryUsage VmTriPageStorage::GetMemoryUsage() const {
Guard<Mutex> pages_guard{&lock_};
uint64_t total = full_pages_count_;
for (uint64_t bucket_pages_count : bucket_pages_counts_) {
total += bucket_pages_count;
return MemoryUsage{.uncompressed_content_bytes = stored_items_ * PAGE_SIZE,
.compressed_storage_bytes = total * PAGE_SIZE,
.compressed_storage_used_bytes = total_compressed_item_size_};
void VmTriPageStorage::Dump() const {
Guard<Mutex> pages_guard{&lock_};
uint64_t bucket_totals = 0;
for (uint64_t bucket_pages_count : bucket_pages_counts_) {
bucket_totals += bucket_pages_count;
printf("[ZRAM]: Storing %" PRIu64 " items with compressed size %" PRIu64 " using %" PRIu64
" pages\n",
stored_items_, total_compressed_item_size_, (full_pages_count_ + bucket_totals));
printf("[ZRAM]: %" PRIu64 " pages considered full, non-empty buckets:\n", full_pages_count_);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumBuckets; i++) {
if (bucket_pages_counts_[i] > 0) {
printf("[ZRAM]: Bucket %zu: %" PRIu64 " pages\n", i, bucket_pages_counts_[i]);