blob: c0f88617c300c374b098fb3fac17849194b9e2ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock_transaction.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <object/thread_dispatcher.h>
#include <vm/page.h>
#include <vm/stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
void StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval::PrepareForWaiter() {
// For now we don't need a CAS loop in here because SOLPI lock is held by
// callers of PrepareForWaiter() and PrepareForWaiter() is the only mutator of
// is_ready_for_waiter_. Even if we did have a CAS loop, the caller would
// still need to guarantee somehow that the interval won't get deleted out
// from under this call. Currently that's guaranteed by the current SOLPI
// lock hold interval being the same interval that set
// kObjectOrStackOwnerHasWaiter.
// Because all setters of is_ready_for_waiter_ hold the SOLPI lock, we could
// use memory_order_relaxed here, but for now we're using acquire for all
// loads of is_ready_for_waiter_.
// TODO(johngro): Not only does this not need to be acquire/release, I'm
// reasonably sure it does not need to be atomic in order to avoid a formal
// data race. The variable should only be written (at most) once, below here,
// while holding the SOLPI lock.
// By the time a SOLPI instance's destructor loads this variable, it must have
// cleared out the ownership bookkeeping of every page it had owned, meaning
// that no new waiters can join the party. If at least one page that there
// was a waiter in this SOLPI instance, it must have set the
// is_read_for_waiter flag inside the SOLPI lock, and the owner must have
// syncronized-with that thread when clearing the page bookkeeping. So, we
// know that the destructor of the SOLPI instance (where the flag is read)
// must happen-after the flag was set. IOW - it should be impossible for any
// thread to be performing a read of the flag concurrent with the only write
// operation (below).
if (is_ready_for_waiter_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire)) {
// Thanks to the lock, we know that the current thread is the only thread setting
// is_ready_for_waiter_, so we can just set it using a store(). We also need to prepare the
// owned_wait_queue_ to have a waiter that can transmit its priority via priority inheritance to
// the stack-owning thread.
DEBUG_ASSERT(Thread::Current::Get() != owning_thread_);
// See above, we probably do not need release semantics here., ktl::memory_order_release);
// static
StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval& StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval::current() {
Thread* current_thread = Thread::Current::Get();
// The caller should only call current() when the caller knows there must be a current interval,
// and just needs to know which interval is the outer-most on this thread's stack.
// Stack ownership of a loaned page requires having a StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval on the
// caller's stack.
"StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval missing");
return *current_thread->stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval_;
// static
StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval* StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval::maybe_current() {
Thread* current_thread = Thread::Current::Get();
return current_thread->stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval_;
// static
void StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval::WaitUntilContiguousPageNotStackOwned(vm_page_t* page) {
// Due to not holding the PmmNode lock, we can't check loaned directly, and it may have been unset
// recently in any case, but in that case we'll notice via !is_stack_owned() instead.
// Need to take lock at this point, because avoiding deletion of the OwnedWaitQueue
// requires holding the lock while applying kObjectOrStackOwnerHasWaiter to the page, to
// prevent the StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval thread from removing the stack_owner from the page
// and deleting the OwnedWaitQueue.
// Before we acquire the lock we do a check whether a stack_owner is still set. This is
// just to avoid acquiring the lock on the off chance that the stack ownership interval
// is already over. This isn't particularly likely to be the case, and we'd be fine without
// this check. But since we're about to take the lock, let's avoid an unnecessary acquire
// if we can.
if (!page->object.is_stack_owned()) {
// StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval is already removed from the page, so no need to
// acquire the lock. Go around and observe the new page state.
// Acquire StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval lock, and attempt to flag this page's
// interval-owner as having a waiter. If we fail, it means that the page's
// assigned StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval was cleared, and we can skip
// the wait operation. If we succeed, however, then we know that the
// stack-owner will need to obtain the SOLPI locks before it can clear the
// owner of the page.
AnnotatedAutoPreemptDisabler aapd;
InterruptDisableGuard irqd;
Guard<SpinLock, NoIrqSave> solpi_guard{&lock_};
auto maybe_try_set_has_waiter_result = page->object.try_set_has_waiter();
if (!maybe_try_set_has_waiter_result) {
// stack_owner was cleared; no need to wait.
auto& try_set_has_waiter_result = maybe_try_set_has_waiter_result.value();
auto& stack_owner = *try_set_has_waiter_result.stack_owner;
// By doing PrepareForWaiter() only when necessary, we avoid pressure on the thread_lock in the
// case where there's no page reclaiming thread needing to wait / transmit priority.
if (try_set_has_waiter_result.first_setter) {
// PrepareForWaiter() was called previously, either by this thread or a different thread.
// At this point we know that the stack_owner won't be changed on the page while we hold
// lock, which means the OwnedWaitQueue can't be deleted yet either, since deletion is
// after uninstalling from the page. So now we just need to block on the OwnedWaitQueue.
// Obtain all of the locks needed for a block-and-assign-owner operation, then
// we can drop the SOLPI lock. When the stack-owner of the pages comes along
// later on and wants to clear the owner, they will:
// 1) Notice that the has waiters bit has been set.
// 2) Obtain the SOLPI lock.
// 3) Clear the owner of the pages it owns, preventing any new waiters. These
// pages are no longer owned.
// 4) Drop the SOLPI lock. By acquiring and dropping the lock in order to
// clear the owner state, they are guaranteed of one of two things.
// 4a) A waiter thread made it into the SOLPI lock, but after the stack-owner
// did. By the time they made it into the lock, the discovered that the page
// they were interested no longer had an owner, and the unwound without
// waiting.
// 4b) The waiter thread made it into the SOLPI lock first. It marked the
// page's owner state as having waiters, and marked the SOLPI instance as
// having waiters as well. It then traded the SOLPI lock for the locks
// required to block in the OWQ, and then blocked.
// 5) Later on, when the owner finally destroys their outer-most SOLPI
// instance, they will notice that the instance has waiters if any thread
// ever made it to step 4b. They will then need to obtain the OWQ lock in
// order to wake all of the waiters. Since the waiting thread obtained the
// OWQ lock and committed to waiting before dropping the SOLPI lock, it
// should be impossible for owner thread to attempt a wake operation before
// any thread who committed to blocking made it into the queue.
Thread* const current_thread = Thread::Current::Get();
ChainLockTransactionNoIrqSave clt{
const OwnedWaitQueue::BAAOLockingDetails details =
// Now that we have the page annotated to indicate that it has a waiter in
// this StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval, we know that the current stack-owner of
// these pages is going to have to attempt to wake up all of the thread's
// waiting in this SOLPI's OWQ. We now hold that OWQ's lock as well, so we
// can go ahead and drop the global SOLPI lock. The current stack-owner is
// going to have to grab that lock to wake us up, so it cannot stop us from
// blocking in the queue at this point. We can go ahead and drop the SOLPI
// lock now.
// If this is the first thread blocking in the OWQ, we expect the queue's
// owner to be nullptr. For subsequent blocking threads, we expect it to match
// our owning_thread_.
DEBUG_ASSERT((stack_owner.owned_wait_queue_->owner() == nullptr) ||
(stack_owner.owned_wait_queue_->owner() == stack_owner.owning_thread_));
DEBUG_ASSERT(stack_owner.owned_wait_queue_->owner() != Thread::Current::Get());
// This is a brief wait that's guaranteed not to get stuck (short of bugs elsewhere), with
// priority inheritance propagated to the owning thread. So no need for a deadline or
// interruptible.
// Dropping into the block operation will release all of the locks we obtained
// during LockForBAAOOperation involved in PI propagation, including this
// queue's lock. It will drop the current thread's lock as the thread becomes
// de-scheduled (and a new thread is chosen), but will re-obtain the current
// thread's lock later on once the thread has become re-scheduled, so we will
// need to explicitly drop the current thread's lock on the way out after we
// wake up.
zx_status_t block_status = stack_owner.owned_wait_queue_->BlockAndAssignOwnerLocked(
current_thread, Deadline::infinite(), details, ResourceOwnership::Normal, Interruptible::No);
// For this wait queue, no other status is possible since no other status is ever passed to
// OwnedWaitQueue::WakeAll() for this wait queue and Block() doesn't have any other sources of
// failures assuming no bugs here.
DEBUG_ASSERT(block_status == ZX_OK);
void StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval::WakeWaitersAndClearOwner(Thread* current_thread) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_thread == Thread::Current::Get());
[[maybe_unused]] const OwnedWaitQueue::WakeThreadsResult result = [&]() {
AnnotatedAutoEagerReschedDisabler aaerd;
return owned_wait_queue_->WakeThreads(ktl::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// We should be able to assert that we woke at least one thread.
DEBUG_ASSERT(result.woken > 0);