blob: 5c9aa7f3b95b30315e4c2cbaba6f0a7a21d53188 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <align.h>
#include <bits.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <vm/page.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
class VmPageList;
class VMPLCursor;
// RAII helper for representing content in a page list node. This supports being in one of five
// states
// * Empty - Contains nothing
// * Page p - Contains a vm_page 'p'. This 'p' is considered owned by this wrapper and
// `ReleasePage` must be called to give up ownership.
// * Reference r - Contains a reference 'r' to some content. This 'r' is considered owned by this
// wrapper and `ReleaseReference` must be called to give up ownership.
// * Marker - Indicates that whilst not a page, it is also not empty. Markers can be used to
// separate the distinction between "there's no page because we've deduped to the
// zero page" and "there's no page because our parent contains the content".
// * Interval - Indicates that this page is part of a sparse page interval. An interval will
// have a Start sentinel, and an End sentinel, and all offsets that lie between the
// two will be empty. If the interval spans a single page, it will be represented
// as a Slot sentinel, which is conceptually the same as both a Start and an End
// sentinel.
// There are certain invariants that the page list tries to maintain at all times. It might not
// always be possible to enforce these as the checks involved might be expensive, however it is
// important that any code that manipulates the page list abide by them, primarily to keep the
// memory occupied by the page list nodes in check.
// 1. Page list nodes cannot be completely empty i.e. they must contain at least one non-empty slot.
// 2. Any intervals in the page list should span a maximal range. In other words, there should not
// be consecutive intervals in the page list which it would have been possible to represent with a
// single interval instead.
class VmPageOrMarker {
// A PageType that otherwise holds a null pointer is considered to be Empty.
VmPageOrMarker() : raw_(kPageType) {}
~VmPageOrMarker() { DEBUG_ASSERT(!IsPageOrRef()); }
VmPageOrMarker(VmPageOrMarker&& other) noexcept : raw_(other.Release()) {}
VmPageOrMarker(const VmPageOrMarker&) = delete;
VmPageOrMarker& operator=(const VmPageOrMarker&) = delete;
// Minimal wrapper around a uint64_t to provide stronger typing in code to prevent accidental
// mixing of references and other uint64_t values.
// Provides a way to query the required alignment of the references and does debug enforcement of
// this.
class ReferenceValue {
// kAlignBits represents the number of low bits in a reference that must be zero so they can be
// used for internal metadata. This is declared here for convenience, and is asserted to be in
// sync with the private kReferenceBits.
static constexpr uint64_t kAlignBits = 4;
explicit constexpr ReferenceValue(uint64_t raw) : value_(raw) {
DEBUG_ASSERT((value_ & BIT_MASK(kAlignBits)) == 0);
uint64_t value() const { return value_; }
uint64_t value_;
// Returns a reference to the underlying vm_page*. Is only valid to call if `IsPage` is true.
vm_page* Page() const {
// Do not need to mask any bits out of raw_, since Page has 0's for the type anyway.
static_assert(kPageType == 0);
return reinterpret_cast<vm_page*>(raw_);
ReferenceValue Reference() const {
return ReferenceValue(raw_ & ~BIT_MASK(kReferenceBits));
// If this is a page, moves the underlying vm_page* out and returns it. After this IsPage will
// be false and IsEmpty will be true.
[[nodiscard]] vm_page* ReleasePage() {
// Do not need to mask any bits out of the Release since Page has 0's for the type
// anyway.
static_assert(kPageType == 0);
return reinterpret_cast<vm_page*>(Release());
[[nodiscard]] ReferenceValue ReleaseReference() {
return ReferenceValue(Release() & ~BIT_MASK(kReferenceBits));
// Convenience wrappers for getting and setting split bits on both pages and references.
bool PageOrRefLeftSplit() const {
if (IsPage()) {
return Page()->object.cow_left_split;
return raw_ & kReferenceLeftSplit;
bool PageOrRefRightSplit() const {
if (IsPage()) {
return Page()->object.cow_right_split;
return raw_ & kReferenceRightSplit;
void SetPageOrRefLeftSplit(bool value) {
if (IsPage()) {
Page()->object.cow_left_split = value;
} else {
if (value) {
raw_ |= kReferenceLeftSplit;
} else {
raw_ &= ~kReferenceLeftSplit;
void SetPageOrRefRightSplit(bool value) {
if (IsPage()) {
Page()->object.cow_right_split = value;
} else {
if (value) {
raw_ |= kReferenceRightSplit;
} else {
raw_ &= ~kReferenceRightSplit;
// Changes the content from a reference to a page, moving over the split bits and returning the
// original reference.
[[nodiscard]] VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue SwapReferenceForPage(vm_page_t* p) {
// Ensure no split bits were already set.
DEBUG_ASSERT(p->object.cow_left_split == 0);
DEBUG_ASSERT(p->object.cow_right_split == 0);
p->object.cow_left_split = PageOrRefLeftSplit();
p->object.cow_right_split = PageOrRefRightSplit();
VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ref = ReleaseReference();
*this = VmPageOrMarker::Page(p);
// The ReferenceValue that we return, unlike a page, has no split bit information and so at this
// point the bits have been fully moved.
return ref;
// Changes the content from a page to a reference, moving over the split bits and returning the
// original page.
[[nodiscard]] vm_page_t* SwapPageForReference(VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ref) {
const bool left_split = PageOrRefLeftSplit();
const bool right_split = PageOrRefRightSplit();
vm_page_t* page = ReleasePage();
// Clear the page split bits before returning it, as these are moved to the reference.
page->object.cow_left_split = 0;
page->object.cow_right_split = 0;
*this = VmPageOrMarker::Reference(ref, left_split, right_split);
return page;
// Changes the content from one reference to a different one, moving over the split bits and
// returning the original reference.
[[nodiscard]] VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ChangeReferenceValue(
VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ref) {
const bool left_split = PageOrRefLeftSplit();
const bool right_split = PageOrRefRightSplit();
const VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue old = ReleaseReference();
*this = VmPageOrMarker::Reference(ref, left_split, right_split);
// The ReferenceValue that we return, unlike a page, has no split bit information and so at this
// point the bits have been fully moved.
return old;
bool IsPage() const { return !IsEmpty() && (GetType() == kPageType); }
bool IsMarker() const { return GetType() == kZeroMarkerType; }
bool IsEmpty() const {
// A PageType that otherwise holds a null pointer is considered to be Empty.
return raw_ == kPageType;
bool IsReference() const { return GetType() == kReferenceType; }
bool IsPageOrRef() const { return IsPage() || IsReference(); }
bool IsInterval() const { return GetType() == kIntervalType; }
VmPageOrMarker& operator=(VmPageOrMarker&& other) noexcept {
// Forbid overriding content, as that would leak it.
raw_ = other.Release();
return *this;
bool operator==(const VmPageOrMarker& other) const { return raw_ == other.raw_; }
bool operator!=(const VmPageOrMarker& other) const { return raw_ != other.raw_; }
// A PageType that otherwise holds a null pointer is considered to be Empty.
static VmPageOrMarker Empty() { return VmPageOrMarker{kPageType}; }
static VmPageOrMarker Marker() { return VmPageOrMarker{kZeroMarkerType}; }
[[nodiscard]] static VmPageOrMarker Page(vm_page* p) {
// A null page is incorrect for two reasons
// 1. It's a violation of the API of this method
// 2. A null page cannot be represented internally as this is used to represent Empty
const uint64_t raw = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(p);
// A pointer should be aligned by definition, and hence the low bits should always be zero, but
// assert this anyway just in case kTypeBits is increased or someone passed an invalid pointer.
DEBUG_ASSERT((raw & BIT_MASK(kTypeBits)) == 0);
return VmPageOrMarker{raw | kPageType};
[[nodiscard]] static VmPageOrMarker Reference(ReferenceValue ref, bool left_split,
bool right_split) {
return VmPageOrMarker(ref.value() | (left_split ? kReferenceLeftSplit : 0) |
(right_split ? kReferenceRightSplit : 0) | kReferenceType);
// The types of sparse page interval types that are supported.
enum class IntervalType : uint64_t {
// Represents a range of zero pages.
Zero = 0,
// Sentinel types that are used to represent a sparse page interval.
enum class IntervalSentinel : uint64_t {
// Represents a single page interval.
Slot = 0,
// The first page of a multi-page interval.
// The last page of a multi-page interval.
// The remaining bits of an interval type store any information specific to the type of interval
// being tracked. The ZeroRange class is defined here to group together the encoding of these bits
// specific to IntervalType::Zero.
class ZeroRange {
// This is the same as kIntervalBits. Equality is asserted later where kIntervalBits is defined.
static constexpr uint64_t kAlignBits = 6;
explicit constexpr ZeroRange(uint64_t val) : value_(val) {
DEBUG_ASSERT((value_ & BIT_MASK(kAlignBits)) == 0);
// The various dirty states that a zero interval can be in. Refer to VmCowPages::DirtyState for
// an explanation of the states. Note that an AwaitingClean state is not encoded in the interval
// state bits. This information is instead stored using the AwaitingCleanLength for convenience,
// where a non-zero length indicates that the interval is AwaitingClean. Doing this affords
// more convenient splitting and merging of intervals.
enum class DirtyState : uint64_t {
Untracked = 0,
ZeroRange(uint64_t val, DirtyState state) : value_(val) {
DEBUG_ASSERT((value_ & BIT_MASK(kAlignBits)) == 0);
DEBUG_ASSERT(GetDirtyState() == DirtyState::Untracked);
uint64_t value() const { return value_; }
// For zero range tracking, we also need to track dirty state information, and if the interval
// is AwaitingClean, the length that is AwaitingClean.
static constexpr uint64_t kDirtyStateBits = VM_PAGE_OBJECT_DIRTY_STATE_BITS;
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(DirtyState::NumStates) <= (1 << kDirtyStateBits));
static constexpr uint64_t kDirtyStateShift = kAlignBits;
DirtyState GetDirtyState() const {
return static_cast<DirtyState>((value_ & (BIT_MASK(kDirtyStateBits) << kDirtyStateShift)) >>
void SetDirtyState(DirtyState state) {
// Only allow dirty zero ranges for now.
DEBUG_ASSERT(state == DirtyState::Dirty);
// Clear the old state.
value_ &= ~(BIT_MASK(kDirtyStateBits) << kDirtyStateShift);
// Set the new state.
value_ |= static_cast<uint64_t>(state) << kDirtyStateShift;
// The AwaitingCleanLength will always be a page-aligned length, so we can mask out the low
// PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT bits and store only the upper bits.
static constexpr uint64_t kAwaitingCleanLengthShift = PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
// Assert that we are not overlapping with the dirty state bits.
static_assert(kAwaitingCleanLengthShift >= kDirtyStateShift + kDirtyStateBits);
void SetAwaitingCleanLength(uint64_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(GetDirtyState() == DirtyState::Dirty);
DEBUG_ASSERT(IS_ALIGNED(len, (1 << kAwaitingCleanLengthShift)));
// Clear the old value.
value_ &= BIT_MASK(kAwaitingCleanLengthShift);
// Set the new value.
value_ |= (len & ~BIT_MASK(kAwaitingCleanLengthShift));
uint64_t GetAwaitingCleanLength() const {
return value_ & ~BIT_MASK(kAwaitingCleanLengthShift);
uint64_t value_;
using IntervalDirtyState = ZeroRange::DirtyState;
// Getters and setters for the interval type.
bool IsIntervalStart() const {
return IsInterval() && GetIntervalSentinel() == IntervalSentinel::Start;
bool IsIntervalEnd() const {
return IsInterval() && GetIntervalSentinel() == IntervalSentinel::End;
bool IsIntervalSlot() const {
return IsInterval() && GetIntervalSentinel() == IntervalSentinel::Slot;
bool IsIntervalZero() const { return IsInterval() && GetIntervalType() == IntervalType::Zero; }
// Getters and setter for the zero interval type.
bool IsZeroIntervalClean() const {
return ZeroRange(raw_ & ~BIT_MASK(kIntervalBits)).GetDirtyState() ==
bool IsZeroIntervalDirty() const {
return ZeroRange(raw_ & ~BIT_MASK(kIntervalBits)).GetDirtyState() ==
ZeroRange::DirtyState GetZeroIntervalDirtyState() const {
return ZeroRange(raw_ & ~BIT_MASK(kIntervalBits)).GetDirtyState();
void SetZeroIntervalAwaitingCleanLength(uint64_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(IsIntervalStart() || IsIntervalSlot());
auto interval = ZeroRange(raw_ & ~BIT_MASK(kIntervalBits));
raw_ = (raw_ & BIT_MASK(kIntervalBits)) | interval.value();
uint64_t GetZeroIntervalAwaitingCleanLength() const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(IsIntervalStart() || IsIntervalSlot());
return ZeroRange(raw_ & ~BIT_MASK(kIntervalBits)).GetAwaitingCleanLength();
explicit VmPageOrMarker(uint64_t raw) : raw_(raw) {}
// The low 2 bits of raw_ are reserved to select the type, any other data has to fit into the
// remaining high bits. Note that there is no explicit Empty type, rather a PageType with a zero
// pointer is used to represent Empty.
static constexpr uint64_t kTypeBits = 2;
static constexpr uint64_t kPageType = 0b00;
static constexpr uint64_t kZeroMarkerType = 0b01;
static constexpr uint64_t kReferenceType = 0b10;
static constexpr uint64_t kIntervalType = 0b11;
// In addition to storing the type, a reference needs to track two additional pieces of data,
// these being the left and right split bits. The split bits are normally stored in the vm_page_t
// and are used for copy-on-write tracking in hidden VMOs. Having the ability to store the split
// bits here allows these pages to be candidates for compression. The remaining bits are then
// available for the actual reference value being stored. Unlike the page type, which does not
// allow the 0 value to be stored, a reference has no restrictions and a ref value of 0 is valid
// and may be stored.
static constexpr uint64_t kReferenceBits = kTypeBits + 2;
// Due to ordering and public/private visibility ReferenceValue::kAlignBits is declared
// separately, but it should match kReferenceBits.
static_assert(ReferenceValue::kAlignBits == kReferenceBits);
static constexpr uint64_t kReferenceLeftSplit = 0b10 << kTypeBits;
static constexpr uint64_t kReferenceRightSplit = 0b01 << kTypeBits;
// In addition to storing the type for an interval, we also need to track the type of interval
// sentinel: the start, the end, or a single slot marker.
static constexpr uint64_t kIntervalSentinelBits = 2;
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(IntervalSentinel::NumSentinels) <=
(1 << kIntervalSentinelBits));
static constexpr uint64_t kIntervalSentinelShift = kTypeBits;
IntervalSentinel GetIntervalSentinel() const {
return static_cast<IntervalSentinel>(
(raw_ & (BIT_MASK(kIntervalSentinelBits) << kIntervalSentinelShift)) >>
void SetIntervalSentinel(IntervalSentinel sentinel) {
// Clear the old sentinel type.
raw_ &= ~(BIT_MASK(kIntervalSentinelBits) << kIntervalSentinelShift);
// Set the new sentinel type.
raw_ |= static_cast<uint64_t>(sentinel) << kIntervalSentinelShift;
// Next we also need to store the type of interval being represented; reserve a couple of bits for
// this. Currently we only support one type of interval: a range of zero pages, but reserving 2
// bits allows for more types in the future.
static constexpr uint64_t kIntervalTypeBits = 2;
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(IntervalType::NumTypes) <= (1 << kIntervalTypeBits));
static constexpr uint64_t kIntervalTypeShift = kIntervalSentinelShift + kIntervalSentinelBits;
IntervalType GetIntervalType() const {
return static_cast<IntervalType>((raw_ & (BIT_MASK(kIntervalTypeBits) << kIntervalTypeShift)) >>
static constexpr uint64_t kIntervalBits = kTypeBits + kIntervalSentinelBits + kIntervalTypeBits;
static_assert(ZeroRange::kAlignBits == kIntervalBits);
// Only support creation of zero interval type for now.
// Private and only friended with VmPageList so that an external caller cannot arbitrarily create
// interval sentinels.
[[nodiscard]] static VmPageOrMarker ZeroInterval(IntervalSentinel sentinel,
IntervalDirtyState state) {
uint64_t sentinel_bits = static_cast<uint64_t>(sentinel) << kIntervalSentinelShift;
uint64_t type_bits = static_cast<uint64_t>(IntervalType::Zero) << kIntervalTypeShift;
return VmPageOrMarker(ZeroRange(0, state).value() | type_bits | sentinel_bits | kIntervalType);
// Change the interval sentinel type for an existing interval, while preserving the rest of the
// original state. Only valid to call on an existing interval type. The only permissible
// transitions are from Slot to Start/End and vice versa, as these are the only valid transitions
// when extending or clipping intervals.
// Private and only friended with VmPageList so that an external caller cannot arbitrarily
// manipulate interval sentinels.
void ChangeIntervalSentinel(IntervalSentinel new_sentinel) {
auto old_sentinel = GetIntervalSentinel();
DEBUG_ASSERT(old_sentinel != new_sentinel);
if (old_sentinel == IntervalSentinel::Start || old_sentinel == IntervalSentinel::End) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_sentinel == IntervalSentinel::Slot);
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT(old_sentinel == IntervalSentinel::Slot);
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_sentinel == IntervalSentinel::Start ||
new_sentinel == IntervalSentinel::End);
uint64_t GetType() const { return raw_ & BIT_MASK(kTypeBits); }
uint64_t Release() {
const uint64_t p = raw_;
raw_ = 0;
return p;
uint64_t raw_;
friend VmPageList;
// Limited reference to a VmPageOrMarker. This reference provides unrestricted const access to the
// underlying VmPageOrMarker, but as it holds a non-const VmPageOrMarker* it has the ability to
// modify the underlying entry. However, the interface for modification is very limited.
// This allows for the majority of VmPageList iterations that are not intended to allow for clearing
// entries to the Empty state to allow limited mutation (such as between different content states),
// without being completely mutable.
class VmPageOrMarkerRef {
VmPageOrMarkerRef() = default;
explicit VmPageOrMarkerRef(VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker) : page_or_marker_(page_or_marker) {}
~VmPageOrMarkerRef() = default;
const VmPageOrMarker& operator*() const {
return *page_or_marker_;
const VmPageOrMarker* operator->() const {
return page_or_marker_;
explicit operator bool() const { return !!page_or_marker_; }
// Forward split bit modifications as an allowed mutation.
void SetPageOrRefLeftSplit(bool value) {
void SetPageOrRefRightSplit(bool value) {
// Changing the kind of content is an allowed mutation and this takes ownership of the provided
// page and returns ownership of the previous reference.
[[nodiscard]] VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue SwapReferenceForPage(vm_page_t* p) {
return page_or_marker_->SwapReferenceForPage(p);
// Similar to SwapReferenceForPage, but takes ownership of the ref and returns ownership of the
// previous page.
[[nodiscard]] vm_page_t* SwapPageForReference(VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ref) {
return page_or_marker_->SwapPageForReference(ref);
// Similar to SwapReferenceForPage, but changes one reference for another.
[[nodiscard]] VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ChangeReferenceValue(
VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue ref) {
return page_or_marker_->ChangeReferenceValue(ref);
// Forward dirty state updates as an allowed mutation.
void SetZeroIntervalAwaitingCleanLength(uint64_t len) {
VmPageOrMarker* page_or_marker_ = nullptr;
class VmPageListNode final : public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>> {
explicit VmPageListNode(uint64_t offset);
static const size_t kPageFanOut = 16;
// accessors
uint64_t offset() const { return obj_offset_; }
uint64_t GetKey() const { return obj_offset_; }
uint64_t end_offset() const { return offset() + kPageFanOut * PAGE_SIZE; }
void set_offset(uint64_t offset) {
obj_offset_ = offset;
// for every page or marker in the node call the passed in function.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F func, uint64_t skew) {
return ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE>(this, func, offset(), end_offset(), skew);
// for every page or marker in the node call the passed in function.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F func, uint64_t skew) const {
return ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE>(this, func, offset(), end_offset(), skew);
// for every page or marker in the node in the range call the passed in function. The range is
// assumed to be within the nodes object range.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(F func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
uint64_t skew) {
return ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE>(this, func, start_offset, end_offset, skew);
// for every page or marker in the node in the range call the passed in function. The range is
// assumed to be within the nodes object range.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(F func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
uint64_t skew) const {
return ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE>(this, func, start_offset, end_offset, skew);
const VmPageOrMarker& Lookup(size_t index) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(index < kPageFanOut);
return pages_[index];
VmPageOrMarker& Lookup(size_t index) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(index < kPageFanOut);
return pages_[index];
// A node is empty if it contains no pages, page interval sentinels, references, or markers.
bool IsEmpty() const {
for (const auto& p : pages_) {
if (!p.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if there are no pages or references owned by this node. Meant to check whether the
// node has any resource that needs to be returned.
bool HasNoPageOrRef() const {
for (const auto& p : pages_) {
if (p.IsPageOrRef()) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if there are no interval sentinels owned by this node.
bool HasNoIntervalSentinel() const {
for (const auto& p : pages_) {
if (p.IsInterval()) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename S, typename F>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(S self, F func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
uint64_t skew) {
// Assert that the requested range is sensible and falls within our nodes actual offset range.
DEBUG_ASSERT(end_offset >= start_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(start_offset >= self->obj_offset_);
DEBUG_ASSERT(end_offset <= self->end_offset());
const size_t start = (start_offset - self->obj_offset_) / PAGE_SIZE;
const size_t end = (end_offset - self->obj_offset_) / PAGE_SIZE;
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (!self->pages_[i].IsEmpty()) {
zx_status_t status =
func(PTR_TYPE{&self->pages_[i]}, self->obj_offset_ + i * PAGE_SIZE - skew);
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
return status;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("PLST")> canary_;
uint64_t obj_offset_ = 0;
VmPageOrMarker pages_[kPageFanOut];
friend VMPLCursor;
// Cursor that can be used for iterating over contiguous blocks of entries in a page list. The
// underlying page list must not have any entries removed while using this cursor, as the cursor
// retains iterators into the page list. It is, however, safe to insert new entries.
// The cursor can be used to iterate over empty contiguous slots, however iteration will always
// cease if entries are not contiguous.
class VMPLCursor {
VMPLCursor() : index_(kPageFanOut) {}
// Retrieve the current VmPageOrMarker pointed at by the cursor. This will be a nullptr if the
// cursor is no longer valid. The slot pointed at may itself be empty.
// Note that it is up to the caller to know the offset, which it can track by remembering how
// many |step|s it has done.
VmPageOrMarkerRef current() const {
return VmPageOrMarkerRef(valid() ? &(node_->pages_[index_]) : nullptr);
// Move the cursor to the next entry. The next entry can then be retrieved by calling |current|,
// and if there is no next entry then current will return a nullptr.
void step() {
if (valid()) {
if (index_ == kPageFanOut) {
// Calls the provided callback of type [](VmPageOrMarkerRef)->zx_status_t on every entry as long
// as they are contiguous. This is equivalent a loop calling |step| and |current|, but can
// produce more optimal code gen with the internal loop.
// The callback can return ZX_ERR_NEXT to continue, ZX_ERR_STOP to cease iteration gracefully, or
// any other status to terminate with that status code.
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryContiguous(F func) {
while (valid()) {
while (index_ < kPageFanOut) {
zx_status_t status = func(VmPageOrMarkerRef(&node_->pages_[index_]));
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
return status == ZX_ERR_STOP ? ZX_OK : status;
if (!inc_node()) {
return ZX_OK;
return ZX_OK;
static constexpr size_t kPageFanOut = VmPageListNode::kPageFanOut;
VMPLCursor(fbl::WAVLTree<uint64_t, ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>>::iterator&& node, uint index)
: node_(node), index_(index) {}
// Helper to increment the underlying node_, testing for contiguity.
bool inc_node() {
// Should only be incrementing if index is at the end, as otherwise we're not being contiguous.
DEBUG_ASSERT(index_ == kPageFanOut);
const uint64_t prev = node_->obj_offset_;
if (node_.IsValid() && node_->obj_offset_ == prev + PAGE_SIZE * kPageFanOut) {
// node is valid and contiguous, reset the index_ to both remove the terminal sentinel, and
// resume iteration from the beginning.
index_ = 0;
// TODO: Once cursor is in use benchmark the impact of validating that the node is not empty.
return true;
return false;
// Helper to check if the node is valid or not by checking index for its sentinel value.
bool valid() const { return index_ < kPageFanOut; }
// Current node_ in the underlying page list currently being iterated. If this is invalid then
// index_ will be kPageFanOut
fbl::WAVLTree<uint64_t, ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>>::iterator node_;
// The index into node_ that is currently being pointed at to be returned by |current|. The
// sentinel value of kPageFanOut is used to indicate that node_ is no longer valid.
uint index_;
friend VmPageList;
// Class which holds the list of vm_page structs removed from a VmPageList
// by TakePages. The list include information about uncommitted pages and markers.
// Every splice list is expected to go through the following series of states:
// 1. The splice list is created.
// 2. Pages are added to the splice list.
// 3. The list is `Finalize`d, meaning that it can no longer be modified by `Append`.
// 4. Pages are then `Pop`d from the list. Once all the pages are popped, the list is considered
// "processed".
// 5. The list is then considered `Processed` and can be destroyed.
class VmPageSpliceList final {
VmPageSpliceList(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, uint64_t list_skew);
VmPageSpliceList(VmPageSpliceList&& other);
VmPageSpliceList& operator=(VmPageSpliceList&& other_tree);
// For use by PhysicalPageProvider. The user-pager path doesn't use this. This returns a
// finalized list.
static VmPageSpliceList CreateFromPageList(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, list_node* pages);
// Pops the next page off of the splice list. It is invalid to pop a page from a non-finalized
// splice list.
VmPageOrMarker Pop();
// Peeks at the head of the splice list and returns a non-null VmPageOrMarkerRef pointing to it
// if and only if it is a reference. It is invalid to peek at a non-finalized splice list.
VmPageOrMarkerRef PeekReference();
// Appends `content` to the end of the splice list.
// The splice list takes ownership of `content` after this call.
// Note that this method does not work when raw_pages_ is in use.
// It is invalid to append to a finalized splice list.
zx_status_t Append(VmPageOrMarker content);
// Returns true after the whole collection has been processed by Pop.
bool IsProcessed() const { return pos_ >= length_; }
// Returns true if this list is empty.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Marks the list as finalized.
// See the comment at `VmPageSpliceList`'s declaration for more info on what this means and when
// to call it. Note that it is invalid to call `Finalize` twice on the same list.
void Finalize();
// Returns true if the splice list is finalized.
// See the comment at `VmPageSpliceList`'s declaration for more info on what this means.
bool IsFinalized() const { return finalized_; }
// Returns the current position in the list.
uint64_t Position() const { return pos_; }
void FreeAllPages();
uint64_t offset_;
uint64_t length_;
uint64_t pos_ = 0;
uint64_t list_skew_ = 0;
bool finalized_ = false;
VmPageListNode head_ = VmPageListNode(0);
fbl::WAVLTree<uint64_t, ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>> middle_;
VmPageListNode tail_ = VmPageListNode(0);
// To avoid the possibility of allocation failure, we don't use head_, middle_, tail_ for
// CreateFromPageList(). With CreateFromPageList() we know that all the pages are present, so
// we can just keep a list of pages, and create VmPageListNode on the stack as pages are Pop()ed.
list_node raw_pages_ = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(raw_pages_);
friend VmPageList;
class VmPageList final {
VmPageList& operator=(VmPageList&& other);
VmPageList(VmPageList&& other);
void InitializeSkew(uint64_t parent_skew, uint64_t offset) {
// Checking list_skew_ doesn't catch all instances of double-initialization, but
// it should catch some of them.
DEBUG_ASSERT(list_skew_ == 0);
list_skew_ = (parent_skew + offset) % (PAGE_SIZE * VmPageListNode::kPageFanOut);
uint64_t GetSkew() const { return list_skew_; }
// walk the page tree, calling the passed in function on every tree node.
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F per_page_func) const {
return ForEveryPage<const VmPageOrMarker*>(this, per_page_func);
// similar to ForEveryPage, but the per_page_func gets called with a VmPageOrMarkerRef instead of
// a const VmPageOrMarker*, allowing for limited mutation.
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageMutable(F per_page_func) {
return ForEveryPage<VmPageOrMarkerRef>(this, per_page_func);
// walk the page tree, calling the passed in function on every tree node.
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(F per_page_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) const {
return ForEveryPageInRange<const VmPageOrMarker*>(this, per_page_func, start_offset,
// similar to ForEveryPageInRange, but the per_page_func gets called with a VmPageOrMarkerRef
// instead of a const VmPageOrMarker*, allowing for limited mutation.
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRangeMutable(F per_page_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
return ForEveryPageInRange<VmPageOrMarkerRef>(this, per_page_func, start_offset, end_offset);
// walk the page tree, calling |per_page_func| on every page/marker and |per_gap_func| on every
// gap.
template <typename PAGE_FUNC, typename GAP_FUNC>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(PAGE_FUNC per_page_func, GAP_FUNC per_gap_func,
uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset) const {
return ForEveryPageAndGapInRange<const VmPageOrMarker*>(this, per_page_func, per_gap_func,
start_offset, end_offset);
// walk the page tree, calling |per_page_func| on every page/marker/interval that fulfills
// (returns true) the |compare_func|. Also call |contiguous_run_func| on every contiguous range of
// such pages/markers/intervals encountered, whose signature is:
// zx_status_t contiguous_run_func(uint64_t start, uint64_t end, bool is_interval)
// Intervals are treated as distinct contiguous runs, i.e. they won't be merged into a contiguous
// run of pages/markers for invocation of |contiguous_run_func|. For intervals,
// |contiguous_run_func| will be called with |is_interval| set to true; for other page types it
// will be false. Additionally, the entire interval should fulfill |compare_func| for
// |contiguous_run_func| to be called on the portion that falls in [start_offset, end_offset).
template <typename COMPARE_FUNC, typename PAGE_FUNC, typename CONTIGUOUS_RUN_FUNC>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndContiguousRunInRange(COMPARE_FUNC compare_func,
PAGE_FUNC per_page_func,
CONTIGUOUS_RUN_FUNC contiguous_run_func,
uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) const {
return ForEveryPageAndContiguousRunInRange<const VmPageOrMarker*>(
this, compare_func, per_page_func, contiguous_run_func, start_offset, end_offset);
// Returns true if any pages (actual pages, references, or markers) are in the given range, or if
// the range forms a part of a sparse page interval.
bool AnyPagesOrIntervalsInRange(uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset) const {
bool found_page = false;
[&found_page](const VmPageOrMarker* page, uint64_t offset) {
found_page = true;
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
start_offset, end_offset);
// It is possible that the range forms a part of an interval even if no nodes in the range have
// populated slots. We can determine that by checking to see if the start offset in the range
// falls in an interval (we could technically perform this check for any inclusive offset in the
// range since the range is entirely unpopulated and hence would only fall in the same interval
// if applicable).
return found_page ? true : IsOffsetInInterval(start_offset);
// Attempts to return a reference to the VmPageOrMarker at the specified offset. The returned
// pointer is valid until the VmPageList is destroyed or any of the Remove*/Take/Merge etc
// functions are called.
// Lookup may return 'nullptr' if there is no slot allocated for the given offset. If non-null
// is returned it may still be the case that IsEmpty() on the returned PageOrMarker is true.
const VmPageOrMarker* Lookup(uint64_t offset) const;
// Similar to `Lookup` but returns a VmPageOrMarkerRef that allows for limited mutation of the
// slot. General mutation requires calling `LookupOrAllocate`.
VmPageOrMarkerRef LookupMutable(uint64_t offset);
// Similar to `LookupMutable` but returns a VMPLCursor that allows for iterating over any
// contiguous slots from the provided offset.
VMPLCursor LookupMutableCursor(uint64_t offset);
// The interval handling flag to be used by LookupOrAllocate. See comments near LookupOrAllocate.
enum class IntervalHandling : uint8_t {
// Similar to `Lookup` but only returns `nullptr` if a slot cannot be allocated either due to out
// of memory, due to offset being invalid, or |interval_handling| not allowing for a slot to be
// safely returned.
// The returned slot, if not a `nullptr`, may generally be freely manipulated with the exception
// that if it started !Empty, then it is an error to set it to Empty. In this case the
// `RemovePage` method must be used.
// If the returned slot started Empty, as it not made !Empty, then the slot must be returned with
// ReturnEmptySlot, to ensure no empty nodes are retained.
// The bool in the ktl::pair returns whether the offset falls inside a sparse interval. And
// whether a valid VmPageOrMarker* is returned in the ktl::pair depends on the specified
// |interval_handling|.
// - NoIntervals: The page list does not contain any intervals, so there is no special handling
// to check for or split intervals. In other words, each slot in the page list can be manipulated
// independently.
// - CheckForIntervals: The page list can contain intervals, and the bool in the returned
// ktl::pair indicates whether the offset fell inside an interval. Note that this only checks for
// intervals but does not allow manipulating them, so a valid VmPageOrMarker* will be returned
// only if the offset can safely be manipulated independently.
// - SplitInterval: The page list can contain intervals and we are allowed to split intervals to
// return the required slot. The returned VmPageOrMarker* can be manipulated freely. (See
// comments near LookupOrAllocateCheckForInterval for an explanation of how splitting works.)
ktl::pair<VmPageOrMarker*, bool> LookupOrAllocate(uint64_t offset,
IntervalHandling interval_handling) {
switch (interval_handling) {
case IntervalHandling::NoIntervals:
// The page list does not expect any intervals. Short circuit any checks for intervals.
return {LookupOrAllocateInternal(offset), false};
case IntervalHandling::CheckForInterval:
// Check for intervals but do not allow splitting them.
return LookupOrAllocateCheckForInterval(offset, false);
case IntervalHandling::SplitInterval:
// Check for intervals and also split them.
return LookupOrAllocateCheckForInterval(offset, true);
return {nullptr, false};
// Returns a slot that was empty after LookupOrAllocate, and that the caller did not end up
// filling.
// This ensures that if LookupOrAllocate allocated a new underlying list node, then that list node
// needs to be free'd otherwise it might not get cleaned up for the lifetime of the page list.
// This is only correct to call on an offset for which LookupOrAllocate had just returned a non
// null slot, and that slot was Empty and is still Empty.
void ReturnEmptySlot(uint64_t offset);
// Removes any item at |offset| from the list and returns it, or VmPageOrMarker::Empty() if none.
VmPageOrMarker RemoveContent(uint64_t offset);
// Release every item in the page list and calls free_content_fn on any content, giving it
// ownership. Any markers are cleared.
template <typename T>
void RemoveAllContent(T free_content_fn) {
// per page get a reference to the page pointer inside the page list node
auto per_page_func = [&free_content_fn](VmPageOrMarker* p, uint64_t offset) {
if (p->IsPageOrRef()) {
*p = VmPageOrMarker::Empty();
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// walk the tree in order, freeing all the pages on every node
ForEveryPage<VmPageOrMarker*>(this, per_page_func);
// empty the tree
// Calls the provided callback for every page or marker in the range [start_offset, end_offset).
// The callback can modify the VmPageOrMarker and take ownership of any pages, or leave them in
// place. The difference between this and ForEveryPage is as this allows for modifying the
// underlying pages any intermediate data structures can be checked and potentially freed if no
// longer needed.
template <typename T>
void RemovePages(T per_page_fn, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset) {
ForEveryPageInRange<VmPageOrMarker*, NodeCheck::CleanupEmpty>(this, per_page_fn, start_offset,
// Similar to RemovePages but also takes a |per_gap_fn| callback to allow for iterating over any
// gaps encountered as well. This can be used when the intent is to modify the underlying pages
// and/or gaps, while checking any intermediate data structures to potentially free ones that are
// no longer needed.
template <typename P, typename G>
zx_status_t RemovePagesAndIterateGaps(P per_page_fn, G per_gap_fn, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
return ForEveryPageAndGapInRange<VmPageOrMarker*, NodeCheck::CleanupEmpty>(
this, per_page_fn, per_gap_fn, start_offset, end_offset);
// Returns true if there are no pages, references, markers, or intervals in the page list.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Returns true if the page list does not own any pages or references. Meant to check whether the
// page list has any resource that needs to be returned.
bool HasNoPageOrRef() const;
// Merges the pages in |other| in the range [|offset|, |end_offset|) into |this|
// page list, starting at offset 0 in this list.
// For every page in |other| in the given range, if there is no corresponding page or marker
// in |this|, then they will be passed to |migrate_fn|. If |migrate_fn| leaves the page in the
// VmPageOrMarker it will be migrated into |this|, otherwise the migrate_fn is assumed to now own
// the page. For any pages or markers in |other| outside the given range or which conflict with a
// page in |this|, they will be released given ownership to |release_fn|.
// The |offset| values passed to |release_fn| and |migrate_fn| are the original offsets
// in |other|, not the adapted offsets in |this|.
// **NOTE** unlike MergeOnto, |other| will be empty at the end of this method.
void MergeFrom(
VmPageList& other, uint64_t offset, uint64_t end_offset,
fit::inline_function<void(VmPageOrMarker&&, uint64_t offset), 3 * sizeof(void*)> release_fn,
fit::inline_function<void(VmPageOrMarker*, uint64_t offset)> migrate_fn);
// Merges this pages in |this| onto |other|.
// For every page (or marker) in |this|, checks the same offset in |other|. If there is no
// page or marker, then it inserts the page into |other|. Otherwise, it releases the page (or
// marker) and gives ownership to |release_fn|.
// **NOTE** unlike MergeFrom, |this| will be empty at the end of this method.
void MergeOnto(VmPageList& other, fit::inline_function<void(VmPageOrMarker&&)> release_fn);
// Takes the pages, references and markers in the range [offset, length) out of this page list.
// This method calls `Finalize` on the splice list prior to returning it, meaning that no more
// pages, references, or markers can be added to it.
VmPageSpliceList TakePages(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length);
uint64_t HeapAllocationBytes() const { return list_.size() * sizeof(VmPageListNode); }
// Allow the implementation to use a one-past-the-end for VmPageListNode offsets,
// plus to account for skew_.
static constexpr uint64_t MAX_SIZE =
ROUNDDOWN(UINT64_MAX, 2 * VmPageListNode::kPageFanOut * PAGE_SIZE);
// Add a sparse zero interval spanning the range [start_offset, end_offset) with the specified
// dirty_state. The specified range must be previously unpopulated. This will try to merge the new
// zero interval with existing intervals to the left and/or right, if the dirty_state allows it.
zx_status_t AddZeroInterval(uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
VmPageOrMarker::IntervalDirtyState dirty_state) {
return AddZeroIntervalInternal(start_offset, end_offset, dirty_state, 0);
// Populates individual interval slots in the range [start_offset, end_offset) that falls inside a
// sparse interval. The intent of this function is to allow the caller to prepare the range for
// overwriting (replacing with pages) by populating the required slots upfront, so that slot
// lookup does not fail after this call. Essentially simulates interval splits
// (LookupOrAllocateCheckForInterval) for every offset in the specified range, but does so more
// efficiently, instead of having to search the tree repeatedly for every single offset.
zx_status_t PopulateSlotsInInterval(uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset);
// Helper to return an unused interval slot so that it can be merged back into the interval it was
// populated/split from.
void ReturnIntervalSlot(uint64_t offset);
// Clips an interval from the start by len, i.e. moves the start from interval_start to
// interval_start + len. The total length of the interval must be larger than len.
zx_status_t ClipIntervalStart(uint64_t interval_start, uint64_t len);
// Clips an interval from the end by len, i.e. moves the end from interval_end to
// interval_end - len. The total length of the interval must be larger than len.
zx_status_t ClipIntervalEnd(uint64_t interval_end, uint64_t len);
// Returns true if the specified offset falls in a sparse zero interval.
bool IsOffsetInZeroInterval(uint64_t offset) const;
// Replace an existing page at offset with a zero interval, and return the released page. The
// caller takes ownership of the released page and is responsible for freeing it.
vm_page_t* ReplacePageWithZeroInterval(uint64_t offset,
VmPageOrMarker::IntervalDirtyState dirty_state);
// Returns true if the specified offset falls in a sparse page interval.
bool IsOffsetInInterval(uint64_t offset) const;
// Internal helper used when checking whether the offset falls in an interval.
// lower_bound is the node that was queried with a lower_bound() lookup on the list using the
// offset. This node is passed in here so that we can reuse the node the callsite has looked up
// and avoid an extra lookup. The interval sentinel found in lower_bound which is used to
// conclude that offset lies is an interval is optionally returned. If this function returns true,
// interval_out (if not null) returns the start/end/slot sentinel of the interval that the offset
// lies in.
bool IfOffsetInIntervalHelper(uint64_t offset, const VmPageListNode& lower_bound,
const VmPageOrMarker** interval_out = nullptr) const;
// Internal helper for AddZeroInterval.
// |replace_existing_slot| can optionally be set to true if a zero interval spanning a single page
// is being added, and the slot at that offset is already populated (but Empty) and can be reused.
zx_status_t AddZeroIntervalInternal(uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
VmPageOrMarker::IntervalDirtyState dirty_state,
uint64_t awaiting_clean_len,
bool replace_existing_slot = false);
// Internal helper for LookupOrAllocate.
VmPageOrMarker* LookupOrAllocateInternal(uint64_t offset);
// Similar to LookupOrAllocateInternal but also checks if offset falls in a sparse page interval,
// returning true via the bool in ktl::pair if it does, along with the slot. Also splits the
// interval around offset if split_interval is set to true. This allows the caller to freely
// manipulate the slot at offset similar to LookupOrAllocate. If offset is found in an interval,
// but split_interval was false, no VmPageOrMarker* is returned, as it is not safe to manipulate
// any slot in an interval without also splitting the interval around it.
// In other words, the return values fall into three categories.
// 1. {page, false} : offset does not lie in an interval. |slot| is the required slot.
// 2. {page, true} : offset lies in an interval and split_interval was true. |page| is the
// required slot. The interval has been correctly split around the slot, so |page| can be treated
// similar to any non-interval type.
// 3. {nullptr, true} : offset lies in an interval but split_interval was false. No slot is
// returned.
// Splitting the interval would look as follows. If the interval previously was:
// [start, end) where start < offset < end.
// After the split we would have three intervals:
// [start, offset) [offset, offset + PAGE_SIZE) [offset + PAGE_SIZE, end)
// The middle interval containing offset spans only a single page, i.e. offset is an
// IntervalSentinel::Slot, which can now be manipulated independently.
ktl::pair<VmPageOrMarker*, bool> LookupOrAllocateCheckForInterval(uint64_t offset,
bool split_interval);
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename S, typename F>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPage(S self, F per_page_func) {
for (auto& pl : self->list_) {
zx_status_t status = pl.template ForEveryPage<PTR_TYPE, F>(per_page_func, self->list_skew_);
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
// Calls the provided callback for every page in the given range. If the CleanupNodes template
// argument is true then it is assumed the per_page_func may remove pages and page nodes will be
// checked to see if they are empty and can be cleaned up.
enum class NodeCheck : bool {
Skip = false,
CleanupEmpty = true,
template <typename PTR_TYPE, NodeCheck NODE_CHECK = NodeCheck::Skip, typename S, typename F>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(S self, F per_page_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
start_offset += self->list_skew_;
end_offset += self->list_skew_;
// Find the first node (if any) that will contain our starting offset.
auto cur =
self->list_.lower_bound(ROUNDDOWN(start_offset, VmPageListNode::kPageFanOut * PAGE_SIZE));
if (!cur) {
return ZX_OK;
// Handle scenario where start_offset begins not aligned to a node.
if (cur->offset() < start_offset) {
zx_status_t status = cur->template ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE, F>(
per_page_func, start_offset, ktl::min(end_offset, cur->end_offset()), self->list_skew_);
auto prev = cur++;
if constexpr (NODE_CHECK == NodeCheck::CleanupEmpty) {
if (prev->IsEmpty()) {
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return ZX_OK;
return status;
// Iterate through all full nodes contained in the range.
while (cur && cur->end_offset() < end_offset) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(start_offset <= cur->offset());
zx_status_t status = cur->template ForEveryPage<PTR_TYPE, F>(per_page_func, self->list_skew_);
auto prev = cur++;
if constexpr (NODE_CHECK == NodeCheck::CleanupEmpty) {
if (prev->IsEmpty()) {
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return ZX_OK;
return status;
// Handle scenario where the end_offset is not aligned to the end of a node.
if (cur && cur->offset() < end_offset) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(cur->end_offset() >= end_offset);
zx_status_t status = cur->template ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE, F>(
per_page_func, cur->offset(), end_offset, self->list_skew_);
if constexpr (NODE_CHECK == NodeCheck::CleanupEmpty) {
if (cur->IsEmpty()) {
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return ZX_OK;
return status;
return ZX_OK;
template <typename PTR_TYPE, NodeCheck NODE_CHECK = NodeCheck::Skip, typename S,
typename PAGE_FUNC, typename GAP_FUNC>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(S self, PAGE_FUNC per_page_func,
GAP_FUNC per_gap_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
uint64_t expected_next_off = start_offset;
// Set to true when we encounter an interval start but haven't yet encountered the end.
bool in_interval = false;
auto per_page_wrapper_fn = [&](auto* p, uint64_t off) {
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// We can move ahead of expected_next_off in the case of an interval too, which represents a
// run of pages. Make sure this is not an interval before calling the per_gap_func.
if (expected_next_off != off && !p->IsIntervalEnd()) {
status = per_gap_func(expected_next_off, off);
if (status == ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
if (p->IsIntervalStart()) {
// We should not already have been tracking an interval.
// Start and end sentinel interval types should match. Since we only support zero
// intervals currently, we can simply check for that.
in_interval = true;
} else if (p->IsIntervalEnd()) {
// If this is not the first populated slot we encountered, we should have been tracking a
// valid interval.
DEBUG_ASSERT(in_interval || expected_next_off == start_offset);
// Start and end sentinel interval types should match. Since we only support zero
// intervals currently, we can simply check for that.
// Reset interval tracking.
in_interval = false;
status = per_page_func(p, off);
expected_next_off = off + PAGE_SIZE;
// Prevent the last call to per_gap_func
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
expected_next_off = end_offset;
return status;
zx_status_t status = ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE, NODE_CHECK>(self, per_page_wrapper_fn,
start_offset, end_offset);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Handle the last gap after checking that we are not in an interval. Note that simply checking
// for in_interval is not sufficient, as it is possible to have started the traversal partway
// into an interval, in which case we would not have seen the interval start and in_interval
// would be false. So we perform a quick check for in_interval first and if that fails perform
// the more expensive IsOffsetInInterval() check. The IsOffsetInInterval() call is further gated
// by whether we encountered any page at all in the traversal above. If we saw at least one
// page in the traversal, we know that we could not be in an interval without in_interval being
// true because we would have seen the interval start.
if (expected_next_off != end_offset) {
// Traversal ended in an interval if in_interval was true, OR if the traversal did not see any
// page at all and the start_offset is in an interval (Note that in this latter case all
// offsets in the range [start_offset, end_offset) would lie in the same interval, so we can
// just check one of them).
bool ended_in_interval = in_interval || (expected_next_off == start_offset &&
if (!ended_in_interval) {
status = per_gap_func(expected_next_off, end_offset);
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT && status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
// Internal helpers to return the start (or end) of an interval given the end (or start) along
// with the corresponding offset.
ktl::pair<const VmPageOrMarker*, uint64_t> FindIntervalStartForEnd(uint64_t end_offset) const;
ktl::pair<const VmPageOrMarker*, uint64_t> FindIntervalEndForStart(uint64_t start_offset) const;
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename S, typename COMPARE_FUNC, typename PAGE_FUNC,
static zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndContiguousRunInRange(S self, COMPARE_FUNC compare_func,
PAGE_FUNC per_page_func,
CONTIGUOUS_RUN_FUNC contiguous_run_func,
uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
if (start_offset == end_offset) {
return ZX_OK;
// Track contiguous range of pages fulfilling compare_func.
uint64_t contiguous_run_start = start_offset;
uint64_t contiguous_run_len = 0;
// Tracks whether we enter the ForEveryPageAndGap traversal at all.
bool found_page_or_gap = false;
// Tracks information if we encounter an interval start, to be used when we encounter the
// corresponding end.
struct {
uint64_t interval_start_offset;
bool start_compare_status;
bool started_interval;
} interval_tracker = {.started_interval = false};
zx_status_t status = ForEveryPageAndGapInRange<PTR_TYPE>(
[&](auto* p, uint64_t off) {
found_page_or_gap = true;
zx_status_t st = ZX_ERR_NEXT;
const bool compare_result = compare_func(p, off);
// Handle interval types first.
if (p->IsInterval()) {
// If we are going to start an interval, end any contiguous run being tracked, and call
// contiguous_run_func on it. This is because intervals are treated as contiguous ranges
// distinct from pages or markers. Do this before per_page_func because we don't want to
// have processed extra pages if contiguous_run_func on the range prior would have
// failed. Also do this irrespective of whether this interval passes the compare_func or
// not, since we are processing pages prior to the interval.
if (p->IsIntervalStart() || p->IsIntervalSlot()) {
if (contiguous_run_len > 0) {
st = contiguous_run_func(contiguous_run_start,
contiguous_run_start + contiguous_run_len,
// Reset contiguous range tracking.
contiguous_run_len = 0;
if (st != ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
return st;
DEBUG_ASSERT(contiguous_run_len == 0);
// Run the per-page function on the interval sentinel first. Then proceed to the more
// complicated logic for the contiguous function.
if (compare_result) {
st = per_page_func(p, off);
if (st != ZX_ERR_NEXT && st != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return st;
// A slot is a contiguous run of a single page.
if (p->IsIntervalSlot()) {
// We should not have been already tracking an interval.
if (compare_result) {
return contiguous_run_func(off, off + PAGE_SIZE, /*is_interval=*/true);
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
if (p->IsIntervalStart()) {
// Start tracking a new run. We should not have been already tracking an interval.
interval_tracker.started_interval = true;
interval_tracker.interval_start_offset = off;
// Stash the comparison result for the interval start.
interval_tracker.start_compare_status = compare_result;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// If the interval end does not pass the check, there is nothing more to be done.
if (!compare_result) {
interval_tracker.started_interval = false;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// If this is the end of an interval, call contiguous_run_func on the interval if the
// compare_func passes for *both* the start and the end, and proceed.
// It is possible that we don't have the interval start if we started the traversal
// partway inside an interval. Find the start and evaluate compare_func on it.
if (!interval_tracker.started_interval) {
auto [start, interval_start_offset] = self->FindIntervalStartForEnd(off);
DEBUG_ASSERT(interval_start_offset < start_offset);
interval_tracker.started_interval = true;
interval_tracker.start_compare_status = compare_func(start, interval_start_offset);
// Pretend that the interval begins at start_offset since we're not considering the
// range before it.
interval_tracker.interval_start_offset = start_offset;
interval_tracker.started_interval = false;
if (interval_tracker.start_compare_status) {
return contiguous_run_func(interval_tracker.interval_start_offset, off + PAGE_SIZE,
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// Handle any non-interval types.
if (compare_result) {
st = per_page_func(p, off);
// Return any errors early before considering this page for contiguous_run_func.
if (st != ZX_ERR_NEXT && st != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
// If there was an outstanding contiguous run, process it since it had to have ended
// before the failing offset.
if (contiguous_run_len > 0) {
zx_status_t prev_range_status = contiguous_run_func(
contiguous_run_start, contiguous_run_start + contiguous_run_len,
contiguous_run_len = 0;
// If there was an error encountered, surface that instead of st, as it occurred on
// a range prior to this offset.
if (prev_range_status != ZX_ERR_NEXT && prev_range_status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return prev_range_status;
return st;
// Start tracking a contiguous run if none was being tracked.
if (contiguous_run_len == 0) {
contiguous_run_start = off;
// Append this page to the contiguous range being tracked.
contiguous_run_len += PAGE_SIZE;
// In the case that st is ZX_ERR_STOP, we will include this page in the contiguous run
// and stop traversal *after* this page.
return st;
// We were already tracking a contiguous range when we encountered this page that does not
// fulfill compare_func. Invoke contiguous_run_func on the range so far and start tracking
// a new one skipping over this page.
if (contiguous_run_len > 0) {
st =
contiguous_run_func(contiguous_run_start, contiguous_run_start + contiguous_run_len,
// Reset contiguous_run_len to zero to track a new range later if required.
// Do this irrespective of the return status to ensure we don't erroneously have a
// remaining range to process below after exiting the traversal.
contiguous_run_len = 0;
return st;
[&](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
found_page_or_gap = true;
// We should not encounter any gaps in the midst of an interval we were tracking.
zx_status_t st = ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// We were already tracking a contiguous range when we encountered this gap. Invoke
// contiguous_run_func on the range so far and start tracking a new one skipping over this
// gap.
if (contiguous_run_len > 0) {
st =
contiguous_run_func(contiguous_run_start, contiguous_run_start + contiguous_run_len,
// Reset contiguous_run_len to zero to track a new range later if required.
// Do this irrespective of the return status to ensure we don't erroneously have a
// remaining range to process below after exiting the traversal.
contiguous_run_len = 0;
return st;
start_offset, end_offset);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// If we did not execute either the per-page or per-gap function, we could only have been inside
// an interval. In that case, we need to find both the start and the end of this interval and
// evaluate compare_func on them.
if (!found_page_or_gap) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(self->IsOffsetInInterval(end_offset - PAGE_SIZE));
uint64_t interval_end_offset = UINT64_MAX;
bool end_compare_status = false;
status = ForEveryPageInRange<PTR_TYPE>(
[&](auto* p, uint64_t off) {
// The first populated slot should be an interval end.
interval_end_offset = off;
end_compare_status = compare_func(p, off);
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
end_offset, VmPageList::MAX_SIZE);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
if (end_compare_status) {
auto [start, interval_start_offset] = self->FindIntervalStartForEnd(interval_end_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(interval_start_offset < start_offset);
if (compare_func(start, interval_start_offset)) {
status = contiguous_run_func(start_offset, end_offset, /*is_interval=*/true);
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT && status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
// Process the last contiguous range if there is one, or an interval that we started tracking
// but did not end.
if (contiguous_run_len > 0) {
status = contiguous_run_func(contiguous_run_start, contiguous_run_start + contiguous_run_len,
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT && status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
} else if (interval_tracker.started_interval && interval_tracker.start_compare_status) {
auto [end, interval_end_offset] =
if (compare_func(end, interval_end_offset)) {
status = contiguous_run_func(interval_tracker.interval_start_offset, end_offset,
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT && status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
fbl::WAVLTree<uint64_t, ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>> list_;
// A skew added to offsets provided as arguments to VmPageList functions before
// interfacing with list_. This allows all VmPageLists within a clone tree
// to place individual vm_page_t entries at the same offsets within their nodes, so
// that the nodes can be moved between different lists without having to worry
// about needing to split up a node.
uint64_t list_skew_ = 0;