blob: 125b511fa50eaffce6298494cfabcc17afd24516 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <vm/vm_cow_pages.h>
namespace internal {
struct DiscardableListTag {};
} // namespace internal
// Tracks state relevant for discardable VMOs. This class offers separation of the logic required
// for discardable VMO management; the members are still protected by the owning VmCowPages' lock.
class DiscardableVmoTracker final
: public fbl::ContainableBaseClasses<
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedListable<DiscardableVmoTracker*, internal::DiscardableListTag>> {
DiscardableVmoTracker() = default;
~DiscardableVmoTracker() = default;
void InitCowPages(VmCowPages* cow) {
// Should be initializing the back reference exactly once.
cow_ = cow;
// See comment near discardable_state_ for details.
enum class DiscardableState : uint8_t {
kUnset = 0,
// Remove a discardable object from whichever global discardable list it is in. Called from the
// VmCowPages destructor. Also resets the cow_ back reference.
void RemoveFromDiscardableListLocked() TA_REQ(cow_->lock()) TA_EXCL(DiscardableVmosLock::Get());
// Lock and unlock functions.
zx_status_t LockDiscardableLocked(bool try_lock, bool* was_discarded_out) TA_REQ(cow_->lock())
zx_status_t UnlockDiscardableLocked() TA_REQ(cow_->lock()) TA_EXCL(DiscardableVmosLock::Get());
// Returns whether this object qualifies for reclamation based on whether its state is
// kReclaimable *and* it has been in this state for at least |min_duration_since_reclaimable|.
bool IsEligibleForReclamationLocked(zx_duration_t min_duration_since_reclaimable) const
// Whether the VMO has been discarded and not locked again yet.
bool WasDiscardedLocked() const TA_REQ(cow_->lock()) {
return discardable_state_ == DiscardableState::kDiscarded;
// Mark the VMO as discarded.
void SetDiscardedLocked() TA_REQ(cow_->lock()) TA_EXCL(DiscardableVmosLock::Get()) {
// Returns the total number of pages locked and unlocked across all discardable vmos.
// Note that this might not be exact and we might miss some vmos, because the
// |DiscardableVmosLock| is dropped after processing each vmo on the global discardable lists.
// That is fine since these numbers are only used for accounting.
using DiscardablePageCounts = VmCowPages::DiscardablePageCounts;
static DiscardablePageCounts DebugDiscardablePageCounts() TA_EXCL(DiscardableVmosLock::Get());
// Walks through the LRU reclaimable list of discardable vmos and discards pages from each, until
// |target_pages| have been discarded, or the list of candidates is exhausted. Only vmos that have
// become reclaimable more than |min_duration_since_reclaimable| in the past will be discarded;
// this prevents discarding reclaimable vmos that were recently accessed. The discarded pages are
// appended to the |freed_list| passed in; the caller takes ownership of the discarded pages and
// is responsible for freeing them. Returns the total number of pages discarded.
static uint64_t ReclaimPagesFromDiscardableVmos(uint64_t target_pages,
zx_duration_t min_duration_since_reclaimable,
list_node_t* freed_list)
// Accessors for private members.
DiscardableState discardable_state_locked() const TA_REQ(cow_->lock()) {
return discardable_state_;
// Debug functions exposed for testing.
uint64_t DebugGetLockCount() const {
Guard<CriticalMutex> guard{cow_->lock()};
return lock_count_;
bool DebugIsReclaimable() const;
bool DebugIsUnreclaimable() const;
bool DebugIsDiscarded() const;
// Helper to assert that the owning cow_'s lock is held on code paths where thread annotations
// cannot express the locking requirements.
void assert_cow_pages_locked() TA_ASSERT(cow_->lock()) { AssertHeld(cow_->lock_ref()); }
// Updates the |discardable_state_| of a discardable vmo, and moves it from one discardable list
// to another.
void UpdateDiscardableStateLocked(DiscardableState state) TA_REQ(cow_->lock())
// Helper function to move an object from the |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_| list to the
// |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| list.
void MoveToReclaimCandidatesListLocked() TA_REQ(cow_->lock()) TA_REQ(DiscardableVmosLock::Get());
// Helper function to move an object from the |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| list to the
// |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_| list. If |new_candidate| is true, that indicates that the
// object was not yet being tracked on any list, and should only be inserted into the
// |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_| list without a corresponding list removal.
void MoveToNonReclaimCandidatesListLocked(bool new_candidate = false) TA_REQ(cow_->lock())
// Returns whether the vmo is in either one of the |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| or
// |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| lists, depending on whether it is a |reclaim_candidate|
// or not.
bool DebugIsInDiscardableListLocked(bool reclaim_candidate) const TA_REQ(cow_->lock())
// Lock that protects the global discardable lists.
// This lock can be acquired with the vmo's |lock_| held. To prevent deadlocks, if both locks are
// required the order of locking should always be 1) vmo's lock, and then 2) DiscardableVmosLock.
using DiscardableList =
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<DiscardableVmoTracker*, internal::DiscardableListTag>;
// Two global lists of discardable vmos:
// - |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| tracks discardable vmos that are eligible for reclamation
// and haven't been reclaimed yet.
// - |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_| tracks all other discardable VMOs.
// The lists are protected by the |DiscardableVmosLock|, and updated based on a discardable vmo's
// state changes (lock, unlock, or discard).
static DiscardableList discardable_reclaim_candidates_ TA_GUARDED(DiscardableVmosLock::Get());
static DiscardableList discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_ TA_GUARDED(DiscardableVmosLock::Get());
// Count of outstanding lock operations. A non-zero count prevents the kernel from discarding /
// evicting pages from the VMO to relieve memory pressure (currently only applicable if
// |kDiscardable| is set). Note that this does not prevent removal of pages by other means, like
// decommitting or resizing, since those are explicit actions driven by the user, not by the
// kernel directly.
uint64_t lock_count_ TA_GUARDED(cow_->lock()) = 0;
// Timestamp of the last unlock operation that changed a discardable vmo's state to
// |kReclaimable|. Used to determine whether the vmo was accessed too recently to be discarded.
zx_time_t last_unlock_timestamp_ TA_GUARDED(cow_->lock()) = ZX_TIME_INFINITE;
// The current state of a discardable vmo, depending on the lock count and whether it has been
// discarded.
// State transitions work as follows:
// 1. kUnreclaimable -> kReclaimable: When the lock count changes from 1 to 0.
// 2. kReclaimable -> kUnreclaimable: When the lock count changes from 0 to 1. The vmo remains
// kUnreclaimable for any non-zero lock count.
// 3. kReclaimable -> kDiscarded: When a vmo with lock count 0 is discarded.
// 4. kDiscarded -> kUnreclaimable: When a discarded vmo is locked again.
// We start off with state kUnset, so a discardable vmo must be locked at least once to opt into
// the above state transitions.
DiscardableState discardable_state_ TA_GUARDED(cow_->lock()) = DiscardableState::kUnset;
using Cursor = VmoCursor<DiscardableVmoTracker, DiscardableVmosLock, DiscardableList,
// The list of all outstanding cursors iterating over the discardable lists:
// |discardable_reclaim_candidates_| and |discardable_non_reclaim_candidates_|. The cursors should
// be advanced (by calling AdvanceIf()) before removing any element from the discardable lists.
static fbl::DoublyLinkedList<Cursor*> discardable_vmos_cursors_
// Back reference to the owning VmCowPages. Set at creation time.
VmCowPages* cow_ = nullptr;