blob: fa7abcf2626ad146499ce479bc1a1ead3bebdd37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <debug.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/variant.h>
#include <vm/compressor.h>
#include <vm/page.h>
#include <vm/vm_page_list.h>
// Defines an allocator like interface for adding, removing and accessing compressed data.
// Instances of this class may be accessed concurrently.
class VmCompressedStorage : public fbl::RefCounted<VmCompressedStorage> {
VmCompressedStorage() = default;
virtual ~VmCompressedStorage() = default;
using CompressedRef = VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue;
// Attempts to store the data in |page| of size |len|. The data is assumed to start at offset 0 in
// the page, and |len| cannot exceed PAGE_SIZE. The |page| becomes owned by this
// VmCompressedStorage instance, although ownership may be returned via the return result.
// The return value is an optional reference to compressed data, as well as an optional vm_page_t,
// with a nullptr for the vm_page_t being used to indicate absence. If a vm_page_t is returned the
// caller owns it, and is responsible for freeing it.
// If the data is stored successfully then a valid CompressedRef will be returned and will be
// retained until that reference is passed to |Free|. Otherwise a nullopt is returned.
// Regardless of the success or failure of the storage, a vm_page_t might be returned, and if one
// is returned it may or may not be the same as the |page| passed in. The returned vm_page_t has
// undefined content and is now freely owned by the caller and can be used as the caller likes, or
// returned to the pmm.
// The expected usage of this is that a compressor puts data in a buffer page and passes it here
// as |page|, then takes any returned vm_page_t as its next buffer page, or if none was returned
// allocates a new one. This provides the storage implementation with the freedom to either copy
// the data out of |page| and return it, or take the page to add to its storage instead of going
// to the PMM (and then returning a nullptr).
virtual ktl::pair<ktl::optional<CompressedRef>, vm_page_t*> Store(vm_page_t* page,
size_t len) = 0;
// Free the data referenced by a |CompressedRef| that was returned from |Store|. After calling
// this the reference is no longer valid and must not be passed to |CompressedData|, and any
// previous result of |CompressedData| must not be used.
virtual void Free(CompressedRef ref) = 0;
// Retrieve a reference to original data that was stored. The length of the data is also returned,
// alleviating the need to retain that separately.
// The return address remains valid as long as this specific reference is not freed, and otherwise
// any other calls to |Store| or |Free| do not invalidate.
// TODO( Restrict this if de-fragmentation of the compressed storage
// becomes necessary.
// No guarantee on alignment of the data is provided, and callers must tolerate arbitrary byte
// alignment.
// TODO( Consider providing an alignment guarantee if needed by
// decompressors.
virtual ktl::pair<const void*, size_t> CompressedData(CompressedRef ref) const = 0;
// Perform an information dump of the internal state to the debuglog.
virtual void Dump() const = 0;
struct MemoryUsage {
uint64_t uncompressed_content_bytes = 0;
uint64_t compressed_storage_bytes = 0;
uint64_t compressed_storage_used_bytes = 0;
virtual MemoryUsage GetMemoryUsage() const = 0;
// Defines the interface for different compression algorithms.
// Instances of this class may be accessed concurrently.
class VmCompressionStrategy : public fbl::RefCounted<VmCompressionStrategy> {
VmCompressionStrategy() = default;
virtual ~VmCompressionStrategy() = default;
// Attempt to compress the data at |src| into |dst|. The input data is assumed to be PAGE_SIZE in
// length, and the amount of output data can be constrained with |dst_limit|. |Compress| will
// never write more than |dst_limit| to |dst|.
// The return value is one of:
// size_t: Compression was successful and this value is <= |dst_limit| and represents the length
// of data stored to |dst|.
// ZeroTag: The input data was noticed to be all zeroes.
// FailTag: The input data could not be compressed within |dst_limit|.
// No guarantee on the alignment of |src| or |dst| is provided, and the caller is free to provide
// pointers with arbitrary byte alignment.
// TODO( Consider requiring an alignment if needed by compressors.
using FailTag = VmCompressor::FailTag;
using ZeroTag = VmCompressor::ZeroTag;
using CompressResult = ktl::variant<size_t, ZeroTag, FailTag>;
virtual CompressResult Compress(const void* src, void* dst, size_t dst_limit) = 0;
// Decompress the data at |src| into |dst|. The input is assumed to have been produced by
// |Compress| and this method cannot fail. Similar to the input of |Compress| being assumed to be
// a page size, the |dst| output here is assumed to be of page size and will be exactly filled.
// No guarantee on the alignment of |src| or |dst| is provided, and the caller is free to provide
// pointers with arbitrary byte alignment.
// TODO( Consider requiring an alignment if needed by decompressors.
virtual void Decompress(const void* src, size_t src_len, void* dst) = 0;
// Perform an information dump of the internal state to the debuglog.
virtual void Dump() const = 0;
// Top level container for performing compression and is responsible for coordinating between the
// provided storage and compression strategies. Each `VmCompression` instance has its own
// `CompressedRef` namespace, and references are not transferable. Aside from testing it is expected
// that there be a single global instance.
// This also manages the `VmCompressor` instances that provide the state machine for a VMO to do
// compression. Currently only a single instance is supported limiting to one simultaneous
// compression.
class VmCompression final : public fbl::RefCounted<VmCompression> {
// Constructs a compression manager using the given storage and compression strategies. The
// |compression_threshold| is the number of bytes above which a compression is considered to have
// failed and should not be considered worth storing.
// TODO( Limit total amount of pages stored.
VmCompression(fbl::RefPtr<VmCompressedStorage> storage,
fbl::RefPtr<VmCompressionStrategy> strategy, size_t compression_threshold);
// Construct a VmCompression instance using default options for the storage and compression
// strategies.
static fbl::RefPtr<VmCompression> CreateDefault();
// Attempts to compress the page of data at |page_src|, which is assumed to be PAGE_SIZE. This
// return one of:
// CompressedRef - Compression was successful and the provided reference can be passed to
// |Decompress| or |Free|.
// ZeroTag - Input was the zero page. The compressor is not required to detect zero pages, and
// the absence of this value should not be used to assume the input was not zero.
// FailTag - Input could not be compressed or stored.
// The |now| parameter is the timestamp to be stored with the compressed data, and is used with
// the corresponding parameter to |Decompress| to determine how long a page was stored for.
// TODO( Should different failures be exposed here?
using CompressedRef = VmPageOrMarker::ReferenceValue;
using FailTag = VmCompressor::FailTag;
using ZeroTag = VmCompressor::ZeroTag;
using CompressResult = VmCompressor::CompressResult;
CompressResult Compress(const void* page_src, zx_ticks_t now);
// Wrapper that passes current_ticks() as |now|
CompressResult Compress(const void* page_src) { return Compress(page_src, current_ticks()); }
// Decompresses and frees the provided reference into |page_dest|. This cannot fail, and always
// produces PAGE_SIZE worth of data. After calling this the reference is not longer valid.
// The |now| parameter is compared with the value given in |Compress| to determine how long this
// page was store for.
// Note that the temporary reference may be passed into here, however the same locking
// requirements as |MoveReference| must be observed.
void Decompress(CompressedRef ref, void* page_dest, zx_ticks_t now);
// Wrapper that passes current_ticks() as |now|
void Decompress(CompressedRef ref, void* page_dest) {
Decompress(ref, page_dest, current_ticks());
// Free the compressed reference without decompressing it.
// Note that the temporary reference may be passed into here, however the same locking
// requirements as |MoveReference| must be observed.
void Free(CompressedRef ref);
// Must be called if a reference is being moved in or from a VmPageList, will return a nullopt if
// the reference is safe to move, or a vm_page_t that is now owned by the caller and should be
// used to replace the reference before moving.
// For performance reasons the check is performed inline here, with the unlikely case handled by a
// separate method.
// This may only be called if the VMO lock for the VMO that the temporary reference was placed
// into is held.
// See |VmCompressor| for a full explanation of temporary references and why this is needed.
ktl::optional<vm_page_t*> MoveReference(CompressedRef ref) {
if (unlikely(IsTempReference(ref))) {
return MoveTempReference(ref);
return ktl::nullopt;
// Returns whether or not the provided reference is a temporary reference.
// See |VmCompressor| for a full explanation of temporary references.
bool IsTempReference(const CompressedRef& ref) { return ref.value() == kTempReferenceValue; }
// An RAII wrapper around holding a locked reference to a VmCompressor.
class CompressorGuard {
CompressorGuard(CompressorGuard&& instance) noexcept
: instance_guard_(AdoptLock, ktl::move(instance.instance_guard_)),
instance_(instance.instance_) {}
// Return a reference to the VmCompressor. Reference must not outlive this object.
VmCompressor& get() { return instance_; }
CompressorGuard(VmCompressor& instance, Guard<Mutex>&& guard)
: instance_guard_(AdoptLock, ktl::move(guard)), instance_(instance) {}
friend VmCompression;
// Guard that keeps the instance owned by us, must never be released for the lifetime of this
// object and the reference to instance_.
Guard<Mutex> instance_guard_;
VmCompressor& instance_;
// Retrieve a reference to a VmCompressor, wrapped in the RAII CompressorGuard. Once the
// compressor is finished with it can be destroyed, which will release it for re-use.
// This method may block until a compressor becomes available and callers should be prepared for
// extended wait times.
// The returned CompressorGuard must not outlive this object.
CompressorGuard AcquireCompressor();
// Perform an information dump of the internal state to the debuglog.
void Dump() const;
static constexpr int kNumLogBuckets = 8;
struct Stats {
VmCompressedStorage::MemoryUsage memory_usage;
zx_duration_t compression_time = 0;
zx_duration_t decompression_time = 0;
uint64_t total_page_compression_attempts = 0;
uint64_t failed_page_compression_attempts = 0;
uint64_t total_page_decompressions = 0;
uint64_t compressed_page_evictions = 0;
uint64_t pages_decompressed_within_log_seconds[kNumLogBuckets] = {};
Stats GetStats() const;
// References to the backing storage and compression strategies.
const fbl::RefPtr<VmCompressedStorage> storage_;
const fbl::RefPtr<VmCompressionStrategy> strategy_;
// Pages must compress to less than or equal to this threshold for compression to be considered a
// success. The largest amount we might need to store is larger than this, as this threshold does
// not include the 8 bytes we add on as a timestamp for when a page was compressed.
const size_t compression_threshold_;
// Currently only a single VmCompressor instance is supported, so only a single temporary
// reference is needed.
static constexpr uint64_t kTempReferenceValue = UINT64_MAX & ~BIT_MASK(CompressedRef::kAlignBits);
DECLARE_MUTEX(VmCompression) instance_lock_;
// The compressor instance has a more complicated locking structure than can be expressed with
// annotations here. The instance_lock_ is used to control vending this out in |GetCompressor| to
// ensure it is only owned by one thread at a time, however certain mutation of the compressor
// requires holding the VMO lock of the relevant page, and this allows for usage with just holding
// the VMO lock and not the instance_lock_. See VmCompressor for more details on what fields may
// be read/written with which locks held.
VmCompressor instance_ TA_GUARDED(instance_lock_);
// Lock for compression state. In practice this should never be contended, since presently only a
// single VmCompressor is supported.
DECLARE_MUTEX(VmCompression) compression_lock_;
// The buffer_page_ is used as the destination for compressing any input page. To avoid going to
// and from the pmm every compression attempt we attempt to re-use a single buffer page as much as
// possible.
vm_page_t* buffer_page_ TA_GUARDED(compression_lock_) = nullptr;
// Internal helpers to operate on the temporary references.
ktl::optional<vm_page_t*> MoveTempReference(CompressedRef ref);
void DecompressTempReference(CompressedRef ref, void* page_dest);
void FreeTempReference(CompressedRef ref);
// Statistics
RelaxedAtomic<zx_duration_t> compression_time_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<zx_duration_t> decompression_time_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> compression_attempts_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> compression_success_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> compression_zero_page_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> compression_fail_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> decompressions_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> decompression_skipped_ = 0;
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> decompressions_within_log_seconds_[kNumLogBuckets] = {};