blob: 303211a7c4ea914382c44f10702b1e2e6a1bb4b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <kernel/lockdep.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <vm/compression.h>
#include <vm/discardable_vmo_tracker.h>
#include <vm/evictor.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/scanner.h>
#include <vm/stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval.h>
#include <vm/vm_cow_pages.h>
#include "pmm_node.h"
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
namespace {
KCOUNTER(pager_backed_pages_evicted, "")
KCOUNTER(pager_backed_pages_evicted_oom, "vm.reclamation.pages_evicted_pager_backed.oom")
KCOUNTER(compression_evicted, "")
KCOUNTER(compression_evicted_oom, "vm.reclamation.pages_evicted_compressed.oom")
KCOUNTER(discardable_pages_evicted, "")
KCOUNTER(discardable_pages_evicted_oom, "vm.reclamation.pages_evicted_discardable.oom")
inline void CheckedIncrement(uint64_t* a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t result;
bool overflow = add_overflow(*a, b, &result);
*a = result;
} // namespace
// static
Evictor::EvictorStats Evictor::GetGlobalStats() {
EvictorStats stats;
stats.pager_backed_oom = pager_backed_pages_evicted_oom.SumAcrossAllCpus();
stats.pager_backed_other = pager_backed_pages_evicted.SumAcrossAllCpus() - stats.pager_backed_oom;
stats.compression_oom = compression_evicted_oom.SumAcrossAllCpus();
stats.compression_other = compression_evicted.SumAcrossAllCpus() - stats.compression_oom;
stats.discarded_oom = discardable_pages_evicted_oom.SumAcrossAllCpus();
stats.discarded_other = discardable_pages_evicted.SumAcrossAllCpus() - stats.discarded_oom;
return stats;
Evictor::Evictor(PmmNode* node) : Evictor(node, node->GetPageQueues(), kEvictAll) {}
Evictor::Evictor(PmmNode* node, PageQueues* queues, uint8_t eviction_types)
: pmm_node_(node), page_queues_(queues), eviction_types_(eviction_types) {}
Evictor::~Evictor() { DisableEviction(); }
bool Evictor::IsEvictionEnabled() const {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
return eviction_enabled_;
bool Evictor::IsCompressionEnabled() const {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
return use_compression_;
void Evictor::EnableEviction(bool use_compression) {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
// It's an error to call this whilst the eviction thread is still exiting.
eviction_enabled_ = true;
use_compression_ = use_compression;
if (eviction_thread_) {
// Set up the eviction thread to process asynchronous one-shot and continuous eviction requests.
auto eviction_thread = [](void* arg) -> int {
Evictor* evictor = reinterpret_cast<Evictor*>(arg);
return evictor->EvictionThreadLoop();
eviction_thread_ = Thread::Create("eviction-thread", eviction_thread, this, LOW_PRIORITY);
void Evictor::DisableEviction() {
Thread* eviction_thread = nullptr;
// Grab the lock and update any state. We cannot actually wait for the eviction thread to
// complete whilst the lock is held, however.
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
if (!eviction_thread_) {
// It's an error to call this in parallel with another DisableEviction call.
eviction_thread = eviction_thread_;
eviction_thread_exiting_ = true;
// Now with the lock dropped wait for the thread to complete. Use a locally cached copy of the
// pointer so that even if the scanner performs a concurrent EnableEviction call we should not
// crash or have races, although the eviction thread may fail to join.
int res = 0;
eviction_thread->Join(&res, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
DEBUG_ASSERT(res == 0);
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
// Now update the state to indicate that eviction is disabled.
eviction_thread_ = nullptr;
eviction_enabled_ = false;
eviction_thread_exiting_ = false;
void Evictor::SetContinuousEvictionInterval(zx_time_t eviction_interval) {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
default_eviction_interval_ = eviction_interval;
Evictor::EvictionTarget Evictor::DebugGetOneShotEvictionTarget() const {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
return one_shot_eviction_target_;
void Evictor::SetOneShotEvictionTarget(EvictionTarget target) {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
one_shot_eviction_target_ = target;
void Evictor::CombineOneShotEvictionTarget(EvictionTarget target) {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
one_shot_eviction_target_.pending = one_shot_eviction_target_.pending || target.pending;
one_shot_eviction_target_.level = ktl::max(one_shot_eviction_target_.level, target.level);
CheckedIncrement(&one_shot_eviction_target_.min_pages_to_free, target.min_pages_to_free);
one_shot_eviction_target_.free_pages_target =
ktl::max(one_shot_eviction_target_.free_pages_target, target.free_pages_target);
one_shot_eviction_target_.print_counts =
one_shot_eviction_target_.print_counts || target.print_counts;
Evictor::EvictedPageCounts Evictor::EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget() {
EvictedPageCounts total_evicted_counts = {};
// Create a local copy of the eviction target to operate against.
EvictionTarget target;
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
target = one_shot_eviction_target_;
one_shot_eviction_target_ = {};
if (!target.pending) {
return total_evicted_counts;
uint64_t free_pages_before = pmm_node_->CountFreePages();
total_evicted_counts =
EvictUntilTargetsMet(target.min_pages_to_free, target.free_pages_target, target.level);
if (target.print_counts) {
printf("[EVICT]: Free memory before eviction was %zuMB and after eviction is %zuMB\n",
free_pages_before * PAGE_SIZE / MB, pmm_node_->CountFreePages() * PAGE_SIZE / MB);
if (total_evicted_counts.pager_backed > 0) {
printf("[EVICT]: Evicted %lu user pager backed pages\n", total_evicted_counts.pager_backed);
if (total_evicted_counts.discardable > 0) {
printf("[EVICT]: Evicted %lu pages from discardable vmos\n",
if (total_evicted_counts.compressed > 0) {
printf("[EVICT]: Evicted %lu pages by compression\n", total_evicted_counts.compressed);
if (target.oom_trigger) {
return total_evicted_counts;
uint64_t Evictor::EvictOneShotSynchronous(uint64_t min_mem_to_free, EvictionLevel eviction_level,
Output output, TriggerReason reason) {
if (!IsEvictionEnabled()) {
return 0;
.pending = true,
// No target free pages to get to. Evict based only on the min pages requested to evict.
.free_pages_target = 0,
// For synchronous eviction, set the eviction level and min target as requested.
.min_pages_to_free = min_mem_to_free / PAGE_SIZE,
.level = eviction_level,
.print_counts = (output == Output::Print),
.oom_trigger = (reason == TriggerReason::OOM),
auto evicted_counts = EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
return evicted_counts.pager_backed + evicted_counts.discardable + evicted_counts.compressed;
void Evictor::EvictOneShotAsynchronous(uint64_t min_mem_to_free, uint64_t free_mem_target,
Evictor::EvictionLevel eviction_level,
Evictor::Output output) {
if (!IsEvictionEnabled()) {
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = free_mem_target / PAGE_SIZE,
.min_pages_to_free = min_mem_to_free / PAGE_SIZE,
.level = eviction_level,
.print_counts = (output == Output::Print),
// Unblock the eviction thread.
Evictor::EvictedPageCounts Evictor::EvictUntilTargetsMet(uint64_t min_pages_to_evict,
uint64_t free_pages_target,
EvictionLevel level) {
EvictedPageCounts total_evicted_counts = {};
if (!IsEvictionEnabled()) {
return total_evicted_counts;
// Wait until no eviction attempts are ongoing, so that we don't overshoot the free pages target.
auto signal_cleanup = fit::defer([&]() {
// Unblock any waiting eviction requests.
uint64_t total_non_loaned_pages_freed = 0;
while (true) {
const uint64_t free_pages = pmm_node_->CountFreePages();
uint64_t pages_to_free = 0;
if (total_non_loaned_pages_freed < min_pages_to_evict) {
pages_to_free = min_pages_to_evict - total_non_loaned_pages_freed;
} else if (free_pages < free_pages_target) {
pages_to_free = free_pages_target - free_pages;
} else {
// The targets have been met. No more eviction is required right now.
EvictedPageCounts pages_freed = EvictPageQueues(pages_to_free, level);
const uint64_t non_loaned_evicted =
pages_freed.pager_backed + pages_freed.compressed + pages_freed.discardable;
total_evicted_counts.pager_backed += pages_freed.pager_backed;
total_evicted_counts.pager_backed_loaned += pages_freed.pager_backed_loaned;
total_evicted_counts.discardable += pages_freed.discardable;
total_evicted_counts.compressed += pages_freed.compressed;
total_non_loaned_pages_freed += non_loaned_evicted;
// Should we fail to free any pages then we give up and consider the eviction request complete.
if (non_loaned_evicted == 0) {
return total_evicted_counts;
Evictor::EvictedPageCounts Evictor::EvictPageQueues(uint64_t target_pages,
EvictionLevel eviction_level) const {
EvictedPageCounts counts = {};
if (!IsEvictionEnabled()) {
return counts;
list_node_t freed_list;
// Avoid evicting from the newest queue to prevent thrashing.
const size_t lowest_evict_queue = eviction_level == EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest
? PageQueues::kNumActiveQueues
: PageQueues::kNumReclaim - PageQueues::kNumOldestQueues;
// If we're going to include newest pages, ignore eviction hints as well, i.e. also consider
// evicting pages with always_need set if we encounter them in LRU order.
const VmCowPages::EvictionHintAction hint_action = eviction_level == EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest
? VmCowPages::EvictionHintAction::Ignore
: VmCowPages::EvictionHintAction::Follow;
// We stack-own loaned pages from RemovePageForEviction() to FreeList() below.
__UNINITIALIZED StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval raii_interval;
ktl::optional<VmCompression::CompressorGuard> maybe_instance;
VmCompressor* compression_instance = nullptr;
if (IsCompressionEnabled()) {
VmCompression* compression = pmm_node_->GetPageCompression();
if (compression) {
compression_instance = &maybe_instance->get();
while (counts.pager_backed + counts.compressed < target_pages) {
// TODO(rashaeqbal): The sequence of actions in PeekPagerBacked() and RemovePageForEviction()
// implicitly guarantee forward progress in this loop, so that we're not stuck trying to evict
// the same page (i.e. PeekPagerBacked keeps returning the same page). It would be nice to have
// some explicit checks here (or in PageQueues) to guarantee forward progress. Or we might want
// to use cursors to iterate the queues instead of peeking the tail each time.
if (ktl::optional<PageQueues::VmoBacklink> backlink =
page_queues_->PeekReclaim(lowest_evict_queue)) {
if (!backlink->cow) {
// The expectation is that the only reason not to have all kinds of eviction enabled is if
// running a unittest and so have an efficient pre-check.
if (unlikely((eviction_types_ & kEvictAll) != kEvictAll)) {
uint8_t required = 0;
if (backlink->cow->is_discardable()) {
required |= kEvictDiscardable;
} else if (backlink->cow->can_evict()) {
required |= kEvictPagerBacked;
} else {
required |= kEvictAnonymous;
if (!(eviction_types_ & required)) {
if (compression_instance) {
zx_status_t status = compression_instance->Arm();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
list_node_t reclaim_list;
if (uint64_t count = backlink->cow->ReclaimPage(backlink->page, backlink->offset, hint_action,
&reclaim_list, compression_instance);
count > 0) {
if (backlink->cow->can_evict()) {
vm_page_t* page;
list_for_every_entry (&reclaim_list, page, vm_page_t, queue_node) {
if (page->is_loaned()) {
} else {
} else if (backlink->cow->is_discardable()) {
counts.discardable += count;
} else {
// If the cow wasn't evictable, then the reclamation must have succeeded due to
// compression.
counts.compressed += count;
list_splice_after(&reclaim_list, &freed_list);
} else {
pager_backed_pages_evicted.Add(counts.pager_backed + counts.pager_backed_loaned);
return counts;
void Evictor::EnableContinuousEviction(uint64_t min_mem_to_free, uint64_t free_mem_target,
EvictionLevel eviction_level, Output output) {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
// Combine min target with previously outstanding min target.
CheckedIncrement(&continuous_eviction_target_.min_pages_to_free, min_mem_to_free / PAGE_SIZE);
continuous_eviction_target_.free_pages_target = free_mem_target / PAGE_SIZE;
continuous_eviction_target_.level = eviction_level;
continuous_eviction_target_.print_counts = (output == Output::Print);
// .pending has no relevance here since eviction is controlled by the eviction interval.
// Configure eviction to occur at intervals of |default_eviction_interval_|.
next_eviction_interval_ = default_eviction_interval_;
// Unblock the eviction thread.
void Evictor::DisableContinuousEviction() {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
continuous_eviction_target_ = {};
// In the next iteration of the eviction thread loop, we will see this value and block
// indefinitely.
next_eviction_interval_ = ZX_TIME_INFINITE;
int Evictor::EvictionThreadLoop() {
while (!eviction_thread_exiting_) {
// Block until |next_eviction_interval_| is elapsed.
zx_time_t wait_interval;
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
wait_interval = next_eviction_interval_;
eviction_signal_.Wait(Deadline::no_slack(zx_time_add_duration(current_time(), wait_interval)));
if (eviction_thread_exiting_) {
// Process a one-shot target if there is one. This is a no-op and no pages are evicted if no
// one-shot target is pending.
auto evicted = EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// In practice either one-shot eviction or continuous eviction will be enabled at a time. We can
// skip the rest of the loop if we evicted something here, and go back to wait for another
// request. If both one-shot and continuous modes are used together, at worst we will wait for
// |next_eviction_interval_| before evicting as required by the continuous mode, which should
// still be fine.
if (evicted.discardable + evicted.pager_backed > 0) {
// Read control parameters into local variables under the lock.
EvictionTarget target;
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
target = continuous_eviction_target_;
uint64_t free_pages_before = pmm_node_->CountFreePages();
evicted =
EvictUntilTargetsMet(target.min_pages_to_free, target.free_pages_target, target.level);
if (target.print_counts) {
printf("[EVICT]: Free memory before eviction was %zuMB and after eviction is %zuMB\n",
free_pages_before * PAGE_SIZE / MB, pmm_node_->CountFreePages() * PAGE_SIZE / MB);
if (evicted.pager_backed > 0) {
printf("[EVICT]: Evicted %lu user pager backed pages\n", evicted.pager_backed);
if (evicted.discardable > 0) {
printf("[EVICT]: Evicted %lu pages from discardable vmos\n", evicted.discardable);
uint64_t total_evicted = evicted.discardable + evicted.pager_backed;
// If no pages were evicted, we don't have anything to decrement from the min pages target. Skip
// the rest of the loop.
if (total_evicted == 0) {
// Update min pages target based on the number of pages evicted.
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
if (total_evicted < continuous_eviction_target_.min_pages_to_free) {
continuous_eviction_target_.min_pages_to_free -= total_evicted;
} else {
continuous_eviction_target_.min_pages_to_free = 0;
return 0;