blob: a3fcab3f5a417ae69a686498d23315ff97af20c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler_state.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include "tests.h"
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
struct WaitQueueOrderingTests {
// Note that we disable static thread analysis for this test. Typically,
// working with the internal state of threads and wait queues requires holding
// particular locks at particular times in order to guarantee consistency and
// proper memory ordering semantics.
// In these tests, however, are threads and wait queue collections are
// basically fake. The threads are only ever partially initialized, and are
// never run or made available to be scheduled. Neither the "threads" nor the
// "wqc" will ever be exposed outside of the test, and since
// inserting/removing/peeking WQCs never interacts with any global state, it
// should be fine to disable static analysis for this test.
static bool Test() __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Set up the things we will need to run our basic tests. We need a few
// Thread structures (although we don't need or even want them to ever run),
// and a WaitQueueCollection (encapsulated by WaitQueue, this is the object
// which determines the wake order)
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
constexpr size_t kThreadCount = 4;
ktl::array<ktl::unique_ptr<Thread>, kThreadCount> threads;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ktl::size(threads); ++i) {
threads[i].reset(new (&ac) Thread{});
ktl::unique_ptr<WaitQueueCollection> wqc{new (&ac) WaitQueueCollection{}};
auto cleanup = fit::defer([&wqc]() __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
while (wqc->Count() > 0) {
// Aliases to reduce the typing just a bit.
Thread& t0 = *threads[0];
Thread& t1 = *threads[1];
Thread& t2 = *threads[2];
Thread& t3 = *threads[3];
SchedTime now{ZX_SEC(300)};
// No one in in the queue right now. If we Peek it, we should get back
// nullptr.
// Add a fair thread to the collection. As the only thread in the
// collection, it should be chosen no matter what.
ResetFair(t0, kDefaultWeight, now);
ASSERT_EQ(&t0, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Add a higher weight thread with the same start time to the collection.
// It should be chosen instead of the normal weight thread.
ResetFair(t1, kHighWeight, now);
ASSERT_EQ(&t1, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Reduce the weight of the thread we just added and try again. This time,
// the initial default weight thread should be chosen.
ResetFair(t1, kLowWeight, now);
ASSERT_EQ(&t0, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Add a deadline thread whose absolute deadline is in the future.
ResetDeadline(t2, kLongDeadline, now);
ASSERT_EQ(&t2, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Add another deadline thread, with a shorter relative deadline, but an
// absolute deadline also in the future. This should become the new choice.
ResetDeadline(t3, kShortDeadline, now);
ASSERT_EQ(&t3, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Advance time so that we have passed t3's deadline, but not t2's. t3's
// absolute deadline is in the past, and t2's is not, so t2 should be chosen
// over t3.
now += kShortDeadline + SchedNs(1);
ASSERT_EQ(&t2, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Now, move past both of the absolute deadlines. t3 should go back to
// becoming the proper choice as it has the shorter relative deadline.
now += kLongDeadline;
ASSERT_EQ(&t3, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// Finally, unwind by "unblocking" all of the threads from the queue and
// making sure that the come out in the order we expect. Right now, that
// should be t3 first, then t2, t0, and finally t1.
ktl::array expected_order{&t3, &t2, &t0, &t1};
for (Thread* t : expected_order) {
ASSERT_EQ(t, wqc->Peek(now.raw_value()));
// And the queue should finally be empty now.
static constexpr SchedWeight kLowWeight = SchedWeight{10};
static constexpr SchedWeight kDefaultWeight = SchedWeight{20};
static constexpr SchedWeight kHighWeight = SchedWeight{40};
static constexpr SchedDuration kShortDeadline = SchedUs(500);
static constexpr SchedDuration kLongDeadline = kShortDeadline * 10;
static void ResetFair(Thread& t, SchedWeight weight,
SchedTime start_time) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
SchedulerState& ss = t.scheduler_state();
ss.base_profile_.fair.weight = weight;
ss.base_profile_.discipline = SchedDiscipline::Fair;
ss.effective_profile_.fair.weight = ss.base_profile_.fair.weight;
ss.effective_profile_.discipline = ss.base_profile_.discipline;
ss.start_time_ = start_time;
// The initial time slice, NSTR, and the virtual finish time are all
// meaningless for a thread which is currently blocked. Just default them to
// 0 for now.
ss.effective_profile_.fair.initial_time_slice_ns = SchedDuration{0};
ss.effective_profile_.fair.normalized_timeslice_remainder = SchedRemainder{0};
ss.finish_time_ = SchedTime{0};
static void ResetDeadline(Thread& t, SchedDuration rel_deadline,
SchedTime start_time) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
SchedulerState& ss = t.scheduler_state();
// Just use 20% for all of our utilizations. It does not really matter what
// we pick as our utilization/capacity/timeslice-remaining should not factor
// into queue ordering right now.
constexpr SchedUtilization kUtil = SchedUtilization{1} / 5;
ss.base_profile_.discipline = SchedDiscipline::Deadline;
ss.base_profile_.deadline = SchedDeadlineParams{kUtil, rel_deadline};
ss.effective_profile_.discipline = ss.base_profile_.discipline;
ss.effective_profile_.deadline = ss.base_profile_.deadline;
ss.start_time_ = start_time;
ss.finish_time_ = ss.start_time_ + ss.effective_profile_.deadline.deadline_ns;
UNITTEST("basic", WaitQueueOrderingTests::Test)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(wq_order_tests, "wq_order", "WaitQueue ordering tests")