blob: 93e40a062aae7a6424d5e34bf2b2cd6d5b4fd348 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock_transaction.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <kernel/auto_preempt_disabler.h>
#include <kernel/event.h>
#include <kernel/owned_wait_queue.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
static constexpr uint32_t Invalid = ktl::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
struct OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests {
class TestQueue;
class TestThread {
constexpr TestThread() = default;
~TestThread() { Shutdown(); }
static SchedDuration DeadlineForNdx(size_t ndx) {
constexpr SchedDuration kBaseDuration{ZX_USEC(500)};
constexpr SchedDuration kDurationInc{ZX_USEC(10)};
return kBaseDuration + (ndx * kDurationInc);
bool Init(const SchedulerState::BaseProfile* base_profile = nullptr) {
thread_ = Thread::Create(
[](void* arg) -> int { return reinterpret_cast<TestThread*>(arg)->Main(); }, this,
if (base_profile != nullptr) {
void Shutdown() {;
if (thread_ != nullptr) {
int unused_retcode;
thread_->Join(&unused_retcode, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
thread_ = nullptr;
bool DoBlock(TestQueue& queue, TestThread* new_owner);
Thread* thread() { return thread_; }
const OwnedWaitQueue* target_queue() const { return target_queue_; }
const OwnedWaitQueue* blocking_queue() const TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token) {
ASSERT(thread_ != nullptr);
SingletonChainLockGuardIrqSave guard{
thread_->get_lock(), CLT_TAG("OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestThread::blocking_queue")};
return OwnedWaitQueue::DowncastToOwq(thread_->wait_queue_state().blocking_wait_queue());
int Main();
static inline WaitQueue final_exit_queue_;
ktl::atomic<bool> exit_now_{false};
ktl::atomic<bool> do_baao_{false};
OwnedWaitQueue* target_queue_{nullptr};
Thread* target_owner_{nullptr};
Thread* thread_{nullptr};
class TestQueue {
constexpr TestQueue() = default;
~TestQueue() = default;
bool Init() {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
owq_.reset(new (&ac) OwnedWaitQueue{});
OwnedWaitQueue* owq() { return owq_.get(); }
Thread* owner() {
ASSERT(owq_ != nullptr);
SingletonChainLockGuardIrqSave guard{
owq_->get_lock(), CLT_TAG("OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestQueue::owner")};
return owq_->owner();
ktl::unique_ptr<OwnedWaitQueue> owq_;
struct Action {
uint32_t t_ndx; // ndx of the blocking thread.
uint32_t bq_ndx; // ndx of the queue which the thread blocks behind
uint32_t ot_ndx; // ndx of the thread declared to be the owner.
bool owner_expected; // true if we expect the owner to be accepted, false if
// we expect the owner to be rejected (and end up with
// no owner after the action.
struct RequeueAction {
uint32_t wake_count;
uint32_t requeue_count;
uint32_t requeue_owner_ndx;
bool assign_woken;
template <size_t ThreadCount>
static void ShutdownThreads(ktl::array<TestThread, ThreadCount>& threads) {
for (TestThread& t : threads) {
template <size_t ThreadCount, size_t QueueCount, size_t ActionCount>
static bool RunBAAOTest(ktl::array<TestThread, ThreadCount>& threads,
ktl::array<TestQueue, QueueCount>& queues,
const ktl::array<Action, ActionCount>& actions,
bool setup_for_requeue_test = false) {
// Initialize all of the threads and queues. We cannot proceed if any of this
// fails.
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i) {
TestThread& t = threads[i];
if (!setup_for_requeue_test) {
} else {
const SchedDuration deadline = TestThread::DeadlineForNdx(i);
const SchedDuration capacity = deadline / 2;
const SchedDeadlineParams params{capacity, deadline};
const SchedulerState::BaseProfile profile{params};
for (TestQueue& q : queues) {
// Perform each of the actions, blocking a given thread behind a given wait
// queue and optionally declaring an owner as we do. Afterwards, verify that
// each of the threads is blocked behind the queue we expect, and that the
// owner is who we expect.
for (const Action& a : actions) {
// Make sue the action indexes are valid.
ASSERT_LT(a.t_ndx, threads.size());
ASSERT_LT(a.bq_ndx, queues.size());
TestThread& blocking_thread = threads[a.t_ndx];
TestQueue& target_queue = queues[a.bq_ndx];
TestThread* new_owner{nullptr};
if (a.ot_ndx != Invalid) {
ASSERT_LT(a.ot_ndx, threads.size());
new_owner = &threads[a.ot_ndx];
// Then perform the block operation.
ASSERT_TRUE(blocking_thread.DoBlock(target_queue, new_owner));
// Now validate everything.
Thread* expected_owner =
a.owner_expected && (new_owner != nullptr) ? new_owner->thread() : nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_owner, target_queue.owner());
for (const TestThread& t : threads) {
EXPECT_EQ(t.target_queue(), t.blocking_queue());
if (setup_for_requeue_test) {
// Sleep for longer than the longest relative deadline we assigned to our
// threads. This will ensure that none of the currently blocked threads
// have an active deadline (all of their deadlines will have expired).
// Since the relative deadlines of the threads were assigned in increasing
// order relative to their index in the test thread array, this means that
// when it comes time to choose a thread to wake up from the blocked
// queue, we should always end up choosing the thread in the queue with
// the lowest index in the test thread array.
} else {
template <size_t ThreadCount, size_t QueueCount, size_t ActionCount>
static bool RunRequeueTest(ktl::array<TestThread, ThreadCount>& threads,
ktl::array<TestQueue, QueueCount>& queues,
const ktl::array<Action, ActionCount>& setup_actions,
const RequeueAction& requeue_action,
const ktl::array<uint32_t, ThreadCount>& expected_blocking_queues,
const ktl::array<uint32_t, QueueCount>& expected_owners) {
auto NdxToThread = [&](uint32_t ndx) -> Thread* {
if (ndx == Invalid) {
return nullptr;
DEBUG_ASSERT(ndx < threads.size());
return threads[ndx].thread();
auto NdxToQueue = [&](uint32_t ndx) -> OwnedWaitQueue* {
if (ndx == Invalid) {
return nullptr;
DEBUG_ASSERT(ndx < queues.size());
return queues[ndx].owq();
static_assert(QueueCount >= 2, "Requeue tests must always involve at least two queues");
// Setup the pre-requeue state.
ASSERT_TRUE(RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, setup_actions, true));
// Now perform the requeue action
Thread* const new_requeue_owner = NdxToThread(requeue_action.requeue_owner_ndx);
OwnedWaitQueue::IWakeRequeueHook& hooks = OwnedWaitQueue::default_wake_hooks();
OwnedWaitQueue& src_queue = *queues[0].owq();
OwnedWaitQueue& dst_queue = *queues[1].owq();
src_queue.WakeAndRequeue(dst_queue, new_requeue_owner, requeue_action.wake_count,
requeue_action.requeue_count, hooks, hooks,
requeue_action.assign_woken ? OwnedWaitQueue::WakeOption::AssignOwner
: OwnedWaitQueue::WakeOption::None);
// Now verify that all of the threads are blocked (or not) in the proper
// queues, and that all queues are owned by the expected threads (or no
// thread).
for (size_t tndx = 0; tndx < expected_blocking_queues.size(); ++tndx) {
const uint32_t qndx = expected_blocking_queues[tndx];
OwnedWaitQueue* const expected_queue = NdxToQueue(qndx);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_queue, threads[tndx].blocking_queue());
for (size_t qndx = 0; qndx < expected_owners.size(); ++qndx) {
const uint32_t tndx = expected_owners[qndx];
Thread* const expected = NdxToThread(tndx);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, queues[qndx].owner());
// Cleanup and we are done.
int OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestThread::Main() {
while (!do_baao_.load()) {
if (exit_now_.load()) {
return -1;
AnnotatedAutoPreemptDisabler aapd;
ASSERT(target_queue_ != nullptr);
target_queue_->BlockAndAssignOwner(Deadline::infinite(), target_owner_,
ResourceOwnership::Normal, Interruptible::Yes);
if (exit_now_.load()) {
return -1;
ChainLockTransactionIrqSave clt{
CLT_TAG("OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestThread::Main (final exit block)")};
Thread* const current_thread = Thread::Current::Get();
ktl::array locks{&final_exit_queue_.get_lock(), &current_thread->get_lock()};
while (AcquireChainLockSet(locks) == ChainLock::LockResult::kBackoff) {
final_exit_queue_.Block(current_thread, Deadline::infinite(), Interruptible::Yes);
return 0;
bool OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestThread::DoBlock(TestQueue& queue, TestThread* new_owner) {
if (new_owner) {
target_owner_ = new_owner->thread();
target_queue_ = queue.owq();;
while (true) {
SingletonChainLockGuardIrqSave guard{
thread_->get_lock(), CLT_TAG("OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestThread::DoBlock")};
if (thread_->state() == THREAD_BLOCKED) {
namespace {
using TestThread = OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestThread;
using TestQueue = OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::TestQueue;
using Action = OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::Action;
using RequeueAction = OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RequeueAction;
bool owq_topology_test_simple() {
// A basic smoke test. Simply generate
// +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 1> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 1> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_simple_owner_change() {
// Change owners, moving from this
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T2 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// to this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ | +----+
// | T1 | -+ | Q0 |
// +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 1> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_deny_self_own() {
// Try to do this
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | +----+ +----+ |
// +->| T0 | --> | Q0 | --+
// +----+ +----+
// Which should be denied, ending up with this.
// +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 1> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 1> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 0, .owner_expected = false},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_owner_becomes_blocked_no_new_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T1 block, and declare no new owner.
// +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 1> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 2> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_owner_becomes_blocked_yes_new_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T1 block, and declare T2 as the new owner.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T2 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 1> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_owner_becomes_blocked_deny_blocked_new_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T1 block, and declare T0 as the owner.
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | +----+ +----+ |
// +->| T0 | --> | Q0 | --+
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
// Because of the cycle, this should be denied, resulting in this:
// +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 1> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 2> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 0, .owner_expected = false},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_blocked_owners() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q2 |
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T3 block, and declare T2 as the owner.
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T2 | --> | Q2 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 3> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_blocking_thread_downstream_of_owner_no_owner_change() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T2 block in Q0, declaring T1 to still be the owner.
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T2 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// ^ |
// | |
// +--------------------------------+
// This should fail because of the cycle, and result in this instead.
// +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ |
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | -+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = false},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_blocking_thread_downstream_of_owner_yes_owner_change() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q1 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T3 block in Q0, declaring T2 to be the new owner.
// +----+
// | T1 |
// +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T2 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T3 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// ^ |
// | |
// +--------------------------------+
// This should fail because of the cycle, and result in this instead.
// +----+
// | T1 |
// +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = false},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_intersecting_owner_chains() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q2 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T4 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by having T5 block in Q0, declaring T4 to be the new owner.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | -+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T5 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 3> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 6> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 4, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 5, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_intersecting_owner_chains_old_owner_target_of_new_owner_chain() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q2 | -+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by having T4 block in Q0, declaring T1 to be the new owner.
// +----+
// | T4 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T0 | --> | Q0 | --> | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q2 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 3> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 5> threads;
constexpr ktl::array actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 4, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
ASSERT_TRUE(OwnedWaitQueueTopologyTests::RunBAAOTest(threads, queues, actions));
bool owq_topology_test_basic_requeue() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1
// +----+
// | T0 |
// +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = false};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{Invalid, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_assign_woken_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner in the process.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_assign_both_owners() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ | +----+
// | T2 | -+ | T3 |
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and T3 as the Q1 owner in the process.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 3, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, Invalid};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 3u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_owner_in_wake_queue() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and T2 as the new requeue owner.
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 2, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 2u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_owner_is_new_wake_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and T0 as the new requeue owner.
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ V +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 0, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 0u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_owner_is_in_requeue_target() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and T1 as the new requeue owner.
// +----+ +----+
// +-> | T1 | --> | Q1 | -+
// | +----+ +----+ |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// This will fail because of the cycle, and should result in:
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 3> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 1, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_owner_becomes_requeue_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 | | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and T3 as the new requeue owner.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 3, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, Invalid};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 3u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_and_requeue_have_same_owner_keep_rq_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T4 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ ^ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T2 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and keep T4 as the requeue owner.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T4 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 5> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 4, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u, Invalid};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 4u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_and_requeue_have_same_owner_lose_rq_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T4 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ ^ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T2 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and no owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
// +----+
// | T4 |
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 5> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u, Invalid};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_op_intersecting_owner_chains_no_rq_owner_change() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T5 | --> | Q3 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T2 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and keeping T5 as the owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T5 | --> | Q3 |
// +----+ +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 4> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 6> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 5, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 4, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = 5, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 5, .bq_ndx = 3, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 5, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 5u, 5u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_op_intersecting_owner_chains_change_rqo_to_none() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T5 | --> | Q3 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T2 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing no-owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T5 | --> | Q3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T3 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 4> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 6> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 5, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 4, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = 5, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 5, .bq_ndx = 3, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid, 5u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_op_intersecting_owner_chains_change_rqo_to_wq_thread() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T5 | --> | Q3 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ ^ +----+ +----+
// | |
// +----+ | |
// | T2 | -+ |
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing T2 as the new owner of Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T1 | -+
// +----+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T4 | --> | Q2 | --> | T5 | --> | Q3 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 4> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 6> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 4, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 5, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 4, .bq_ndx = 2, .ot_ndx = 5, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 5, .bq_ndx = 3, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 2u, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 2u, 5u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_target_upstream_from_woken_thread() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | --> | T0 | -+
// +----+ +----+ +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing no owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 0, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_target_upstream_from_requeue_thread() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ V +----+
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | --> | T1 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing no owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_target_upstream_from_still_blocked_thread() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ |
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | -+
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing no owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 2, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_requeue_target_upstream_from_requeue_thread_stays_upstream() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ V +----+
// | T3 | --> | Q1 | --> | T1 | --> | Q0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing T2 as the new owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = 1, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 2, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 2u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_queue_upstream_from_requeue_target() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing no owner for Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = Invalid, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_queue_upstream_from_requeue_target_swaps_position() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing T2 for the new owner of Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | --> | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 2, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 2u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_queue_upstream_from_requeue_target_shares_new_wq_owner() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing T0 for the new owner of Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ +----+ |
// | T1 | --> | Q1 | -+
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 0, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, 0u};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
bool owq_topology_test_wake_queue_upstream_from_requeue_target_rejects_new_rq_thread() {
// Try to go from this:
// +----+
// | T0 | -+
// +----+ |
// |
// +----+ V +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q0 | --> | T3 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+ +----+ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T2 | -+
// +----+
// To this, by doing a wake-1, requeue-1 from Q0 to Q1, assigning the woken
// thread as the Q0 owner, and choosing T1 for the new owner of Q1.
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----------------------+
// | |
// V +----+ +----+ |
// +-> | T1 | --> | Q1 |--+
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
// This cycle should be rejected, resulting in the following:
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// | T2 | --> | Q0 | --> | T0 |
// +----+ +----+ +----+
// +----+ +----+
// | T1 | --> | Q1 |
// +----+ ^ +----+
// |
// +----+ |
// | T3 | -+
// +----+
ktl::array<TestQueue, 2> queues;
ktl::array<TestThread, 4> threads;
constexpr ktl::array setup_actions{
Action{.t_ndx = 0, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 1, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 2, .bq_ndx = 0, .ot_ndx = 3, .owner_expected = true},
Action{.t_ndx = 3, .bq_ndx = 1, .ot_ndx = Invalid, .owner_expected = true},
constexpr RequeueAction requeue_action = {
.wake_count = 1, .requeue_count = 1, .requeue_owner_ndx = 1, .assign_woken = true};
constexpr ktl::array expected_blocking_queues{Invalid, 1u, 0u, 1u};
constexpr ktl::array expected_owners{0u, Invalid};
threads, queues, setup_actions, requeue_action, expected_blocking_queues, expected_owners));
} // namespace
UNITTEST("simple", owq_topology_test_simple)
UNITTEST("simple owner change", owq_topology_test_simple_owner_change)
UNITTEST("deny self own", owq_topology_test_deny_self_own)
UNITTEST("owner becomes blocked; no new owner",
UNITTEST("owner becomes blocked; yes new owner",
UNITTEST("owner becomes blocked deny blocked new owner",
UNITTEST("blocked owners", owq_topology_test_blocked_owners)
UNITTEST("blocking thread downstream of owner; no owner change",
UNITTEST("blocking thread downstream of owner; yes owner change",
UNITTEST("intersecting owner chains", owq_topology_test_intersecting_owner_chains)
UNITTEST("intersecting owner chains; old owner is target of new owner chain",
UNITTEST("basic requeue", owq_topology_test_basic_requeue)
UNITTEST("requeue assign woken owner", owq_topology_test_requeue_assign_woken_owner)
UNITTEST("requeue assign both owners", owq_topology_test_requeue_assign_both_owners)
UNITTEST("requeue owner in wake queue", owq_topology_test_requeue_owner_in_wake_queue)
UNITTEST("requeue owner is new wake owner", owq_topology_test_requeue_owner_is_new_wake_owner)
UNITTEST("requeue owner is in requeue target", owq_topology_test_requeue_owner_is_in_requeue_target)
UNITTEST("wake owner becomes requeue owner", owq_topology_test_wake_owner_becomes_requeue_owner)
UNITTEST("wake and requeue have same owner keep rq owner",
UNITTEST("wake and requeue have same owner lose rq owner",
UNITTEST("requeue op intersecting owner chains no rq owner change",
UNITTEST("requeue op intersecting owner chains change rqo to none",
UNITTEST("requeue op intersecting owner chains change rqo to wq thread",
UNITTEST("requeue target upstream from woken thread",
UNITTEST("requeue target upstream from requeue thread",
UNITTEST("requeue target upstream from still blocked thread",
UNITTEST("requeue target upstream from requeue thread stays upstream",
UNITTEST("wake queue upstream from requeue target",
UNITTEST("wake queue upstream from requeue target swaps position",
UNITTEST("wake queue upstream from requeue target shares new wq owner",
UNITTEST("wake queue upstream from requeue target rejects new rq thread",
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(owq_topology_tests, "owq", "OwnedWaitQueue topology tests")