blob: 9c8f3dd2f7170403bba1b8f5969a6686479a3f7c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/zbi-format/internal/efi.h>
#include <platform/efi.h>
#include <platform/efi_crashlog.h>
namespace {
efi_guid kZirconVendorGuid = ZIRCON_VENDOR_GUID;
char16_t kZirconCrashlogEfiVarName[] = ZIRCON_CRASHLOG_EFIVAR;
} // namespace
NO_ASAN void EfiCrashlog::Finalize(zircon_crash_reason_t reason, size_t amt) {
// Switch into the EFI address space.
EfiServicesActivation services = TryActivateEfiServices();
if (!services.valid()) {
// Store the log.
amt = ktl::min(amt, sizeof(render_target_));
efi_status result = services->SetVariable(kZirconCrashlogEfiVarName, &kZirconVendorGuid,
ZIRCON_CRASHLOG_EFIATTR, amt, render_target_);
// If we are writing a zero length crashlog then this has the meaning of deleting the variable
// from the efi storage, if the crashlog already doesn't exist then attempting to delete it is
// results in an error. From our point of view this error is spurious and so we avoid printing a
// confusing error message.
if (result != EFI_SUCCESS && (result != EFI_NOT_FOUND || amt > 0)) {
printf("EFI error while attempting to store crashlog: %" PRIx64 "\n", result);
size_t EfiCrashlog::Recover(FILE* tgt) {
ktl::string_view last_crashlog;
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&last_crashlog_lock_};
last_crashlog = last_crashlog_;
if (last_crashlog.empty()) {
return 0;
// If the user actually supplied a target, copy the crashlog into it.
// Otherwise, just return the length which would have been needed to hold the
// entire log.
if (tgt != nullptr) {
return ktl::max(tgt->Write(last_crashlog), 0);
return last_crashlog.size();