blob: 95f207858dc036d42d20c0eec67ec1f742012d8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "phys/trampoline-boot.h"
#include <lib/arch/zbi-boot.h>
#include <lib/memalloc/pool.h>
#include <lib/zbitl/items/mem-config.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/byte.h>
#include <phys/address-space.h>
#include <phys/main.h>
#include <phys/stdio.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
namespace {
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// In the legacy fixed-address format, the entry address is always above 1M.
// In the new format, it's an offset and in practice it's never > 1M. So
// this is a safe-enough heuristic to distinguish the new from the ol
bool IsLegacyEntryAddress(uint64_t address) { return address > TrampolineBoot::kLegacyLoadAddress; }
// Relocated blob size must be aligned to |kRelocateAlign|.
constexpr size_t kRelocateAlign = 1;
// When a RelocatedTarget is copied forward, source and destination offsets
// must be adjusted by this.
constexpr int64_t kForwardBias = 0;
// When a RelocatedTarget is copied backwards, source and destination offsets
// must be adjusted by this.
constexpr int64_t kBackwardBias = -1;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
// ARM does not use legacy fixed address format.
bool IsLegacyEntryAddress(uint64_t address) { return false; }
// Relocated blob size must be aligned to |kRelocateAlign|.
constexpr size_t kRelocateAlign = 32;
// When a RelocatedTarget is copied forward, source and destination offsets
// must be adjusted by this.
constexpr int64_t kForwardBias = -16;
// When a RelocatedTarget is copied backwards, source and destination offsets
// must be adjusted by this.
constexpr int64_t kBackwardBias = 0;
#elif defined(__riscv)
// RISC-V does not use legacy fixed address format.
bool IsLegacyEntryAddress(uint64_t address) { return false; }
// Relocated blob size must be aligned to |kRelocateAlign|.
constexpr size_t kRelocateAlign = 8;
// When a RelocatedTarget is copied forward, source and destination offsets
// must be adjusted by this.
constexpr int64_t kForwardBias = 0;
// When a RelocatedTarget is copied backwards, source and destination offsets
// must be adjusted by this.
constexpr int64_t kBackwardBias = 0;
#error "What architecture?"
struct RelocateTarget {
RelocateTarget() = default;
RelocateTarget(uintptr_t destination, ktl::span<const ktl::byte> blob)
: src(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(,
count(fbl::round_up(blob.size(), kRelocateAlign)),
backwards(dst > src && dst - src < count) {
if (backwards) {
dst += count + kBackwardBias;
src += count + kBackwardBias;
} else {
dst += kForwardBias;
src += kForwardBias;
constexpr uint64_t destination() const {
return backwards ? dst - count - kBackwardBias : dst - kForwardBias;
uint64_t src = 0;
uint64_t dst = 0;
uint64_t count = 0;
// When the addresses overlap, the copying can be done backwards and so the
// direction flag is set for REP MOVSB and the starting pointers are at the
// last byte rather than the first. While this is a boolean flag, we can
// use fewer ASM instruction in the inline assembly by increasinng its width.
uint64_t backwards = 0;
#if __aarch64__
static_assert(offsetof(RelocateTarget, src) == offsetof(RelocateTarget, dst) - sizeof(uint64_t),
"Must be contiguous for arm64 ldp instruction.");
static_assert(offsetof(RelocateTarget, count) ==
offsetof(RelocateTarget, backwards) - sizeof(uint64_t),
"Must be contiguous for arm64 ldp instruction.");
} // namespace
// This describes the "trampoline" area that is set up in some memory that's
// safely out of the way: not part of this shim's own image, which might be
// overwritten, and not part of the fixed-position kernel load image or reserve
// memory, not part of the kernel image being relocated, and not part of the
// data ZBI image. Trampoline::size() bytes must be allocated in the safe
// place and then it must be constructed with new (ptr) (Trampoline::size())
// before Boot() is finally called.
class TrampolineBoot::Trampoline {
explicit Trampoline(size_t space) {
ZX_ASSERT(space >= size());
const zbitl::ByteView code = TrampolineCode();
memcpy(code_,, code.size());
static size_t size() { return offsetof(Trampoline, code_) + TrampolineCode().size(); }
[[noreturn]] void Boot(RelocateTarget kernel, RelocateTarget zbi, uint64_t entry_address) {
args_ = {
.kernel = kernel,
.zbi = zbi,
.data_zbi = zbi.destination(),
.entry = entry_address,
ZX_ASSERT(args_.entry == entry_address);
ZbiBootRaw(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code_), &args_);
// This packs up the arguments for the trampoline code, which are pretty much
// the operands for REP MOVSB plus the entry point and data ZBI addresses.
struct TrampolineArgs {
RelocateTarget kernel;
RelocateTarget zbi;
uint64_t data_zbi;
uint64_t entry;
// We must require the compiler not to inline |TrampolineCode| to prevent
// more that one instance of |TrampolineCode| to exist. The real issue,
// is that inlining may introduce alignment or jump relaxation between
// instances causing the size of the assembler code to be different.
[[gnu::const, gnu::noinline]] static zbitl::ByteView TrampolineCode() {
// This tiny bit of code will be copied someplace out of the way. Then it
// will be entered with %rsi pointing at TrampolineArgs, which can be on
// the stack since it's read immediately. Since this code is safely out of
// the way, it can perform a copy that might clobber this boot shim's own
// code, data, bss, and stack. After the copy, it jumps directly to the
// fixed-address ZBI kernel's entry point and %rsi points to the data ZBI.
// First the code loads the backwards flag into %al, the entry address into
// %rbx, and the ZBI address into %rdx. Then it loads the registers used
// by REP MOVSB (%rcx, %rdi, and %rsi). It then tests the %al flag to set
// the Direction flag (STD) for backwards mode. Then REP MOVSB does the
// copy, whether forwards or backwards. After that, the SP and FP are
// cleared, the D flag is cleared again and interrupts disabled for good
// measure, before finally moving the ZBI pointer into place (%rsi) and
// jumping to the entry point (%rbx).
const ktl::byte* code;
size_t size;
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
.pushsection .rodata.trampoline, "a?", %%progbits
# Save |rsi| in |rbx|, where |rbx| will always point to '&args'.
mov %%rsi, %%rbx
mov %c[zbi_count](%%rbx), %%rcx
test %%rcx, %%rcx
jz 2f
mov %c[zbi_dst](%%rbx), %%rdi
mov %c[zbi_src](%%rbx), %%rsi
cmp %%rdi, %%rsi
je 2f
mov %c[zbi_backwards](%%rbx), %%al
testb %%al,%%al
jz 1f
rep movsb
mov %c[kernel_count](%%rbx), %%rcx
mov %c[kernel_dst](%%rbx), %%rdi
mov %c[kernel_src](%%rbx), %%rsi
cmp %%rdi, %%rsi
je 4f
mov %c[kernel_backwards](%%rbx), %%al
testb %%al, %%al
jz 3f
rep movsb
# Clean stack pointers before jumping into the kernel.
xor %%esp, %%esp
xor %%ebp, %%ebp
# The data ZBI must be in rsi before jumping into the kernel entry address.
mov %c[data_zbi](%%rbx), %%rsi
mov %c[entry](%%rbx), %%rbx
jmp *%%rbx
#ifdef __i386__
mov $0b, %[code]
mov $(4b - 0b), %[size]
lea 0b(%%rip), %[code]
mov $(4b - 0b), %[size]
: [code] "=r"(code), [size] "=r"(size)
: [kernel_backwards] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, kernel.backwards)), //
[kernel_dst] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, kernel.dst)), //
[kernel_src] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, kernel.src)), //
[kernel_count] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, kernel.count)), //
[zbi_dst] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, zbi.dst)), //
[zbi_src] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, zbi.src)), //
[zbi_count] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, zbi.count)), //
[zbi_backwards] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, zbi.backwards)), //
[data_zbi] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, data_zbi)), //
[entry] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, entry)));
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
.pushsection .rodata.trampoline, "a?", %%progbits
// x0 contains |&args|.
mov x10, x0
ldp x0, x1, [x10, %[zbi_dst_offset]]
add x9, x10, %[data_offset]
bl .Lcopy_start.%=
add x9, x10, %[kernel_offset]
bl .Lcopy_start.%=
mov x29, xzr
mov x30, xzr
mov sp, x29
br x1
// Expectation:
// x9: RelocatableTarget*
// x2-x8 are used during this procedure.
// x2 -> src address
// x3 -> dst address
// x4 -> count (in bytes)
// x5 -> backwards (direction)
ldp x2, x3, [x9]
ldp x4, x5, [x9, %[count_offset]]
cbz x4, .Lcopy_ret.%=
cmp x2, x3
beq .Lcopy_ret.%=
// test direction flag.
cbnz x5, .Lcopy_backwards.%=
// x2 and x3 hold the first byte in the range to copy, and x4 holds the number of bytes,
// which is a multiple of 32.
ldp x5, x6, [x2, #16]
ldp x7, x8, [x2, #32]!
stp x5, x6, [x3, #16]
stp x7, x8, [x3, #32]!
sub x4, x4, #32
cbnz x4, .Lcopy_forward.%=
// In backwards mode, the src and dst registers point the last, non inclusive, byte and
// is guaranteed to be a multiple of 32b, hence we can just loop.
ldp x5, x6, [x2, #-16]
ldp x7, x8, [x2, #-32]!
stp x5, x6, [x3, #-16]
stp x7, x8, [x3, #-32]!
sub x4, x4, #32
cbnz x4, .Lcopy_backwards.%=
// Used to calculate code size.
adrp %[code], .Ltrampoline_start.%=
add %[code], %[code], #:lo12:.Ltrampoline_start.%=
mov %[size], (.Ltrampoline_end.%= - .Ltrampoline_start.%=)
: [code] "=r"(code), [size] "=r"(size)
: [kernel_offset] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, kernel)),
[data_offset] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, zbi)),
[src_offset] "i"(offsetof(RelocateTarget, src)),
[count_offset] "i"(offsetof(RelocateTarget, count)),
[zbi_dst_offset] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, data_zbi)),
[entry] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, entry)));
#elif defined(__riscv)
const ktl::byte* code_end;
// This starts with the hart ID in a0 and the "data pointer" in a1.
// a0 is left alone throughout to pass it along to the real kernel.
// a1 points to the TrampolineArgs and is replaced with args.data_zbi.
// TODO(mcgrathr): maybe unroll the copying loops some
.pushsection .rodata.trampoline, "a?", %%progbits
add t0, a1, %[data_offset]
jal .Lcopy_start.%=
add t0, a1, %[kernel_offset]
jal .Lcopy_start.%=
mv s0, zero
mv ra, zero
mv sp, zero
mv gp, zero
mv tp, zero
ld t0, %[entry](a1)
ld a1, %[zbi_dst_offset](a1)
jr t0
ld t1, %[src_offset](t0)
ld t2, %[dst_offset](t0)
ld t3, %[count_offset](t0)
ld t4, %[backwards_offset](t0)
bnez t4, .Lcopy_backwards.%=
ld t4, (t1)
sd t4, (t2)
add t3, t3, -8
add t1, t1, 8
add t2, t2, 8
bnez t3, .Lcopy_forward.%=
ld t4, -8(t1)
sd t4, -8(t2)
add t3, t3, -8
add t1, t1, -8
add t2, t2, -8
bnez t3, .Lcopy_backwards.%=
lla %[start], .Ltrampoline_start.%=
lla %[end], .Ltrampoline_end.%=
: [start] "=r"(code), [end] "=r"(code_end)
: [kernel_offset] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, kernel)),
[data_offset] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, zbi)),
[src_offset] "i"(offsetof(RelocateTarget, src)),
[dst_offset] "i"(offsetof(RelocateTarget, dst)),
[count_offset] "i"(offsetof(RelocateTarget, count)),
[backwards_offset] "i"(offsetof(RelocateTarget, backwards)),
[zbi_dst_offset] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, data_zbi)),
[entry] "i"(offsetof(TrampolineArgs, entry)));
size = code_end - code;
#error "what architecture?"
return {code, size};
TrampolineArgs args_;
ktl::byte code_[];
void TrampolineBoot::SetKernelAddresses() {
kernel_entry_address_ = BootZbi::KernelEntryAddress();
if (IsLegacyEntryAddress(KernelHeader()->entry)) {
kernel_entry_address_ = KernelHeader()->entry;
fit::result<BootZbi::Error> TrampolineBoot::Load(uint32_t extra_data_capacity,
ktl::optional<uint64_t> kernel_load_address,
ktl::optional<uint64_t> data_load_address) {
if (kernel_load_address) {
if (data_load_address) {
data_load_address_ = data_load_address;
if (!kernel_load_address_) {
// New-style position-independent kernel.
return BootZbi::Load(extra_data_capacity);
// Now we know how much space the kernel image needs.
// Reserve it at the fixed load address.
auto& pool = Allocation::GetPool();
if (auto result = pool.UpdateFreeRamSubranges(memalloc::Type::kFixedAddressKernel,
*kernel_load_address_, KernelMemorySize());
result.is_error()) {
return fit::error{BootZbi::Error{.zbi_error = "unable to reserve kernel's load image"sv}};
if (data_load_address_) {
if (auto result = pool.UpdateFreeRamSubranges(memalloc::Type::kDataZbi, *data_load_address_,
DataLoadSize() + extra_data_capacity);
result.is_error()) {
return fit::error{BootZbi::Error{.zbi_error = "unable to reserve data ZBI's load image"sv}};
// The trampoline needs someplace safely neither in the kernel image, nor in
// the data ZBI image, nor in this shim's own image since that might overlap
// the fixed-address target region. It's tiny, so just extend the extra data
// capacity to cover it and use the few bytes just after the data ZBI. The
// space is safely allocated in our present reckoning so it's disjoint from
// the data and kernel image memory and from this shim's own image, but as
// soon as we boot into the new kernel it will be reclaimable memory.
if (auto result = BootZbi::Load(extra_data_capacity + static_cast<uint32_t>(Trampoline::size()),
result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
auto extra_space = DataZbi().storage().subspan(DataZbi().size_bytes());
auto trampoline = extra_space.subspan(extra_data_capacity);
trampoline_ = new ( Trampoline(trampoline.size());
// In the x86-64 case, we set up page-tables out of the .bss, which must
// persist after booting the next kernel payload; however, this part of the
// .bss might be clobbered by that self-same fixed load image. To avoid that
// issue, now that physical memory management has been bootstrapped, we
// re-set up the address space out of the allocator, which will avoid
// allocating from out of the load image's range that we just reserved.
// In the x86-32 case, page tables came from the normal Allocation pool
// originally, but the pages chosen when ArchSetUpAddressSpace ran might
// overlap with areas that are now reserved. But as on x86-64, after other
// reservations it's now safe to choose page table pages with the allocator.
// On other machines, this is a no-op. The page tables now in use may indeed
// be clobbered by the trampoline copying, but by then the MMU will be off.
return fit::ok();
[[noreturn]] void TrampolineBoot::Boot(ktl::optional<void*> argument) {
uintptr_t entry = static_cast<uintptr_t>(KernelEntryAddress());
ZX_ASSERT(entry == KernelEntryAddress());
uintptr_t zbi = static_cast<uintptr_t>(DataLoadAddress());
ZX_ASSERT(zbi == DataLoadAddress());
uintptr_t kernel_first = static_cast<uintptr_t>(KernelLoadAddress());
uintptr_t kernel_last = static_cast<uintptr_t>(KernelLoadAddress() + KernelLoadSize() - 1);
ZX_ASSERT(kernel_first == KernelLoadAddress());
ZX_ASSERT(kernel_last == KernelLoadAddress() + KernelLoadSize() - 1);
uintptr_t kernel_size = static_cast<uintptr_t>(KernelLoadSize());
ZX_ASSERT(kernel_size == KernelLoadSize());
if (kernel_load_address_) {
uintptr_t fixed_first = static_cast<uintptr_t>(kernel_load_address_.value());
uintptr_t fixed_last = static_cast<uintptr_t>(*kernel_load_address_ + KernelLoadSize() - 1);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(fixed_first == *kernel_load_address_, "0x%016" PRIx64 " != 0x%016" PRIx64 " ",
static_cast<uint64_t>(fixed_first), *kernel_load_address_);
ZX_ASSERT(fixed_last == *kernel_load_address_ + KernelLoadSize() - 1);
if (!trampoline_) {
// This is a new-style position-independent kernel. Boot it where it is.
uintptr_t zbi_location =
auto kernel_blob = ktl::span<const ktl::byte>(reinterpret_cast<const ktl::byte*>(KernelImage()),
auto zbi_blob = ktl::span<const ktl::byte>(reinterpret_cast<const ktl::byte*>(zbi_location),
RelocateTarget(static_cast<uintptr_t>(*kernel_load_address_), kernel_blob),
RelocateTarget(static_cast<uintptr_t>(data_load_address_.value_or(zbi_location)), zbi_blob),
fit::result<TrampolineBoot::Error> TrampolineBoot::Init(InputZbi zbi) {
auto res = BootZbi::Init(zbi);
return res;
fit::result<TrampolineBoot::Error> TrampolineBoot::Init(InputZbi zbi,
InputZbi::iterator kernel_item) {
auto res = BootZbi::Init(zbi, kernel_item);
return res;
void TrampolineBoot::Log() {
if (trampoline_) {
// This output lines up with what BootZbi::LogAddresses() prints.
void TrampolineBoot::LogFixedAddresses() const {
#define ADDR "0x%016" PRIx64
const uint64_t kernel = kernel_load_address_.value();
const uint64_t bss = kernel + KernelLoadSize();
const uint64_t end = kernel + KernelMemorySize();
debugf("%s: Relocated\n", ProgramName());
debugf("%s: Kernel @ [" ADDR ", " ADDR ")\n", ProgramName(), kernel, bss);
debugf("%s: BSS @ [" ADDR ", " ADDR ")\n", ProgramName(), bss, end);
if (data_load_address_) {
debugf("%s: ZBI @ [" ADDR ", " ADDR ")\n", ProgramName(), *data_load_address_,
*data_load_address_ + DataLoadSize());