blob: 6a4a402580b119b8590809d7a0e7ba3f3293d199 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <ktl/move.h>
#include <phys/address-space.h>
#include <phys/allocation.h>
#include <phys/elf-image.h>
#include <phys/main.h>
#include <phys/stdio.h>
#include <phys/symbolize.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "physload.h"
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
ArchPhysInfo* gArchPhysInfo;
// This transfers all the global state, so all of stdout, gLog, gSymbolize,
// gBootOptions, and Allocation::GetPool(), are available just like in the main
// program that set them all up. Then it calls PhysLoadModuleMain, which has
// the actual program logic of the particular module.
[[noreturn]] void PhysLoadHandoff(ElfImage& self, Log* log, ArchPhysInfo* arch_phys,
UartDriver& uart, MainSymbolize* symbolize,
const BootOptions* boot_options, memalloc::Pool& allocation_pool,
AddressSpace* aspace, PhysBootTimes boot_times,
KernelStorage kernel_storage) {
// Install the log/stdout first thing. Note this doesn't use log.SetStdout()
// because we don't want to stash this module's (uninitialized) stdout to be
// restored, but keep the one already stashed by physload.
gLog = log;
FILE::stdout_ = FILE{log};
// Install the other global state handed off from physload.
gArchPhysInfo = arch_phys;
gSymbolize = symbolize;
gBootOptions = boot_options;
gAddressSpace = aspace;
PhysLoadModuleMain(uart, boot_times, ktl::move(kernel_storage));