blob: 5337e37f6117f0e2bab3fd64cd056b04d79977ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/code-patching/code-patching.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/load.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/memory.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/note.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/static-vector.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/zbitl/items/bootfs.h>
#include <lib/zbitl/view.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/limits.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/byte.h>
#include <ktl/initializer_list.h>
#include <ktl/move.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <ktl/string_view.h>
#include <ktl/type_traits.h>
#include "address-space.h"
#include "allocation.h"
class ElfImage {
static constexpr ktl::string_view kImageName = "image.elf";
static constexpr size_t kMaxLoad = 4; // RODATA, CODE, RELRO, DATA
static constexpr size_t kMaxBuildIdLen = 32;
using LoadInfo = elfldltl::LoadInfo<elfldltl::Elf<>, elfldltl::StaticVector<kMaxLoad>::Container,
using BootfsDir = zbitl::BootfsView<ktl::span<ktl::byte>>;
using Error = BootfsDir::Error;
using PublishDebugdataFunction = fit::inline_function<ktl::span<ktl::byte>(
ktl::string_view sink_name, ktl::string_view vmo_name, ktl::string_view suffix,
size_t content_size)>;
using PrintPatchFunction = fit::inline_function<void(ktl::initializer_list<ktl::string_view>)>;
// An ELF image is found at "dir/name". That can be an ELF file or a subtree.
// The subtree should contain "image.elf", "code-patches.bin", etc. A
// singleton file will be treated as the image with no patches to apply.
fit::result<Error> Init(BootfsDir dir, ktl::string_view name, bool relocated);
ktl::string_view name() const { return name_; }
LoadInfo& load_info() { return load_info_; }
const LoadInfo& load_info() const { return load_info_; }
uint64_t load_bias() const {
return *load_bias_;
// Return the memory image within the current address space. Must be called
// after Init().
cpp20::span<const std::byte> memory_image() const { return image_.image(); }
uint64_t entry() const { return entry_ + load_bias(); }
ktl::optional<ktl::string_view> interp() const { return interp_; }
const ktl::optional<elfldltl::ElfNote>& build_id() const { return build_id_; }
bool has_patches() const { return !patches().empty(); }
size_t patch_count() const { return patches().size(); }
// The template parameter must be an `enum class Id : uint32_t` type. Calls
// the callback as fit::result<Error>(code_patching::Patcher&, Id,
// ktl::span<ktl::byte>, PrintPatchFunction) for each patch in the file
// (Print is as for ArchCodePatch in <lib/code-patching/code-patches.h>).
// Before Load() this patches the BOOTFS file image in place. After Load()
// this patches the load image (which could sometimes still be using the file
// image in place).
template <typename Id, typename Callback>
fit::result<Error> ForEachPatch(Callback&& callback) {
static_assert(ktl::is_same_v<uint32_t, ktl::underlying_type_t<Id>>);
static_assert(ktl::is_invocable_r_v<fit::result<Error>, Callback, code_patching::Patcher&, Id,
ktl::span<ktl::byte>, PrintPatchFunction>);
fit::result<Error> result = fit::ok();
for (const code_patching::Directive& patch : patches()) {
ktl::span<ktl::byte> bytes = GetBytesToPatch(patch);
auto print = [this, &patch](ktl::initializer_list<ktl::string_view> strings) {
PrintPatch(patch, strings);
result = callback(patcher_, static_cast<Id>(, bytes, print);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
// Return true if the memory within the BOOTFS image for this file is
// sufficient to be used in place as the load image.
bool CanLoadInPlace() const {
return load_info_.vaddr_size() <= ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_ALIGN(image_.image().size_bytes());
// Load in place if possible, or else copy into a new Allocation
// A virtual load address at which relocation is expected to occur may be
// provided; if not, the image will be loaded within the current address
// space.
// The Allocation returned is null if LoadInPlace was used; otherwise, it
// owns the memory backing the new load image and should be kept alive for
// the lifetime of the ElfImage. In general, the returned allocation should
// not be consulted for addresses within the load image; that is what
// memory_image() is for.
Allocation Load(ktl::optional<uint64_t> relocation_address = {}, bool in_place_ok = true);
size_t vaddr_size() const { return load_info_.vaddr_size(); }
// Returns the virtual address where the image will be loaded. Must be called
// after Load().
uintptr_t load_address() const {
return static_cast<uintptr_t>(load_info_.vaddr_start() + *load_bias_);
// Set the virtual address where the image will be loaded.
// This is the address Relocate() adjusts things for.
void set_load_address(uint64_t address) {
ZX_ASSERT(address % ZX_PAGE_SIZE == 0);
load_bias_ = address - load_info_.vaddr_start();
// Returns the physical address where the image will be loaded. Must be
// called after Load().
uintptr_t physical_load_address() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(memory_image().data());
// Apply relocations to the image in place after setting the load address.
void Relocate();
// Maps the image at its loaded address, mapping each of its load segments
// with appropriate access permissions (modulo the execute-only exception of
// AddressSpace::Map()). Must be called after Load().
fit::result<AddressSpace::MapError> MapInto(AddressSpace& aspace);
// Panic if the loaded file doesn't have a PT_INTERP matching the hex string
// corresponding to this build ID note; the prefix is used in panic messages.
void AssertInterpMatchesBuildId(ktl::string_view prefix, const elfldltl::ElfNote& build_id);
// Set up state to describe the running phys executable.
void InitSelf(ktl::string_view name, elfldltl::DirectMemory& memory, uintptr_t load_bias,
const elfldltl::Elf<>::Phdr& load_segment,
ktl::span<const ktl::byte> build_id_note);
// This uses the symbolizer_markup::Writer API to emit the contextual
// elements describing this ELF module. The ID number should be unique among
// modules in the same address space, i.e. since the last Reset() in the same
// markup output stream.
template <class Writer>
Writer& SymbolizerContext(Writer& writer, unsigned int id, ktl::string_view prefix = {}) const {
return load_info_.SymbolizerContext(writer, id, name(), build_id_->desc, load_address(),
// Publish instrumentation VMOs for this module. The argument is similar
// called like HandoffPrep::PublishVmo, which see; PublishDebugdataFunction
// takes different arguments to name the data, so it can be used to compose
// either a ZBI_TYPE_DEBUGDATA payload or a named VMO.
void PublishDebugdata(PublishDebugdataFunction publish_debugdata) const;
// Call the image's entry point as a function type F.
template <typename F, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) Call(Args&&... args) const {
F* fnptr = reinterpret_cast<F*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(entry()));
return (*fnptr)(ktl::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Call the image's entry point as a [[noreturn]] function type F.
template <typename F, typename... Args>
[[noreturn]] void Handoff(Args&&... args) const {
ZX_PANIC("ELF image entry point returned!");
// A function called by Handoff calls this on its own module to provide code
// that must be instantiated separately in each module to publish per-module
// instrumentation data.
void OnHandoff() { publish_self_ = PublishSelf; }
// PublishSelf takes one of these for each particular kind of per-module
// instrumentation VMO supported. The callback knows what kind of data it's
// for and deals with calling a PublishDebugdataFunction with the right
// arguments. That code exists in the module where PublishDebugdata is
// called. PublishSelf exists separately in each module and deals with
// filling the buffer with the right per-module data.
using PublishSelfCallback = fit::inline_function<ktl::span<ktl::byte>(size_t content_size)>;
// publish_self_ is set to point to this by the module itself, so it points
// to the instantiation of this function inside that one module. The first
// argument is always with the module that contains the code being called.
static void PublishSelf(const ElfImage& module, PublishSelfCallback llvmprofdata);
// Subroutine of PublishDebugdata only used inside
template <const ktl::string_view& kSinkName, const ktl::string_view& kSuffix,
const ktl::string_view& kAnnounce>
PublishSelfCallback MakePublishSelfCallback(PublishDebugdataFunction& publish_debugdata) const;
// This is only called from PublishSelf so it will always be the
// instantiation inside this module.
void PublishSelfLlvmProfdata(PublishSelfCallback publish) const;
ktl::span<const code_patching::Directive> patches() const { return patcher_.patches(); }
ktl::span<ktl::byte> GetBytesToPatch(const code_patching::Directive& patch);
void PrintPatch(const code_patching::Directive& patch,
ktl::initializer_list<ktl::string_view> strings) const;
ktl::string_view name_;
elfldltl::DirectMemory image_{{}};
LoadInfo load_info_;
uint64_t entry_ = 0;
ktl::span<const elfldltl::Elf<>::Dyn> dynamic_;
ktl::optional<elfldltl::ElfNote> build_id_;
ktl::optional<ktl::string_view> interp_;
code_patching::Patcher patcher_;
ktl::optional<uintptr_t> load_bias_;
decltype(PublishSelf)* publish_self_ = nullptr;