blob: c869a0547c242ba6482a6fc0953b1a45e5299852 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/llvm-profdata/llvm-profdata.h>
#include <ktl/string_view.h>
#include <phys/elf-image.h>
#include <phys/handoff.h>
#include <phys/symbolize.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
template <const ktl::string_view& kSinkName, const ktl::string_view& kSuffix,
const ktl::string_view& kAnnounce>
ElfImage::PublishSelfCallback ElfImage::MakePublishSelfCallback(
ElfImage::PublishDebugdataFunction& publish_debugdata) const {
return [this, &publish_debugdata](size_t content_size) {
gSymbolize->DumpFile(kAnnounce, content_size, kSinkName, name_, kSuffix);
return publish_debugdata(kSinkName, name_, kSuffix, content_size);
// PublishDebugdata is called in the module collecting the instrumentation VMOs
// and so this code is in *that* module's instantiation, not the `*this`
// module. The publish_self_ member points to the PublishSelf static method as
// instantiated inside the `*this` module's code (see
// We call into the target module so it can determine the size of the VMO it
// needs to create, then it calls us back to publish it and yield the span of
// data to fill in.
void ElfImage::PublishDebugdata(PublishDebugdataFunction publish_debugdata) const {
if (publish_self_) {
MakePublishSelfCallback<LlvmProfdata::kDataSinkName, LlvmProfdata::kFileSuffix,