blob: f57bac4a954674b5c8a2a320ff735de8f587d48c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/uart/chars-from.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <efi/protocol/serial-io.h>
#include <efi/protocol/simple-text-output.h>
#include <efi/system-table.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <phys/stdio.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
namespace {
constexpr size_t kLineBufferSize = 256;
// The Write(Protocol*, ktl::span<char16_t>) function is passed a nonempty
// character sequence returns the number of characters written. If that is
// zero, this is treated as an error. If it is fewer than the number passed,
// characters will be dropped rather than looping for retransmission.
template <class Protocol>
struct Traits;
// The Simple Text Output Protocol takes a terminated char16_t string.
template <>
struct Traits<efi_simple_text_output_protocol> {
using Char = char16_t;
// Minimum bytes to be reserved at the end of the `chars` buffer passed to `Write()`.
// Required for char16_t output, since EFI `OutputString()` takes \0 terminated string
static constexpr size_t kMinLeft = 1;
static size_t Write(efi_simple_text_output_protocol* out, ktl::span<char16_t> chars) {
*chars.end() = L'\0';
return out->OutputString(out, == EFI_SUCCESS ? chars.size() : 0;
// The Serial I/O Protocol takes an unterminated byte span.
template <>
struct Traits<efi_serial_io_protocol> {
using Char = uint8_t;
// Minimum bytes to be reserved at the end of the `chars` buffer passed to `Write()`.
static constexpr size_t kMinLeft = 0;
static size_t Write(efi_serial_io_protocol* out, ktl::span<uint8_t> chars) {
size_t n = chars.size_bytes();
// The UEFI spec says this Write call always returns the result parameter
// even in error cases.
out->Write(out, &n,;
return n;
// Do CRLF conversion into a buffer and call Traits::Write to flush it.
template <typename Protocol>
int EfiStdoutWrite(void* protocol, ktl::string_view str) {
using Char = typename Traits<Protocol>::Char;
using CharsFrom = uart::CharsFrom<ktl::string_view, Char>;
// Minimum bytes to be reserved at the end of the buffer
constexpr size_t kMinLeft = Traits<Protocol>::kMinLeft;
Char buf[kLineBufferSize];
ktl::span<Char> left(buf);
if (str.empty()) {
return 0;
int wrote = 0;
auto flush = [protocol, &buf, &left, &wrote]() -> bool {
ktl::span chars = ktl::span(buf).subspan(0, ktl::size(buf) - left.size());
while (!chars.empty()) {
size_t n = Traits<Protocol>::Write(static_cast<Protocol*>(protocol), chars);
if (n == 0) {
return false;
chars = chars.subspan(n);
wrote += static_cast<int>(n);
left = ktl::span<Char>(buf);
return true;
for (const Char c : CharsFrom(str)) {
left.front() = c;
left = left.subspan(1);
if (left.size() == kMinLeft && !flush()) {
return -1;
// Flush anything left in the buffer, signaled by having less space left than the capacity.
if ((left.size() < ktl::size(buf) && !flush()) || wrote == 0) {
return -1;
return wrote;
} // namespace
void SetEfiStdout(efi_system_table* sys) {
PhysConsole& console = PhysConsole::Get();
if (sys->ConOut) {
// TODO(mcgrathr): in headless qemu/ovmf, ConOut is also the serial console
// so enabling both double-prints everything. Need a way to figure out if
// ConOut is actually serial and skip serial if so.
void* serial_ptr;
efi_status status = sys->BootServices->LocateProtocol(&SerialIoProtocol, nullptr, &serial_ptr);
if (status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
auto serial = static_cast<efi_serial_io_protocol*>(serial_ptr);
} else {
printf("EFI: no serial console found: %#zx\n", status);