blob: 51719f7ee2f5f7032a040ffbac3b968ec2886823 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <efi/types.h>
// These are convenience wrappers around OpenProtocol and CloseProtocol from
// efi_boot_services. These functions are not usually used directly, but
// instead the EfiOpenProtocol<Protocol> template should be used and then
// CloseProtocol calls are automatic via RAII.
fit::result<efi_status, efi_handle> EfiOpenProtocol(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid& guid);
void EfiCloseProtocol(const efi_guid& guid, efi_handle protocol);
// This is defined below.
template <class Protocol>
struct EfiProtocolPtrDeleter;
// EfiProtocolPtr<efi_foobar_protocol> is a smart pointer for pointers
// returned by EfiOpenProtocol<efi_foobar_protocol>. To use this, do
// a specialization like:
// ```
// template<>
// inline constexpr const elf_guid& kEfiProtocolGuid<efi_foobar_protocol> = &FoobarProtocol;
// ```
template <class Protocol>
using EfiProtocolPtr = std::unique_ptr<Protocol, EfiProtocolPtrDeleter<Protocol>>;
// This must be specialized for each protocol appropriately.
template <class Protocol>
inline constexpr efi_guid kEfiProtocolGuid =
[]() { static_assert(!std::is_same_v<Protocol, Protocol>, "missing specialization"); }();
// This does OpenProtocol on the given handle. It returns a null pointer if
// OpenProtocol fails (with no efi_status details). The returned move-only
// smart pointer type will automatically call CloseProtocol on destruction.
template <class Protocol>
inline fit::result<efi_status, EfiProtocolPtr<Protocol>> EfiOpenProtocol(efi_handle handle) {
auto result = EfiOpenProtocol(handle, kEfiProtocolGuid<Protocol>);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
Protocol* ptr = static_cast<Protocol*>(result.value());
return fit::ok(EfiProtocolPtr<Protocol>(ptr));
// Custom unique_ptr deleter instantiated for each efi_*_protocol type.
template <class Protocol>
struct EfiProtocolPtrDeleter {
void operator()(Protocol* handle) const {
EfiCloseProtocol(kEfiProtocolGuid<Protocol>, static_cast<efi_handle>(handle));
// Checks to see whether a given protocol interface is present on a handle.
bool EfiHasProtocol(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid& guid);
template <class Protocol>
inline bool EfiHasProtocol(efi_handle handle) {
return EfiHasProtocol(handle, kEfiProtocolGuid<Protocol>);