blob: a8539877f6f071d268a477fc8ca65012ac8ed2ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <asm.h>
#include <arch/defines.h>
// clang-format off
// Define a special read-only, page-aligned data section called NAME
// anchored with a symbol NAME_image to contain the first SIZE bytes
// (whole pages) of FILENAME.
.macro rodso_image_section name, size
// We can't use PAGE_SIZE here because on some machines
// that uses C syntax like 1L instead of plain integers
// and arithmetic operations that the assembler can handle.
.if \size % (1 << PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT)
.error "\name size \size is not a multiple of PAGE_SIZE"
.section .rodata.rodso_image.\name,"a"
// The whole thing can't be just an assembler macro because a macro
// operand cannot be a string like .incbin needs for the filename.
#define RODSO_IMAGE(name, NAME, CODE_or_DATA) \
rodso_image_section name, NAME##_##CODE_or_DATA##_END; \
DATA(name##_image) \
.incbin NAME##_FILENAME, 0, NAME##_##CODE_or_DATA##_END; \
.p2align PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT; \