blob: 76cf8370fac58c476386f2bd19753dba23fdfec8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "lib/lockup_detector.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/affine/ratio.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <lib/crashlog.h>
#include <lib/lockup_detector/diagnostics.h>
#include <lib/lockup_detector/inline_impl.h>
#include <lib/lockup_detector/state.h>
#include <lib/relaxed_atomic.h>
#include <lib/version.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <dev/hw_watchdog.h>
#include <kernel/auto_preempt_disabler.h>
#include <kernel/mp.h>
#include <kernel/percpu.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
#include <ktl/bit.h>
#include <ktl/iterator.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arch/arm64/dap.h>
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#include <lib/backtrace/global_cpu_context_exchange.h>
// Counter for the number of lockups detected.
KCOUNTER(counter_lockup_cs_count, "lockup_detector.critical_section.count")
// Counters for number of lockups exceeding a given duration.
KCOUNTER(counter_lockup_cs_exceeding_10ms, "lockup_detector.critical_section.exceeding_ms.10")
KCOUNTER(counter_lockup_cs_exceeding_1000ms, "lockup_detector.critical_section.exceeding_ms.1000")
// Counts the number of times the lockup detector has emitted a "no heartbeat" oops.
KCOUNTER(counter_lockup_no_heartbeat_oops, "lockup_detector.no_heartbeat_oops")
LockupDetectorState gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[SMP_MAX_CPUS];
namespace {
inline zx_duration_t TicksToDuration(zx_ticks_t ticks) {
return timer_get_ticks_to_time_ratio().Scale(ticks);
inline zx_ticks_t DurationToTicks(zx_duration_t duration) {
return timer_get_ticks_to_time_ratio().Inverse().Scale(duration);
class TA_CAP("mutex") FatalConditionReporterRole {
FatalConditionReporterRole() = default;
FatalConditionReporterRole(const FatalConditionReporterRole&) = delete;
FatalConditionReporterRole(FatalConditionReporterRole&&) = delete;
FatalConditionReporterRole& operator=(const FatalConditionReporterRole&) = delete;
FatalConditionReporterRole& operator=(FatalConditionReporterRole&&) = delete;
bool Acquire() TA_TRY_ACQ(true) {
// A fatal condition has been observed and we are on the road to rebooting.
// Attempt to pet the watchdog one last time, then suppress all future pets.
// If anything goes wrong from here on out which prevents us from reporting
// the fatal condition, we want the HW WDT (if present) to reboot us.
// Now that the WDT is armed, attempt to assume the role of the fatal
// condition reporter. If we fail, then someone else is already in the
// process of reporting the fatal condition. We will just leave them to
// their task. If they hang while attempting to write a crashlog and reboot
// the system, the HW WDT will end up rebooting the system for them (if
// present).
const cpu_num_t current_cpu = arch_curr_cpu_num();
cpu_num_t expected = INVALID_CPU;
return reporter_id_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, current_cpu);
// No one should ever actually release the role of the fatal condition
// reporter. Even so, we need to have a call to "release" in place in order
// to make the static thread analysis happy. If we ever _do_ actually make it
// to this function, it means that the CPU which was assigned the role of
// fatal condition reporter failed to reboot the system for some bizarre
// reason. Do our best to panic the system in this case.
void Release() TA_REL() { PANIC("Fatal condition reporter failed to reboot!"); }
ktl::atomic<cpu_num_t> reporter_id_{INVALID_CPU};
FatalConditionReporterRole g_fatal_condition_reporter_role;
class HeartbeatLockupChecker {
static zx_duration_t period() { return period_; }
static zx_duration_t threshold() { return threshold_; }
static zx_duration_t fatal_threshold() { return fatal_threshold_; }
static void InitStaticParams() {
period_ = ZX_MSEC(gBootOptions->lockup_detector_heartbeat_period_ms);
threshold_ = ZX_MSEC(gBootOptions->lockup_detector_heartbeat_age_threshold_ms);
fatal_threshold_ = ZX_MSEC(gBootOptions->lockup_detector_age_fatal_threshold_ms);
// TODO(johngro): once state->current_checker_id becomes a more formal
// spinlock, come back here and TA_REQ(state.current_checker_id)
static void PerformCheck(LockupDetectorState& state, cpu_num_t cpu, zx_time_t now_mono);
HeartbeatLockupChecker() = default;
// Note that the following static parameters are non-atomic because they are
// currently setup only once by the primary CPU before any other CPUs have
// started, and because they cannot change after setup. If we ever turn these
// into dynamic properties which can be adjusted while the system is running,
// we need to come back here and make them atomics with proper memory order
// semantics.
// The period at which CPUs emit heartbeats. 0 means heartbeats are disabled.
static inline zx_duration_t period_{0};
// If a CPU's most recent heartbeat is older than this threshold, it is
// considered to be locked up and a KERNEL OOPS will be triggered.
static inline zx_duration_t threshold_{0};
// If a CPU's most recent heartbeat is older than this threshold, it is
// considered to be locked up and crashlog will be generated followed by a
// reboot.
static inline zx_duration_t fatal_threshold_{0};
class CriticalSectionLockupChecker {
static zx_ticks_t threshold_ticks() { return threshold_ticks_.load(); }
static void set_threshold_ticks(zx_ticks_t val) {; }
static zx_ticks_t fatal_threshold_ticks() { return fatal_threshold_ticks_; }
static bool IsEnabled() { return (threshold_ticks() > 0) || (fatal_threshold_ticks() > 0); }
static void InitStaticParams() {
const zx_duration_t threshold_duration =
const zx_duration_t fatal_threshold_duration =
fatal_threshold_ticks_ = DurationToTicks(fatal_threshold_duration);
worst_case_threshold_ticks_ = DurationToTicks(counter_buckets_[0].exceeding);
static void RecordCriticalSectionBucketCounters(zx_ticks_t lockup_ticks) {
// Fast abort if the time spent in the critical sections is less than the
// minimum bucket threshold.
if (lockup_ticks < worst_case_threshold_ticks_) {
zx_duration_t lockup_duration = TicksToDuration(lockup_ticks);
for (auto iter = counter_buckets_.rbegin(); iter != counter_buckets_.rend(); iter++) {
if (lockup_duration >= iter->exceeding) {
kcounter_add(iter->counter, 1);
static void PerformCheck(LockupDetectorState& state, cpu_num_t cpu, zx_ticks_t now_ticks);
CriticalSectionLockupChecker() = default;
// Provides histogram-like kcounter functionality.
struct CounterBucket {
const zx_duration_t exceeding;
const Counter& counter;
static constexpr const ktl::array counter_buckets_{
CounterBucket{ZX_MSEC(10), counter_lockup_cs_exceeding_10ms},
CounterBucket{ZX_MSEC(1000), counter_lockup_cs_exceeding_1000ms},
CounterBucket{ZX_MSEC(100000), counter_lockup_cs_exceeding_100000ms},
// These thresholds control whether critical section checking is enabled and how long is "too
// long".
// A non-zero |threshold_ticks| enables critical section checking with a non-fatal action (log,
// but don't reboot).
// A non-zero |fatal_threshold_ticks| enables critical section checking with a fatal action
// (reboot).
// These values are expressed in units of ticks rather than nanoseconds because it is faster to
// read the platform timer's tick count than to get current_time().
// These variables are atomic because, although set early during lockup detector initialization,
// their values may change to facilitate testing (see |lockup_set_cs_threshold_ticks|). Use
// relaxed operations because these fields are accessed within the critical section and must be
// fast.
static inline RelaxedAtomic<zx_ticks_t> threshold_ticks_{0};
static inline RelaxedAtomic<zx_ticks_t> fatal_threshold_ticks_{0};
static inline zx_ticks_t worst_case_threshold_ticks_{ktl::numeric_limits<zx_ticks_t>::max()};
void HeartbeatLockupChecker::PerformCheck(LockupDetectorState& state, cpu_num_t cpu,
zx_time_t now_mono) {
// If the heartbeat mechanism is currently not active for this CPU, just skip
// all of the checks.
auto& hb_state = state.heartbeat;
if (! {
// Observe each of the details we need to know to make a determination of
// whether or not we should report a failure.
const zx_time_t observed_last_heartbeat = hb_state.last_heartbeat.load();
zx_duration_t observed_age = zx_time_sub_time(now_mono, observed_last_heartbeat);
const auto& cs_state = state.critical_section;
// Note, we're loading name with relaxed semantics so there is nothing
// ensuring that we see the "lastest value". Idealy we'd use
// memory_order_acquire when reading name and memory_order_release when
// writing. However, doing so has a measusrable performance impact and it's
// crucial to minimize lockup_detector overhead. We tolerate stale values
// because we're only using name to help us find the point where the lockup
// occurred.
const char* const observed_name =;
// If this is the worst gap we have ever seen, record that fact now.
if (observed_age > hb_state.max_gap.load()) {;
// A shared lambda used to report errors in a consistent fashion, either to
// just stdout, or to the stdout_panic buffer in the case that this is a fatal
// condition.
auto ReportFailure = [&](lockup_internal::FailureSeverity severity) {
FILE* output_target =
(severity == lockup_internal::FailureSeverity::Fatal) ? &stdout_panic_buffer : stdout;
// Print an OOPS header so that we properly trigger tefmo checks, but only
// send it to stdout. If this a fatal failure, we don't want to waste any
// bytes saying "OOPS" in the crashlog. It should be pretty clear from the
// fact that we are filing a crashlog that things went pretty seriously
// wrong.
"lockup_detector: no heartbeat from CPU-%u in %" PRId64 " ms, last_heartbeat=%" PRId64
" observed now=%" PRId64 " name=%s.\nReported by [CPU-%u] (message rate limited)\n",
cpu, observed_age / ZX_MSEC(1), observed_last_heartbeat, now_mono,
(observed_name ? observed_name : "unknown"), arch_curr_cpu_num());
DumpCommonDiagnostics(cpu, output_target, severity);
// If we have a fatal threshold configured, and we have exceeded that
// threshold, then it is time to file a crashlog and reboot the system.
if ((fatal_threshold() > 0) && (observed_age > fatal_threshold())) {
if (g_fatal_condition_reporter_role.Acquire()) {
// Leave the other CPUs running so we can gather diagnostics.
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_REBOOT, ZirconCrashReason::SoftwareWatchdog);
if ((threshold() > 0) && (observed_age > threshold()) && hb_state.alert_limiter.Ready()) {
kcounter_add(counter_lockup_no_heartbeat_oops, 1);
void CriticalSectionLockupChecker::PerformCheck(LockupDetectorState& state, cpu_num_t cpu,
zx_ticks_t now_ticks) {
auto& cs_state = state.critical_section;
// Observe all of the info we need to make a decision as to whether or not there
// has been a condition violation.
const zx_ticks_t observed_threshold_ticks = threshold_ticks();
// Use Acquire semantics to ensure that if we observe a previously stored |begin_ticks| value we
// will also observe stores to other fields that were issued prior to a Release on |begin_ticks|.
const zx_ticks_t observed_begin_ticks = cs_state.begin_ticks.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
const char* const observed_name =;
const zx_ticks_t observed_worst_case_ticks =
// If observed_begin_ticks is non-zero, then the CPU we are checking is currently in a
// critical section. Compute how long it has been in the CS and check to see
// if it exceeds any of our configured thresholds.
if (observed_begin_ticks > 0) {
const zx_ticks_t age_ticks = zx_time_sub_time(now_ticks, observed_begin_ticks);
// A shared lambda used to report errors in a consistent fashion, either to
// just stdout, or to the stdout_panic buffer in the case that this is a fatal
// condition.
auto ReportFailure = [&](lockup_internal::FailureSeverity severity) {
FILE* output_target =
(severity == lockup_internal::FailureSeverity::Fatal) ? &stdout_panic_buffer : stdout;
// See the comment in HeartbeatLockupChecker::PerformCheck for an explanation of why this
// curious empty-string OOPS is here.
"lockup_detector: CPU-%u in critical section for %" PRId64 " ms, threshold=%" PRId64
" ms start=%" PRId64 " now=%" PRId64
" name=%s.\n"
"Reported by [CPU-%u] (message rate limited)\n",
cpu, TicksToDuration(age_ticks) / ZX_MSEC(1),
TicksToDuration(observed_threshold_ticks) / ZX_MSEC(1),
TicksToDuration(observed_begin_ticks), TicksToDuration(now_ticks),
(observed_name ? observed_name : "unknown"), arch_curr_cpu_num());
DumpCommonDiagnostics(cpu, output_target, severity);
// Check the fatal condition first.
if ((fatal_threshold_ticks() > 0) && (age_ticks >= fatal_threshold_ticks())) {
if (g_fatal_condition_reporter_role.Acquire()) {
// Leave the other CPUs running so we can gather diagnostics.
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_REBOOT, ZirconCrashReason::SoftwareWatchdog);
// Next, check to see if our "oops" threshold was exceeded.
if ((observed_threshold_ticks > 0) && (age_ticks >= observed_threshold_ticks)) {
// Threshold exceeded. Record this in the kcounters if this is the first time
// we have seen this event, and then decide whether or not to print out an
// oops based on our rate limiter.
if (cs_state.last_counted_begin_ticks != observed_begin_ticks) {
kcounter_add(counter_lockup_cs_count, 1);
cs_state.last_counted_begin_ticks = observed_begin_ticks;
if (cs_state.ongoing_call_alert_limiter.Ready()) {
// Next check to see if we have a new worst case time spent in a critical
// section to report.
if ((observed_worst_case_ticks > worst_case_threshold_ticks_) &&
(observed_worst_case_ticks > cs_state.reported_worst_case_ticks) &&
cs_state.worst_case_alert_limiter.Ready()) {
// Remember the last worst case we reported, so we don't report it multiple
// times.
cs_state.reported_worst_case_ticks = observed_worst_case_ticks;
// Now go ahead and report the new worst case.
const zx_duration_t duration = TicksToDuration(observed_worst_case_ticks);
"lockup_detector: CPU-%u encountered a new worst case critical section section time of "
"%" PRId64 " usec. Reported by [CPU-%u] (message rate limited)\n",
cpu, duration / ZX_USEC(1), arch_curr_cpu_num());
// Return an absolute deadline |duration| nanoseconds from now with a jitter of +/- |percent|%.
Deadline DeadlineWithJitterAfter(zx_duration_t duration, uint32_t percent) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(percent <= 100);
const zx_duration_t delta = affine::Ratio{(rand() / 100) * percent, RAND_MAX}.Scale(duration);
return Deadline::after(zx_duration_add_duration(duration, delta));
// Record that the current CPU is still alive by having it update its last
// heartbeat. Then, check all of current CPU's peers to see if they have
// tripped any of our low level lockup detectors. This currently consists of:
// 1) The heartbeat detector (verifies that CPU timers are working)
// 2) The critical section detector (verifies that no CPU spends too long in a
// critical section of code, such as an SMC call).
void DoHeartbeatAndCheckPeerCpus(Timer* timer, zx_time_t now_mono, void* arg) {
const zx_ticks_t now_ticks = current_ticks();
const cpu_num_t current_cpu = arch_curr_cpu_num();
// Record that we are still alive.
auto& checker_state = *(reinterpret_cast<LockupDetectorState*>(arg));;
// Pet the HW WDT, but only if we have a fatal heartbeat threshold
// configured. We don't want the heartbeat checkers to be petting the dog if
// they don't plan to reboot the system if things start to get really bad.
if (HeartbeatLockupChecker::fatal_threshold() > 0) {
// Now, check each of the lockup conditions for each of our peers.
for (cpu_num_t cpu = 0; cpu < percpu::processor_count(); ++cpu) {
if (cpu == current_cpu || !mp_is_cpu_online(cpu) || !Scheduler::PeekIsActive(cpu)) {
LockupDetectorState& state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[cpu];
// Attempt to claim the role of the "checker" for this CPU. If we fail to
// do so, then another CPU is checking this CPU already, so we will just
// skip our checks this time. Note that this leaves a small gap in
// detection ability.
// If the other checker has discovered no trouble and is just about to drop
// the role of checker, but time has progressed to the point where a failure
// would now be detected. In this case, we would have reported the problem
// had we been able to assume the checker role, but since it had not been
// released yet, we will miss it.
// This gap is an acknowledged limitation. Never stalling in these threads
// is a more important property to maintain then having perfect gap free
// coverage. Presumably, some other core will check again in a short while
// (or, we will do so ourselves next time around).
// TODO(johngro): either just replace this with a spin-try-lock, or spend
// some time reviewing the memory order here. CST seems like overkill, but
// then again, checks are currently only performed once per second, so I
// would rather be correct than fast for the time being.
cpu_num_t expected = INVALID_CPU;
if (state.current_checker_id.compare_exchange_strong(expected, current_cpu)) {
// Now that we are the assigned "checker", perform the checks. Start with
// the CriticalSection check. If there is a fatal condition to be
// reported, we would rather start with the CriticalSection fatal
// condition as it will can provide more specific details about the lockup
// than the heartbeat checker can.
CriticalSectionLockupChecker::PerformCheck(state, cpu, now_ticks);
HeartbeatLockupChecker::PerformCheck(state, cpu, now_mono);
// Next, release our role as checker for this CPU.;
// If heartbeats are still enabled for this core, schedule the next check.
if ( {
timer->Set(Deadline::after(HeartbeatLockupChecker::period()), DoHeartbeatAndCheckPeerCpus, arg);
// Stop the process of having the current CPU recording heartbeats and checking
// in on other CPUs.
void stop_heartbeats() {
LockupDetectorState& state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[arch_curr_cpu_num()];;
// Start the process of recording heartbeats and checking in on other CPUs on
// the current CPU.
void start_heartbeats() {
if (HeartbeatLockupChecker::period() <= 0) {
// To be safe, make sure we have a recent last heartbeat before activating.
LockupDetectorState& state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[arch_curr_cpu_num()];
auto& hb_state = state.heartbeat;
const zx_time_t now = current_time();;;
// Use a deadline with some jitter to avoid having all CPUs heartbeat at the same time.
const Deadline deadline = DeadlineWithJitterAfter(HeartbeatLockupChecker::period(), 10);
percpu::GetCurrent().lockup_detector_timer.Set(deadline, DoHeartbeatAndCheckPeerCpus, &state);
} // namespace
void lockup_primary_init() {
// Initialize parameters for the heartbeat checks.
"lockup_detector: heartbeats %s, period %" PRId64 " ms, threshold %" PRId64
" ms, fatal threshold %" PRId64 " ms, diags dump timeout %" PRIu64 " ms\n",
(HeartbeatLockupChecker::period() > 0) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
HeartbeatLockupChecker::period() / ZX_MSEC(1),
HeartbeatLockupChecker::threshold() / ZX_MSEC(1),
HeartbeatLockupChecker::fatal_threshold() / ZX_MSEC(1),
// Initialize parameters for the critical section checks, but only if the
// heartbeat mechanism is enabled. If the heartbeat mechanism is disabled, no
// checks will ever be performed.
// TODO(johngro): relax this. There is no strong reason to not do our
// periodic checking if any of the check conditions are enabled.
if (HeartbeatLockupChecker::period() > 0) {
if (CriticalSectionLockupChecker::IsEnabled()) {
"lockup_detector: critical section threshold %" PRId64 " ms, fatal threshold %" PRId64
" ms\n",
TicksToDuration(CriticalSectionLockupChecker::threshold_ticks()) / ZX_MSEC(1),
TicksToDuration(CriticalSectionLockupChecker::fatal_threshold_ticks()) / ZX_MSEC(1));
} else {
dprintf(INFO, "lockup_detector: critical section detection disabled by threshold\n");
} else {
"lockup_detector: critical section detection disabled because heartbeats are disabled\n");
} else {
dprintf(INFO, "lockup_detector: critical section detection disabled by build\n");
// Kick off heartbeats on this CPU, if they are enabled.
void lockup_secondary_init() { start_heartbeats(); }
void lockup_secondary_shutdown() { stop_heartbeats(); }
// TODO(johngro): Make the definition of the various checkers available (perhaps
// in a "lockup_detector" namespace) so that things like tests outside of this
// translational unit can directly query stuff like this, instead of needing to
// bound through a functions like this.
zx_ticks_t lockup_get_cs_threshold_ticks() {
return CriticalSectionLockupChecker::threshold_ticks();
void lockup_set_cs_threshold_ticks(zx_ticks_t val) {
void lockup_timed_begin(const char* name) {
LockupDetectorState& state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[arch_curr_cpu_num()];
const bool outermost = lockup_internal::Enter(state, name);
if (likely(outermost)) {
auto& cs_state = state.critical_section;
// We're using memory_order_relaxed instead of memory_order_release to
// minimize performance impact. As a result, HeartbeatLockupChecker may see
// stale name values because there is nothing for it to synchronize-with.
// However, if CriticalSectionLockupChecker is enabled, then the begin_ticks
// store with release semantics will ensure the CriticalSectionLockupChecker
// sees the latest value., ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
if (CriticalSectionLockupChecker::IsEnabled()) {
const zx_ticks_t now = current_ticks();
// Use release semantics to ensure that if an observer sees this store to |begin_ticks|,
// they will also see the stores that preceded it., ktl::memory_order_release);
void lockup_timed_end() {
LockupDetectorState& state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[arch_curr_cpu_num()];
lockup_internal::CallIfOuterAndLeave(state, [](LockupDetectorState& state) {
// Is this a new worst for us?
const zx_ticks_t now_ticks = current_ticks();
auto& cs_state = state.critical_section;
const zx_ticks_t begin = cs_state.begin_ticks.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
zx_ticks_t delta = zx_time_sub_time(now_ticks, begin);
// Update our counters.
if (delta > cs_state.worst_case_ticks.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed)) {, ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
// See comment in lockup_timed_begin at the point where name is stored., ktl::memory_order_relaxed);
// We are done with the CS now. Clear the begin time to indicate that we are not in any
// critical section.
// Use release semantics to ensure that if an observer sees this store to |begin_ticks|, they
// will also see any of our previous stores., ktl::memory_order_release);
int64_t lockup_get_critical_section_oops_count() {
return counter_lockup_cs_count.SumAcrossAllCpus();
int64_t lockup_get_no_heartbeat_oops_count() {
return counter_lockup_no_heartbeat_oops.SumAcrossAllCpus();
namespace {
void lockup_status() {
const zx_ticks_t ticks = CriticalSectionLockupChecker::threshold_ticks();
printf("critical section threshold is %" PRId64 " ticks (%" PRId64 " ms)\n", ticks,
TicksToDuration(ticks) / ZX_MSEC(1));
if (ticks != 0) {
for (cpu_num_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); i++) {
if (!Scheduler::PeekIsActive(i)) {
printf("CPU-%u is not active, skipping\n", i);
const auto& cs_state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[i].critical_section;
const zx_ticks_t begin_ticks = cs_state.begin_ticks.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
const char* name =;
const zx_ticks_t now = current_ticks();
const int64_t worst_case_usec =
TicksToDuration(cs_state.worst_case_ticks.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed)) / ZX_USEC(1);
if (begin_ticks == 0) {
printf("CPU-%u not in critical section (worst case %" PRId64 " uSec)\n", i,
} else {
zx_duration_t duration = TicksToDuration(now - begin_ticks);
printf("CPU-%u in critical section (%s) for %" PRId64 " ms (worst case %" PRId64 " uSec)\n",
i, (name != nullptr ? name : "unknown"), duration / ZX_MSEC(1), worst_case_usec);
printf("heartbeat period is %" PRId64 " ms, heartbeat threshold is %" PRId64 " ms\n",
HeartbeatLockupChecker::period() / ZX_MSEC(1),
HeartbeatLockupChecker::threshold() / ZX_MSEC(1));
for (cpu_num_t cpu = 0; cpu < percpu::processor_count(); ++cpu) {
if (!mp_is_cpu_online(cpu) || !Scheduler::PeekIsActive(cpu)) {
const auto& hb_state = gLockupDetectorPerCpuState[cpu].heartbeat;
if (! {
printf("CPU-%u heartbeats disabled\n", cpu);
const zx_time_t last_heartbeat = hb_state.last_heartbeat.load();
const zx_duration_t age = zx_time_sub_time(current_time(), last_heartbeat);
const zx_duration_t max_gap = hb_state.max_gap.load();
printf("CPU-%u last heartbeat at %" PRId64 " ms, age is %" PRId64 " ms, max gap is %" PRId64
" ms\n",
cpu, last_heartbeat / ZX_MSEC(1), age / ZX_MSEC(1), max_gap / ZX_MSEC(1));
// Runs |func| on |cpu|, passing |duration| as an argument.
void run_lockup_func(cpu_num_t cpu, zx_duration_t duration, thread_start_routine func) {
Thread* t = Thread::Create("lockup-test", func, &duration, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
t->Join(nullptr, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
// Trigger a temporary lockup of |cpu| by holding a spinlock for |duration|.
void lockup_trigger_spinlock(cpu_num_t cpu, zx_duration_t duration) {
run_lockup_func(cpu, duration, [](void* arg) -> int {
const zx_duration_t duration = *reinterpret_cast<zx_duration_t*>(arg);
// Acquire a spinlock and hold it for |duration|.
DECLARE_SINGLETON_SPINLOCK_WITH_TYPE(lockup_test_lock, MonitoredSpinLock);
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{lockup_test_lock::Get(), SOURCE_TAG};
const zx_time_t deadline = zx_time_add_duration(current_time(), duration);
while (current_time() < deadline) {
return 0;
// Trigger a temporary lockup of |cpu| by remaining in a critical section for |duration|.
void lockup_trigger_critical_section(cpu_num_t cpu, zx_duration_t duration) {
run_lockup_func(cpu, duration, [](void* arg) -> int {
const zx_duration_t duration = *reinterpret_cast<zx_duration_t*>(arg);
AutoPreemptDisabler preempt_disable;
const zx_time_t deadline = zx_time_add_duration(current_time(), duration);
while (current_time() < deadline) {
return 0;
int cmd_lockup(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
auto usage = [cmd_name = argv[0].str]() -> int {
printf("%s status : print lockup detector status\n", cmd_name);
printf("%s test_spinlock <cpu> <num msec> : hold spinlock on <cpu> for <num msec>\n",
"%s test_critical_section <cpu> <num msec> : hold critical section on <cpu> for <num "
if (argc < 2) {
printf("not enough arguments\n");
return usage();
if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "status")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "test_spinlock")) {
if (argc < 4) {
return usage();
const auto cpu = static_cast<cpu_num_t>(argv[2].u);
const auto ms = static_cast<uint32_t>(argv[3].u);
printf("test_spinlock: locking up CPU %u for %u ms\n", cpu, ms);
lockup_trigger_spinlock(cpu, ZX_MSEC(ms));
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "test_critical_section")) {
if (argc < 4) {
return usage();
const auto cpu = static_cast<cpu_num_t>(argv[2].u);
const auto ms = static_cast<uint32_t>(argv[3].u);
printf("test_critical_section: locking up CPU %u for %u ms\n", cpu, ms);
lockup_trigger_critical_section(cpu, ZX_MSEC(ms));
} else {
printf("unknown command\n");
return usage();
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace
STATIC_COMMAND("lockup", "lockup detector commands", &cmd_lockup)