blob: d907ff21d1133e4915bb01d51b9a1f97fff01b08 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/io.h>
#include <lib/jtrace/jtrace.h>
#include "jtrace_internal.h"
namespace jtrace {
namespace {
// Make an attempt to validate a virtual address as being a valid kernel virtual
// address. Do not allow this to be called when blocking is not allowed
// (holding a spinlock, hard IRQ time, etc) as blocking mutexes in the VM
// subsystem will need to be acquired in order to perform the validation.
bool ValidateVaddr(const void* val) {
vaddr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(val);
if (!is_kernel_address(addr)) {
return false;
VmAspace* aspace = VmAspace::kernel_aspace();
paddr_t pa;
uint flags;
zx_status_t err = aspace->arch_aspace().Query(addr, &pa, &flags);
return (err == ZX_OK);
// SafeString is a small helper class which does its best to validate that
// string literal pointers recovered from a persistent trace buffer are valid
// before attempting to render them. Persistent trace buffers are stored in
// "persistent" RAM passed to the kernel by the bootloader, and _could_ have
// suffered from corruption during a spontaneous reboot, so it is important to
// ensure that they represent a valid kernel virtual address before attempting
// to render them.
class SafeString {
SafeString(const char* str, TraceBufferType buf_type) : str_(str) {
// Only attempt to validate the string's virtual address if we are
// attempting to print a recovered log. If we are in the process of dumping
// the current log, there is a very good chance that we are in the middle of
// a panic and unable to validate virtual addresses due to the VM locking
// requirements.
// Also check for nullptr while we are at it. It is possible for a dumped
// jtrace to have nullptr entries for last-per-cpu records in the case that
// there were never any records for a given CPU.
if ((str_ == nullptr) || ((buf_type == TraceBufferType::Recovered) && !ValidateVaddr(str_))) {
snprintf(replacement_buf_, sizeof(replacement_buf_), "<Invalid %p>", str_);
str_ = replacement_buf_;
// No copy, no move.
SafeString(const SafeString&) = delete;
SafeString& operator=(const SafeString&) = delete;
SafeString(SafeString&&) = delete;
SafeString& operator=(SafeString&&) = delete;
const char* get() const { return str_; }
const char* str_;
char replacement_buf_[32];
class ProductionTraceHooks final : public TraceHooks {
void PrintWarning(const char* fmt, ...) final __PRINTFLIKE(2, 3) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
InternalVPrintf(fmt, args);
void PrintInfo(const char* fmt, ...) final __PRINTFLIKE(2, 3) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
InternalVPrintf(fmt, args);
void Hexdump(const void* data, size_t size) final { hexdump8(data, size); }
void PrintTraceEntry(const Entry<UseLargeEntries::Yes>& e, TraceBufferType buf_type, zx_time_t ts,
zx_duration_t delta = 0) final {
InternalPrintTraceEntry(e, buf_type, ts, delta);
void PrintTraceEntry(const Entry<UseLargeEntries::No>& e, TraceBufferType buf_type, zx_time_t ts,
zx_duration_t delta = 0) final {
InternalPrintTraceEntry(e, buf_type, ts, delta);
template <UseLargeEntries kUseLargeEntries>
void InternalPrintTraceEntry(const Entry<kUseLargeEntries>& e, TraceBufferType buf_type,
zx_time_t ts, zx_duration_t delta) {
const int64_t ts_sec = ts / ZX_SEC(1);
const int64_t ts_nsec = ts % ZX_SEC(1);
SafeString tag(e.tag, buf_type);
const int64_t delta_usec = delta / ZX_USEC(1);
const int64_t delta_nsec = delta % ZX_USEC(1);
if constexpr (kUseLargeEntries == UseLargeEntries::No) {
PrintInfo("[%4ld.%09ld][cpu %u] : %08x : (%5ld.%03ld uSec) : (%s)\n", ts_sec, ts_nsec,
e.cpu_id, e.a, delta_usec, delta_nsec, tag.get());
} else {
const internal::FileFuncLineInfo* ffl_info = e.ffl_info;
if ((ffl_info == nullptr) ||
((buf_type == TraceBufferType::Recovered) && !ValidateVaddr(&e.ffl_info))) {
static constexpr internal::FileFuncLineInfo kFallback = {
.file = "<bad FFL pointer>", .func = "<bad FFL pointer>", .line = 0};
ffl_info = &kFallback;
SafeString file(ffl_info->file, buf_type);
SafeString func(ffl_info->func, buf_type);
char tid_buffer[16];
const char* tid_str = " Unknown";
if (e.tid != kUnknownTid) {
snprintf(tid_buffer, sizeof(tid_buffer), "%8lu", e.tid);
tid_str = tid_buffer;
"[%4ld.%09ld][cpu %u tid %s] : %08x %08x %08x %08x %016lx %016lx : (%8ld.%03ld uSec) : "
"%s:%s:%d (%s)\n",
ts_sec, ts_nsec, e.cpu_id, tid_str, e.a, e.b, e.c, e.d, e.e, e.f, delta_usec, delta_nsec,
TrimFilename(file.get()), func.get(), ffl_info->line, tag.get());
// Note: we print to an internally held static buffer which we then send
// directly to the unbuffered stdout in order to avoid needing to render into
// our current thread's linebuffer. Thread linebuffers are too short to hold
// all of a large entry on a single line, and instead of increasing the
// linebuffer size for all of the threads in the system, we choose to render
// to a single statically allocated line buffer instead.
// This also means that JTRACE buffer dump operations are not technically
// threadsafe. This is by design for the following reasons:
// 1) Kernel stacks are small (8kb by default) and we don't want to be putting
// large buffers on the stack when we can avoid it.
// 2) Dumping of a JTRACE buffer usually happens during a panic, and we would
// very much like to avoid making any attempt to obtain any locks during the
// dump operation. For example, what would happen if we panic'ed during
// a trace dump operation which was holding a lock meant to serialize dump
// operations?
// 3) The only other place (aside from a panic) where a trace buffer is dumped
// is from the kernel console. Kernel console commands are already serialized
// using the singleton CommandLock.
// 4) If the worst happens, and the shared buffer does end up being used
// concurrently, the implementation renders into the buffer using
// vsnprintf, and then outputs the rendered line using the Write method of
// a FILE structure which takes a ktl::string_view as an argument. String
// views contain an explicit length which the Write method makes use of,
// not relying on the presence of an embedded null in the string to be
// rendered. So, at worst, the output might end up garbled, but there
// should be no chance of running off the end of the buffer.
void InternalVPrintf(const char* fmt, va_list args) {
int res = vsnprintf(linebuffer_, sizeof(linebuffer_), fmt, args);
if (res >= 0) {
gStdoutUnbuffered.Write({linebuffer_, static_cast<size_t>(res)});
} else {
printf("Failed to output JTRACE line! (res %d)\n", res);
static constexpr const char* TrimFilename(ktl::string_view fname) {
size_t pos = fname.find_last_of('/');
return ((pos == fname.npos) ? fname : fname.substr(pos + 1)).data();
char linebuffer_[256];
} // namespace
} // namespace jtrace
// Storage
namespace {
using JTraceConfig = ::jtrace::Config<kJTraceTargetBufferSize, kJTraceLastEntryStorage,
kJTraceIsPersistent, kJTraceUseLargeEntries>;
using Entry = typename JTraceConfig::Entry;
template <typename Config, typename = void>
class NonPersistentBuffer {
static ktl::span<uint8_t> get() { return {}; }
template <typename Config>
class NonPersistentBuffer<Config,
ktl::enable_if_t<Config::kIsPersistent == jtrace::IsPersistent::No>> {
static ktl::span<uint8_t> get() { return {data}; }
alignas(jtrace::JTrace<Config>::kRequiredBufferAlignment) static inline uint8_t
lazy_init::LazyInit<jtrace::ProductionTraceHooks> g_trace_hooks;
lazy_init::LazyInit<jtrace::JTrace<JTraceConfig>> g_trace;
} // namespace
// Thunks
void jtrace_init() {
// Note: jtrace_init is called very early on in boot, before global
// constructors have been called. Do not add any behavior which depends on
// global ctors at this point in the code.
if constexpr (JTraceConfig::kIsPersistent == jtrace::IsPersistent::No) {
void jtrace_set_after_thread_init_early() { g_trace->SetAfterThreadInitEarly(); }
void jtrace_set_location(void* ptr, size_t len) {
g_trace->SetLocation({static_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr), len});
void jtrace_invalidate(void) { g_trace->Invalidate(); }
void jtrace_log(Entry& e) { g_trace->Log(e); }
void jtrace_dump(jtrace::TraceBufferType which) {
if (which == jtrace::TraceBufferType::Recovered) {
} else {
// CLI
static int cmd_jtrace(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
auto usage = [program = argv[0].str]() -> int {
printf("usage: %s [-r|-i]\n", program);
printf(" -r : dump the recovered trace buffer instead of the current trace buffer.\n");
printf(" -i : dump information about the current JTRACE configuration.\n");
return -1;
switch (argc) {
case 1:
case 2:
if (strcmp(argv[1].str, "-r") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(argv[1].str, "-i") == 0) {
if constexpr (JTraceConfig::kTargetBufferSize == 0) {
printf("Debug tracing is not enabled in this build.\n");
} else {
ktl::span<uint8_t> location = g_trace->GetLocation();
printf("JTRACE configuration\n");
printf("Requested Buffer Size : %zu\n", JTraceConfig::kTargetBufferSize);
printf("Allocated Buffer Size : %zu\n", location.size());
printf("Allocated Buffer Loc : %p\n",;
printf("Per-CPU last entry cnt : %zu\n", JTraceConfig::kLastEntryStorage);
printf("Large entries : %s\n",
(JTraceConfig::kUseLargeEntries == ::jtrace::UseLargeEntries::Yes) ? "yes" : "no");
printf("Persistent : %s\n",
(JTraceConfig::kIsPersistent == ::jtrace::IsPersistent::Yes) ? "yes" : "no");
if ((JTraceConfig::kLastEntryStorage > 0) &&
(JTraceConfig::kLastEntryStorage != arch_max_num_cpus())) {
"\nWarning! Configured per-cpu last entry count (%zu) does not match target's "
"number of CPUs (%u)\n",
JTraceConfig::kLastEntryStorage, arch_max_num_cpus());
} else {
return usage();
return usage();
return 0;
STATIC_COMMAND("jtrace", "dump the current or recovered jtrace", &cmd_jtrace)