blob: 29a1b67bf44c26b8d9e30807777d4f264e76ac12 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <align.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/arena.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
using fbl::Arena;
struct TestObj {
int xx, yy, zz;
static bool init_null_name_succeeds() {
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena.Init(nullptr, sizeof(TestObj), 16));
static bool init_zero_ob_size_fails() {
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, arena.Init("name", 0, 16));
static bool init_large_ob_size_fails() {
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, arena.Init("name", PAGE_SIZE + 1, 16));
static bool init_zero_count_fails() {
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, arena.Init("name", sizeof(TestObj), 0));
static bool start_and_end_look_good() {
static const size_t num_slots = (2 * PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(TestObj);
static const size_t expected_size = num_slots * sizeof(TestObj);
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena.Init("name", sizeof(TestObj), num_slots));
auto start = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena.start());
auto end = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena.end());
EXPECT_LT(start, end);
EXPECT_GE(end - start, expected_size);
static bool in_range_tests() {
static const size_t num_slots = (2 * PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(TestObj);
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena.Init("name", sizeof(TestObj), num_slots));
auto start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(arena.start());
// Nothing is allocated yet, so not even the start address
// should be in range.
// Allocate some objects, and check that each is within range.
static const int nobjs = 16;
void* objs[nobjs];
for (int i = 0; i < nobjs; i++) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%d]", i);
objs[i] = arena.Alloc();
EXPECT_NONNULL(objs[i], msg);
// The allocated object should be in range.
EXPECT_TRUE(arena.in_range(objs[i]), msg);
// The slot just after this object should not be in range.
// FRAGILE: assumes that objects are allocated in increasing order.
EXPECT_FALSE(arena.in_range(reinterpret_cast<TestObj*>(objs[i]) + 1), msg);
// The count should correspond to the number of times we have
// allocated.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(i + 1), arena.DiagnosticCount(), msg);
// Deallocate the objects and check whether they're in range.
for (int i = nobjs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%d]", i);
// The object should still be in range.
EXPECT_TRUE(arena.in_range(objs[i]), msg);
// The free slot will still be in range.
// NOTE: If Arena ever learns to coalesce and decommit whole pages of
// free objects, this test will need to change.
EXPECT_TRUE(arena.in_range(objs[i]), msg);
// The count should correspond to the number of times we have
// deallocated.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(i), arena.DiagnosticCount(), msg);
static bool out_of_memory() {
static const size_t num_slots = (2 * PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(TestObj);
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena.Init("name", sizeof(TestObj), num_slots));
// Allocate all of the data objects.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
ktl::unique_ptr<void*[]> objs = ktl::make_unique<void*[]>(&ac, num_slots);
void** top = objs.get();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_slots; i++) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%zu]", i);
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
EXPECT_NONNULL(top[-1], msg);
// Any further allocations should return nullptr.
// Free two objects.
// Two allocations should succeed; any further should fail.
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
// Free all objects.
// Nothing much to check except that it doesn't crash.
while (top > objs.get()) {
// Test helper. Counts the number of committed and uncommitted bytes in the
// range. Returns {*committed, *uncommitted} = {0, 0} if |start| doesn't
// correspond to a live VmMapping.
static bool count_committed_bytes(vaddr_t start, vaddr_t end, size_t* committed,
size_t* uncommitted) {
BEGIN_TEST; // Not a test, but we need these guards to use ASSERT_*
*committed = 0;
*uncommitted = 0;
// Find the VmMapping that covers |start|. Assume that it covers |end-1|.
const auto region = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->FindRegion(start);
ASSERT_NONNULL(region, "FindRegion");
const auto mapping = region->as_vm_mapping();
if (mapping == nullptr) {
// It's a VMAR, not a mapping, so no pages are committed.
// Return 0/0.
return true;
// Ask the VMO how many pages it's allocated within the range.
vaddr_t start_off;
vaddr_t end_off;
uint64_t mapping_offset;
Guard<CriticalMutex> guard{mapping->lock()};
start_off = ROUNDDOWN(start, PAGE_SIZE) - mapping->base_locked();
end_off = ROUNDUP(end, PAGE_SIZE) - mapping->base_locked();
mapping_offset = mapping->object_offset_locked();
const VmObject::AttributionCounts counts =
mapping->vmo()->GetAttributedMemoryInRange(start_off + mapping_offset, end_off - start_off);
// Our pages are mapped into the kernel, meaning they should always be real pinned pages.
ASSERT_EQ(counts.compressed_bytes, 0u);
*committed = counts.uncompressed_bytes;
*uncommitted = (end_off - start_off) - *committed;
static bool committing_tests() {
static const size_t num_slots = (64 * PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(TestObj);
Arena arena;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena.Init("name", sizeof(TestObj), num_slots));
auto start = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena.start());
auto end = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena.end());
// Nothing is allocated yet, so no pages should be committed.
size_t committed;
size_t uncommitted;
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, committed);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Allocate an object.
auto obj = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena.Alloc());
EXPECT_NE(0u, obj);
size_t atotal = sizeof(TestObj);
// The page containing the object should be committed.
auto ps = ROUNDDOWN(obj, PAGE_SIZE);
auto pe = ROUNDUP(obj + sizeof(TestObj), PAGE_SIZE);
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(ps, pe, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_GT(committed, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, uncommitted);
// The first handful of pages should also become committed, but the rest
// should stay ucommitted.
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_GT(committed, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Fill the committed pages with objects; the set of committed pages
// shouldn't change.
auto orig_committed = committed;
auto orig_uncommitted = uncommitted;
while (atotal + sizeof(TestObj) <= orig_committed) {
atotal += sizeof(TestObj);
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(orig_committed, committed);
EXPECT_EQ(orig_uncommitted, uncommitted);
// Allocating one more object should cause more pages to be committed.
atotal += sizeof(TestObj);
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_LT(orig_committed, committed);
EXPECT_GT(orig_uncommitted, uncommitted);
// TODO(dbort): Test uncommitting if Arena ever learns to decommit pages.
// Friend class that can see inside an Arena.
namespace fbl {
class ArenaTestFriend {
ArenaTestFriend(const Arena& arena) : arena_(arena) {}
constexpr static size_t control_slot_size() { return sizeof(Arena::Node); }
vaddr_t control_start() const { return reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena_.control_.start()); }
vaddr_t control_end() const { return reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena_.control_.end()); }
const Arena& arena_;
} // namespace fbl
using fbl::ArenaTestFriend;
// Hit the decommit code path. We can't observe it without peeking inside the
// control pool, since the data pool doesn't currently decommit.
static bool uncommitting_tests() {
// Create an arena with a 16-page control pool.
static const size_t num_pages = 16;
static const size_t num_slots = (num_pages * PAGE_SIZE) / ArenaTestFriend::control_slot_size();
Arena arena;
// Use a small data slot size (1) to keep our memory usage down.
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena.Init("name", 1, num_slots));
// Get the extent of the control pool.
vaddr_t start;
vaddr_t end;
ArenaTestFriend atf(arena);
start = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(atf.control_start());
end = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(atf.control_end());
// Nothing is allocated yet, so no control pages should be committed.
size_t committed;
size_t uncommitted;
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, committed);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Allocate all of the data objects. Hold onto the pointers so we can free
// them.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
ktl::unique_ptr<void*[]> objs = ktl::make_unique<void*[]>(&ac, num_slots);
void** top = objs.get();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_slots; i++) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%zu]", i);
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
EXPECT_NONNULL(top[-1], msg);
// We still shouldn't see any control pages committed, becase no objects
// have been freed yet.
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, committed);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Demonstrate that we've allocated all of the data objects.
void* no = arena.Alloc();
// Free a data object.
// We should now see some committed pages inside the control pool.
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_GT(committed, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Free all of the data objects.
while (top > objs.get()) {
// All of the control pages should be committed.
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_EQ(committed, num_pages * PAGE_SIZE);
EXPECT_EQ(uncommitted, 0u);
// Allocate half of the data objects, freeing up half of the free nodes
// (and thus half of the control slots).
auto orig_committed = committed;
ASSERT_EQ(top, objs.get());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_slots / 2; i++) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%zu]", i);
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
EXPECT_NONNULL(top[-1], msg);
// The number of committed pages should have dropped.
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_LT(committed, orig_committed);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Free more control slots (by allocating data objects) until we see more
// unmapping happen.
orig_committed = committed;
for (size_t i = num_slots / 2; i < num_slots; i++) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%zu]", i);
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
EXPECT_NONNULL(top[-1], msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
if (committed != orig_committed) {
EXPECT_GT(orig_committed, committed);
// Allocating one more control slot (by freeing a data object) should not
// cause the number of committed bytes to change: there should be some
// hysteresis built into the system to avoid flickering back and forth.
orig_committed = committed;
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_EQ(committed, orig_committed);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Same for freeing a couple more control slots (by allocating more data
// objects).
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
*top++ = arena.Alloc();
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_EQ(num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, committed + uncommitted);
EXPECT_EQ(committed, orig_committed);
EXPECT_GT(uncommitted, 0u);
// Checks that destroying an arena unmaps all of its pages.
static bool memory_cleanup() {
static const size_t num_slots = (16 * PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(TestObj);
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
Arena* arena = new (&ac) Arena();
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, arena->Init("name", sizeof(TestObj), num_slots));
auto start = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena->start());
auto end = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(arena->end());
// Allocate and leak a bunch of objects.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_slots; i++) {
char msg[32];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "[%zu]", i);
EXPECT_NONNULL(arena->Alloc(), msg);
// Should see some committed bytes.
size_t committed;
size_t uncommitted;
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
EXPECT_GT(committed, 0u);
// Destroying the Arena should destroy the underlying VmMapping,
// along with all of its pages.
delete arena;
EXPECT_TRUE(count_committed_bytes(start, end, &committed, &uncommitted));
// 0/0 means "no mapping at this address".
// FLAKY: Another thread could could come in and allocate a mapping at the
// old location.
EXPECT_EQ(committed, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(uncommitted, 0u);
// Basic checks that the contents of allocated objects stick around, aren't
// stomped on.
static bool content_preservation() {
Arena arena;
zx_status_t s = arena.Init("arena_tests", sizeof(TestObj), 1000);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, s, "arena.Init()");
const int count = 30;
for (int times = 0; times != 5; ++times) {
TestObj* afp[count] = {0};
for (int ix = 0; ix != count; ++ix) {
afp[ix] = reinterpret_cast<TestObj*>(arena.Alloc());
ASSERT_NONNULL(afp[ix], "arena.Alloc()");
*afp[ix] = {17, 5, ix + 100};
afp[3] = afp[4] = afp[5] = nullptr;
afp[4] = reinterpret_cast<TestObj*>(arena.Alloc());
ASSERT_NONNULL(afp[4], "arena.Alloc()");
*afp[4] = {17, 5, 104};
for (int ix = 0; ix != count; ++ix) {
if (!afp[ix])
EXPECT_EQ(17, afp[ix]->xx);
EXPECT_EQ(5, afp[ix]->yy);
EXPECT_EQ(ix + 100, afp[ix]->zz);
// Leak a few objects.
for (int ix = 0; ix != 7; ++ix) {
TestObj* leak = reinterpret_cast<TestObj*>(arena.Alloc());
ASSERT_NONNULL(leak, "arena.Alloc()");
*leak = {2121, 77, 55};
#define ARENA_UNITTEST(fname) UNITTEST(#fname, fname)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(arena_tests, "arenatests", "Arena allocator test")