blob: 06ab80a8be1225ebb1eb42f3acac9546294d2318 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/types.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/word-view.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/algorithm.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
namespace {
template <auto MemberPtr>
constexpr auto kDefaultValue = MemberPtr;
// Provides constants for the default value of each member.
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) \
template <> \
constexpr type kDefaultValue<&BootOptions::member> init;
#include <lib/boot-options/>
#include "enum.h"
} // namespace
const BootOptions* gBootOptions = nullptr;
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
// This avoids libc++ functions the kernel can't use, and avoids strtoul so as
// not to require NUL termination.
// TODO( Reconsider the overflow policy below.
std::optional<int64_t> BootOptions::ParseInt(std::string_view value, std::string_view* rest) {
int64_t neg = 1;
if (value.substr(0, 1) == "-") {
neg = -1;
} else if (value.substr(0, 1) == "+") {
std::optional<int64_t> result;
auto from_chars = [neg, rest, &result](std::string_view prefix, int base, std::string_view value,
bool trim = false) {
if (value.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix) {
if (trim) {
if (value.empty()) {
return false;
int64_t result_value = 0;
for (char c : value) {
std::optional<unsigned int> digit;
switch (c) {
case '0' ... '9':
if (c - '0' < base) {
digit = c - '0';
case 'a' ... 'f':
if (base == 16) {
digit = c - 'a' + 10;
if (digit) {
mul_overflow(result_value, base, &result_value);
add_overflow(result_value, *digit, &result_value);
} else if (rest) {
} else {
return false;
if (rest) {
*rest = value;
mul_overflow(result_value, neg, &result_value);
result = result_value; // Finally set the result.
return true;
return false;
from_chars("0x", 16, value, true) || from_chars("0", 8, value) || from_chars("", 10, value);
return result;
namespace {
constexpr char kComplainPrefix[] = "kernel";
// This names an arbitrary index for each member. This explicit indirection
// avoids having a constexpr table of string_view constants, which doesn't fly
// for pure PIC.
enum class Index {
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) member,
#include <lib/boot-options/>
// Map Index::member to the name for BootOptions::member. The compiler may
// optimize this back into a table lookup with an array of string_view
// constants, but that optimization is disabled when pure PIC is required.
constexpr std::string_view OptionName(Index idx) {
switch (idx) {
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) \
case Index::member: \
return name##sv;
#include <lib/boot-options/>
return {};
// This overload lets the generic lambda below work for both cases.
constexpr std::string_view OptionName(std::string_view name) { return name; }
// Compare option names, using either string_view or Index.
constexpr auto OptionLessThan = [](auto&& a, auto&& b) { return OptionName(a) < OptionName(b); };
constexpr auto CheckSortedNames = [](const auto& names) {
return cpp20::is_sorted(names.begin(), names.end(), OptionLessThan);
// kSortedNames lists Index values in ascending lexicographic order of name.
constexpr auto kSortedNames = []() {
std::array names{
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) Index::member,
#include <lib/boot-options/>
cpp20::sort(names.begin(), names.end(), OptionLessThan);
return names;
// Map option name to Index using binary search.
std::optional<Index> FindOption(std::string_view name) {
if (auto it = std::lower_bound(kSortedNames.begin(), kSortedNames.end(), name, OptionLessThan);
it != kSortedNames.end() && name == OptionName(*it)) {
return *it;
return std::nullopt;
// The length of the longest option name.
constexpr size_t kMaxNameLen =
OptionName(*std::max_element(kSortedNames.begin(), kSortedNames.end(), [](Index a, Index b) {
return OptionName(a).size() < OptionName(b).size();
template <Index member, typename T>
void ShowOption(const T& value, bool defaults, FILE* out);
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) \
template <> \
void ShowOption<Index::member, type>(const type& value, bool defaults, FILE* out) { \
const type default_value init; \
BootOptions::Print(OptionName(Index::member), value, out); \
if (defaults) { \
fprintf(out, " (default "); \
BootOptions::Print(OptionName(Index::member), default_value, out); \
fprintf(out, ")\n"); \
} else { \
fprintf(out, "\n"); \
} \
#include <lib/boot-options/>
} // namespace
BootOptions::WordResult BootOptions::ParseWord(std::string_view word) {
std::string_view key, value;
if (auto eq = word.find('='); eq == std::string_view::npos) {
// No '=' means the whole word is the key, with an empty value.
key = word;
} else {
key = word.substr(0, eq);
value = word.substr(eq + 1);
// Match the key against the known option names.
// Note this leaves the member with its current/default value but still
// returns true when the key was known but the value was unparsable.
if (auto option = FindOption(key)) {
switch (*option) {
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) \
case Index::member: \
if (!Parse(value, &BootOptions::member)) { \
this->member = kDefaultValue<&BootOptions::member>; \
} \
#include <lib/boot-options/>
return {key, true};
return {key, false};
void BootOptions::SetMany(std::string_view cmdline, FILE* complain) {
bool verbose = complain != nullptr;
if (!complain) {
complain = stdout;
for (auto word : WordView(cmdline)) {
if (auto result = ParseWord(word);
!result.known &&
(verbose ||
result.key.substr(0, std::string_view(kComplainPrefix).size()) == kComplainPrefix)) {
if (result.key.size() > kMaxNameLen) {
fprintf(complain, "NOTE: Unrecognized kernel option %zu characters long (max %zu)\n",
result.key.size(), kMaxNameLen);
} else {
char name[kMaxNameLen + 1];
name[SanitizeString(name, kMaxNameLen, result.key)] = '\0';
fprintf(complain, "WARN: Kernel ignored unrecognized option '%s'\n", name);
// Set smp_max_cpus to the arch specific value.
#if defined(__x86_64__)
smp_max_cpus = x86_smp_max_cpus;
#elif defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__arm64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
smp_max_cpus = arm64_smp_max_cpus;
#elif defined(__riscv)
smp_max_cpus = riscv64_smp_max_cpus;
int BootOptions::Show(std::string_view key, bool defaults, FILE* out) const {
if (auto option = FindOption(key)) {
switch (*option) {
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) \
case Index::member: \
ShowOption<Index::member, type>(member, defaults, out); \
#include <lib/boot-options/>
return 0;
return -1;
void BootOptions::Show(bool defaults, FILE* out) const {
#define DEFINE_OPTION(name, type, member, init, doc) \
ShowOption<Index::member, type>(member, defaults, out);
#include <lib/boot-options/>
// Helpers for BootOptions::Parse overloads below.
namespace {
template <typename T>
bool ParseIntValue(std::string_view value, T& result) {
if (auto parsed = BootOptions::ParseInt(value)) {
result = static_cast<T>(*parsed);
return true;
return false;
template <typename... Driver>
struct UartParser {
uart::all::Driver& result_;
template <typename OneDriver>
bool MaybeCreate(std::string_view value) {
if (auto driver = OneDriver::MaybeCreate(value)) {
result_ = std::move(*driver);
return true;
return false;
bool Parse(std::string_view value) { return (MaybeCreate<Driver>(value) || ... || false); }
} // namespace
// Overloads for various types.
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, bool BootOptions::* member) {
// Any other value, even an empty value, means true.
this->*member = value != "false" && value != "0" && value != "off";
return true;
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const bool& value, FILE* out) {
fprintf(out, "%s", value ? "true" : "false");
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, uint64_t BootOptions::* member) {
return ParseIntValue(value, this->*member);
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const uint64_t& value, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "%#" PRIx64, value); }
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, uint32_t BootOptions::* member) {
return ParseIntValue(value, this->*member);
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const uint32_t& value, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "%#" PRIx32, value); }
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, uint8_t BootOptions::* member) {
return ParseIntValue(value, this->*member);
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const uint8_t& value, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "%#" PRIx8, value); }
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, SmallString BootOptions::* member) {
SmallString& result = this->*member;
size_t wrote = value.copy(, result.size());
// In the event of a value of size greater or equal to SmallString's capacity,
// truncate to keep invariant that the string is NUL-terminated.
result[std::min(wrote, result.size() - 1)] = '\0';
return true;
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const SmallString& value, FILE* out) {
ZX_ASSERT(value.back() == '\0');
fprintf(out, "%s",;
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, RedactedHex BootOptions::* member) {
RedactedHex& result = this->*member;
if (std::all_of(value.begin(), value.end(), isxdigit)) {
result.len = value.copy(, result.hex.size());
return true;
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const RedactedHex& value, FILE* out) {
if (value.len > 0) {
fprintf(out, "<redacted.%zu.hex.chars>", value.len);
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, uart::all::Driver BootOptions::* member) {
if (!uart::all::WithAllDrivers<UartParser>{this->*member}.Parse(value)) {
// Probably has nowhere to go, but anyway.
printf("WARN: Unrecognized serial console setting '%.*s' ignored\n",
return false;
return true;
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const uart::all::Driver& value, FILE* out) {
std::visit([out](const auto& uart) { uart.Unparse(out); }, value);
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, OomBehavior BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<OomBehavior>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const OomBehavior& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<OomBehavior>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, EntropyTestSource BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<EntropyTestSource>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const EntropyTestSource& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<EntropyTestSource>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, PageTableEvictionPolicy BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<PageTableEvictionPolicy>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const PageTableEvictionPolicy& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<PageTableEvictionPolicy>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, SerialDebugSyscalls BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<SerialDebugSyscalls>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const SerialDebugSyscalls& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<SerialDebugSyscalls>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, RootJobBehavior BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<RootJobBehavior>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const RootJobBehavior& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<RootJobBehavior>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, WallclockType BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<WallclockType>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const WallclockType& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<WallclockType>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, ScannerLruAction BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<ScannerLruAction>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const ScannerLruAction& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<ScannerLruAction>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, CompressionStrategy BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<CompressionStrategy>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const CompressionStrategy& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<CompressionStrategy>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, CheckFailAction BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<CheckFailAction>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const CheckFailAction& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<CheckFailAction>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, CheckerEnable BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<CheckerEnable>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const CheckerEnable& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<CheckerEnable>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, CompressionStorageStrategy BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<CompressionStorageStrategy>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const CompressionStorageStrategy& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<CompressionStorageStrategy>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value,
std::optional<RamReservation> BootOptions::* member) {
if (value.empty()) {
this->*member = std::nullopt;
} else if (auto size = ParseInt(value, &value); !size) {
return false;
} else {
RamReservation ram = {.size = static_cast<uint64_t>(*size)};
if (!value.empty()) {
if (value[0] != ',') {
return false;
auto paddr = ParseInt(value.substr(1));
if (!paddr) {
return false;
ram.paddr = static_cast<uint64_t>(*paddr);
this->*member = ram;
return true;
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const std::optional<RamReservation>& value, FILE* out) {
if (value) {
fprintf(out, "%#" PRIx64, value->size);
if (value->paddr) {
fprintf(out, ",%#" PRIx64, *value->paddr);
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, TestEnum BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<TestEnum>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const TestEnum& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<TestEnum>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, TestStruct BootOptions::* member) {
if (value != "test") {
printf("WARN: Ignored unknown value '%.*s' for test option\n", static_cast<int>(value.size()),;
return false;
(this->*member).present = true;
return true;
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const TestStruct& value, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, "test"); }
#if BOOT_OPTIONS_GENERATOR || defined(__aarch64__)
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, Arm64PhysPsciReset BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<Arm64PhysPsciReset>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const Arm64PhysPsciReset& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<Arm64PhysPsciReset>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, Arm64AlternateVbar BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<Arm64AlternateVbar>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const Arm64AlternateVbar& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<Arm64AlternateVbar>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
#endif // BOOT_OPTIONS_GENERATOR || defined(__aarch64__)
#if BOOT_OPTIONS_GENERATOR || defined(__x86_64__)
bool BootOptions::Parse(std::string_view value, IntelHwpPolicy BootOptions::* member) {
return Enum<IntelHwpPolicy>(EnumParser{value, &(this->*member)}).Check();
void BootOptions::PrintValue(const IntelHwpPolicy& value, FILE* out) {
Enum<IntelHwpPolicy>(EnumPrinter{value, out});
#endif // BOOT_OPTIONS_GENERATOR || defined(__x86_64__)