blob: 85471291a80fb35b3a456704e67b6f52052f417e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/arch/hwreg.h>
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
namespace arch {
// Each system register is identified by an unique "register tag" type. This
// serves as a template argument for specializations for the hardware access.
// It also defines a static method Get() that returns an hwreg::RegisterAddr
// derived object representing the register. The register tag type can be the
// hwreg::RegisterBase derived type defining the register's layout itself, if
// there is only one register with that layout. Or it can be an empty struct
// type with only the Get() method calling a layout type's Get() method, if
// multiple distinct system registers use the same layout.
// Various <lib/arch/*/*.h> headers define particular register types. They
// include this header and then use the ARCH_*_SYSREG macro to associate each
// system register tag type they define with its assembly register name.
// Ideally this would be a template parameterized by a constexpr string. But
// the intrinsics and __asm__ syntax require actual string literals and don't
// accept equivalent constant expressions. So macros are the only option.
// arch::SysReg() is an object used to access system registers. It's always an
// empty object, so it can be constructed afresh for each use. Other classes
// can be defined for testing with the same object API.
class SysReg {
// This returns an hwreg "IO provider" pointer that can be passed to
// ReadFrom() and WriteTo() methods to access the register identified
// by RegisterTag.
template <class RegisterTag>
auto* Io() {
return &kIo<RegisterTag>;
// This is a shorthand for reading the register into an hwreg::RegisterAddr
// object as returned by RegisterTag::Get().
template <class RegisterTag>
auto Read() {
return RegisterTag::Get().ReadFrom(Io<RegisterTag>());
// This is a shorthand for doing Read(), some modifications, and then writing
// back. The argument is called with a mutable reference to the object as
// returned by Read<RegisterTag>(). That object is also returned so it can
// be used for additional fluent calls.
template <class RegisterTag, typename T>
auto Modify(T&& mutate) {
auto reg = Read<RegisterTag>();
return reg.WriteTo(Io<RegisterTag>());
// This is a shorthand for writing a register value from an existing
// hwreg::RegisterAddr object. It returns the object (or reference) passed
// after writing it back to the system register so it can be used for
// additional fluent calls.
template <class RegisterTag, typename T>
decltype(auto) Write(T&& reg) {
// Note this uses a separate return statement rather than returning what
// WriteTo returns, which is a reference. It returns the argument as
// passed in whatever value category that was.
return reg;
// Write<RegisterTag> can also be called with a plain integer value to
// clobber the register with that value like RegisterTag::Get().FromValue()
// before writing it. It returns the hwreg::RegisterAddr object by value.
template <class RegisterTag>
auto Write(typename RegisterTag::ValueType value) {
auto reg = RegisterTag::Get().FromValue(value);
return reg;
// Each tag type gets a distinct IoProvider type that uses WriteRegister and
// ReadRegister specializations, an empty object just used for its type.
template <class RegisterTag>
struct IoProvider {
using ValueType = typename RegisterTag::ValueType;
static_assert(sizeof(ValueType) == sizeof(uint64_t) || sizeof(ValueType) == sizeof(uint32_t));
template <typename IntType>
void Write(IntType value, uint32_t offset = 0) const {
static_assert(sizeof(IntType) == sizeof(ValueType));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(offset == 0);
template <typename IntType>
IntType Read(uint32_t offset = 0) const {
static_assert(sizeof(IntType) == sizeof(ValueType));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(offset == 0);
return ReadRegister<RegisterTag>();
// There is just one canonical instance of each IoProvider type, since there
// is no actual object.
template <class RegisterTag>
static constexpr IoProvider<RegisterTag> kIo{};
// The ARCH_*_SYSREG macros define specializations of these that do each
// specific hardware register access.
template <class RegisterTag>
static void WriteRegister(typename RegisterTag::ValueType value) {
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<RegisterTag, RegisterTag>,
"missing ARCH_*_SYSREG() for arch::SysReg()::Io<...>() use");
template <class RegisterTag>
static typename RegisterTag::ValueType ReadRegister() {
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<RegisterTag, RegisterTag>,
"missing ARCH_*_SYSREG() for arch::SysReg()::Io<...>() use");
return {};
// <lib/arch/arm64/*.h> headers use this to declare AArch64 system registers.
// RegisterTag is an unique C++ type that has a static Get() method.
// RegisterName is a string literal of the assembly name for the register.
// When compiling for Aarch64, this makes arch::SysReg()::Io<RegisterTag>()
// and arch::SysReg()::Read<RegisterTag>() available. It does nothing at all
// when compiling for other machines.
// For example:
// ARCH_ARM64_SYSREG(ArmCurrentEl, "CurrentEL");
// ARCH_ARM64_SYSREG(ArmEsrEl0, "esr_el0");
#ifdef __aarch64__
#define ARCH_ARM64_SYSREG(RegisterTag, RegisterName) \
template <> \
inline void SysReg::WriteRegister<RegisterTag>(typename RegisterTag::ValueType value) { \
if constexpr (sizeof(typename RegisterTag::ValueType) == sizeof(uint64_t)) { \
__arm_wsr64(RegisterName, value); \
} else { \
__arm_wsr(RegisterName, value); \
} \
} \
template <> \
inline typename RegisterTag::ValueType SysReg::ReadRegister<RegisterTag>() { \
if constexpr (sizeof(typename RegisterTag::ValueType) == sizeof(uint64_t)) { \
return __arm_rsr64(RegisterName); \
} else { \
return __arm_rsr(RegisterName); \
} \
} \
class SysReg
// The extra incomplete redeclaration just consumes a semicolon in the macro.
// These are not callable and will cause a compilation failure if used.
#define ARCH_ARM64_SYSREG(RegisterTag, RegisterName) class SysReg
// <lib/arch/x86/*.h> headers use this to declare x86 system registers.
// RegisterTag is an unique C++ type that has a static Get() method.
// RegisterName is a string literal of the assembly name for the register
// without the leading '%'.
// When compiling for x86, this makes arch::SysReg()::Io<RegisterTag>() and
// arch::SysReg()::Read<RegisterTag>() available. It does nothing at all when
// compiling for other machines.
// For example:
// ARCH_ARM64_SYSREG(X86Cr0, "cr0");
// ARCH_ARM64_SYSREG(X86Db0, "db0");
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
#define ARCH_X86_SYSREG(RegisterTag, RegisterName) \
template <> \
inline void SysReg::WriteRegister<RegisterTag>(typename RegisterTag::ValueType value) { \
__asm__ volatile("mov %0, %%" RegisterName : : "r"(static_cast<uintptr_t>(value))); \
} \
template <> \
typename RegisterTag::ValueType inline SysReg::ReadRegister<RegisterTag>() { \
uintptr_t value; \
__asm__ volatile("mov %%" RegisterName ", %0" : "=r"(value)); \
return static_cast<RegisterTag::ValueType>(value); \
} \
class SysReg
// These are not callable and will cause a compilation failure if used.
#define ARCH_X86_SYSREG(RegisterTag, RegisterName) class SysReg
// <lib/arch/riscv64/*.h> headers use this to declare RISC-V CSRs.
// RegisterTag is an unique C++ type that has a static Get() method.
// RegisterName is a string literal of the assembly name for the CSR.
// When compiling for RISC-V, this makes arch::SysReg()::Io<RegisterTag>()
// and arch::SysReg()::Read<RegisterTag>() available. It does nothing at all
// when compiling for other machines.
// For example:
// ARCH_RISCV64_SYSREG(Stvec, "stvec");
// ARCH_RISCV64_SYSREG(Sstatus, "status");
#ifdef __riscv
#define ARCH_RISCV64_SYSREG(RegisterTag, RegisterName) \
template <> \
inline void SysReg::WriteRegister<RegisterTag>(typename RegisterTag::ValueType value) { \
__asm__ volatile("csrw " RegisterName ", %0" : : "JKr"(static_cast<uint64_t>(value))); \
} \
template <> \
inline typename RegisterTag::ValueType SysReg::ReadRegister<RegisterTag>() { \
uint64_t value; \
__asm__ volatile("csrr %0, " RegisterName : "=r"(value)); \
return value; \
} \
class SysReg
// The extra incomplete redeclaration just consumes a semicolon in the macro.
// These are not callable and will cause a compilation failure if used.
#define ARCH_RISCV64_SYSREG(RegisterTag, RegisterName) class SysReg
// arch::SysRegBase provides a shorthand for defining register types. The
// standard boilerplate of `struct T : public hwreg::RegisterBase<T, uint64_t>`
// is replaced with `struct T : public arch::SysRegBase<T>`. This provides the
// Get() method automatically. It also provides Read, Modify, and Write
// methods that can be called directly in code that isn't trying to be mockable
// with a testing object other than arch::SysReg().
// Multiple registers with the same layout type are handled by defining the
// layout type with arch::SysRegDerivedBase<LT> and then defining separate
// register tag types using `struct T : public arch::SysRegDerived<T, LT> {};`.
template <class RegisterType, typename IntType = uint64_t>
class SysRegDerivedBase : public hwreg::RegisterBase<RegisterType, IntType, EnablePrinter> {
using SelfType = RegisterType;
using ValueType = IntType;
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<RegisterType>(0); }
template <class RegisterTag, class RegisterType>
struct SysRegDerived : public RegisterType {
static auto Read() { return SysReg().Read<RegisterTag>(); }
template <typename T>
static auto Modify(T&& mutate) {
return SysReg().Modify<RegisterTag>(std::forward<T>(mutate));
template <typename T>
static auto Write(T&& arg) {
return SysReg().Write<RegisterTag>(std::forward<T>(arg));
void Write() { SysReg().Write<RegisterTag>(*this); }
template <class RegisterTag, typename IntType = uint64_t>
using SysRegBase = SysRegDerived<RegisterTag, SysRegDerivedBase<RegisterTag, IntType>>;
} // namespace arch